Did CyberAttack+Faulty "Study" of Group Manipulating WHO influence EUSummit on Virus to Drop Cures ?
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- The 27 EU Heads of State/Government were due, Today in Brussels, to Debate and Decide on their common Anti-Virus Policy, at a Notoriously Crucial Moment, when a Bigger than expected Return of the Pandemic marked Not Only a "2nd Wave", but, often, Even a Reversal of the situations in several Countries, with much More Infections than ever in the Past.
However, Astonishingly, they Spoke, mainly, in their Official Conclusions, Only for "Vaccines" (which seem, in fact, Delayed and/or with Security Problems), withOut Saying Nothing for Drugs to Cure, i.e. Therapies, (some of which, Already Exist, But are Scandalously Undermined) !
- At an "Off the Record" Press Briefing for accredited Journalists, given by 2 EU Council's Senior Officers at the Eve of that EU Summit (14/10/2020), "Eurofora" asked to Raise a Critical Question. It was meant to be about the Fact that EU Council President Michel's Letter (Dated 13/10/2020) to EU Leaders for the Summit's Agenda, Already, did Not Speak about Cures, Therapies, at all, But Only about Vaccines, repeatedly, (and the Same Strange attitude was strikingly Obvious Also at that Briefing, WithOut Any Explanation...
(+We had prepared, in Addition, also a 2nd Question, on Turkey, But Other Collegues, naturaly, raised something about that, Even if they did Not Cover the Key-Point that "Eurofora" intended to HighLight).
=> Suddenly, when the EU Council's Press Officer in charge Invites us to Speak, ...the Microphone at our Computer, apparently, does Not Work, so that Brussels, Exceptionaly, canNot Hear what is said from Strasbourg by Video-Conference (as usual) ! This is Repeated ...Three (3) Times, (as that EU Press Officer calls "Eurofora" Again and again, Also at 2 Other Occasions), Vainly, until Our Question has to be Droped.., (by what looks as a Sudden remote CyberAttack, as "Eurofora"'s Computer and Web Connections had been Working OK, Earlier, including at Previous Similar Video-Press Conferences with EUCO).
>>> This UnPrecedented Obstacle is so more Regretable that EU Council had Already Proven, Earlier, that it often Takes Seriously into Account, in on way or another, certain Useful and Pertinent Observations made by Journalists, if that may Help Ameliorate things...
F.ex., Recently, "Eurofora" had Raised 2 Topical Questions, on a Similar EUCO's Video-Press Briefing : (1) One on the Fact that the Latest Agenda Changes had Limited the EU - Turkey Issue into Only a "Working Diner", Contrary to EUCO's alleged Wish to hold a "Deep" and Thorough Discussion on that matter, (See: ...), and, (2) anOther, Challenging EU's real "Ambition" on Digitalisation, (See: ...). Afterwards, we were Glad to Learn that in Both these 2 Matters, Positive Changes had been Introduced by EUCO : (1) On the First, EUCO's President Michel Adapted the EU Summit's Ageda accordingly, by Starting much Earlier the Debate on Turkey (circa 4 p.m. at the Afternoon, instead of 8 p.m. in the Evening). (2) On the Second, as an EUCO Officer pointed out Later, Finaly, that EU Summit "Focused on Digitalisation", (i.e. Leaving the "Environment" component for a Next Summit).
+ But Now, on the Contrary, to Michel's Surprising Letter, and to "Eurofora"s Muzzling at the Press Briefing by a Cyber-Attack (Comp. concrete Facts cited Supra), is Added, also, a 3rd Exceptional Event, which Converges towards the Same Direction :
=> All out of a Sudden, after 6 Months of Dealing with it, it's Precisely on the Same Day with this EU Summit, due to Decide on EU's Policy against the Virus, that somebody inside the WHO, at nearby Geneva, chose to Publish a Report which Claims that ...All Available Drugs for Therapy would be ...Useless in efforts to Save Human Lives, (if not even Noxious) !
That Astonishing Claim Extended from "HCQ+" up to "Remdesivir", "Lopinavir", and "Interferon", etc., taken All Together... Since Lopinavir and Interferon, reportedly, had Not so Serious Ambitions, while Not Even Remdesivir's Backers didN't really Claim it Might Save Lives, (just that it Might, perhaps, Accelerate Health Restoration at the Beginning), then, it's Obvious that the Main Target was "HCQ+", whose Supporters Notoriously Argued about its alleged Life-Saving potential.
=> So, there, Once Again, it looks as if we were anew vis a vis some Familiar Shady Networks, steming from Outside of the EUCO, But Now Attempting to influence it, at this particularly Crucial Moment, when, following a Recent and Growing "Explosion" of Infections, More than Ever, EU Risks to Become again the Pandemic's World's Center...
>>> As a Cosequence, there are Many Legitimate Reasons to have DOUBTS vis a vis that so-called "Study", (from which Only a Partial and Preliminary Version was Published until Now, at a "Pre-Print" WebSite) :
- (1) - First of all, this is "Not a Study of WHO" at all !
WHO is a Global, International Organisation, with abut 192 Member Countries accross the World. But these Trials were made in a Group of Less than 30 Countries, which is Directed by a Committee composed of Rezpresentatives of 10 (Ten) Only Countries, (which have Not been Elected at all by the Total of WHO's 192 Members), i.e. a separate Tiny Minority !...
Among those 10, the Most Influential looks to be France... I.e. the Country Not Only of President Macron (who has shown that he Accepts to Discuss, even personaly, such Issues), or of Professor Didier Raoult (a Famous and Experienced Pioneer of "HCQ+" Cure, HeadQuatred at Marseille), But Also, (and, Most of all, as far as Bureaucratic Relations wih WHO are concerned), of Controversial Health Minister Veran : A former Assistant of Pro-Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos, even More Controversial "Socialist" Former Research Minister Fiorasso, (V., f.ex., inter alia, also : ..., etc), and, himself, Notoriously Harsh and Oppressive Adversary of "HcQ+" Cure, who has Prohibited Even to Medical Doctors to Prescribe "HCQ+" for themselves (sic !), Stopped Public Research on that Cure, Threatened to Probibit asap Even All Private, Independent Scientific Researches there (Many, then), and Pushed that WHO's Grouplet (Comp. Supra) to Stop also International Research on that Drug against the Virus, on Pretext, and Immediately after a "Bogus" Fake-Study, with More than +11 "Big Flaws", Initialy Denounced by "Eurofora"s Whistle-Blowing, soon Repercuted by Professor Raoult (thet we had Warned) and Soon +280 Medical Doctors from 5 Continents of the World, (etc), which Resulted into the Authors of that "Bogus Study" being Asked to Show and Prove their alleged Data, and, when they were Unable to do so, they were Obliged to "Retract" their Paper, (the WHO Also Lifting its Suspension of HCQ Trials), Concluding to the Famous, Most Important ever Scandal in Pseudo-"Scientific" Medias of a corrupted Establishment, that many Named as "LANCET-GATE", just a few Months Ago... (See, f.ex.: ..., ..., ..., etc). Moreover, Veran has just Faced a "Police Search" in his Home, after Judges Opened an Investigation on Collective Criminal Law Complaints lodged by Many French People, Victims of COVID-19 recently.
+ In Addition, France, (i.e., in real Practice : Mr. Veran's area, as far as Pseudo-"Medical" Bureaucracy is concerned), holds The Biggest Number of Researchers Associated at that WHO Grouplet's Controversial "Study", from Any Other among All the Countries involved... And the Coordinating Head of that French Team, is someone from nearby "Lyon"'s Bio-Lab, of Highest "Bio-Security" (including "Bio-Warfare"), which has Helped Build ...China's "Wuhan" Bio-Lab : at the World-Famous Original Source of this Deadly Virus (of UnKnown yet Origin, that Several People, including even NOBEL Prize French Professor Montagnieux, Twice Elected former Iranian President Ahmadinejad, etc., think that it might Originate from a Labo...), and largely Engaged into various International Deals, particularly with USA's pro-"Socialist", Barack Hussein Obama-related, Big Bio-Tech Establishment, but Also with Australia, etc.
>>> That Lyon-led French "Trials" including "HCQ+", had Already been Spoted as Designed in such a way that their Conclusions on "HCQ+" Cure, could not but be, Inevitably, "Catastrophic", (as several Scientists had Warned) !...
-(2)- In front of such Facts, it's even more Strange, AbNormal and Suspect, that this Who-covered Grouplet's Controversial "Study" does Not yet clearly Say WHO DID WHAT, i.e., particularly at Which Hospitals were EnTrusted the Most "HCQ+"-related Tests, etc.
=> Such Big and Surprizing Ommissions, and LACK OF TRANSPARENCY on several Crucial Medical DATA, (Including, f.ex., Most Patients' Health Conditions, the Ways in which they were treated at various Locations and/or periods of Time, etc), are, indeed, Excessive, Counter-Productive, and Blatatly Anti-Scientific, since, inter alia, they Practicaly Hinder any real Independent Check of their Veracity, Relevance and/or Adequacy !
>>> When, f.ex., the Authors of such a Controversial "Study" Merely indicate that the Data on which their Claims are Based, result from Many Tiny drops Scattered around ..."405 Hospitals (sic !) in 30 Countries" (re-sic !!), where "11.266 Adults" were Treated against the Virus, How on Earth could Any Serious and Thorough, "Independent Review" be done, in real Practice, by "Peers", Other Scientists, responsible Politicians, the Medias, competent NGOs, affected Citizens, etc., and by the Society at large ?
- While, as, f.ex., Professor Raoult recently pointed out, for such kind of cases of ill-treating "Big Data", it's "Not Enough" to "only say Whether a Patient took HCW+, or not", eventualy "its Dose" and "how Long", But it's often Important, Also, to know "the Follow-up of the Prescription", "the Moment when this was done", (compared to the Infection's Date), etc. + We should Also Add the "Precautions" taken, since Prof. Raoult obviously administers HCQ+ very Carefuly, to previously Checked Patients, as his Scientific Publications concretely show. (While, on the Contrary, this Controversial, Faulty "Study" speaks even about Deaths related to Heart Problems, withOut specifying if the Patients had been Checked, Beforehand, in order to attest whether they were in Shape to receive HCQ+, or not yet)... ++ Moreover, several Other Observers, Nowadays Criticizd that WHO-covered Controversial "Study" for Not Revealing most Patients' main Characteristics, pre-existing Conditions, etc.
-(3)- The Total Numbers of Patients Tested in that Controversial "Study", reportedly were almost 3.000 for "Remdesivir", and almost 1.500 for "Lopinavir", as well as for "interferon". But, Curiously, Only ...Less than a Thousand, precisely 954, for "HCQ" !
=> Why so Few, specialy for "HCQ" ?
On the Contrary, Earlier, Both various Mainstream Medias, and several Scientific sources, had Often noted that Most current Trials, accross the World, were (by far) related to "HCQ"...
How to Explain that ? What Happened, meanwhile ? Is it, Perhaps, one of the Negative Consequences, (as even US White House's Press Spokesperson had Warned), of that Auful, entirely UnJustified and Scandalous "Scare" that those Unscrupulous Adversaries of "HCQ+" had Provoked themselves to Many People, When they had Grossly Slandered the "HCQ+" Cure, by Falsely Claiming, Even, that, Instead of Saving Human Lives, it would Kill them (sic !), by alleged "Negative Side Events", (that they were, in Fact, Unable to Prove : Comp. Supra) ?
>>> At any case, one thing goes for Sure : With Only about ...900 Patients reportedly Tested with "HCQ+" in that Controversial "Study", it Obviously is, Comparatively, ...Too Small in order to Credibly Contradict French Professor Raoult's Team's directly Opposite Findings, Published Earlier, Based on as Many as about ...3.500 Patients, (and, at anOther Publication, Later-on, More than +5.000, retrospectively), which Notoriously Conclude at a Landmark Rate of Survival !
The fact that the First Claim to have routinely Added a so-called "Control" Group, (where Patients do Not take Any "HCQ+" Cure), in Addition to inevitable Problems of Ethics, (particularly vis a vis a Life-Threatening Virus), is Not Enough in order to give thel a kind of "Truthfulness" uncontestable Proof, Since Various Other Studies, on whatever issues, using such Control Groups, Often give ...Different Conclusions, (as also Raoult pointed out).
=> Have, some Unscrupulous Ennemis of "HCQ+" Therapy, Now ...Fallen Victims of Their own Past Wrongdoings ?
-(4)- Both US President Don Trump, (and the North American, wider pro-HCQ+ Movement), as well as French Professor Didier Raoult (Completing with "Z" Later-on), have consistently and Clearly Stressed that, in fact, "HCQ" Against this Virus, should NOT be taken ALONE, BUT TOGETHER WITH "AZ" (Anti-Viral), and Even "Zinc" Vitamin (to Boost Natural Human Immune System), i.e. the famous "Z-Pack".
>>> But, Nevertheless, Astonishingly, that Controversial, Faulty "Study", undertook the Heavy Responsibility, to Knowingly Restrict the Therapy for those Patients, to Only ...1/3 of the well-known, Full "HCQ+AZ+Zinc" Package, (i.e. giving them Only HCQ Alone, withOut Any "AZ", Neither "Zink" at all) !
=> This Big Fault is a Blatant Contempt vis a vis People's elementary Capacity to Understand things, Added to a Gross Disregard to Human Health and even Life...
- (5)- Last, but not least, the 1st DOSE of the Prescribed "HCQ+" Notoriously stands at about 500 mg at many USA Doctors using that Cure, or about 600 mg, according to French Prof. Raoult.
But, for that Controversial Faulty "Study", made by a Small Loby Hidden inside the WHO, (Comp. Supra), that Dose is Placed so Excessively High, that they doN't Even Dare simply Show the Number Clearly !... On the Contrary, they ...Whisper a uselessly Complicated Verbal Formula; apparently in a desperate Attempt to, Eventualy, Confuse and/or Trick Readers, by letting them suppose that everything would be just Normal...
Here it is :
- "Hydroxychloroquine (oral) : Hour 0, four tablets; Hour 6, four tablets; Hour 12, begin two tablets twice daily for 10 days. Each tablet contained 200mg Hydroxychloroquine sulphate. (155mg base/tablet : a little-used alternative involved 155mg chloroquine base/tablet)". [SIC !]
=> Did you get it ? ...4 Lines, withOut a Number !
>>> In Fact, what they mean is Incredible :
*** For the First Day their HCQ Dose is as High as .... 2.000 or 2.400 mg. (according to the Interpretation to give at that Bla-Bla), Instead of Just ...500 or 600 mg. for the Pro-HCQ camp (Comp. Supra), i.e. Higher than 4 Times More : X 400% !!!!????....
For a Comparison : Recently, a Counter-Bolsonaro Technocrat made anOther "Bogus-Trial", inter alia, Using ...1.600 mg. of HCQ.
>>> Immediately, the Pro-Bolsonaro Movement Denounced him as ..."Seeking to Kill" Innocent People, just in order to Snatch a few Votes by Fooling Naive or Ignorant Voters !
=> It's Easy to Imagine what it would Really Mean to Lurre Innocent Patients in order to make them Take, Not 1.600, But 2.000 or 2.400 mg. of HCQ, (Instead of the Normal 500 - 600 mg)...
Probably, that's why that Controversial "Faulty Study" Claims, by its Graphics, that "HCQ+" Cure might, (according to its Fanaticaly Anti-HCQ Authors), practicaly, ...Kill More People, than the Virus (sic !),
at the Same Time that Professor Raoult's Team revendicates, Thanks to "HCQ+" Cure, a Survival rate of ...99,5% !
>>> Neither EU Leaders, Nor Europea Citizens, their Health and Lives, should Not become Hostages, Traped by so Sly, Unacceptable Controversies, doubled with just anOther, "'Bogus" or so Grossly "Faulty Study", as those that we've Already seen, (Comp. Supra).
=> If (as Facts Strongly suggest) Such Scandalous Wrongdoings are really Behind the Latest EU Summit's Incredible Decision to Drop Any Mention to (in fact) Urgently Needed Therapies, Limiting itself Only to "Vaccines", as far as Europe's Anti-Virus' Policy is concerned, then, an Urgent Big Change is Obviously Necessary asap, (f.ex. with a New, Well Prepared EU Summit on a European Strategy against the Virus, etc).
Vaccines seem More and More Delayed, and/or of UnCertain Security, (as, f.ex. UK's "AstroZeneca"'s Double recent Deaths and Blockades, abudantly show, on September and November 2020 : +UPDATED), while, on the Contrary, the Numbers of new, Massive Infections "Explose", particularly in Europe, (f.ex. in France, the UK, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Belgium, etc) Needing Urgent Medical Help, (as People reStart Dying Each Day), that Only Therapy Drugs could provide...
And, indeed, it seems that an Important Potential Already Exists, in this Direction, in one way or another, (f.ex., for Prophylaxis, Mild Beginnings of Infections, or Serious Last Minute Interventions, Complementary functions, etc), either by Re-Purposed "Classic" Drugs, (such as "HCQ+", DexaMethaZone, anOther one just Announced at Lille/North France, etc), and/or by New such Drugs, (f.ex. Russia's "AviFavir", etc), while More may be, still, Invented, (by Astonishingly "Absent" Yet, but much Needed, Scientific/Technological Research), so that All those concrete Potentialities canNot be merely Ignored or Undemined, in front of the Urgency, no more !
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The High-Tech, brand new Crisis' management Center (CMC) inaugurated Wednesday by French Minister Bernard Kouchner, fits well EU's Humanitarian and Security-Defence aims, revealed a gathering of the largest Group of MEPs (EPP) organised in Paris these days, to prepare the debate on French EU Presidency's priorities (July - December 2008), that President Nicolas Sarkozy will present next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg.
Due to face a large spectrum of Crises : from Humanitarian (f.ex. Natural Catastrophes, evacuation of Civilians or rapatriation of expats, populations exposed to Hunger and/or risky Sanitary conditions, etc), to various consequencies of Terrorist threats, Armed conflicts, or of Peace-keeping operations, etc, and joining Geopolitics with Diplomacy, CMC is able to deal with urgencies in real time anywhere in the world, by concentrating qualified Experts and impressive High-Tech equipment (i.e. Giant Computer Screens working in parallel, Visio-conferences, Satellite connections, etc).
Kouchner stressed that "Humanitarian and Political considerations can co-exist in real practice, if each one respects its independence", and, speaking to EuroFora, underlined his intention to have special representatives in "Strategic" locations, creating a "Network", open particularly to European cooperation.
- "We must fill the gap in Europe's Civilian and Military capacities", declared earlier at Matignon, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, while EU Commissioners met with their counterparts among French Ministers.
This point was at the focus of European People Party's "'Study Days" in Paris, from 2 to 4 July 2008, entitled : "For a Safer Europe", with a central Debate on EU's Security and Defence policies, where EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering, French Minister of Defence Herve Morin, and the Chairman of EU's Defence Committee, MEP Karl von Vogaw, spoke before meeting with Sarkozy, Wednesday afternoon.
- "We need specifically European systems, including, f.ex. Satellite networks, etc", stressed the experienced Chairman Karl von Vogaw, speaking after the meeting with President Sarkozy to European Journalists from EuroNews, EuroPolitique and EuroFora.
- And there where "European forces are already gathered, (f.ex. in Cyprus, Balkans, Lebanon, etc), if new operations started, I'd prefer to see them under European command in Future", he added, in reply to questions on how to overcome problems raised by a 3rd Countries as Turkey.
Vogaw presented earlier, at EPP's plenary, a comprehensive Report on EU's Security and Defence policy, with a strong High-Tech component (including Satellites, UAV, protected Telecoms, Strategic Air and Sea Transports, Space assets, etc), sharp references to Political will and Historic necessities, while also stressing that EU must overcome the divide between Civilian and Military research and activities, making "a close cooperation between Civilian and Military means" a "specific" mark of Europe.
The experienced Top MEP, after helping to build the "EuroZone", as a long-time Chairman of EU Parliament's Economic Committee, has recently started to chair a brand new "Security and Defence Committee", aiming to build European Defence, as the 2nd task of his life, as he told earlier to EuroFora.
The Committee, chaired by Vogaw, will hear, next week in Strasbourg an Experts' view about on the French EU Chairmanship's priorities in ESDP on Wednesday, before President Sarkozy's plenary debate, exceptionally on Thursday.
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