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Haupt arrow newsitems arrow French Prime Minister Valls to EF+: Review Crucial Choices due on Innovation Funds + Strasbourg

French Prime Minister Valls to EF+: Review Crucial Choices due on Innovation Funds + Strasbourg

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Saturday, 03 September 2016

*Strasbourg/International Space University/Angelo Marcopolo/- Speaking after an Exceptional Meeting with Public and Private Scientific and Technological Innovation Actors, at the International Space University (ISU : a landmark Global Science/Engineering Education/Training organization, with World-wide outreach, which celebrates 30 Years since its Creation here), French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, announced to "Eurofora" and other Press/Science participants that he intends to "ReView" soon forthcoming, Crucial Policy Choices, and probably revisit anew Strasbourg, before the End of the Year (2016).

    - Indeed, Valls has to take soon at least 2 main Decisions related to Strasbourg, Headquarters : Next Week he's expected due to co-decide on the allocation of "Projects for the Future" RST Funds, "which is due to Mark the Next 10 or 20 Years", as he acknowledged, agreeing with relevant observations by several other participants), while, later-on, it will be the Turn for the New, 2017-2019 Three Years Contract with this EuroMetropol to be Signed, as he announced Earlier Yesterday, during the Inauguration of "Euro-Fair 2016".

    => "The Choices that we Make Today, will Count for the Next 10 or 20 Years", warned Valls at the Conclusion of this Exceptional meeting in the ISU.


USA Private Space Rocket Exploded Eve of French Prime Minister's visit to ISU
on High-Tech Funds Strategic Long-Term Choices

    But, Meanwhile, an Unexpected Explosion, at the Eve of his Official Venue at the ISU, of Pioneer Private American Company "SpaceX"'s flag-ship Rocket, threatened to Smash rennaissant aspirations to relaunch Space Exploration and Human Space-Flight in the foreseable Future, after of almost a Decade of an Unprecedented and Controversial Restriction, by the Out-Going US President Obama, of NASA's activities  mainly on ISS, which was Focused predominantly on BioTech. "Tests" about Genetics, as that MIT Professor (....) entrusted by the White House for Supervising those ISS Tests, had Revealed to "Eurofora" earlier, during a Visit in Strasbourg on the occasion of a previous ISU Summer Session, organized by Australian Scientists, (Comp., f.ex. : .....), about a Dispute with several NASA and World-Famous Austronaut Neil Amstrong, who supported Human Space Flight and, more generaly, Ambitious Space Exploration projects, as f.ex. those Drafted aso by former US President GWBush, but also the unforgettable John Kennedy, who managed to Send the 1st Man on the Moon, before being Murdered, as early as since the 1960ies. (See relevant Publications at "Eurofora"s NewsReports and Forum, where they've marked a Record-High Audience with Many Tens of Thousands Readers each, f.ex. at : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/isusymosiumandobamanasabudget.html + http://www.eurofora.net/forum/index.php/topic,578.0.html, etc)


French Prime Minister Valls at ISU with Austronaut JJ.Favier + President Peters

on Human Space Flight History


    - On the Contrary, famous French Austronaut and Scientist in Physics, Jean-Jacques Favier, who has become Recently also Professor at ISU, told "Eurofora", as well as to Valls himself, that he had just been,  currently, in the process of  Planning Master/PhD courses around "New Materials"  which were due to become Necessary, as the expected relaunch of Space Flights to the Moon, Mars, etc., would, Otherwise, be obliged to use Older Materials "which are, until now, very Expensive".  Indeed, as Experienced ISU President, Walter Peters, (Comp. several Peters' Statements to "Eurofora" also in the Past, f.ex.: .....+ .....,  etc), had just Officialy Announced in an Exceptional Publication for the "30 Years" Anniversary of ISU and its Projects for the Immdiate Future "2017-2018", Nowadays "Space Agencies all over the World, are Developing the Post-ISS era", with, f.ex., "Plans for Cis-Lunar projects and a Base on the Moon", and "Critical Technologies to be Developed for the Major Step of this Cenury by Humankind  - a 1st Human Base on Mars", "providing a Great Field of Action, for (the) Present and Future..., Both at Governemental level, as well as for Enterpreneurial endeavours". Meanwhile, "47 Years After" being "one of the First People to put a foot on the Moon, on 20 July 1969", in the context of the "Gemini" Program, " Appolo Astronaut, and recently appointed ISU Chancellor, Dr. 'Buzz' Aldrin, "Now ... is sharing his Vision to Establish a Pzermanent Human Presence on Mars : "Let's go for it !", Chancellor Aldrin recently stressed, ISU's latest News reported earlier this Summer 2016.

French Prime Minister Valls seizes a Space Rocket at ISU, with Austronaut JJ. Favier

It's true that, already much Earlier, about 40% of Tests realized in a Weightless area On-Orbit, around Earth, were destinated for lato-sensu Life-Sciences, (including, particularly, Crystalisation of Mega-Molecules, f.ex. DNA Genetic Structures, as one among the Pioneer ISU Presidents, Experienced former Head of Japan's Public-Private Science/Technology Monitoring body, had Warned "Eurofora" in the Past, etc).


French Prime Minister Valls Landing Back to Earth after Visting a Space Shuttle at ISU

But what Followed, Yesterday Afternoon, (after a Brief Introductory Intermezzo with an ISU Expert who claimed that the "Search for Life on Mars" would be Facilitated by Examining on-orbit some Micro-Organisms, etc), went Much Further from what could have been normaly Expected :


French Prime Minister Valls radiant after visiting a Russian Space Rocket Capsule at ISU


Astonishingly, indeed, just a few Minutes later, almost All the Public or  Private Sector Actors present in an Important subsequent Collective Meeting with French Prime Minister Valls at an adjacent, ISU-Presidential Conference Room, (where only 2 or 3 Journalists assisted, including "Eurofora"), were either coming from, or Focused on the Sole ...BioTech (and ,apparently, mainly Genetic) Business area, almost Exclusively ! Among them, f.ex., also the Head of Global Multinational Company "Novartis", ...., a Senior Official from Texas (US) Headquartered Company "Lilly", various Bio-Tech "Start-Ups", the President of Strasbourg Region's Alsace "Bio-Valley", etc. Even those Few Speakers who were supposed to Address General "Innovation" Issues, (including Strasbourg University's current President, Professor Beretz, a Specialist in Pharmaceutics himself, and/or an Expert on High-Tech Start-Up Businesses, etc), in Fact, didn't touch upon Any Other Sector of the Economy and/or Technology, than, once again, Only "Bio-Tech" matters, (particularly "Pharmaceutics" and New "Drug" fabrication, and so  on)... On the Contrary, Top Experts known for their Interest in Any Other, Differend Modern Technology Issue, were Either, curiously, Absent from that Meeting, or completely Silent during it, (f.ex. ISU's President, Professor Peters, from Holland, and/or French Professor and former Austronaut Favier : Comp. Supra, etc).

=> Could it only be due to a kind of "After-Shock" following that Spectacular, Front-page News making, Unexpected Sky Rocket Explosion, in Out-going US President Barack Obama's Northern America, just Yesterday Night (Comp. Supra) ? Or, perhaps, that last-minute, Spectacular Incident just served simply to Accentuate an already pre-existing, and, probably, Previously Arranged Strategic Choice by some -currently Influent- Lobby of Exclusively "Bio-Tech" Interests ?

At any case, it's an Astonishing Fact that All Other Sectors of Science and/or Modern Technology, (including, f.ex., even EU and ECHR Law developments, or PanEuropean CoE's GeoPolitcs, obviously Important for "a European Capital" as Strasbourg, "Earth Science" issues, where f.ex. Strasbourg's Sismologists are Historicaly World-Famous and consulted by Global Media even for far away events such as Haiti Earthquake, particularly Now, at the Aftermath of the Recent Central Italy Deadly Quake, added to Oil/Gas Search matters, etc., notoriously Topical Digital Society affairs, from Industrial Robotics to SmartPhone/PC Hard and Software, as well as CyberSecurity Topical matters [See Innovation + Digital Society Minister Axelle Lemaire's Statements to "Eurofora" at : ....], even any Space High-Tech Innovation issue, obviously relevant to ISU itself, etc), were Totaly Ommitted, Skiped without any explanation, Nor even the slightest Pretext !

Even when Young French Innovation and Digital affairs Minister Axelle Lemaire, (Comp. her Earlier Statements to "Eurofora" at: .....), raised a General Question about Private Sector's current Hesitation to Invest Enough in Projects supported by a Government which tries also to Facilitate their Legal and Social Environment, the Only Reply she got, on behalf of the Numerous Participants (including several Chiefs of Big Private Businesses) was Based on the Example of New ...Drug development only ! (To put it in a nushell : Innovation in Drugs may cost just some 2 or 3 Millions € at its Initial, Start-Up Stage, but, Afterwords, comes a "2nd Stage" where it may Often Cost several Dozens of Millions €, that most Innovative SMEs and sometimes even Bigger Corporations wouldn't always afford to pay alone, without any important External Help). Thus, Axelle Lemaire was, characteristicaly, incited to Change her Initialy Space-Enthousiasm-driven Announcement about .."Going to Mars, via (Strasbourg's Region) Alsace", thanks to her "1st Visit on Innovation at the International Space University" here, ...



...into a more Sober "Innovation Investment Boost" on "BioTech" and "MedTech" at "Strasbourg", subsequent Announcement, (Comp. f.ex.  2 Differend "Tweets" that she issues, one after the other)...



However, as Strasbourg's "EuroMetropole" President, Robert Hermann, (a Socialist chairing an Exceptional recent Local Coalition with mainstream Center-Right), observed, this area "has a Potential allowing to become a Pole of Excellence at a European/Internationalm level", based on "a Sacred Alliance between University and Research", at "a Unique GeoPolitical Location", (i.e. between France and Germany, inside, now, a "Great East" Region, extending from Switzerland up to BENELUX Countries, as Luxembourg and Belgium, i.e. Brussels), where "more than 20 Billions € have been already given (by the French State and its partners), as part of High-Tech "Investments for the Future, throughout the overall Alsace Region", "most of them in Strasbourg", which benefits from "more than 300 Millions € from the Local/Regional Authorities"(City, Department, Region), "allowing, Together with State and EU Fundings, to obtain a volume of about 700 Millions €, for the Period of 2010-2020".


Brand New "Great East" Region President Philippe Richert, from the Mainstream 1st Opposition "Republican" Party, observed that Recent Territorial Reforms Focused almost everything on the Mega-City and the Region, diminishing the role of Departments, but "the (Private) Industrial World is making here a notable Contribution", as he pointed out. But, "in order to Advance Furthe Ahead, using that Great Eastern Region's Potential, we must Reach a Volume of at least 3% of the GDP for (Scientific and Technological) Innovation before 2020", he stressed.  "We were at almost 3% in Alsace Region, but Now, in the Current, Enlarged "Greater Region" (i.e. with the Addition of Lorraine and Champagne-Ardennes), we are Only 1,3%, while, on the Contrary, it already stands at 5% in the Neighbouring, (German), Baden-Wurttemberg Region", he Criticaly Warned, calling to "Find a way to Face such Challenges in the Future". Moreover,  "the Private Sector Contributes for More than 3% of the GDP (i.e. the Majority of Funds)  in Baden-Wurttemberg's Budget for Innovation, while it's not yet the case here", he Criticized. Meanwhile, "f.ex., when" High-Tech Car Maker Industry, including  "(French) Peugeot-Citroen wanted to ally itself with (German) BMW", planned Joined HeadQuarters,  they looked in Paris and/or in Munich, instead of Simply looking at Mulhouse" City, Strategicaly located Between them, at the Southern Part of Alsace, near Switzerland, "so that we could attract here, (i.e. in the Middle, Between Paris and Berlin or Munich), not just Industrial Production, but also more Innovation", Richert suggested. Last, but not least, "while German Innovation is largely De-Centralized, with at least 1 Pole of Excellence in Each Laender, in France we have to do More in order to attract and Stimulate performant Industrial Enterprises at the Regions, because, in Fine, Innovation's Success will be Measured in terms of more or less Performant Businesses", he concluded, Urging to "Advance more Towards that Regional DeCentrelisation that had wished also the (Historic, former Long-time French President) General De Gaulle''.





Strasbourg University President, Professor Laurent Beretz, pointed at the Fact that, Contrary to some False Appearances, here, "Businesses and University Scientific/Technological Reseach were Closer Interwoven Together, than some Believed. In addition, Industry wasn't Limited Only in "Applied", but "also in Fundamental Research". And, "the Other Way Round, Strasbourg's University has also interested in Applied Research, (as, f.ex., in the case of World Famous, Louis Pasteur Inventor also of Vaccination methos, who was "also bery Keen on Research's Applications", as he reminded). Scientific/Technological Research and Development work in Continuum,  without artificial  Distinguos, and only "Need an Easier, Smoother Transmission of Fundamental Research's Findings into Technological Applications", he pointed out.

Last, but not least, many Think that "an Indicator of STR Vitality would be just the Number of High-Tech Start-Up Businesses". But Beretz cited "a Recent Study of the Ligue of European Research Universities", that he currently Heads, "on the Economic ByProduct of Universities with a so-called <<Intensified Research>>, according to which, Fund a a University "is Not Spending, but Investing" : F.ex., in France, just 3 Universities : Sacley, (?) Southern Paris and Strasbourg have Generated, on 2014, more than 7,5 Billions €, and 4.300 Jobs". As for "All European Universities, taken Together, they Contribute for some 300 Billions € in the European Economy, with 3,8 Millions of Jobs inside Europe, favorably Compared to Pharmaceutics, Steel, and/or Car Industry". But "the Intellectual creation, Innovation Transfert, Patents, etc. is just 31% of the Total", while "the Most Important Part is the Overall Activity of Universities, which represent also a Social, Commercial, Training, a.o. Force, with 33% of the Total ByProduct". Another "22% are the so-called <<Graduate Revenues>>, which come from the Diplomas attributed" by Universities, while even "our Dear Students, have an Economic Impact estimated at about 14% of the Total" ByProduct of Universites', that Includes "also the creation of Mobility, by Attracting Students from Elsewhere, Irrigating accross Territories", he concluded, Welcoming the active Contributions of "the State, the Local/Regional Authorities, Businesses and Universities themselves, as Key Components of Economic Competitivity".


    - Prime Minister Valls stressed from the Outset that "Innovation and Scientific Research are very Important matters, Both for France and for all Europe", which should not be overShadowed by some controversial "Debates always focusing only on Selection and Fees". France and Europe "are Able to Create Innovation and be Inventive", he underlined, while also Welcoming the "Cooperation between the State, Local/Regional Authorities, Universitarians and private Businesses".  But  "the Main Reason" of his Venue here, was "to Exchange" Ideas with the various Participants, particularly in order to find out "what could be Ameliorated".

    - CEO of Texas (USA) HeadQuartered MultiNational BioTech Company "Lilly"'s European outlet in France, Marcel Lechanteur, who supports collaborative "Training" and Strasbourg University's "Foundation" (Open to Participation also of Businesses, Individual Experts, Politicians, Journalists, interested Citizens, Donors, etc), said that he had been "Seduced", already "from 2012", by a relevant "Project", inspired by an American practice : "We have 2 Investment Poles", "one for Human Capital", to which we dedicate "5 to 6% of the Total Salary Mass" that includes about "1.500 Persons", with some 300 Dedicated to "Quality" Monitoring and Enhancing, mainly in order to "Attract Talents" and make them "Stay Productive as long as required, so that any "Chain of Production Disrupting would be Prevented", at the "Same Time that Staff's Competences would be UpGraded", while also "Stimulating a Spirit of Networking", he explained. "In the USA, even if everything isn't perfect, nevertheless, a Key to most of their Succesful Economic model, is a kind of Dense "Matrix" between Universities and Small or Big Businesses", particularly on Staff "Training", he observed


    + "A 2nd Investment's Pole, is Technology", to which "we ("Lilly-France") have Invested some 250 Millions € these years", he claimed, Stressing that "it's Important to have such a Balanced approach", between Human Training and Technology Investment, "in order to remain Competitive".

    => The "Suggestion" made, in fine, to the French Prime Minister by MultiNational "Lilly" BioTech Company was to "have a Vision", on equal terms between Big and Small-Medium Enterprises, ("65% of our Turnover being related to SMEs", as he said), thanks to which the forthcoming "Difficult Choices" that "the Government" would have to make "Soon", (particularly in a "Fragile Environment, which should Not be over-Perturtbated", he Warned), as well as its wider relevant Activities, would follow a Policy with sufficient "Visibility".



      Followed "Drug Industry" Representative, Philippe Lamoureux, ("LEFM"), who Stressed the "Importance of such kind of Meetings, as this at the ISU, in order to have a Dialogue with the Public Authorities". - Part of "Health Industries, which are also an Investment for the Future", the "Pharmaceutical Industry represents some "45.000 Jobs", in "270 Production Sites, disseminated around almost all the Territory of the Country", but "mainly around Normandy, the Center, and Pays de Loire", which "represent a Landmark Potential, that we should Protect and Develop", he observed.

    - At Present, "we are in the process to evolve from Pharmaceutical (i.e. Chemistry-Based) Drugs, to Bio-Technology (i.e. Genetics-Based) Drugs", which  "will require a real ReConversion of our Work, even a Fundamental Transformation of our Culture of Production, and, in Consequence, also of the Professional Training for our Workers", he pointed out.

    + "Moreover, Medical Drugs will become Only a Part of a much Wider Health Panoply, which will Include also various "Other Health Technologies" Tools, with "Diagnostics, Genomics, and a Lot of Differend Sciences", he added, pointing, f.ex., at certain Pioneer Projects, currently "Evolving in Strasbourg", (one of which had just been Visited, Earlier Yesterday, by Valls).

    Lamoureux went on to Claim that, Nowadays, Drug Industry is one among the Few which "Can have a Stable Number of Jobs", has recently "Doubled the Number of its Aprentees", and is even "Able to Offer a Job to nearly All those who are Trained in our Network", as he said.

    => In Conclusion, Given also the curent "Double Crisis, Both in Health Policies and Industries", as well as relevant Developments "also in Germany", etc., "we shall Follow very Closely the Decisions that you are Going to Take" soon, he warned the French Prime Minister.


    - Among the Biggest in the World, MultiNational Bio-Tech Company "NOVARTIS-France" President, Philippe Baroin, an Experienced CEO and Manager at International contexts, reminded, from the outset, that his Mother Company is "Global", and "Headquartered at Basel", i.e. at Nearby Switzerland, "only about 100 km. from here", and has "more than 1.500 Jobs inside (Strasbourg's Region) Alsace", (where it had, Earlier, also Planned to Transfert even its European Headquarters, before Changing its Mind at the last minute, to the point that even a Prestigious Big Building, which had been Destinated for "Novartis", has stayed for Too Long without any clearly designated Successor at the "European Business Quarter" of Strasbourg-Schiltigheim), while it has also "Just Announced a more than 100 Millions € Investment in France", in Addition to "a Project to Train and Hire about 100 Highly-Skilled Engineers at an Institute of Strasbourg's University", for "a ReNovated Bio-Tech Factory, due to Work 24/24 Hours, 7/7 Days a Week, and 365/365 in each Year, as he noted.


    - "Concerning Innovation, we (NOVARTIS) Spend about 17 Millions € in Research and Technologies' Development, Each Year", and are Interested particularly in "Strasbourg's University, because of its Openness towards Switzerland, his Application-Oriented Research, and a Dialogue Favorable to the Development of various Cooperations", added Baroin.

    >>> But "Pursuing NOVARTIS' presence in France, depends" on certain, currently evolving Issues, including some Social Security schemes as well as "Previsibility" of the fothcoming French Government's Decision-Making Angenta, he stressed.

    - Recently, we had a Happy Event : A Young Girl aged only 11 y.o., who was Suffering from Leucemy and was Seriously Threatened, succeeded to be Healed by Cellular Therapy, that I'd like to see also in France, Germany and all the EU soon", since we have to "Meet Innovation's Challenges", the Swiss Multinational BioTech Company's Head, added.




    - He was succeeded by  Nicolas Carboni, Head of "Connectus", a Network aiming to Promote all Public Sector Research in Strasbourg's Alsace Region, f.ex. by Universities, Local Authorities, Deconcentrated State Administrations, Public Enterprises, etc., which was itself Created thanks to French Government's "Investments for the Future", (that had Started to be Awarded Nationwide since 2011-2012). It has already "Simplified" things, since Now "all Public Research Actors in Alsace have Pooled Together the Promotion of their Projects into just 1 Body ("Connectus"), so that they Can Accomplish f.ex. various Formalities Only in a Few Weeks' Time, there where, Previously, they Needed to Contact 6 or 7 Differend Interlocutors, during several Months or even More than a Year", as he said.

    - "This Simplification is mainly used vis a vis various Cooperations with our (Private) Industrial Partners", concerning "all Colaboration, Projects, Work, Access to Instruments, etc", with a Total of 30 Millions € Funds from Industry brought into Labos, where Businesses are interested in a Turnout which Augmented + 25% during the Last 2 Years", he pointed out. "Connectus" Manages Intellectual Property, and Invests to its Maturity, i.e. Absorbs a great part of Risks linked with an Innovation. During the Last 12 Months, an average of 2 Business each Month Sign with it, in order to have Access to a New Technology, Generating by Licences such Revenues that, in 4 Years, they were Multiplied 8 Times",  Carboni concluded.

    - "An Example" is that of a "Director of Research at French CNRS", Alain Weber, who, said that he "published a Patent" and "Created 4 Start-up Companies, the First 15 Years ago". (../..)

    During the Discussion which Followed, it was also said, by a Participant, that, f.ex., "in order to Create a (New) Drug, there is a Need for Tens of Millions €". That "Money Exists", but someone must Bid for a given Project, in order to Help it aquire a Critical Dimension.


    - Minister Axelle Lemaire, in charge of Innovation and Digital Society, noted that most Speakers had Focused mainly on the Role played by the State, the Local Authorities, even of Aprenteeship, etc., "But You did Not Analyse sufficiently the Role of Private Investment", as she said.

    => "Don't you think that there might be a Gap there, that we'd have to Fill ?", Axelle Lemaire wondered. - "What is Lacking, there, in order to Bring those Private Funds where they should be ?", she asked.


    - A Participant started to Reply that, particularly in Certain Countries, Private Investment Must be Made Easier, f.ex. by being Accompagnied also by some Public Investments, "at least in a 1st Stage", as when "a New Drug" might Need something like "3 Months of Clinical Essays", he estimated.


    - "This is, very probably, a Key Debate", estimated Prime Minister Valls.
I.e. "How to Transform a Result of Scientific Research, into a concrete Economic Potential, Ready to be commercialy Exploited", as he pointed out.


    - "Concerning, f.ex., a Medical Drug, at a 1st Stage, some 2 or 3 Millions € could be enough in order to Show, with Tests on Animals, that it's Active, but No Toxic, etc.

    + However, Afterwards comes a kind of Qualitative "Jump", at a "2nd Stage" : It will, probably, Cost something around "10 or 15 Millions €", because, "once Transfered" to an Enterprise", the Result of a Scientific Research, might Need also a Lot of More Work to do, (such as, "f.ex., on Regulations,  Chemical Optimisation", perhaps +Human Clinical Trials, etc).

    => "But, Private Investment in the USA provides, generaly, at that stage, X 5 Times More Funds, than in most Countries in Europe, even if the Projects are Similar, so that Inventors have to Seek Fund-Raising Elsewhere", he Warned.

    Perhaps not only for purely Financial or Commerial reasons, but also -or even much More - Because of certain French and/or European Legal Safeguards against eventual Risks from some, eventualy Hasty Attempts by one or another unscrupulous "Bio-Tech" Company (as it Recently Happened during a Scandalously Deadly or Health-Damaging, New Drugs' Tests on Humans in Rennes) to use various potentialy Dangerous Genetic or other Medical Substances on unaware People, withOut sufficient Previous full Scientific Research about Safety, despite Established Rules enshriing the "Precaution Principle", and/or for the Protection of Human Dignity and/or Health, (as, f.ex., a previously mentioned Critical mention in the Intervention by a Global Multinational "NOVARTIS" Corporation's Senior Official, into this ISU Debate, probably meant, in fact : Comp. Supra).


    + AnOther Participant observed that "we (Strasbourg's area of Alsace) have a Well-Organized Territory for Innovation" here, "But, Not even one among our Start-up Companies doesn't bypass the 5 to 10 Millions €".


    => A Point that was underlined also by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who Noted the Existence of "a Competitivity Pole", "a Territory for Innovation", several "Billions €" of State Aides, "a University with Strong Research" capabilities, (etc)., so that "We Have the Right Eco-System", ("on the Condition, naturaly, to Simplify" its procedures).

    - "But, what is Clear, is that there is a Weakness mainly concerning the Size of our Enterprises, on which we Must Work", as he said.


    - Indeed, "there is a Gap" : "When, in France, we are Searching for 3 Millions €, on the Contrary, in the USA, they immediatey Speak about 50 Millions €, for the Same Project. Why ?", Wondered anOther Participant.

    - At any case, "1 Reply is the "French Tech." : "I.e., Stop making Complexes", because "there are some Wonderful Things in France, we Have What is Necessary, and Superb Dynamics. A proof is also the Fact that when the USA Search for some Interesting "Start UPs", they Come Here...", he estimated.

    - "Often, they want to Work with us, but they say : No Problem, However it would be Easier if you came to America"... Why ?  It's Because there is that Bad Image of Strikes, of Too Many Staff Workers, with Corporative Revendications on Wages, etc., on which we have to do some HomeWork", he replied.

    - "Now, what is most Needed, is, I think, to Create a kind of "Signature" for our Interesting "Start-up" Enterprises, to Help them Work their Way Up, by Networking, etc", without Forgeting that, even in the USA, "Microsoft" was Created inside a ...Garage !"

    => A Pragmatic Solution, associating what is already Possible, with an Ambition for the Future,

 would be to Focus on those among our Best Start-up Businesses which are the Interesting for Investors, and Network them, i.e. Combine Together their Forces, in order to create a Joint Product, eventualy Associating SMEs and Big Banks, Corporations, etc", he suggested.     


    - However, Catherine Trautmann, former MEP, Minister of Culture, and Strasbourg's Mayor, currently in charge of Big Infrastructures, re-Focused on Bio-Tech Only, presenting a Local "Decision to Create a Medical Technology Park", from which she Expects to Attract Investors and "some 50 More Businees able to create 1.000 Jobs".
    Medical Technologies are anOther Aspêct of Development, Together with Chirurgy, Diagnostic Tool, and Tele-Medicine, etc. Because we also have here a Medical Faculty, a Faculty of Pharmaceutics, INSERM and Alsace BioValley, she observed.



    + Indeed, "we Need a Common Space", agreed also the President of "Alsace BioValley", Severine Sigrist, herself a CEO of a Start-up Company specialized in Fabricating and Grafting of Artificial Body Parts, (such as, f.ex., an Artificial Pancreas and Other Organs, etc).

    Sigrist also, repeatedly evoked Issues related to Local/Regional "Territories"' "Cooperation" and/or "Attractivity", as well as on Strasbourg "Region"'s relevant Importance for RST Projects' boosting, as well as that Scientists should "Work Together with All (concerned) Territories", etc., thereby, inevitably Opening (voluntarily, or not) towards some very Interesting, Latest Developments on RST Policies and Choices at Strasbourg's Recently Enlarged "Great East" Region :


    "BioValley"'s Bio-Tech Lobby had become in the Past an almost Exclusive Innovation Interlocutor in Strasbourg's Traditional Region Alsace, some Years ago, but, Now, it has just Lost that capacity, after the recent Enlargement to the "Great East", brand New and much Bigger Mega-Region, which includes, Now, also Lorraine and Champagne-Ardennes, bridging together instead of only 1, in fact 6 various "Competitivity Poles", such as, not just Health Sciences, but also Water, Bio-Agriculture, New Materials, Sustainable Buildings, New Vehicles and Mobility of the Future.

    They are just Starting to search an overall Coherence and to Develop Cooperation Projects, throughout a Huge area Linking Paris' surroundings to the German and Swiss Borders on the Rhine river, Including also to Luxembourg and Belgium : A 1st Partnership Agreement, on Scientific Research and Technological Development cooperation Projects, as well as International prospection, Funds-Raising, etc., was already Signed beteween those 6 Competitivity Poles of that New Strasbourg's "Great East" Region, which have also reportedly Agreed, Recently, on Identifying 3 joint Priorities for the Future : "Agro-Materials", "Enhanced Reality", and "Connected Objects", (i.e., quite a lot about Digital Society too)...

    Something which might have incited, and/or, at any case, certainly interested French Minister Axelle Lemaire, particularly when she Evoked, a bit Later-on, during this Same Discussion with a Science Community inside ISU, the "Competitivity" Issues, (fitting quite well with the New Strasbourg's "Great East"  Enlarged Region's ... no less than 6 Competitivity Poles).


    + In Addition, the even More Recent Creation of a "European Campus" Headquartered in Strasbourg (since May 2016), in order to Bring Closer Together all Universities of French, German and Swiss Local Areas, (f.ex. Bas-Rhin Department around Strasbourg, Ortenau Creis in Germany, and Bales' area in Switzerland), due to Mutualize their Infrastructues (Labos and Machines, Buildings with Offices and Conference Rooms, Libraries and Archives, etc), Cooperate and even Present Joint Research Projects for Common EU a.o. Funding Demands, etc., (See Euro-Campus' President, Professor .... from Germany Statements to "Eurofora" at .... + .....), naturaly Stops the Monopoly of an Exclusive "Bio-Tech" Lobby alone over Strasbourg, as in a recent Past, and Opens even Wider Pluralist Horizons for Democratic Scientific and Technological Choices for the foreseable Future.

    Both those 2 Brand New Strategic Developments, about France's National Organisation and EU core's Integration, obviously are also More Harmonious with ISU's own realities and overall Philosophy of All Sciences'-Enhancing Human Space Flight...



    F.ex., among many others, also the above-mentioned "Connected Objects" Joint Research Priority of All the New Strasbourg's "Great East" Region's 6 Competitivity Poles, agreed after the Recent Developments on 2016 (See Above), certainly would Remind to Prime Minister Valls, particularly Now, that other "Connected Objects" Strasbourg Event that he Chose to Visit among the First (just after Agriculture) during the Inauguration of Strasbourg's Annual 2016 "EuroFair", Yesterday Noon, on the 115th Anniversary of prestigious European Innovation Award Competiton "Lepine", (Comp. its President, Gerard Dorey's Statements to "Eurofora" at : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/innovationawardpresidentondroneneareuparliament.html ).



    + Such a Digital Society (Dear to French Minister Axelle Lemaire : Comp. Supra) and Internet-related, Topical Reference, would Also Remind Valls his Visit to the 2016 "Guest of Honour" Country, at the Inauguration of Strasbourg's Annual "EuroFair", Yesterday Noon, i.e. Tunisia, at the area of which he met the Tunisian Consul General Trabelsi (Comp. the Consul's previous Statements to "Eurofora" at: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/tunisiaconsuloneufaireconomyandconstitution.html), as well as its Tourism and Crafts' Minister, etc.


    It was also during his Official Speech for the Inauguration of that same 2016 Strasbourg's "EuroFair", Yesterday Noon, at the Superbly ReNovated and Enlarged, Huge "Convention and Exhibition Center", inside the landmark "Palace for Music and Congresses'" Building "Pierre Pflimlin", that the French Prime Minister stressed particularly the Indispensable "Security Culture" that all Citizens, Civil Society and Public Authorities, have a Vital Need to Learn how to Adopt and Use, in EveryDay Life, after the Recent Deadly Terrorist Attacks by Islamistic Terrorists, in France, at nearby Germany, and various Other European Countries, (such as the UK, Austria, Switzerland, etc.) even in the USA, this same 2016 Summer, (Comp., f.ex. : .... + ...).



    I.e. a "Security" which can be notoriously Enhanced also thanks to the Development of High-Tech "Earth Observation" a.o. EU Space Projects, fitting well with Valls' visit to the International Space University (ISU) Yesterday Afternoon, that EU Parliament Supported by a Public Plenary Debate and a Resolution adopted with a Strong Majority, Recently in Strasbourg, (See "Eurofora"s NewsReport for that event : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euparliamentonspace.html), while EU currently Prepares its 27 Heads of State/Government 1st Independent Post-PREXIT Summit on Europe's Future at Bratislava (Slovakia : the current Holder of EU Council's rotating Presidency), later in the Middle of this Month, (16/9/2016), which is expected to Focus also on Boosting EU's Security and Defence Policy and Capabilities, whose indispensable Autonomy (also Required by another relevant EU Parliament's Resolution recently adopted in Strasbourg : See ......) urgently Depends also, in real Practice, from the Development of some  Space "Early Warning" and "3CCC" New High-Tech, (as an EADS' European AirSpace Giant Company's Top Strategy Advisor, Experienced former Long-time French Army General, had Earlier told "Eurofora")...



    - "The Question of Pathways (Networks) is Essential !", stressed, indeed, French Prime Minister Valls, Yesterday Afternoon, at this Exceptionaly Important ISU Meeting. Inter alia, also Because "it allows Major Investments, which must be pursued", while "for those who are Not inside such Pathways, it becomes Difficult", he Warned. Therefore, this must be done "in Discussion with All Actors".


    + Because, "the main Role of the (National) State is to Stimulate" relevant developments, "and help connect into Networks", after making various necessary "Reforms" for that purpose, (f.ex. by "Reforming Universities and Research", "Lowering Taxes on Businesses", "Focusing Industries on the Pathways of the Future", etc).

    - For the Rest, "during the Last 30 Years", a lot of "Extraordinary Transformations" have taken place "in the Political Life", he Outlined : F.ex. "DeCentralisation is a Quiet Revolution", which "is being Pursued" even further "Calmly". Something Similar goes also for "the Autonomy of Universities", which "must be Continued", etc. So that, Nowadays, "Elected Local Authorities", "particularly Together with All Partners : Enterprises, Universities, various other Entities, etc", Work all Together, "Creating a Collective Intelligence", he observed.

    - But "Time is Needed in order to Build the Future in a Key Sector", the French Prime Minister also felt Now. There are things thet "Must be Continued", and "Others" that "have to be Rectified". "But", at any such case, "all this is done for the Long-Term" : F.ex. "The Choices that we Make Today, Will Count during the 10 or 20 Years Ahead", Manuel Valls Concluded.



    => A Fortiori, for all those reasons and much more, Shouldn't really ALL relevant, interested and/or affected such "Partners", useful for the General Interest of France and Europe, at least from All those "6 Competitivity Poles" currently existing in Strasbourg's brand New "Great East" Region, (Comp. Supra), and even more, be Invited to Express their Views and eventualy Present also various other Interesting Projects, (instead of Only 1 Lobby, at the Exclusion of All Others : Comp. Facts cited Supra) ?

    F.ex., Among Many Others, at Nearby Baden-Wurttemberg (Germany), the Famous Owner of the "Burda" Media Empire, (which includes also "Focus" Magazine, and various Other MM, etc), had already Proposed, as Early as from December 2010 (Comp. "Eurofora"s NewsReport from Neighbouring Offenburg's meetintg of the "Superior Rhine" Franco-German-Swiss Trans-Border Cooperation body, and Statemsnts that gave us f. EU Affairs Minister of Germany, Werner Hoyer, currently EIB's President, at the Eve of an Exceptionaly Important, then, Franco-German Summit in Freiburg : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/hoyeronfrancogermansummit.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/sarkozymerkelforeuintegration.html ), inter alia, also to Create a kind of Modern Electronic Networks conglomerate, including an "Internet Networks Valley", all accross Both Sides of the Rhine River.

    Is it just a Coincidence, or, may be, a "Lapsus Significativus", that, even Now, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, (a Personal Example of Franco-Spanish EU Integration, following, f.ex. former French President Nicolas Sarkkozy's Franco-Greco-Hungarian + Italy example, among others), repeatedly Spoke, at the ISU in Strasbourg, about, not just a mere "Bio-Valley", but also of a kind of ..."Silicon Valley" ?

    Relevant examples could naturally be Multiplied, here :

F.ex., also for what the Strasbourg-based "European Foundation of Sciences" had named, as Early as already since a Landmark 2005 Report, the lato-sensu "Earth Sciences", (Historically Strong here), including Space issues, since Both the Historicaly World Famous "Seismology" Centre, part of the Oil-Gas Experienced "Globe Institute", and ISU (both in Strasbourg), "ReNewable Energy Sources" Technologies (f.ex. Solar, Waterfalls, WindFarms, GeoThermy, etc), as also ESA's Space Control Center (at nearby Darmstadt), Natural Environment Protection Experience (partidularly on Water, Air-Pollution and/or Mountains, etc) is Important, from Strasbourg up to Munich, and the "Family" Company which got EU's Contract for "GALILEO" Satellite Navigation System's fabrication of a 1st Series of Satellites (HQ at nearby Stuttgart).

And/or what anOther German University Professor had suggested, since 2010, about Developping a Unique Network of "Supreme" or "Human Rights' Courts" Legal Analysis research, Thanks to the Presence, here, of both ECHR, (Strasbourg), Germany's important Constitutional Court (Karlsruhe), and EU's Court of Justice (Luxembourg), all along the European Borders of Strasbourg's brand New "Great East" Region...

    Why Not ?

    Particularly when a Pioneer "European Campus" inter-linking French-German-Swiss Universities has just been Launched, since Spring 2016, in Strasbourg, (See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eusciencecomissioneronchinaandeuuniversitiesgroup.html + ...), and, even more, when we take into account also the Historicaly Important New Fact that, in this Summer 2016's Post-BREXIT Europe, EU is notoriously Searching New, Performant and EU Citizens-Friendly ways to adequately Boost a Deeper Integration, (which had recently been Delayed too much, since 1999-2005+) ?

    Naturaly, one among all those Valuable Potentials, (and even More), simply evoked here, doesn't exclude another. On the Contrary, most of them should and could be, more or less, Integrated inside an Overall Coherent, High-Tech, European "Competitivity" Strategy.

WithOut, on the Contrary, Excluding a priori Everything, just to Focus Exclusively on Only 1, alone, even without any clearly known, previous Public Debate, that French Prime Minister Valls had, however, Considered as a "Must" in such crucialy Important matters which can contribute to Shape the Future, (Comp. Supra).


Sometimes, one must Dare even "Grasp the Bull by the Horn", a well known Popular Proverb says, as Manuel Valls Symbolicaly did, just a few Hours Earlier, while Inaugurating Strasbourg's 2016 "Euro-Fair" (See relevant Photo)...     




 Why not also a "Real" one, about Strategic Innovation Funds' hard Choices, Crucial for many People's foreseable Future ?




(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already send to "Euriofora" Subscribes/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be Published asap).





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People in Europe and the World expect from CoE to make a succes of its "Monitoring" for Human Rights and Democracy, despite difficulties, said Finland's President Tarja Halonen to "EuroFora" at a crucial moment for the mecanism built 15 years ago by the paneuropean organization which celebrates its 60th Anniversary in 2009.

Halonen, known as "Mother" of CoE's "Monitoring" mecanism, a long-time MEP and former Foreign Minister before becoming Finland's President, holds a long experience in the mattter, after also serving twice as CoE and EU Chairwoman in the past. That's why she is well placed to judge how CoE's "monitoring" should deal today with some crucial issues of importance both to CoE and to the EU.

The move came just a Month before a crucial, last visit to Turkey, scheduled for June, by the President of CoE''s "Monitoring" Committee, Ukranian MEP Serge Holovaty, to finalize his Report on Ankara, the CoE Member State with the longest Monitoring procedure. From its results depends its overall credibility.

This is a Test-case, because, in fact, it's in order to avoid Sanctions threatened against Turkey by a CoE's Assembly's April 1995 Resolution for grave Human Rights violations, Democracy gaps, the continuing Military Occupation in Cyprus, the unresolved Kurdish problem, Aegean differend with Greece, etc., that MEPs decided to create, for the 1st time on April 1996, a "Monitoring" proces, allegedly destinated to check, without excluding Countries who did not fulfill all CoE's standards.

In the Past, the obliged withdrawal of Greece's Military regime and of its "Civil" cover-up out of the CoE had helped bring back Democracy in 1974. But, on the contrary, since April 1996, the idea was to "monitor" Human Rights' respect while keeping most concerned Countries inside the CoE. After Turkey's oldest example, this was extended also to several former "Eastern" European Countries, even if CoE's Assembly has imposed to some of them (fex. Ukraine, Russia, etc., after Belarus, Serbia, etc) various "Sanctions", that Ankara always avoided. Curiously more succesful even than .. USA itself, (a CoE "Observer" since 1995), which has been at least threatened with sanctions some years ago..

EU-effects of CoE's Monitoring process became obvious between 2001-2008, since the "closure" of this procedure, when CoE felt that a Country had met most of its Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law obligations, (i.e. the "Copenhagen Criteria" for the EU), helped trigger Negotiations with the EU for "Accession" or other closer relations : This occured already before the 2004 and 2007 EU Enlargements to former "Eastern" European Countries, as well as for the commencement of "accession" negotiations with Croatia, and of "open-ended" negotiations with Turkey in 2005.

    But a stricking new development are Holovaty's recent findings that on core Human Rights issues as Torture and Freedom of Expression, Turkey, even "5 Years after" CoE closed its "Monitoring", back in 2004, inciting EU to start accession Negotiations in 2005, still presents grave problems.

    His findings are of crucial importance after a 2008 CoE Resolution called, "if need be", to "seriously consider the possibility of Re-Opening the Monitoring procedure for Turkey" : A move which might affect Ankara's controversial EU bid, since EU Accession Negotiations are based on the Hypothesis that the Candidate fullfils the "Copenhagen Criteria" (See above)..
    Holovaty expressed his will to check  "Matters still Outstanding" and  those that he "didn't have an opportunity to discuss" at an earlier visit this year, "in order to discuss the more complex issues in greater depth", at his forthcoming New Visit to Ankara, before the December 2009 EU Summit.  This is all based on the 2004 CoE Resolution which stresses that, CoE "will continue.. post-monitoring Dialogue with the Turkish authorities,...in addition to a 12-points list,..and on any Other Matter that might arise in connection with Turkey’s Obligations as a CoE member state".

    CoE's Resolution also asks  from Turkey "to secure the proper Implementation of Judgements, particularly in the Cyprus v. Turkey InterState case", of 2001, which concerns also the plight of many Hundreds of MISSING People. It adds Turkey's obligations to "execute" ECHR's Judgements in the Loizidou case,..and in particular adopt General Measures to avoid repetition or continuation of Violations found by the Court" to the detriment of Refugees.

    Nevertheless, Holovaty said to "EuroFora" that "MISSING" persons,"might be included" and cannot be excluded, but he has yet to examine the situation "to find out  which issues will be raised" to the Turkish Government.

    Therefore, "EuroFora" asked Halonen, as the Historic "Mother" of CoE's Monitoring mecanism, if she thought that, "whenever there are grave Human Rights Violations, as fex. "MISSING" persons, attested even by ECHR's judgements, they should be always checked by a Monitoring process. Or could they be forgotten ?"
     - "We (CoE) must be, at the same time, Fair, Realistic, but not in the mind that "now we have Forgotten", etc., replied to "EuroFora"'s question Halonen, speaking as a matter of general principle.

    - "When we think of those People that are suffering from the lack of Democracy, of Human Rights, and of the Rule of Law", "we should find a base on how to deal with the (Monitoring) system more rapidly"', she stressed.

    - "Sometimes it's very difficult to combine Transparency and Effectivenes together, particularly in this specific case", she went on to say. But, "I have not found a (CoE Member) Country who could be insensitive in this sens", Halonen answered concerning grave Human Rights violations attested by the ECHR.

    - "I have no ready-made answer. I have the expectations that you, in the CoE, will, step by step, find the different types of the monitoring systems."

    Also "because this is a part of the UN's Post-Conflict system, (fex. when it comes to Cyprus' MISSING persons), and it's a more Global system". So that, "If we make a succes in Europe, the others will follow", throughout the World.  "But they expect that we (Europe) are this opportunity, this Opportunity to make a Succes", Halonen concluded.

    In addition, she advised to extend CoE's Monitoring to all its 47 Member States, "because, as long as we hear that, all these monitoring systems are "OK for the neighbor, but not for me", "it's very difficult" to understand. Something which could make easier to Compare...

    Finnish MEP Jaako Laakso, former CoE Rapporteur on the Occupied Territories of Cyprus and one of the 5 Signatories of the Historic CoE's call to create the "MONITORING" mecanism since 1996, was more specific :  - "We (CoE Assembly) have to find a way for the issue of Cyprus' MISSING People to be better followed", he stressed, anouncing his intention to "speak to Mr. Holovaty" about that. "There might be also other ways", added Laakso.

    - The 2008 "Year had been a very Bad one for Turkey with regard to Human Rights in general, and Freedom of Expression in particular", denounced, meanwhile, Holovaty's preliminary Post-Monitoringh Draft Report by Holovaty, published by the CoE on April 2009.

    "Amnesty International believes that freedom of expression is not guaranteed given the various articles of the Criminal Code that restrict it. .. "For example, 1,300 Websites are said to have been closed down by the (Turkish) authorities in 2008" ! While "the new Turkish Criminal Code was used to bring a total of 1,072 proceedings between June 2005 and April 2008, and led to the conviction of 192 people", for expressing views. "Representatives of the Özgür Gündem newspaper, which specialises in Kurdish affairs, ..complained about Numerous Attacks on their Freedom of Expression ...as was everyone who advocated a settlement to the question by means other than the intervention of the army" "According to their figures, 19 Newspapers had been suspended 43 times between 4 August 2006 and 4 November 2008" !...

    Moreover, on 2008,  CoE's "Ministers adopted its 4rth Resolution on the execution of the judgments of the ECHR, ...and outstanding issues regarding 175 Judgements and decisions relating to Turkey delivered between 1996 and 2008...  concerning Deaths resulting from the excessive use of force by members of the Security forces, the failure to protect the right to life, the DIisappearance and/or death of individuals, Ill-Treatment and the Destruction of property". CoE's " Ministers urged the Turkish authorities ...to ensure that members of Security forces of all ranks can be prosecuted without administrative
authorisation" for "serious crimes". Holovaty reminded.

"Nonetheless", Holovaty heard anew of "Several cases of Violence committed last year (2008) by the (Turkish) security forces". Amnesty International speaks of Many Cases of ill-treatment and Torture in the prisons and by the police". "Including, fex."'the death of Engin Ceber, a young man of 29 who died on October 2008 as a result of the TORTURE allegedly inflicted on him by police officers, prison staff and members of the gendarmerie. He was part of a group of people arrested on September 2008 during a demonstration and Press Conference in Istanbul'. Proceedings against suspects are "on-going" in this case.

- " I therefore noted an Obvious Contradiction between the Government’s stated “zero tolerance” policy.... of Torture and other forms of ill-treatment, and the different testimonies given", denounced CoE's Rapporteur.  Turkish "authorities must make considerable efforts to guarantee that proper investigations are carried out into allegations of abuses by members of the security forces and that perpetrators are effectively punished" "In this respect, I have requested detailed Statistics on the number of Investigations, acquittals and convictions in cases involving allegations of abuse in order to show the positive impact of the measures taken to date", Holovaty said, repeating a permanently unsatisfied CoE's demand to Turkey since a Decade...

    - "The Political Crisis that shook the country in the spring of 2008 highlighted the Weaknesses of the (Turkish) Constitution", which comes from the Military regime of 1982, "and the Urgent Need of Reforms", stressed from the outset CoE's Rapporteur in 2009. In particular, "the ...Democratic functioning of state institutions, including the independence of the judicial system, are crucial", he observes.

    But, "the Electoral  system and the ways in which it is circumvented do not appear to give those elected complete Legitimacy, and tend to pervert the course of direct universal suffrage", denounces Holovaty, observing that, even 5 Years later, Turkey did not yet change the 10% nationwide Threshold for a party to take any seat, which is "far higher" than the "3%" maximum in Europe and already condemned as contrary to European Standards by the CoE.

    + Moreover, EU Parliament's 2009 Report on Turkey, drafted by Dutch MEP Ria Oomen-Ruijten and adopted in Strasbourg on March, expresses "Concern over the Failure of the (Turkish) Judiciary to prosecute cases of Torture and Ill-treatment, the Number of which is Growing". EU also "is concerned about continuing Hostility and Violence against Minorities" in Turkey. It also "calls on the Turkish Government to launch, as a matter of Priority, a Political Initiatve favouring a lasting Settlement of the Kurdish issue, (while "condemning violence.. and terrorist groups"). EU "regrets that No progress has been made on establishing full, systematic Civilian suprevisory functions over the (Turkish) Military".

    The final results of Holovaty's 2nd and last visit to Turkley will be known later this year, and, at any case, before EU's December 2009 Summit.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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