French Right Leaders Wauquiez+Furst to EF+: Convinced Europeans can be also Critical...
*Strasbourg/+RPUniversity/Angelo Marcopolo/- While Ideological and Political Movements preparing the Crucial EU Elections of May 2019 are currently Starting throughout Europe, the Leader of France's mainstream Center-Right Opposition, Laurent Wauquiez, New President of the "Republicans"' Party, (Founded by Sarkozy, as successor of Chirac's "UMP/RPR", etc), pleaded for a Wide Political Area between so-called "Populist" Rightists/EuroSceptics and an Establishment's Center-Left.
He Topically evoked that on the occasion of a TV Debate with the Prime Minister of France, Edouard Philppe (Centrist), earlier this week, on the recent Mass Migration Issue, as well as Europe's current situation.
+ Shortly Afterwards, a similar Position was also Expressed, in even more Concrerte Terms, by the President of the "Republican" Party in Strasbourg's Department, Laurent Furst, mainly in Reply to a relevant "Eurofora"s Question, (See Infra), during "RP"'s Annual "Summer University" 2018 for Strasbourg's Region, at a Collective Meeting Yesterday Evening, (where "Eurofora" had been Invited for Press coverage, by the main Organiser, vice-President of Lower-Rhine's Department, in charge of Strasbourg, and former MP, Jean-Philippe Maurer, as well as the "Republicans"' regional Secretary General, Mayor Georges Schuler).
- In particular, Wauquiez strongly Denounced the overall Presentation, made by some, between so-called "Populists/Rightists/EuroSceptics" and alleged "Progressists", in view of the forthcoming EU Parliament Elections, as giving a largely Fake Image of the current Political Debates, specially on Mass Migration and Europe :
- In Fact, "among those who Ask for Monitoring EU's External Borders are also many Convinced pro-Europeans", the President of France's Mainstream Center-Right Opposition Party stressed from the outset.
- In this regard, he Criticized f.ex. the attribution of about 250.000 various New Authorisations of Foreigners to Enter and Stay in France on 2018, to which should be Added also around +300.000 more Irregular Immigrants : Do we really have enough Means to Integrate them ?, he Wondered.
+ In Parallel, Europe is Threatened by some Break-Down/Disintegration Tensions and Divisions, (around BREXIT, VISEGRAD Countries, etc+), while, at the Same Time, there are also Risks of Growing Distance vis a vis its Citizens, Warned the French Top Politician, (who has also served as former Minister for EU Affairs).
- Prime Minister Philippe mainly reacted by pointing out that, among the above-mentioned Entry/Stay Authorisations this Year, were also about 80.000 Foreign Students, etc., while Aknowledging the existence of more than 100.000 new Mass "Asylum Seekers" who arrived on 2018. The Government has recently adopted a Law to Accelerate the Investigation of such Mass Asylum Demands and eventual Expulsions of rejected irregulars, he added, while also Accusing Wauquiez for having Chosen the Issue of Mass Migration in order to Criticize his policies, as did also the Rightists, he pointed out.
But Philippe Avoided to mention the Fact that it's All the Center-Right Christianemocrat/EPP mainstream Party, throughout Europe, which is reportedly Heading towards Tackling the Issue of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants as the Major Topical Debate of the forthcoming 2019 EU Elections, (which, Meanwhile, was reportedly also Discussed between Wauquiez and German Chancellor Angie Merkel, during a Visit that he made, Meanwhile, in Berlin)...
+ In Addition, Replying to a relevant "Eurofora"s Question, the experienced President of the "Republican" Party in Strasbourg's Department, MP Laurent Furst, observed from the outset that it's mainly the Historic Founders of his Center-Right, ChristianDemocrat/EPP Political Movement who were among the most Important Actors who have Build Europe.
- So, it has Nothing to do with any eventual Far-Right Euro-Scepticism if we find, Despite the Humanism with which have to be treated Real Refugees, that, Recently, some Changes are needed, and some "Technocrats" should be Criticized, when a Great Number among some 250.000 Authorisations to Enter/Stay in France on 2018, added to about 300.000 more Irregular Migrants this Same Year, may present a Real Problem, which has to be Tackled, (particularly in the Transit and/or Origin Countries), in order to Protect also the European Society and even the Safety of EU Citizens, he Concluded in substance.
=> Furst was lively Applauded by the People, when he made that Point on such a Topical Issue, given also a New Trend of Deadly Knife or Car Attacks by Islamist irregular Migrants (most of whom Arrived through Turkey since 2015-2016), cowardly Targetting innocent Civilian People in Europe, (in France, the Netherlands, UK, and particularly Germany, etc), anew Recently.
+ In Addition, the experienced President of Strasbourg Department's "Republicans" seized even anOther concrete Chance to illustrate the overall Fact that, Between the Center-Left and the Far Right EuroSceptics there is a Wide Area for Real pro-Europeans of the Center-Right, when he went on to Reply also to anOther Topical Question on BioEthics :
- Asked about the French mainstream Center-Rights' position on current Threats, f.ex. in Francen etc., to Impose, if not yet the Horrible Tragedy of so-called "Surrogate Mothers" (alias "GPA" in France), at least that of Artificial Births' Technologies, through "In Vitro" Fertilisations, Transplantations, PreNatal Genetic Tests, Sperm/Eggs' and/or Frozen Embryo's "Banks", etc., in order to produce, (thourgh Tools which may be Controlled by Technocratic Lobbies, with Obvious Dangers for Humankind), artificially Babies for LGBTI Couples, starting by Lesbians, etc., (as some "Leftists" notoriously Push to do Nowadays), President Laurent Furst clearly Expressed his Refusal :
- Even if I'm personally Not Against "Same Sex" Unions, ("Marriage" included, as he said, speaking for his own views), because Everybody, Homosexuals included, has a Freedom to Live his/her own Private Life as he/she believes better, Nevertheless, this Should have Never been Mixed up with the "Different" Issue of "Children", he stressed :
=> Because, to the Question whether Everybody has "a Right to a Child", or, if, on the Contrary, "Every Child has the Right to have a Father and a Mother", I stand Firmly in favor of every Child's Right to have a Father and a Mother, Furst sharply Concluded, lively Applauded by the People, once again...
In other words, both Wauquiez and Furst pleaded for a French Right which wants to be Both Critical and European.
(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already send to "Eurofora"'s Subscribers/Donors, Earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be Published asap).
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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.
Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).
French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.
Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.
According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.
For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".
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