1st EU University aims Integration First but Development can go Fast tell EF French+German Officials

*Strasbourg/Great East Region HQ/Angelo Marcopolo/- Speaking to "Eurofora" on their Decision, Today, to start Building here the 1st European University, Key Franco-German Actors at this EU's Core Area, as, inter alia, also, f.ex, Baden-Wurttemberg's Minister-President Kretschmann, Euro-Campus' President, Professor Schiewer, French EU affairs Minister Loiseau, Strasbourg's "Great-East" Region's Education, Research and European affairs' Committee President Werner, Academy Rector Bejean, etc, (See Infra), Highlighted mainly the 1st Priorities and a Time-Horizon, as things stand Today, at the foreseable Future.
The Ambitious Project, had been already Evoked at an "Eurofora" Question, back on 2016, in the Press Conference which had Marked the Creation, as a 1st Step, of the Franco-Germano-Swiss "European Campus" here (Comp.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eusciencecomissioneronchinaandeuuniversitiesgroup.html, etc), and even as Early as in a Press-point by f. Rapporteur on Science for Alsace Region, f. University v.President responsible for Research, Professor Michel Granet, already from 2012, but Discussed also from the Beginning of 2018 with Strasbourg University's President Deneken and Prefect Jean-Claude Marx, (who had a ...Premonitory feeling, pointing at Franco-German Leaders' forthcoming moves: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/strasbourgregionprefectoneuropeanuniversity.html ).
Meanwhile, it has Become a Key part in New French President Emmanuel Macron's EU-ReVival Project, presented at his landmark Speech at Sorbonne University in Paris on 2017, and probably also of his overall Project for the Future of Europe, that he's expected to Debate with MEPs Next Week at EU Parliament in Strasbourg, just before Launching (at the Vosges Mountain's Hights) the 1st EU Citizens' Consultation in a Long Series in the run-up to the forthcoming EU Elections of May 2019.

- Put Science Nowadays, at the Place of Coal and Steel, in the Beginning of EU Integration, could realistically Revive the European Dream, while History always Advances based on Necessities, stressed in Substance from the outset the New President of Strasbourg's "Great East" Region, (which Extends from Swizerland up to Belgium, and Brings Together 5 EU Countries at the Core of Europe, Together with France, Germany, and Luxembourg, by Sharing Common Borders), Jean Rottner, giving the tone.

"Eurofora" was Surprized to be given the floor to Raise the 1st Question among Journalists in a Press-Point organized just after the Officials' Announcements and the Signature of a Formal Declaration of Intent for the Creation of the 1st European University, asked, in substance, whether the Priority, at the Beginning, would be Integration at the Franco-German Core of the EU, or, rather, to Focus from the outset into Dealing with the Most Developed Science centers in Europe and the World, as, f.ex. in USA, Russia, China, etc, (the one, obviously, not excluding the other)...

- The First thing to do, naturally is to launch an Efficient Integration, creating a Common Organisation, withOut various Obstacles provoking Division, but f.ex. Common Courses, Joint Infrastructures, Planification, etc. But this is certainly due to evolve, at a 2nd Stage, in Joint Projects able to Succesfully Face Global Competition, stressed, in substance, in Reply to "Eurofora"s Question, the President of "Euro-Campus", Professor Hans-Jochen Schiewer, from the University of nearby Freiburg.

- The Franco-German+ Integration aims to create an Avant-Guard Able to UpGrade All the EU", since it acts according to the General European Interest, reacted, in substance, to "Eurofora"'s Question, afterwads, the New French Minister for EU Affairs, Nathalie Loiseau.

+ At the Same Time, in Parallel, Strasbourg University's President, Michel Deneken, speaking to "Eurofora", declared also his Interest to take a Leading Part in a possible realisation of the proposal made by new COE Assembly''s President, Michele Nicolletti, to create PanEuropean "University Networks" around Research on the Content and the Implementation of CoE's main Legal Treaties, as that on Human Rights, BioEthics, etc..
+ Nevertheless, When "Eurofora" started Asking the main participants about a more or less concrete "Time Horizon" for the real Beginning of the overall Project to Build the 1st European University at EU's Core, there were Various, but, in fact, Convergent reactions :

- Winfried Kretschmann, the Minister-President of Baden-Wurttemberg's Federated State (Länder), at Neighbouring Germany, Replying to a relevant Question by "Eurofora", pointed a the Need to Consult, at First, collectively the Academia, about its own concrete Preferences, and, the, in about one years' time, really start to move collectively. But, already, in the Meantime, there are at least "2 First Pojects", almost Ready to Boost, one including Quantum, the other Chemistry, etc., as Kretcshmann told us, (speaking also in the vicinity of NOBEL Prize Winner in Chemistry, Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, from Strasbourg)...
- F.ex., the Rector of the Academy of Strasbourg, (who represented there also the French Minister of Education and Scientific Research), Sophie Bejean, told us, in substance, that a very Probable RDV might be around the "End of 2018", i.e. just "Before" the May 2019 EU Elections.

- Because, inter alia, also Jean-Claude Juncker, EU Commission's President, has expressed the Wish to See the First Projects from European Universities to Start be presented for EU Funding at approximatively that Period of Time, she explained.
- At any case, "If they (Public Authorities) don't Move Fast Enough, then, it's the Society which will Start doing things by itself !", Warned, with Voluntarism, Francois Werner, the President of Strasbourg's "Great East" Region's Committee for Education, Research and European affairs...
Already, "Euro-Campus" brings Together 5 Universities around the Superior Rhine (Ober-Rhine) Trans-Border area, (Strasbourg, Freiburg, Basel, Kalrsruhe and "Haute Alsace" - i.e. Colmar+Mulhouse), with more than 15.000 Scientists, 10.000 PhD Young Researchers, and 120.000 Students. Without excluding a priori also an eventual Future Extension up to Luxembourg and particularly Belgium, (since the New Strasbourg's Region of "Great-East" was, meanwhile, Extended up to there too, adding also another German Länder as Neighbour by the way), where "the Universities are Ready", as President Werner spontaneously reacted to a relevant "Eurofora"s query.
+However, Science/Research are expected to Develop also the Economy, as "Great East" Region's President Rottner had already stressed Earlier Today, and, indeed, the Franco-German Regional Presidents Rottner and Kretschmann's Working Meetings didn't stop there at all, but fully Extended also during a busy Afternoon, as "Eurofora" found, Focusing, inter alia, particularly on the preparations of a Joint Franco-Germano-Swiss Mega-Exhibition on the "Industries of the Future" ("ZukunftsIndustrie"), scheduled on November 2018 at nearby Mulhouse, where Automatisation/Robotisation and Digitalisation seem to play the overall Music's main tune...
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ECHR's President to "EuroFora" on Journalists Gongadze and Adali murders : Principles must apply to all States, without discrimination.
+ ECHR's Statistics on Freedom of Expression (See below).
European Court of Human Rights' President, Jean-Paul Costa, questioned by "EuroFora" on Journalists' murders, as in Gongadze and Adali's cases etc., strongly stressed all CoE Member States' obligation to make efficient Investigations to find and punish those responsible, and underlined that ECHR's case-law's principles must apply to all without any discrimination.
His call was clearly supported by various Top MEPs who denounced a risk of "Double Standards" if some Journalists' murders are investigated, while others don't.
To avoid such risks, CoE's Parliamentary Assembly adopted a Resolution, on the occasion of Ukranian Journalist Gongadze's murder, "stressing", as a matter of general Principle, "the importance it attaches to the safety of Journalists and political activists, especially those linked to opposition groups, in ALL member states of the CoE". All "crimes against journalists and political activists must be investigated ... as a matter of priority, without political interference".
Costa was replying to "EuroFora"s question on the fact that, after CoE's Committee of Ministers, also CoE's Assembly had just adopted a Resolution on Gongadze murder case, based on an ECHR's judgement of 2005, asking a full Investigation from Ukraine, who has found and condemned in 10 years of jail 2 executants, but not yet the instigators.
While nothing similar was yet done for dissident Turkish Cypriot Kutlu Adali's murder, with 5 bullets shot at his head out of his Family's home in the territories of Cyprus occupied by Ankara's army, despite another ECHR's judgement of the same year 2005, and despite Turkey's claim that nobody was found among those responsible for the murder, and that there was nothing more to do..
In order to be credible and efficient, CoE's mechanisms shouldn't find a way to at least ask for full investigations of all Journalists' murders anywhere they might be committed, without exceptions ?

- "On the larger question that you raised, I'd like to say, since we are in a period of stock-taking on ECHR's 50 Years, that the Court's case-law developed certain concepts ....such as the Positive obligations of States, part of which are also the procedural obligations", started to reply ECHR's President.
- "Whenever Journalists, Lawyers, Defenders of Human Rights, or even simple Citizens are murdered, the States are held responsible, not only if its their own security forces' agents who committed these murders, but also if they didn't make sufficiently substantial and efficient Investigations", he stressed.
- "I want to strongly underline that we (ECHR) have found in many cases numerous violations of Articles 2 and 3 against States, ....(about) murders or torture, ...because they didn't make enough Investigations in order to try to find and punish those responsible".
- "We (ECHR) do that vis-a-vis all 47 (CoE) Member States, without any discrimination".
"Naturally, the circumstances in each particular case may be differend, and we can't ommit to apply the rules of proof, or the rules of criminal procedure".
"But we try, by all means, to apply these principles of our case-law, to all States", he concluded.

Costa's call was strongly supported by several Top CoE MEPs, from various Political areas
- "To investigate the murder of one Journalist, and not of another, looks like Double Standards", denounced the President of EuroLeft Group in CoE's Assembly, Dutch MEP Tiny Cox.
- "What is the reason ? Politics or specificity of a case ? Of course, if Cyprus and Turkey are involved, it's always a Political case"..
- "Murders of Journalists should always be fully investigated, because killing Journalists is not only killing persons, but also killing Free Press". "We (CoE's Assembly) should do our outmost to help People who are working on Free Press and they are under threat or murdered".
Because for Free Politics, Free Press is a pre-requisitive : Parliamentarians cannot function without a Free Press. Not investigating, is not protecting ourselves".
So we should investigate all Journalists' murders : We are talking about Gongadze, about the Cypriot man (Adali), about the Journalist murdered in Moscow one week ago, etc", Cox concluded
- "CoE can' look at these cases differently. CoE can't wear Blinckers !".
- "If the one is investigated, so has to be also the other. Why there wasn't full investigation ? Why's that ?", wondered British Socialist MEP, Alan Meale.
- "A good idea" would be to "make a Motion for Resolution", and "join all Journalists' murders. Adali and Gongadze etc", said to "EuroFora" EU Parliament Political affairs Committee's President, Goran Lindbland, ChristianDemocrat MEP from Sweden.
(See also earlier News at "EuroFora" on similar issues).
ECHR's Statistics on Freedom of Expression :
Almost Half of condemnations by ECHR for violations of Freedom of Expression in 2008, concern Turkey : 20 out of a total of 48 for all CoE's Member States.
Russia, Poland, France and Moldova were condemned only 3 times. Romania, Greece, Portugal, 2 times, and the other CoE Member States only 1 time, or none.
During the last Decade : 1998 - 2008, Turkey was condemned for violating Freedom of Expression in ..169 cases, while Austria only in 24.
France and Moldova in 14 and 13, respectively, closely followed by Russia and Poland with 11 and 10, respectively. The rest of CoE Member States had less than ten condemnations.