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Αρχική arrow newsitems arrow EUCom Head v.d. Leyen Admits EF was Right to Warn v. Hasty DeConfinement. But Therapy/Human Rights ?

EUCom Head v.d. Leyen Admits EF was Right to Warn v. Hasty DeConfinement. But Therapy/Human Rights ?

Έχει γραφτεί από ACM
Thursday, 29 October 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/-
Speaking at a Press-point where "Eurofora" was Invited via Vido-Conference, just After a Brussels' EU Summit on COVID-19 Epidemic, EU Commission's President, Ursula von der Leyen, practicaly Acknowledged the Fact that "Eurofora"s previous WhistleBlowing against a Hasty DeConfinement vis a vis the Virus in Europe etc. (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/hastydeconfinementrisk.html, + ..., +..., etc), was, indeed, Right, since it has been largely proven, Meanwhile, that a too Early, Abrupt, and DisProportionate Lifting of Measures due to Protect Human Lives and Public Health then, has Failed, (as We have Already Witnessed, Based on Many WHO Data accross the World, as Early as since ...August 2020 : See relevant Publication at : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/hastydecofinementflop.html, etc) :



- Indeed, "We (EU Countries) Relaxed (Anti-Virus' Protective Measures) Too Rapidlly", as we "Learned" after this "Summer" 2020, she Replied to a Relevant Question Today, Speaking side by side, Together with EU Counci's President Charles Michel. In fact, EU Must be much More "Careful" concerning any Eventual "Lifting" of Anti-Virus "Measures", she Found Nowadays.

+"Obviously, the Exit" from the Lock-Down, which had been initialy Imposed on March (After a strange Delay to Start Protecting EU Citizens : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/deadlyvirusheadstoeucore.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/virusriskbutnoeuprotection.html, etc), was "Too Fast" and "Too Much !", Von der Leyen clearly Replied Also to Questions at her earlier Press Conference in Brussels Yesterday, about a relevant "Failed Strategy" of a Hasty DeConfiement, given, particularly, the Higher than expected Number of New Infections, while Deaths' subsequent Growth is looming ahead.                

=> One among the Many and Various Precautions to be taken in such circumstances in the foreseable Future, would be, also, to Distinguish Between "Necessary Work", and "Non Necessary", "Reducing" mainly the second one, she suggested, inter alia.

However, Obviously, the relevant Issues are Not Limited Only to Confinement Measures, as such, But Also to adjacent Issues concerning Vaccines, Therapy and Prophylaxy vis a vis the Virus.

Curiously, However, at least Until Now, the EU seems More Focused on Vaccines (something certainly Needed), in certain Points even on Controversial, Potentialy Dangerous for Human Rights and Privacy, Personal Data Harvesting (See, already : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/trackingeupeopleafterexposingthemtovirus.html, etc), and/or on how to "Tackle", with so-called Counter "Dis-Information" Measures, EU Citizens' Public Debates at the World-wide Web about relevant Controversies, (etc), than on Therapies (i.e. Medical Drugs) and/or Prophylaxis; (Inclusing also Vitamins and Other, more "Natural" Ways to Face the Virus, as, f.ex., even USA's 1st Lady, Melania Trump, a Native from EU Member Slovakia, Recently Evoked, speaking about her Personal Experience after Recovering from a strange Infection, Succesfuly), etc...











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