EUParliament Com Head Duch to EF on Conference on Europe's Future: Waiting for Citizens ! UEF Reacts

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- In fact, the 1st Plenary of EU's landmark Conference on Europe's Future, due to Start Tomorrow in Strasbourg, in scheduled to be withOut the Citizens who will take a Key Active Part in that Novel Process, EU Parliament's Head Spokesman, and Director of Communications, Jaume Duch-Guillot, told "Eurofora", while a Top Representative of engaged NGO "Union of European Federalists" immediately Reacted (See Infra).
- "What's really New in that Conference is (EU) Citizens' Participation. While negociations between Politicians is a Familiar event". So, it's not a surprise that, f.ex., "even after an interesting Press Conference of Verhofstadt (EU Parliament's Head Negociator) in Brussels last Wednesday, we didN't see enough Media Publications...", he regretted."So, they (MEPs) didN't yet ask to prepare Any Press Conference for this Plenary" in Strasbourg on Saturday.
=> Because, "in fact, all are Waiting for those (EU) Citizens with which the Conference's proposals and negociations will take place : That's going to be the Real News, and I Expect, from that moment, a Growing Media Interest", the Experienced EU Parliament's Top Official on Communication and Head Press Spokesman told "Eurofora".
- Indeed, for the Time being, it's just "the Portuguese (rotating) EU Presidency who will Bring some Citizens" in Strasbourg's 1st Plenary, But, for the rest, it's an Independent Experts' Company which is currently on the process of Searching, according to Stict and Complex Criteria, to Find those 108 Citizens from the EU's Group who would be Representative to the Europêan Population's various Characteristics.
=> So that Their Names will be Known only "on July", and "the 1st Plenary" where they could participate might be somewhere "Between the End of September and October" 2021, Because "at First, they Need to Work in the Panels" of that Conference, which are due "to Prepare the Proposals" and relevant work "Before the (Next) Plenary".
+ In Consequence, (EU) Citizens' Participation in the Conference's Plenaries are expected to go on from October (2021) up to around March or April (2022), When the real Political Negociations with EU Parliament, etc. could Start", and, "then, we (MEPs) are going to Enter in the Substance" for the Final Conclusions' Official Report, he approximately highlighted.
>>> - But, "We Regret that the (EU) Citizens are Not Yet present in that 1st Plenary", and "that's Not a Good Signal for the European People's Participation, and that's Problematic". + Moreover, as things stand now, "there is Not Enough Time for Citizens, who participate in a Small Number, to really play a role during Only those 3 or 4 Months, if the Conference bas to End on May (2022)", Denounced to "Eurofora" the President of engaged NGO "Union of European Federalists" for France, Lawyer Ophelie Omnes, (who is Nowadays in Strasbourg for various Related Collective EU Events).
=> - "So that the Voice of the European People, either through NGOs and/or Directly as EU Citizens, Risks to Not be really Able to be Heard" sufficiently, she Warned.
+ "Eurofora"'s Project has Notoriously, Always, bee to Find some Creative but Serious ways to Use the New Tele-Communication Technologies in order to Allow, for the 1st Time in Contemporary History, in principle, for All 500 Millions of EU Citizens to take an active part, in one way or another, according to their Free Involvement, in the Collective Decision-Making Process, mainly by Expressing their Views and Wishes, in order to be Taken into Account, Before Final EU Decisions affecting their Lives and Soiety at large, Will be Chosen by the competent Elected EUI Politicians.
But, with Only 108 Citizens from the EU part (i.e. Not Chosen by Member States), among which 1/3 has to be Youngsters, while All of them are due to be "Chosen at Random" by a Company of Experts (sic ! ), such Too Narrow Limitations canNot really Stimulate European People's participatory Action, as it Should do, in order to Boost EU Democray Able to Back the Necessary Changes for Europe to Become a Sovereign and Autonomous World Actor !
=> In Consequence, to put it in a Nutshell, it remains to Seek a way so that, by "Waiting for EU Citizens" to Participate in this Conference on Europe's Future, (Comp. Supra), EU would Avoid an obvious Risl to be, in fact, ..."Waiting for Godot", (according to the World-Famous Tragi-Comedy of Irish Writer Samuel Becket...
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+ Ο Ρέν αγνόησε και πρόσφατα συμπεράσματα ΕΔΑΔ για Ρεκόρ καταδίκες Τουρκίας για βαριές παραβιάσεις Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων όλη την Δεκαετία αμφιλεγόμενης "υποψηφιότητας" για ένταξη σ ΕΕ (+1999-2008) !
>>> Η Εκθεση Ρεν ΑΓΝΟΕΙ ακόμα και πρόσφατα σημαντικά συμπεράσματα ΕΔΑΔ, απ τα οποία προκύπτει ότι, όλη την Δεκαετία αμφιλεγόμενης "υποψηφιότητάς" στην ΕΕ (1999-2008), η Τουρκία διατηρεί ΡΕΚΟΡ καταδίκες από ΕΔΑΔ για βαριές παραβιάσεις Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, όπως δολοφονίες, βασανιστήρια, "εξαφανίσεις" ανθρώπων, αυθαίρετες φυλακίσεις, καταπίεση ελευθερίας λόγου, υφαρπαγές ή καταστροφές σπιτιών-περιουσιών, κπα :
- Οι καταδίκες Τουρκίας από ΕΔΑΔ αυτή την Δεκαετία : 1.857, αγγίζουν το 20% του συνόλου των 47 Κρατών-μελών ΣτΕ, ιδίως για ΒΑΡΙΕΣ ΠΑΡΑΒΙΑΣΕΙΣ δικαιώματος στη ΖΩΗ (177, αντί 96 για Ρωσία, 15 Βουλγαρία, 13 Αγγλία, κα), για ΒΑΣΑΝΙΣΤΗΡΙΑ κι Απάνθρωπες/Ταπεινωτικές μεταχειρίσεις (204 καταδίκες, αντί 127 για Ρωσία, 39 Βουλγαρία, 32 Μολδαβία, κα), ΑΥΘΑΙΡΕΤΕΣ ΦΥΛΑΚΙΣΕΙΣ (329, αντί 193 για Πολωνία, 176 Βουλγαρία, 138 Ρωσία, 42 Αγγλία, κα), ΚΑΤΑΠΙΕΣΗ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ ΛΟΓΟΥ (166 καταδίκες, αντί 23 γι Αυστρία, 13 Γαλλία, Μολδαβία, κα), ΥΦΑΡΠΑΓΕΣ/ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΕΣ ΠΕΡΙΟΥΣΙΩΝ (446 καταδίκες, αντί 286 για Ρωσία, 270 Ιταλία, 241 Ρουμανία, 60 Μολδαβία, κλπ), κπα.
Αντί να βελτιώνεται, αντίθετα επιδεινώνεται δε μάλλον η κατάσταση, εφόσον αυξάνεται ο αριθμός ατομικών προσφυγών στο Στρασβούργο που καταγγέλουν στο ΕΔΑΔ παραβιάσεις απ την Τουρκία μεταξύ 2006 - 2007, όπως και 2007 - 2008...
- "Λέγεται ότι ο σεβασμός των ΚΡΙΤΗΡΙΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΚΟΠΕΓΧΑΓΗΣ θα πρέπει να ελέγχεται για όλες της Υποψήφιες Χώρες, αλλ υπάρχουν ΑΜΦΙΒΟΛΙΕΣ άν οι αρμόδιοι υπάλληλοι της Κομισιόν ΕΕ πέρνουν στα σοβαρά τη Νομολογία του ΕΔΑΔ, ή όχι !", αντέδρασε ο έμπειρος Διευθυντής Γραμματείας Ολομέλειας ΕΔΑΔ, Βινσάν Μπερζέρ (Γάλλος), μιλώντας μας πρόσφατα στο Στρασβούργο.
- "Πχ. πρίν από 2 ή 3 χρόνια, όταν αποφασίζονταν άν θ αρχίζαν "Ενταξιακές" Διαπραγματεύσεις με την Τουρκία, υποδεχθήκαμε (στο ΕΔΑΔ) ένα στέλεχος της υπηρεσίας Διεύρυνσης της Επιτροπής ΕΕ, που έμεινε ΕΚΠΛΗΚΤΗ όταν της περιέγραψα την πραγματική κατάσταση Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων στην Τουρκία ! Αλλ, από τότε, εμείς (το ΕΔΑΔ) δεν είχαμε καμμία επίσημη επαφή με την Επιτροπή ΕΕ γι αυτά τα θέματα.." "Ισως μίλησαν γι αυτά μ άλλους απ το ΣτΕ, αλλ όχι με το ΕΔΑΔ", τόνισε.