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Inicio arrow newsitems arrow Only Fake "Vaccines" + "Pass" Oppressive Dogma Cracks Worldwide !

Only Fake "Vaccines" + "Pass" Oppressive Dogma Cracks Worldwide !

Escrito por ACM

*Srasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- The Latest "Dogma" of an Establishment, striving to Impose the Claim that Only a Few Fake "Vaccines", added to a Controversial "Pass" or "Certificate" for so-called "Vaccinated" Jobbies, (in fact Still Affected by - and Spreaders of Infections : See Infra), would Chasse the Deadly Pandemic's Virus, Excluding Any Other Alternative, and eager to Brutaly Abuse of UnPrecedented Oppressive Means, Already in the EU or prepared in the USA, etc., (Strongly Denounced even by the 47 Member States Council of Europe in landmark Official Statements of its SG, and/or MEPs' Voted Resolutions which Warned Against serious Risks of "Devastating" Effects : See, inter alia, f.ex. http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coewarnsoneuvaccinationpassports.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pseudovaccinespassportstohell.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coeslamsviruspassrisks.html, etc), in order to Force the People to Obey to its Orders or Perish, Started to Visibly "Crack" Worldwide, as a Fast-Growing Series of Facts clearly Reveal !


- First of all, the Most "Vaccinated" (by Those 2 or 3 Controversial Pseudo-"Vaccines", in fact Human Genome Affecting novel Tools, directly Suppressing a Protein linked to the Virus' Replication, Instead of Stimulating, by an Unoffensive Copy of the Virus, the Natural Human Immunity System, as Always did Pasteur's "Classic" Vaccines) Country in the World : the UK, Persisted, until Now, into a Recent Massive "Explosion" of Infections, (while the Last remaining Public Health Protection, Non-Pharmaceutical, Measures were, nevertheless, Lifted)...  

>>> Indeed, according to the Latest Figures, at this End of July 2021, the Percentage of Infections Grew Up to 1,57, ByPassing Even the Highest Number of this Year, which was 1,36, back on January 2021, (according to "Bloomberg" mainstream Press Agency), while, Also the relevant WHO's Graphics continue to picture a Spectacular, Recent Massive Rise, (Including f.ex., Daily Infections such as 27.734, 31.117, or almost 55.000, etc: See Attached Screenshot) !


+ Meanwhile, also About 45% of the Persons Killed by that Virus Recently, reportedly were so-called "Vaccinated" aged People... And, in parallel, More than + 5 Millions of People were Already Waiting for a Place in the Brittish Hospitals Nowadays, with that Waiting List Risking to Bypass, Soon, even More than 13 Millions, according to the Brittish Health Minister, who said that he was "Shocked" by such Numbers.


=> The Situation, Also in several Other European Countries, which are Notoriously Following a Similar Controversial Policy, Evolved in a Likewise Spectacular Recent Massive Rise of Infections, according to WHO's Official Data, as, f.ex., in the Netherlands, Spain, Greece, etc, joined by France, and others....




>>> On the Contrary, Other European Countries, which Adopted Different Policies, (f.ex. by Adding Also Various Other Kinds of Vaccines, as Russian, Chinese, etc, Together with Maintaining Public Health Protection -Non Pharmaceutical- Measures, etc), more or less Succeeded, Recently, to seriously Limit or Even Stop the Virus, (as, f.ex., in Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, San Marino, Serbia, etc. : See relevant WHO's Grahics, Attached Herewith) !



++ Much More Spectacularly, so Different Big Countries, of the East and the West, as, f.ex., China and Australia, New Zeland, etc., have Succeeded to practicaly Stop the Virus, (Both withOut Infections or Deaths, During a very Long Period of Time), Even well Before Any Vaccin, Mainly by using Public Health Measures (Non-Pharmaceutical), which EnAbled them, Also, to, Meanwhile, Re-Launch their Economies, Obtaining Higher Results than Before the Virus... (China, as Early as Since about April 2020, Followed by Australia Since about September 2020, etc).




>>> But, perhaps, The Most "Spicy" Developments surfaced, UnExpectedly, in ...the USA itself, Country of Origin for Most among those Controversial Fake "Vaccines :

+ Indeed, in Addition to a Recent Massive Rise of Infections, almost As Also in All Other Countries, more or less Following that Controversial "Dogma", (Comp. Supra), with the Only (Significant) Difference that, in the USA, the "Right" Side of the Political Spectrum, i.e. many Republicans, Added to active "Leftist" Opposition Figures, such as, f.ex. Robert Kennedy Junior, etc, lively Oppose Any Imposition of Obligatory Vaccinations, and/or Sanctions Against Recalcitrant People, etc, Even "Socialist" current President Biden's Administration, Faced some Spectacular Facts, which, apparently, Convinced them to Take some Also Spectacular, Different Measures (From what They had, Initialy Scheduled) :

- Thus, Inter Alia, f.ex., Biden was certainly Shocked by, UnExpectedly, Finding out, recently, that Several Agents Working for the White House, and Even Inside that Presidential Building in Wash. DC, had been Infected by the Virus, ... Despite the fact that They had been "Vaccinated" !

=> ++ Immediately Afterwards, USA's Public Security Secretary, announced that All so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals Will be Included in an UnExpected Long Extension of a Total Prohibition of Any Visitors from Canada crossing the US Borders...

+++ Even More Followed Nowadays : CDC (the North American Agency Against Diseases) Published, at this End of July 2021, a special Announcement on so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals, Calling them to Return Back to the Obligation of Wearing a Face "Mask" inside Interior, Confined Spaces (Even in their Family Home !), as well as to Respect Public Health Protection Measures (Non-Pharmaceutical), such as "Social Distancing", "Sufficient Ventilation", etc., ...i.e. Reversing a Previous, Scandalously Opposite Announcement, of May 2021, that so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals would have been No More Required to Respect Any of those Public Healh Protection Measures (sic !).

Some Attempted to, at least Partialy, Cover-up or BeLittle the Important Significance of that Issue, by Claiming that this might have been Due Exclusively to one among the many "New Variant(s)" of the Virus, (f.ex. "Socialist" UK Media "The Guardian", etc). But, among several Others, even "REUTERS" Mainstream Brittidh-Canadian Press News Wire, Clearly and Extensively Motivated such an UnExpected CDC's Spectacular U-Turn, by a Series of Facts related to a Growing Recent Massive Rise in the Number and Areas of Infections by the Virus in the USA, (as Public Health Protection Measures were Progressively, Lifted)...

=> Probably the Cradle of the Matter seems to be, meanwhile, an Explicit Recognition, on This Occasion, by competent Top Official US Authorities, of the Fact that so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals using Those Few Controversial Pseudo-"Vaccines" (Comp. Supra), as a matter of General Principle, Can and Risk to Infect any Other People, Spreading the Deadly Virus accross the whole Society, Contrary to Real, "Classic" Vaccines ! (An obviously Big Risk, given the Opposite False Appearances, that "Eurofora", as well as French Professor Perronne, etc.,were among the First to Denounce in Public, Warning Already as Early as Since the beginning of December 2020, Before the FDA Authorisation of Turko-USA's BNT/Pfizer's Controversial Merchandise : See, f.ex., http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pfijfyjhjh.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/fdaandcontroversialvirusvaccines.html, etc).

++ Recently, Both in France and the USA, this became Obvious, Also, concerning those so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals, using Fake-"Vaccines" of the RNA kind (Comp. Supra), When they are found to be a "Contact Case" of an Infected Person : Recently, in France, (after a Too Hasty "News" by the Ministry of Health held by Controversial Mr. Veran, on Juky 20, 2021), Even the New ...Prime Minister Mr. Castex, himself, made Head-Line News on July 21, when he Declared, at a large audience TV, that those so-called "Vaccinated People will No More have" to Respect Protective Measures as "Isolation", etc., After becoming a "Contact Case" of an Infected Person, ...Triggering a Lot of Various Reactions !... Finaly, Other Health Officials had to Intervene, almost a Week Later : on July 27, in order to Clarify that, in fact, Even such so-called "Vaccinated" Indivifuals, in such cases, were Obliged to Make a "Test", and Wear a Mask InDoors with Other People, (Even in their own Home), Until 14 Days, followed by a 2nd Test... + A Similar Announcement was made also by USA's CDC.


>>> Such Thorny Issues inevitably Become even More Dangerous, as the Percentage of those Infected by the Virus, Despite having used those Fake-"Vaccines", (i.e., Currently Officialy considered to be "Vaccinated"), Recently Grows at UnExpected Hights, and very Rapidly : F.ex., in USA Califorinia's Los Angeles, those so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals being Infected, even Themselves, have Risen, from 2% of Infections on March 2021, Up to 5% on April, 11% on May, Arriving Until ...20% on June 2021 (i.e. X 10 Times More) !

By the way, that Period of Time, Coincides with a progressive Lifting of Public Health -Non Pharmaceutical- Protection Measures, too, (Particularly vis a vis "Documented" so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals, Even More in Europe with EU's Controversial "Pass/Certificate"), which, Obviously, Makes things Worse...

>>> When, in Addition, the Controversial COVID "Pass" or "Certificate" inevitably Gives to so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals, using Pseudo-"Vaccines" (Comp. Supra), a Dangerously Misleading False Appearance of "Immunity" and/or "Anodynous" character, (While in Fact, They Can still be Infected and/or Infect Other People), Allowing them, Moreover, to, f.ex., Touch upon School-Children, Alimentation, Healh Care, close Contacts with Fragile People, Promiscuity in Confined Places, (f.ex. inside re-Opened Night Clubs, Bars, Cafés, Restaurants, Cinemas, Theaters, InDoors Collective Meetings, etc), then, Obviously, CoE Assembly's June 2021 Strern Warning for a Serious Risk of "DEVASTATING" Consequences (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coeslamsviruspassrisks.html, etc), becomes Clearly UnAvoidable !

Such Factual Circumstances, make one Legitimately Wonder whether some Establishment's representatives are really Knowing what hey are doing, or if they Scandalously Commit Big Blunders, if not Engage in a Slipery Slope which may Lead  Towards Massive Crimes, when, f.ex., they Announce (as in Italy, Nowadays) that Virus' "Variant Delta"  Infections Already arrived up to 95% of the Current Cases on July 2021, But, Nevertheless, a Controversial COVID "Pass/Certificate" System is Due to Start "From August 6, 2021", (Opening them Access to Bars, Restaurants, Theaters, Swimming Pools, Gymnasteriums, etc), Even if, Meanwhile, among many others, f.ex. also USA's CDC's Head, just reportedly Announced that, at least in its "Variant Delta", the Deadly Virus makes No More Distinctions, in real Practice, Between so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals using those Few Pseudo-"Vaccines", and All Other People, who Do Not...

Controversial Tursko-USA "BNT/Pfizer" Pseudo-"Vaccine", (in reality a Novel ARNm Tool Affecting Human Genome), Promoters, After Notoriously EmPocketing an Incredible Lot of Money to Sell Their Doubtful Merchandise mainly to American, European and Other Countries, have, Moreover, just Announced that a "3rd Dose" would have Become Necessary, When their Product hasN't Yet Reached ...Only 6 Months (sic !), i.e. practicaly Pushing to an UnPrecedented kind of System that Risks to Require "New Doses" Each 2 Months !

Meanwhile, Their Merchandise would have, Already, Lost, Nowadays, a lot of its alleged Initial Potential, Degrading from an Alleged "92 or 95%" of Claimed Efficacy, Down to Only some ... 84%, (and Soon Even Less)...

+ Moreover, They Also Claimed that New "Variant Delta" of the Virus would Require entirely New Doses, ... While, on the Contrary, among others, f.ex., Even Russia's "Sputnik", and Mainly Forthcoming "Classic" Vaccines , (1 Soon Coming in Russia and 3 Already Existing in China, and/or Elsewhere in the World), Faithful to Louis Pasteur Model (Comp. Supra), Would, Reportedly, be Able to Succesfully React to Many Such "Variants", withOut Any Requirement for Different "Doses", etc...

=> In such Circumstances, Obviously, Inter Alia, f.ex., German Bavaria Federated State's (Länder's) vice-Prime Minister, and an 2021 Election Candidate for Chancellor as "Free Voters" National Head, Hubert AinWager's measured Critical Argument that, At Least, such a Few Pseudo-"Vaccines" "CanNot Solve the Problem" of the Deadly Virus, Since their so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals "Can be Infected, and Infect Other People", is the strict Minimum one may say !

+ Furthermore, Ainwaiger's reported Timely Warning about "the Red Line" that "the State Must Not Cross", is "My Body, I Decide for Myself. The Last Word is for Me", as a Human Person, (i.e. Excluding any undue Pressure or Imposal of an Obligatory Vaccination), Naturaly is a simple Reminder of an Elementary Bio-Ethical Principle, which clearly OutLaws Any Bio-Medical Intervention on a Human Being, withOut Previous "Informed Consent", (Contrary, f.ex., to what NAZIs did in Concentration Camps, with the Infamous "Dr. Mengele", etc), according Also to CoE's "Oviedo" Treaty on Human Rights and Biology/Medicine opened to signature by All Countries of the World since 1998.

>>> It's precisely Against Such Risk of Coercion, and/or relevant Discrimination, or Abuse of protected Personal Private Data, etc., Risked to be Committed by those Controversial "Passports" or "Certificates" of Vaccination, etc., that PanEuropean CoE's Secretary General, Marija Buric, from Croatia (2019-2024), and CoE's 47 Member States' strong (Russia Included) Parliamenary Assembly, (Headed by President Rik Daems, former Head of the Liberal Group of MEPs, from Belgium), have been Clearly and more to more Lively Warning and Denouncing, all over 2021 until Now, (See, inter alia, also, f.ex.: ..., + ..., etc).

+ In Addition, Both Ainwaiger and Many Other People have Notoriously expressed Growing Concern about those Controversial Pseudo-"Vaccines" possible Negative "Side Effects" : These Include, inter alia, "Astrozeneka"s Notorious Risks to Provoke the Death of several Persons throughout Europe and the World, from Denmark to Brazil, etc. particularl Women, even of Young Age, which has led to such a Deconsideration of that "Vaccine" that, f.ex., even Serbia had to Donate, Free of Charge, all the Quantities thatg it had bought, to Western Balkan and Other Poor States, while Denmark, Australia, etc. Stopped using that. Moreover, almost All these 3 or 4 Controversial Pseudo-"Vaccines" (Astrazeneka, BioNC/Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson) Revealed to have, Also, various Risks to Provoke "Thrombosis", Even on Young People, Thousands of which were reportedly Registered and partly Investigated f.ex. in the USA, etc.

Recently, the Death of Young French Maxime Beltra, the Same Day that he took a Turko-USA "BNT/Pfizer" Pseudo-"Vaccine", by an Anaphylaxy Shock, was Denounced by his Father as a result of "Criminals, in a Corrupted Elit, who Prohibit available and cheap Medical Drugs of Proven resiliance, (f.ex. the HCQ, etc), But Oblige to use a few " Controversial Pseudo-"Vaccines", "with which Pfizer made Billions €, that have Not Yet been Properly Examined", (so that they Abuse of the People as "Cobays") !...

=> In Consequence, a Legal Investigation has reportedly Started, on the circonstances of Young Beltra's Death. But Officials Already Claim that it would have Few Chances to provide Results, since the Victim would have Eaten "Peanuts", Bad for his Health, "Many (sic !) Hours After that "Vaccine", (i.e. from 2 p.m. in the Afternoon, up to that Evening)... Nevetheless, at least the UK has Excluded such Controversial Pseudo-"Vaccines" for all People who have "Allergies" !

>>> However, what Most People are Worried for, is the Possibility for such "Novel Tools", (which have Nothing to do with the "Classic" Vaccines, Based on the Invention of Louis Pasteur), to Still Hide some Other, perhaps even Worse, Negative Side Effects, that an Exceptionaly Fast-track "Emergency" Authorisation process in the USA, immediately Followed by the EU, could Not Yet Find out, Nor Study, during the Short Time Available, so that Most Users Risk to Serve, in real Practice, as unwilling ... "Cobays", withOut even Knowing anything about it !

* This is Particularly Dangerous in the case of Such "RNAm" and/or Other Novel Tools, mainly Based on Intervening into the Human Genome in order to Supress the Protein which Replicates the Virus, Because, as a matter of General Principle, "even a Tiny Modification of a Protein May Provoke CATASTROPHES", as Mainstream "BBC" Warned recently... And Many Scientists Already know that Several Manipulations of Human Genome may Provoke f.ex. Cancers, Sooner or Later, which might Surface Many Months or even Years Later, (f.ex through Controversial Artificial Procreations of Babies, as a landmak Recent Collective Publication in China, on Mamals, including Humans, Warned on 2020).

*** But, perhaps, the Most Far-Reaching Issue, (when People are Limited into Only a Few, Controversial Pseudo-"Vaccines" Targetting the Human Genome ny Atrificialy Suppressing a Protein, for the 1st Time in History, (Comp. Supra), and Even ...Forced to use just such Novel Tools, Excluding Any "Classic" Vaccin faithfull to Pasteur's well-Known and Proven Principles), might be a Huge New Risk, Highlighted by a Recent Discovery just Announced in Public :

 - By an Incredible "Coincidence", at the Same Time, Company "Deep Mind", (part of "Google's conglomerate : i.e. one of the Biggest "AI" Players in the World, as a landmark EU Video-Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Democracy + Human Rights, where "Eurofora" was Invited and Participated on July 20, 2021, stressed : See ..., etc), Boasted that it has Discovered how to Find and clearly Visualize the full Structure of All Proteins inside the Human Body, in Record-Speed Time !

>>> Proteins are Key for almost Every "Life Events inside Humans", (as even "Moderna"s Big Pharma co-Founder had Earlier Boasted in the USA) : from Tissue up to Bones, Nerfs, Bones, added to Chemical Reactions, etc. However, Until Now, a too Long Time laps was Needed in order to Become Able to Find and clearly Visualize any Protein's Molecular Strucure, (an obvious PreCondition whenever someone might Seek to Manipulate it...), f.ex. by X-Ray Crystallography, or Even at the ...International Space Center, where Micro-Gravity allows to Predict Big and Clear Pictures of such often Complex Structures, resulting into Big-Pharma Funding about 40 or 50% of Space Research, which are all Time-Consuming Procedures : That's why, Currently, Only about 17% of Proteins (among the about 20.000 existing in Humans), have Already Revealed their Structure to Bio-Medical Research. On the Contrary, from Now on, New "Artificial Intelligence" Technologies applied in that domain of "Big Data", Could Picture the Structure of any Proteins Very much Faster and Easier, having, reportedly Reached 35,7%, (i.e. More than the Double), Aiming as High as 58% of All such Proteins, and so on, Potentialy up to the Total Number of them, as "Google"s "Deep Mind" just Announced, (accoding, inter alia, also "NATURE" Review, "BBC", etc).

=> Inevitably, the Commentators to such Big News, Already estimated that this New Technology's Finding might have a Potential "Importance similar to that of Deciphering the Human Genome", (Back on 2000), But, also, that those who would attempt to fully Exploit it, Risked to be ..."Not Friends of Humanity" !

Indeed, in Theory, such Novel Tools on Human Health Structure, (particularly If Added to Generalized Compulsory and Repeated, Massive "Vaccinations" by Controvesial RNAm Pseudo-"Vaccines" Imposed to All the People Worldwide), Might follow a Dangerous Slipery Slope of Genetic Manipulations, (by "Gene Therapy" facilitated Since 2015, eventualy Affecting even Future Generations since a 2018 condemned Breakthrough, and/or Artificial Procreations of Babies, etc), sooner or later Resulting also in the Artificial Fabrication of Real "Races", an "Appart-Heid" of Living Creatures, and/or "Human-Animal Chimeras", "Human-Machine CyBorgs", "Frankenstein" Monsters, (etc), Provoking Horrible Nihtmare Hells, between HGWell's "Time Machine"/"War of Worlds", Aldus Huxley's "Brave New World", Mary Shelley's "Dr. Frankenstein", HGWell's "The Island of Doctor Moreau", Zamiatin's "We", etc...

+ Comming at a Moment when Even Open Interrogations about a so-called "Artificial Origin" of the Deadly Virus COVID-19, alias SARS-3, allegedly "Made in (or Leaked from) a Labo", have Recently Started to Advance far Beyond rare Personalities, (as f.ex. such of French Professor Montagnier, NOBEL Prize Winner, up to former 3 Times re-Elected Iranian President Ahmadinejad, etc, : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/nobelprofonlabmadevirus.html, + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/ahmadinejadonlabomadevirus1.html, + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/ahmadinejadonlabomadevirus2.html, etc), Reaching the Prestigious "World Health Organization" (WHO) at Nearby Geneva as an Hypothesis needing to be Better Examined, (already Since Initial, on-the-spot Investigations by an International Team of Scientists, towards the Beginning of 2021, and much More during this Summer 2021), up to the Latest China - USA Quarell, Nowadays on July 2021, about Alleged Need to Check Better the Notorious Labos at the Chinese "Wuhan" and/or the North American "Fort Detrick", (Not to Forget also the French "Lyon" Bio-Lab, which Helped Fabricate Wuhan, and/or several Others, f.ex. at the North of the UK, etc, such things Notoriously working Often in TransNational "Networks", ....etc),

=> Such News, Obviously, Raise Topical Questions about What Real Interests, (in Addition to the Financial ones : Comp. Supra), might be Hidden Behind that Astonishing Refusal, (rather : Brushing Away, withOut Any Reply, as if they had Not Seen it !), of some in EU's Current Establishment, to Take into Account the PanEuropean, 47 Member States-strong (Russia Included) CoE's Organisation for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law's, the Oldest Institution in Europe, Headquartered in Strasbourg, Crystal-Clear Appeals (Both of its Secretary General, Marija Buric, formed vice-Prime Minister from Croatia, Official Statement, and its Parliamentary Assembly's June 2021 Debate and Adopted Resolution, Asking to Prevent Coercion, Discrimination, and/or Violation of Private Date, etc., with those Controversial "Pass/Certificates" COVID-19, Warning (particularly CoE's Assembly : See relevant Resolution), that, Otherwise, all that Risks to have "DEVASTATING" Consequences ?  

=> Recent Facts on the Pandemic, Obviously form Big "Cracks" to such an Establishment's "Blunders", once Again Costing Galloping Infections and, probably Soon, even More Tragic Deaths...

>>> Particularly when, f.ex., according to USA's Latest Official Data, Not Only More than 35.000 Pseudo-"Vaccinated" Individuals are Infected by the Virus Each Week, while at Massahousets, a July 4 National Feast resulted in 900 Infections Despite the Fact that 2/3 of Participants were "Vaccinated", (etc), Throwing Down such Controversial Pseudo-"Vaccines" expected Protection Down to Only ...67% (sic !), *But, More Important : CDC, at last, Recently Acknowledged that such Pseudo-"Vaccinated can Spread the Virus, as Anybody else" !








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    EU Rapporteur on Enlargment Strategy, maistream German MEP Elmar Brok, speaking to "EuroFora", welcomed the proposal made earlier this week by French President Nicolas Sarkozy for the EU to"start Now Talks with Turkey to create a common Economic and Security area", instead of full Accession, at a period when Ankara looks more and more unfit and/or unwilling to respect EU conditions.

    - "For Europe to have strong Political will, it must stop dilutiing itself in an endless Enlargement. It must have borders...Diversities enrich, on the condition that they don't undermine European Cohesion, and don't weaken EU Unity", Sarkozy stressed.
    - "Countries like Turkey share a part of common destiny with Europe, with which they have a vocation to build a Privileged Relation, to be closely associated, but not to become Member of the EU"  : "Noone respects his friends by telling them lies. Noone respects his friends by making them promises that will be never kept", he added.

    That's why "we'd better start, from now, negotiating with Turkey to create a common Economic and Security area", Sarkozy proposed.

Significantly, the French President was repeatedly and largely applauded by EU citizens, 3 times, when he made the Turkey point, (strategically placed between Europe's "Political Will" and its cultural heritage, historically open to mutually enriching dialogue with all the World, but never diluted).

    - "We could propose such a great ambition also to Russia, which must not be percieved as an Adversary of Europe, but as a Partner. Thus, we'd create a wide area, of more than 800 Million inhabitants, sharing the same Security, the same Prosperity", he concluded.


    Sarkozy's move was anounced at the eve of a Franco-German Top meeting with Chancellor Angie Merkel in Berlin on Sunday, to jointly launch the EU Elections campain, after an EU Summit at nearby Prague, to launch a new kind of relations, called "Eastern Partnership", with neighboring countries such as Urkaine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, etc, (to which Russia, reportedly, is not - and does not want to be - included).

    As for Ukraine, which has already expressed her wish to join the EU in future, "Kiev will have a special place, and a very important role to play", replied earlier this week in Strasbourg, to an "EuroFora" question EU Chairman in office , Czech vice-Prime Minister Alexander Vodra.

    - "This direction is more Realistic for Turkey than Accession negotiations", reacted immediately EU Parliament's Rapporteur for Enlargment Strategy, mainstream German MEP Elmar Brok, commenting Sarkozy's idea for "EuroFora"

     Particularly "as far as it concerns the respect of EU Rules by both sides", he added, hinting at Turkey's now obvious inability and/or unwillingness to abide with EU Acquis, EU Commitments (fex. on Cyprus, etc), and European Democracy/Human Rights rules. (Comp. infra).

    Brok added that, in his view, a similar proposal might be made also to Ukraine and other neighbouring Countries, regardless if they have, or not, a "European vocation". This would not necessarily mean that there couldn't be any accession prospects at all." for all the countries that might be included in this area, according to Brok.  But it's preferable, particularly for Turkey, "because it's a more Realistic approach than full Membership".

    On this point, Sarkozy's proposal, (which he'll share with German Chancellor Merkel), seems more crystal-clear.


    - "Turkey does not fullfil EU Criteria, and will never fullfil EU Criteria" on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law. "Some have been lying to Ankara, but we must tell the Truth, and have honest and close relations with her", said meanwhile to "EuroFora" on the same issue also the President of EU Parliament's largest Group of MEPs (ChristianDemocrats/EPP), Joseph Daul.
"Hot" Debate at EU Parliament reveals CHANGE of mood towards "Suspension" of EU - Tukey talks.
    Earlier this week, many MEPs, and even some of those who were previously in favor of Turkey's controversial EU bid, strongly criticized the persistance and even aggravation of serious Human Rights violations in the country, that ECHR continues to "unanimously" condemn ":

      - "After winning a big victory in the latest Local Elections, the pro-Kurdish party DTP almost doubled its Elected Mayors from 52 to 98", but afterwards "more than 400 politicians were thrown to Prison and prosecuted" by the Turkish Authorities, denounced on behalf of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, Belgian MEP Frieda Brepoels.

     At the same time, "more than 1.500 Children are closed in Turkish Prisons", she added. "What will the EU Commission do" against these facts ?

- "Turkey appears to be at greater Distance away from Copenhagen Criteria after 4 Years of accession Negotiations, than when they started !", denounced on behalf of the Liberal Group, German MEP Alexander Lambsdorf.    

"On the central issue of Press Freedom, Critical Journalists face obstacles for their accreditation, others are prosecuted, condemned, fined and/or jailed, Media blocked or closed", he denounced.   

 - "EU Made 2 grave Mistakes with Turkey : To start accession negotiations, and to continue them", despite everything, criticized Dutch MEP Bastian Belder, on behalf of the Ind/Dem group.



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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