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Home arrow newsitems arrow EPP Leaders to EF on Orban/Hungary+ : Unity in Democratic+Mediatic Polyphony, eve of 2019 Elections

EPP Leaders to EF on Orban/Hungary+ : Unity in Democratic+Mediatic Polyphony, eve of 2019 Elections

Parašė ACM
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

*Salzburg(Austria)s/EPP Summit/Angelo Marcopolo/- Salzburg U-Turn ? While some had speculated that the EPP might, eventually, push the embattled Prime Minister Victor Orban (See: ...., etc) out of the mainstream EPP Group, on the occasion of an exceptional Party's Summit in Salzburg Today, at the eve of all EU Heads of State/Governments' informal Summit here, under Austrian EU Presidency (July - December 2018), on the Contrary, Top ChristianDemocrat/EPP Leaders, speaking to "Eurofora", pointed rather at Better Results to the forthcoming, crucial EU Elections of May 2019, if even positions closer to many EU Citizens recent Feelings and Concerns could be heard inside a more PolyPhonic Music...

... alike to what the New EU President-in-office, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Symbolically chose to Play, later on, ToNight, before all EU Heads of State/Governments' Working Diner, precisely Focused on the currently "Burning" Issues related to that special Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants' Big "Tsunami" of more than +1,5 Millions People suddenly entering Europe through Turkey since 2015/2016+, including, particularly, the Massive Harassments and/or Bloody Terrorist Attacks targetting Civilian People, concerned for their Safety, (Comp., f.ex., among many others, also :..., etc, and See Infra).



- Already, Experienced EU Parliament's President, former twice EU Commissioner and Foreign Minister of Italy, Antonio Tajani, replying to an "Eurofora"s relevant Question, during that EPP's Summit in Salzburg, ensured that there is "No Risk" to Divide the Biggest Political Party in Europe, "just because of a (Controversial) Resolution" which criticized Hungary on certain points under discussion.



+ Followed an exceptional, recently announced, Press Point for Journalists present in Salzburg's EU Summit, including "Eurofora", by an Interesting Top Duo with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, as EU Chairman-in-office, and the Experienced ChristianDemocrat/EPP President, Joseph Daul from France, who Both stressed a Collective Will for Stronger Measures to Protect EU's External Borders, but Also to Cooperate with Transit and/or Origin Countries in order Both to Prevent and/or Redress such Massive Irregular intrusions, (Comp. also, inter alia : ..., etc).




++ It was later this Evening Added also an interesting relevant Statement to "Eurofora" by EPP Party's Secretary General, as well as Mainstream MEP, Antonio Lopez-Isturiz, in Reply to Our Question : - Yes, it's also true that, f.ex., Last Week in Strasbourg, during EU Parliament's plenary Session of a full Week, (See : ...), but also Before, as well as just After that, there was a Lot of Medias' Interest on EU's position about Victor Orban's popular political choices, particularly on that recent Mass Migration through Turkey :

Moves like this might also be a kind of Good Omen, in the run up to May 2019 EU Elections, since they Augment EU Citizens' Interest for such "Topical EU Debates", that "we, inside the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Party allow to democratic fleurish, while others don't", as he Critically pointed out vis a vis his "Socialists" competitors, (who had, however, "Urgently" organized an "Exceptional" EU Group's Office Meeting, Last Thursday Afternoon in Strasbourg, as "Eurofora" witnessed then on the spot).



Antonio Lopez-Isturiz, by a Topical Coincidence, was speaking to "Eurofora" Together with the Winner of the Recent Elections in Slovenia, former Prime Minister Janez Jansa, whose Party's MEPs were among those who Strongly Supported popular Prime Minister Victor Orban's poliicies in Hungary, at a recent, Controversial Vote in EU Parliament's Plenary Session in Strasbourg, (See : ..., etc). 

- In the rush, this EPP's Summit also Decided a rare "Family Photo" sequence, Announced at the Last Minute, here in Salzburg, while Victor Orban himself appeared exceptionaly smiling and reportedly agreeing that, after all, yes, it seems that Nowadays he's becoming quite Popular... - "And he Really is !", spontaneously told "Eufora" a Young Collegue Journalist, who appeared Thrilled...

- Meanwhile, Chancellor Angie Merkel and former Chancellor Helmut Kohl's well known Long-Time political Ally, currently President of the German Parliament, Wolfgang Schäuble, published, at the Eve of Salzburg's EU Summit, and sshortly after a Controversial Debate and Vote in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, precisely on Victor Orban's policies in Hungary and more generaly, a Rare Call to "Understand the People"'s current concerns, (including on "Safety", particularly after a New Series of Brutal Killings Targetting Civilians, by Knife-stabbings from Mass Asylume Seekers/Irregular Migrants who massively entered Europe through Turkey since 2015-2016, and, where necessary, even to "Revise Policies", (See : ...).


(EPP Salzburg Summit's PressRoom)

Salzburg's EU Summit, topicaly deals Both with recent Mass Migration Issues and BREXIT, which wass Provoked also by that 2015 Big "Tsunami" through Turkey, (notoriously Exploited, during that Referendum's Voting Campaign, by some Pro-BREXIT Politicians then).






+ Last, but not least : Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz symbolically chose, even in World-Famous Mozart's Historic City : Salzburg, near a Superb "Mozarteum", to Associate, in 2 Music pieces played this Evening for EU's Heads of State/Governement, in a Surprizing Move, also a ...Xenakis Artwork, from the Famous Greco-French Modern Music Composer, (whose often "PolyPhonic" works used to Stimulate, inter alia, also ...Strasbourg International Modern "Musica" Annual Festival, since the Times that we were a Young Student passionately attending such events, almost at the same time that Jean-Claude Juncker attended there CoE's PanEuropean Parliamentary Assembly's "Hot" Debates)...








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Pierre Pflimlin's visionary line : Honouring the Memory of the man who wanted to build Europe on the Mountains, based on Spirit !



One of EuroFora's best inspirators is naturally Pierre Pflimlin :

We had a chance to personally meet the dynamic and experienced former President of both EU Parliament and CoE's Assembly, France's Prime Minister and Strasbourg's Mayor, only at his 90th anniversary, during an Historic speech at the Council of Europe, exceptionally full of people.

But his energetic figure looked more like a youngster of 19 years old, eager to win the Olympic games !..

Visionary, 2P was, from many points of view :

His daughter, Antoinette, Artist-decorator, and Senator Jung, President of a group of friends, confirmed us an Historian's revelation, that Pflimlin had initially the idea to build all European institutions (EU Parliament, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, etc) at the spectacular heights of Oberhausbergen hills, with an eye-catching view of both French Vosges and German Black Forest Mountains, in the midst of a Forest : A real vision to create a brand New European Headquarters with a big ambition !

But, it seems, that "someone in Brussels" found that picture, precisely, too big for his taste, and threw a spanner on the works...

Pflimlin stroke back a Decade ago, at his Historic 1997 farewell speech :

He urged Europeans to find another, more substantial way, to lift Europe to more important Heights in Future :

- "On which basis can we imagine the birth of a great Europe ?", he asked.

"Certainly an Economic basis ! A solid market economy, meeting also the needs of social justice. A Political basis : Europe must become a strong Political Power, able to influence World's changes, naturally for Peace."

"But I believe that the essential foundation of a greater Europe should be of Spiritual nature : .... The great pacific Revolutions were Spiritual Victories" : They expressed "People's main motivation to live in a society with our Values of Liberty, Democracy, respect for Human Dignity".

"Then, the roadmap is ready : Yes, the foundation of the unity for a large Europe is the spiritual heritage, inspired by Christian Humanism and the Humanism of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, from which emerged a Civilisation focused on the Human person".

"Here is the task to be accomplished. It's very difficult".

"The Time approaches when I'll have to pass over the torchlight. God willing, this torch should enlighten the path of those who are going to build, tomorrow, the great Europe, marked by this Spirit".


(Extract from the Book "Pierre Pfilmin : Alsacian and European", 2007. Texts by Senator Louis Jung, by the long-time f. Director of Strasbourg's Newspaper DNA, Alain Howiller, and by f. EU Parliament's Press Director, Paul Collowald : See dedications, hand-written by the authors, the day the book for Pflimlin's 100th Aniversary was launched at Strasbourg's Press Club and European Parliamentary Association's headquarters, 13 April 2007).




2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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