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Home arrow newsitems arrow EUHead Slovenia PM Jansa: Nothing stops Dialogue as EU Changes =>Bridge Difference by Common Ground

EUHead Slovenia PM Jansa: Nothing stops Dialogue as EU Changes =>Bridge Difference by Common Ground

Автор ACM
Tuesday, 06 July 2021


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- A Dynamic Plaidoyerie for Pluralist Dialogue in a Democratic Europe, between All Different Political Views, particularly via the Conference on Europe's Future, But Also a Firm Commitment to Bridge Differencies by Finding Common Grounds, was Highlighted at the Press Conference of the InComing EU President-in-office, Slovenia's Prime Minister Janez Jansa, following his Speech on the Priorities of the Sloveninian Presidency's Programme for July - December 2021, earlier at the Plenary of EU Parliament in Strasbourg, in a Debate with MEPs Together with EU Parliament's and EU Commission's Presidents David Sassoli and Ursula Von der Leyen, respectively.


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 Jansa has Already met with "Eurofora"'s co-Founder as Early as since the 1st Slovenian Presidency of the EU,  back on 2008, together with then Foreign Minister Janez Lenarcic, (Nowadays EU Commissioner on Crisis 2019-2024), and, Afterwards, Many Times during EU Brussels' Summits, (See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eustrategyongreeceshengenmediterranean.html, etc), as well as in the 2018 EU Summit in Salzburg, Austria (See relevant Photo, Infra), etc. Moreover, Jansa's former Communications' Director, and later Head Spokesman for that 1st EU Slovenian Presidency, Anje Logar, gave Exclusive Statements to "Eurofora" Published on 1/2008, before becoming the Current Slovenia's Foreign Minister for its 2021 EU Presidency nowadays. (See 2 Publications, then at "The Cyprus Weekly", attached herewith). Both had Spoken, then, about Turkey's long due Obligations to Respect EU Basic Principles on Cyprus, which is, Also Nowadays, a Topical Issue during this 2021 Summer, Still Pending more than 13 Years Later !...                 



- "All Political Views", expressed by Various Groups and MEPs, "are Legitimate and Equal", Because "they are Part of a Democratic Process through which MEPs were Elected to EU Parliament", Jansa stressed from the outset in the Plenary.

- Indeed, "Everything you (MEPs) have said here, is Part of a Debate that is Necessary for me, Even if we doN't Agree" on several points, he realisticaly added.

=> Therefore, "we want All Voices to be heard in the debate on the Future of Europe", Because it's "only on this basis will we be able to find Common Ground Ahead", Jansa pointed out.



- "Differencies between the East and the West" (as a collegue Journalist had evoked, in the Press Conference), "are Objective and Clear Issues here", he Acknowledged.

- In Fact, "there was Not enough Respect for Cultural Differencies, and this Resulted in Lack of Political Consensus", the Incoming EU President-in-office observed. (Apparently pointing Mainly at some BioEthical Issues, such as, f.ex., Homosexual Propaganda vis a vis UnderAge Children, etc., Obviously Exploited Recently by certain Shady Technocratic Lobbies in order to Push Towards Artificial Fabrications of Babies in Labos, at a Moment When Genetic Manipulation Technologies, including those Heritable to All Future Generations, have provoked Serious Dangers for all Humankind, as, f.ex. in Hungary, Supported by Poland and Slovenia, but also in Russia, etc.By the way, Hungary is Currently President-in-office of CoE's PanEuropean Organisation for Human Rights, Rule of Law, and Democracy, from May to November 2021)...

+ At one of such cases, f.ex. in a Recent Meeting of the "Libe. Committee" of EU Parliament, "I Participated" personaly, "Together with the (Slovenian) Minister of Culture", Jansa described. - "Unfortunately, it was Only a Video-Conference, and there were some Technical Problems which let No Debate to Start", and "I Protested". But, "the Chair Switched Off my Microphone !", he Denounced, (on a Committee whose Chair is Juan López  Aguilar, a Spanish "Socialist")...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - However, "All Political Parties in the EU Parliament are Equaly Legitimate, and Represent the People", he admitted, Despite "Great and Clear Differencies in Opinion".

+ Meanwhile, "Now, with the Conference on the Future of Europe" (See, f.ex. : ..., etc), "We (EU) have to Open Spaces for Different Opinions, and, at the End, Find Common Grounds", Jansa urged. Because, "If we Exclude, from the Beginning, it will Not lead to Positive Results", he Warned.

=> So, "on Early September, at least one Panel will have Discussions on Different Ideas. This will be the Beginning of a very Frank Dialogue between Various Political Forces" , Jansa announced Today.

>>> And "this Will Continue in the Future", because "Progress canNot be stoped !", he Vowed.



[Jansa with EPP SG Isturiz, pose for "Eurofora" at Salzburg (Austria) 2018 Summit]


- Meanwhile, he Skiped another Question, about his Party's continued Participation to mainstream "EPP", Mainstream ChristianDemocrat Party, of the Center-Right : -"Today, we are Not Dealing with Memberships in Political Parties", he avoided to discuss now. -"There is an EPP Congress on Autumn" 2021. But, "Now we are Focused on Priorities/Challenges that we have just Highlighted" for the Slovenian EU Presidency : I.e. : Resilience and Economic ReVival, as well as the Conference on Europe's Future, added to 2 Summits on Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership.

++ Moreover, "the EU Political Arena is Changing". So that, "the Next Term of EU Parliament Will be Different !", the Experienced, 3 Times Prime Minister, and 2 Times EU President-in-office, Prognosticated in fine.(Jansa, normaly, should have been Also a 4rth Time Prime Minister, after he Won the 2018 Election [See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/jansawinssloveniaelection.html, etc], But Slander from Opposants Scandalously Went Against People's Democratic Choice, then !)


 => But, "Slovenia Joined a United Europe in order to Be Part of it, Not to Split !", he Also stressed.

- "For the Rest, according Lisbon Treaty, We (All EU Member States) have Same Values, and there is an Independent Body where, those who wish, can initiate Proceedings, and it can find who is right and who is wrong. That's how I understand Rule of Law".

>>> At any case, "Slovenia is a Connecting entity : We are located at the Borders Between the East and the West, a Crossing Point between the Mediterranean and the Center-North, and shall do our best to Bridge Differencies by Finding Common Denominators", Jansa vowed.












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Brixen-Bressnone/ACM/10 August 2008


Pope Benedict XVI launched a call "in the name of the common Christian heritage" of "all Christians", to "immediately stop military actions", and "resolutely take, the road of negotiation and dialogue", with "Initiatives" for a "peaceful and sustainable solution" in South Ossetia.

It's with "profound anxiety" that we read "the news, more and more dramatic", on "these tragic events ..which have caused many innocent victims and obliged a great number of civilians to leave their homes". All involved must "avoid to cause more, and worse sufferings to the population", he said.



He warned against "more violent confrontations and retaliations, which may degenerate in a conflict of even larger scope".


To avoid this risk, "the International Community and the most inffuent countries" should "make every effort to support and promote .. initiatives" for a stable Peace, he stressed, shortly before his visit to France, where President Nicolas Sarkozy is the current EU chair.

"Together with our Orthodox brothers, we pray for these aims, and we entrust them to the intercession of her sanctity, virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus and of all Christians", he concluded.


Pope Benedict XVI spoke in front of more than 12.000 People during the Angelus of an Open-air Mass at Brixen-Bressalone (north of Italy), at the end of his short stay at the Alpes, close to German chancelor Angie Merkel's restplace, where he received the visits of two f.Italian Presidents, Ciampi and Cossiga, together with Minister Tremonti.


Pope's spokesman, Federico Lombardi, said ttesterday that he highlighted Brixen-Bressanone's synthesis, a peaceful and mutually enriching meeting point of many cultures, as "a model for Europe".






2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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