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Pagina principale arrow newsitems arrow After EU Parliament's Call to Drop Accession Nightmare, EU Summit eyes Cooperative Link with Turkey

After EU Parliament's Call to Drop Accession Nightmare, EU Summit eyes Cooperative Link with Turkey

Scritto da ACM
Thursday, 24 June 2021


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/
- Just 1 Month After an Exceptional Quasi-Unanimity of MEPs Voted earlier, in EU Parliament on May, in favor of Droping Turkey's Controversial and UnPopular EU bid, in order to Explore anOther Kind of possible Relationship, but Not an Accession, Unless there was soon a Big Positive Change in its Negative Behavior (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/mepsagainstturkisheubid.html, etc), the subsequent EU Heads of State/Government Summit in Brussels, ToNight, Adopted Official Conclusions on Turkey Focusing on a Possible and Conditional "Cooperative Relationship".

For that purpose, the June 2021 EU Summit simply Reminded Today its March 2021 Decision to be 'Ready to Engage with Turkey... in Cooperation, in a number of Areas of Common Interest".    

But this is "subject to ...Conditionalities", "established" and "set out in March" 2021 "and  in Previous" EU Summits. Most Important, it will be done "in a Phased, Proportionate and Reversible manner", EU Leaders Warned Turkey...

"in line with this Framework", the EU Summit "Noted", inter alia, also "the Modernisation of the EU-Turkey Customs Union", for which "Work at Technical level" has "Started". But it "Needs to Affress current Diofficulties", particularly by "Ensuring its effective Application to All (EU) Member States", i.e. Including Cyprus. Moreover, it also needs "such a Mandate" that "May be Adopted by the (EU) Council", (i.e. the competent Ministers), "subject to Additional Guidance by the European Council", (i.e. the Heads of State/Government").

+ "Also", "for High Level Dialogues with Turkey, on Issues of Mutual Interest, such as Migration, Public Health, Climate, Counter-Terrorim, and Regional Issues (?)", a "Preparatory Work" is simply noted.

++ The EU Summit, also accepted anew "the Financing for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities". But, for that purpose,  the EU "Commission" needs "to put forward, withOut Delay, formal Proposals for (its) continuation". Moreover, this Concerns Not Only "Turkey", But Also "Jordan, Lebanon, and Other Parts of the Region", ...withIn the Context of the EU's Overall Migration Policy", the Heads of State/Government stress, ...(withOut even Mentioning at all the infamous Turkish "Blackmail" of 2016, i.e. When Europe was Strangled by a "Tsunami" of 1,5 Million of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants Tresspassing into the EU via Turkish Smugglers, and Deadly Islamist Terrorism by Cowards Targetting Innocent Civilian People).

>>> On the persisting Turkish Military Invasion/Occupation of EU Member Cyprus' Northern Territories, and recent Warships' Bullying against its Energy Resources, the EU Summit practicaly Slams Ankara's Recent (April 2021) Rejection of Many UN SC Resolutions for the ReUnification of Cyprus, and its Provocative Demand for "2 sovereign States", Dangerously Fuelling Secessionism inside the EU, by Stressing that "it (EU) Remains Fully Committed to the Comprehensive Settlement of the Cyprus' Problem, on the Basis of a BiCommunal, BiZonal Federation, with Political Equality, in Accordance with the relevant UNSC Resolutions". It Also Ensures that "the EU will lContinue to Play a Role in Supporting the Process" for a Peaceful ReUnification of Cyprus "Under the Auspices of the UN", and "Regrets that the informal Meeting in Geneva (on April 2021) did Not pave the Way for a Resumption of formal Negotiations". Meanwhile, the EU Leaders Also "Underline the Importance of the Status of Varosha (Famagusta : the Occupied City-"Phantom", Emptied from its Lawfull Inhabitants, mainly Greec Cypriots, Maronites, Armenians, etc, Since the Turkish Invasion), and Calls for full Respect of UN SC Resolutions, in particular Resolutions 550, 789, and 1251", as a Stern Reply to various Turkish Provocations there Lately.

=> Moreover, the EU Leaders Denounce, as "Major SetBacks for Human Rights", "Run(ning) Counter to Turkey's Obligations to Respect Democracy, the Rule of Law, and Womens' Rights", particularly "the Targeting of Political Parties, Human Rights' Defenders, and Medias" there. "Such Issues remain ... an Integral Part of the EU - Turkey Relationship", via relevant "Dialogue", they Remind.     

+++ Last, bnut not least, the EU Summit "Expects Turkey and all actors, to Contribute Positively to the ReSolution of Regional Crises", since  there is a "Shared Interest of the EU and Turkey" for  "Regional Peace and Stability".

Moreover, it exists an "EU's Strategic Interest in a Stable and Secure Environment in the Eastern Mediterranean", where the EU "Welcomes the De-Escalation" during Recent Months, (i.e. a Short and Precarious Withdrawal of Turkish WarShips' Provocations and Threats, Against EU Members' Cyprus and Greece's Energy Resources' potential, just at the Eve of this June 2021 EU Summit). But Stresses that this "Needs to be Sustained" much Further...


>>> However, the First Turkey's Reaction, Immediately After this EU Summit, was for its Puppet in Cyprus' Territories Occupied by Ankara's Army, Turkish Cypriot Community Chief, Mr. Tartar, to Provocatively Announce his Intention to Go to Brussels Tomorrow, Friday, 25 June 2021, (i.e. 2nd Day of the European Council), in order to Slam UN Secretary General's Criticism of Turkey's recent Demand for "2 Sovereign States in Cyprus", which Blocked the Geneva Talks, Throwing to the Waste Basket many UN Security Council's relevant Resolutions for the ReUnification of the Island, and Contrary to the Crystal-clear and Stable Position of Europe (Comp. Supra), by Claiming that he would "Show him How to Square the Circle" (Sic !)....

Such a Move, Added to the recently Announced Erdogan's trip to the Occupied Territories of Cyprus, reportedly due to Deal also with Ghost-City Famagusta (Varosha), Mentioned at EU Council's Conclusions (Comp. Supra),

=> All this, Obviously, might Not Help, so much, for a Summer-Time Spirit of "DesEscalation", as the European Leaders stressed that they wish (Comp. Supra)...


+ But UE Leaders, once again, Immediately After Discussing on Turkey, chose to continue Dealing with anOther Neighbouring Country : Russia, where they Used anew Terms such as : "Selective Engagement with", "Dialogue with", "Partnership", "Association", "Cooperation with", etc.
This "Includes" Both "Conditionalities and Leverages". EU Council is due to "Explore" the adequate "Formats".

Relevant "Topics" could be, for Russia, f.ex. "Climate, Environment, Health, Selective Issues of Foreign and Security Policy, Multilateral Issues such as the ICPoA, Syria and Libya", added to "People to People Contacts", Support to Civil Society, Human Righs Organisations and Independent Media", etc. (Curiously, Space Tech. was Absent)...   
But, Russia is Accused for "Malin, Illegal, and Disruptive activity",  as well as for "Actions against the EU" or "Third Countries", (withOut Specifying), while the EU Council also "Condemns Limitations on Fundemental Freedoms... and the Shrinking Space for Civil Society", etc.    
=> This motivates EUC's Intention for "a Coordinated Response"... "Making Full use of All Instruments at the EU's Disposal", which should seek "Options for Additional Restrictive Measures, Including Economic Sanctions", again... (A Language sometimes seen Against Turkey's Warships' Bullying etc, But which ...Evaporated Afterwards).

In conseqhence, "EU Council Expects the Russian Leadership to Demonstrate a more Constructive engagement and Political Commitment", while also it "Calls on Russia to Fully assume its Responsibilities in ensuring a Full Implementation of the Minsk Agreements, as The Key Condition for a Change in the EU's Stance", (consisting mainly of Numerous Economic Sanctions).

However, it's well known that it was, Recently, Kiev's Ukranian Authorities, who, reportedly, Asked to Bypass those Minsk Agreements, (a Hasty Compromise, set up in Urgency in the Past, mainly in order to Stop a 2nd Victorious Counter-Attack in the Dobass by the Pro-Autonomy, Russian-Speaking Regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, which risked to Take over Even the Strategic City of Mariupol).

In Fact, whoever has seriously Examined what Realy Happened, knows that the Ukranian Conflict of 2014, was Provoked by a Non-European, Exernal Interference, (as even the Chinese observed), in order to Divide and Weaken De Gaule's "Great Europe", (particularly, Through those infamous Deadly "Snipers" who, Curiously, Shot against Both Demonstrators and Policemen at Kiev's Maidan square, in order to Provoke a Violent Conflict and Tople, via a "Putch"-like Brutal Reaction, a Peace Agreement, that had just been reached Between the then Ukranian President Janukovic and All the Opposition's Leaders, under the Auspices of 3 EU Foreign Ministers from Germany, France and Poland, for a Truce, with General Amnesty, a National Unity Government, and Presidential Elections before the End of that Year).

=> Apparently, to put it Mildly, some currently in the EU Top Jobs ...doN't Want for Europe to Reach Planet Mars ! (Contrary to what had been Agreed and Scheduled, in Coopertation with Russia, Already Since 2010, for the 2020ies, i.e. Now... On the Contrary, it's just China who Succeeded to do so, Nowadays - May 2021, and Now They reportedly Prepare, in Cooperation with Russia, even a Joint Lunar Base !)...

Compared to that, (and Much More, in Fact), it Obviously is Not at all Worthwhile, (Neither Glorious for a Realy Developed, Conscious, and Rightfuly Proud Europe), to eventualy Expect some Low Profits from a Part in Selling Low-Tech. Merchandises fabricated by Over-Exploited Syrian, Iraqi or Afgan etc. Refugees, Paid by the EU, to the Benefit of Turkey, which Notoriously gets from EU Commission 3 Billions € Each Year, as Full Grants 100%, (while Ankara has Both Provoked such Displacements of Populations, by Notoriously Helping Deadly Islamist Terrorists to Attack Neighbouring Syria and Iraq, before Openly Invading these Countries even by its own Troops, and has Already ill-treated, initialy in Prison-like "Camps", etc., many such Refugees, as well as Over-Exploited them, to Serve its Selfish Interests, Afterwards, in a Manifold way : First as Low-Salary Workers, when they arrive; Later as Political Threat to Massively Tresspass into the EU ; and Afterwards as Pretext to get EU Funds in full Grants}...

As for Even More EU "Sanctions" on Rusia, (Comp. Supra), while Turkey Stil Escapes with  None, (ibid), it Certainly isN't a Short, Precarious, and InComplete Interruption of Turkish WarShip's Bullying that might Justify such a Big Difference of Treatment by the EU, since Turkey's threat obviously Persists to Block the Peaceful Exploitation and Development of EU Members Cyprus and Greece's Energy Resources Potential, (Together with Friendly and Cooperating Neigbour Countries Egypt, Israel, etc), while, in Addition, the Huge Problems of Human Rights' and Democracy Violations inside Turkey, added to Ankara's even Greater Recent Provocations Against a Peaceful Resolution of Cyprus' problem according to UNSC Resolutions asking for the Island's reUnification, and the Boost given by Turkey to a Secessionism, Obviously Dangerous for All Europe itself, naturaly Deserve, at last, some real EU Sanctions there, as longtimes promised...

=> Otherwise, such an InEquality of Treatment between Russia and Turkey, will inevitably Raise Questions on Who really Influences the Government of the EU Nowadays, and in order to Serve Which real Interests ?









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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.

Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).

French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.



Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.

According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.

For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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