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Turkey-imported Mass Irregular Migrants' problem Divides an Otherwise Successfull EU Brussels Summit

Parašė ACM
Friday, June 23, 2017

*Brussels/EU-Summit/Angelo Marcopolo/- When "Eurofora" asked French and German Delegations whether they had sufficiently "Coordinated" the Timing for the Press Conferences of the German Chancelor and of the French President on the Conclusions of this June 2017 EU Summit, so that European Journalists wishing to attend Both, in order to have an overall view on the Franco-German EU "core", could have at least some Minutes from each, successively, (according to a Practice which had Started some Years ago, after several such queries and suggestions), Nobody didn't yet expect what followed :



For the 1st Time in EU Brussels' Summits, new French President Emmanuel Macron, and German Chancellor Angie Merkel, suddenly Decided, at the Last Minute, to hold a ...Joint Franco-German Press Conference, (which, for "space" reasons, took place at a hastily refurbished, former "French PressRoom", traditionaly located Side by Side with the "German" one) !



But, these "Good News" for European Journalists, was partly OverShadowed by anOther, Different, and even More UnExpected, relevant Incident, (which, apparently, did Not depend so much from the Will of the Franco-German couple itself, but rather from a Wider Context : See Infra) :

 - Initialy Scheduled for around "12.30" this Noon, (accordng to the Official EU Council's Press Agenda, confirmed Earlier Today), nevertheless, this Meeting of the French and German Leaders with the Press, including "Eurofora", on the overall Results of June 2017 EU Summit, (the 1st to be attended by Macron), suddenly was ...de facto Postponed for an UnDetermined Time-frame, Later-on, Obliging a lot of Journalists to spend almost ... 2,5 Hours into Waiting, ... Standing Exhausted, at EU Council's corridor, in front of a Closed Door, (reportedly due mainly to some "Technical" issues related to Material Changes from a "Single" to a "Double" Press Conference's installations, Air-Conditioning/Ventilation matters, etc), i.e. up to, approximatively ... 15 H.!

This was an Occasion for at least some well-known faces of Collegues usually following the "Elysée" Palace events in Paris, to Complaint that, Recently, the incoming Macron's Press Administration would have Multiplied, according to them, several UnPrecedented Changes in the way various Press points were practicaly Organized, so that they'd often Obliged them, f.ex., to stay Out of the main Building's Rooms, at the CourtYard, until, finaly, this or that New Set up was completed for this or that event, (as, inter alia : the Weekly Pres-point on the Regular Meeting of the Governement, each Wednesday, etc), now Presented in a "New" manner to "Communicate", reportedly due to "Mark" a "Different" approach from the Past...

But, soon, it became Evident that, in fact, the Real Reason, standing Behind that 12.30 - 15H, almost 2,5 Hours-long Delay, was anOther, quite Different Factor :

- Indeed, while the EU Summit's 1st Day's Press Conferences took all place at an Unusually ... Early stage :  around 16-17 o'clock in the Afternoon, i.e. just 1 or 2 Hours after the Beginning of EU Leaders' meeting, to the point that, (added also to some other, also Unprecedented, UnWarned Changes in the "Security" Blockades around the EU Council's Buildings and roads, apparently not so well organized or communicated to Accredited Journalists this time), some, even among the most "faithfull", were, in real practice, Exceptionaly Hindered to attend on Time, on the Contrary, during this 2nd Day of Brussels' Summit, that Unprecedented collective "Waiting" Stand-up (Comp. Supra), was Too Long to be due merely to a simple "Technical" modification...



Inevitably Exhausted, the Numerous Journalists who were, thus, practicaly Obliged to Stand Up, Waiting for almost 2,5 Hours at the Corridor (Comp Supra + relevant Photo, attached herewith), - during which, even the Only available Snack was Closed, without any pôssibility to have any Lunch at all, (not even with a humble sandwich, since also the EU Council's Bar had been, in the meantime, exceptionaly ... Emptied from any kind of "normal" food, until its Late Evening closure !), except from a Brief refreshing ..Glass of Water, graciously offfered, once, by an "Elysée" Press officer - realized that it was the EU Summit itself which had been, UnExpectedly, Delayed, at this Last Part of its work, Postponing its overall Conclusions for Later-on...



But Why ?

Not even so Thorny, Serious and Complicated Issues as, f.ex., the recently Growing Need to Face Deadly Islamist Terrorist Attacks even against innocent Civilian People throughout Europe, or the Development of EU's own Security and Defence policy, as well as the Economic Situation, including several Free Trade Deals, the Fight against "Dumping", but also "Climate Change", "BREXIT" Negotiations' Start, and various Topical Foreign Policy issues, (such as, f.ex. : Ukraine, Russia, USA, Turkey, etc.,  did Not Delay at all this June 2017 EU Summit, which, surprisingly, Succeeded to End its 1st Day (Thursday) at a ...Record Short Time-frame, letting everyne Free to Go, already as Early as since 11.30 Last Evening, (instead of Prolonging it all up to, around 3 or 5 a.m. in Early Morning, as it used to be the case, Most of the times in the Past) !

On the Contrary, it seems that it was Only issues linked to that mainly Turkey-imported, Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants' sudden Giant "Tsunami"'s aftermath, (and particularly a Controversial Re-Distribution and Re-Allocation of such Migrants between all EU Member Countries, according to a mechanism which seeks to Oblige the recalcitrant ones), which Provoked, alone, so many Contradictions, that it practicaly Divided EU Council, Delayed it, and exceptionaly HIndered it even from Publishing the slightest Conclusion on that matter...

Indeed, (according to the Official "Remarks" made, and the "Invitation Letter" send, by EU Council's President, Donald Tusk, to the 28 EU Member States), this June 2017 EU Summit in Brussels had, initialy, Aimed to Start Responding, with Concrete Measures, to the 3 Main Promisses that  EU Leaders made to "Protect" the European People, at their exceptional,  9/2016 Summit in Bratislava (Slovakia : Comp. "Euofora"s relevant NewsReports from the spot, then, f.ex.: ...) :

(1) Security/Defence, (2) mass Migration, and (3) uncontrolled Globalisation, (etc).



* Thus, f.ex., EU Leaders immediately Endorsed (already from Yesterday Afternoon) a set of Measures for "Internal Security and the Fight against Terrorism", as well as in order to Boost "External Security and Defence", including, f.ex., to "Fight the Spread of Radicalisation On-Line", at the Web, "Thwart the Financing of Terrorism", and facilitate the "Inter-Operability of Data-Bases" for this purpose. After the establishement at Helsinki of a "European Centre of Excelence for Countering Hybrid Threats", A "European Defense Fund" (both for High-Tech "Research ", and for "Capabilities"), is due to be Added to a relevant "Industrial Development Program", while the EU launched  a "permanent "Structured Cooperation", and decided that "BattleGroups" 'Deployment should be born "permanently" by EU-Managed "Athena" mechanism.  

* This June 2017 EU Summit also fixed a 1 Year Deadline, for "Deepening, Implementing and enforcing the Single Market in All its aspects", (i.e.: Digital, Capital, Energy, etc). Extend and Reinforce the European Fund for Strategic Investment". Called for Action to ensure "a strong and competitive Industrial Base". As well as for "WTO-Compatible Trade Defence Instruments" (TDI) against "UnFair or Discriminatory Trade Practices and Distortions", in Addition to "Analyzing Investment from 3rd Countries in Strategic Sectors"'. It also "encouraged progress" in Trade Deals with "Maxico, Mercosur and Asian-Pacific region", while, in the meantime, Talks with "Japan ...pave the way for a Political Agreement" soon (etc).

* Moreover, EU Member States "ReAffirmed their Commitment" to the 2015 "Paris Agreement" in the Fight against Climate Change", and "Highlighted the OverArching Importance of an ambitious Digital Vision for Europe, its Society and Economy, with an Holistic approach", (particularly on the Occasion also of the Incoming rotating EU Presidency by Estonia : July - December 2917).


* Astonishingly, all these various Issues, related to Europe's strengthening and development, were Dealt with, almost as Scheduled, quite Harmoniously, and in a Record-Short period of Time, (Comp .Supra),

    while, on the Contrary, it's only ... on Mass Migration matters, that June 2017 Summit appeared deeply Divided, almost as Never Before, Did Not manage to Complete at all its Conclusions, and Provoked a Surprizingly, big Delay, Wasting a lot of Time, unexpectedly (Comp. Supra).

In fact, it's Not about the now Obvious Need to ensure an "Effective Control of (EU's) External Borders", in order "to stem and Prevent illegal Flows", with "Vigilence on All Migration Routes, including the Western Balkans' route", and "making Full Use of ... the European Border and Coast Guard, and other Agencies, "Training and Equiping the Libyan Coast Guard".  Neither of the "Key Objective" that remains "the Disrupting of he Business models of Human Smugglers and Traffickers", as June 2017 EU Summit's Conclusions stress.

+ EU's Move in Brussels came at the Same Day that  PanEuropean CoE in Strasbourg was organizing an International Conference, including UN Officials, on the Fight against Smugglers of Migrants : - "Smuggling Costs Lives !", reportedly warned, inter alia, CoE's Secretary General, Thornbjorn Jagland, an experienced former Prime Minister from Norway and Head of Oslo's Nobel Peace Prize Committee.

- Indeed, "there is always Progress on the Issue of the Fight against the Cause of the Flight, and the SafeGuarding of the External Borders" of the EU, because  - "We (EU Leaders) are very, very United !", as German Chancelor Angie Merkel clearly stressed during her Press Conference with Emmanuel Macron, (See Infra).                  

* But all that well Organized, Natural and Well Functioning  European "Unity", among all 28 EU Member States, who had just Succeeded, these 2 Days in Brussels, into Dealing quite Efficiently with Numerous and Manifold, Various other Topical Issues, from Terrorism and Defence up to Trade, Climate and Digital Technologies, etc., (Comp. Supra),

    suddenly was Undermined, seriously Threatened, and, at least momentaneously, Smashed, by the Conseqences of ... Turkish Smugglers' sudden Massive Move to brutaly Throw an UnPrecedented Giant "Tsunami" of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irrefular Migrants, notoriously Mixed up also with several Thugs, petty Criminals or even outright ISIL's disguised Deadly Islamist Terrorists (as many Facts proved), without any Warning inside a wholy UnPrepared EU, up to More than 1 Million of densely packed-up individuals and/or Mobs, from whom Ankara's Government had systematical Excluded Qualified Persons, (as an EU Report has revealed in Brussels, Leaked to the mainstream German Press), almost All Heavily Islamized, Most Christian Minorities (who are, notoriously, facing the Most Grave Oppression by Armed islamist Gangs ISIL's Terrorists, etc) having been curiousky Excluded from that Turkish road, (to the point that even Pope Francis, who Wished to Invite 1 Christian Family of Refugees to the Vatican, Tgether with 2 Muslim Families, when he visited the overloaded Greek Islands, was Unable to Find not even one (1) such Christian Family, and was Obliged to take with him Only 3 out of 3 Muslim Families, (as if Christians did Not exist in Syria, where, nevertheless, they Traditionaly represent about 15% of the Population)...

The Turkish Government has notoriously Exploited those UnPrecedented Incidents, by exerting a Blackmail pressure on the EU, until it got Promises for ...3 Billions € during the next three Years, a relaunch of Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, a claim for "Free Visa" Status to 80 Millions of Turks, (that would allow them to stay into the EU durng at least 6 Months each Year, whenever they like), and even a mechanism accordng to which, for any such Migrant Returned Back into Turkey, Ankara would choose itself anOther one, among the many "Camps" it has set accross its Borders to Syria, (known for their "permeability" to ISIL's Islamist Terrorists' networks, logistics, recruits, etc). So that, at any case, the Total Number of Irregular Migrants Smuggled into the EU through Turkey, would Never be lowered !)...

But Several European Countries, mainly the Central-Eastern EU Member States of the "Visegrad" Group, (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc), particularly after the Recently Growing Deadly Islamist Terrorist Attacks against Civilian People inside Europe, committed by various such Pseudo-"Refugees", or even mere Thugs, throughout Europe, (from Paris to Berlin, Munich, Salzbourg, Copenhagen, Brussels, Nice, Saint Petersburg, Manchester, London, etc), but even in the USA, have notoriously Refused to Yield to a Controversial EU Comission's mechanism for "Relocation" by "ReDistribution" of such Immigrants throughout All European Countries, (even those who Never had before any kind of "Muslim" Groups in their Land).

Poland, moreover, has been Shocked also by the Horrible spectacle of a Poor Polish Woman Atrociously Massacrated with a huge Manchette by a so-called Syrian Refugee hired at a Turkish Kebab Shop in Nearby Germany, (Reutlingen), which apparently belonged to an Islamist Fondamentalist Network, to the point that it made Publicity for ...Islamist Prayers (inside the Kebab Shop !). She was one among 6 various Victims also Brutaly Attacked by her Killer with that Manchette, and, after Critical Questions were raised by the Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister of Poland, while even Public Demonstrations were Orgabized by Polish People at the spot where the Bloody Murder took place.

This was, notoriously followed also by the recent Murder of a Polish Truck Driver in Berlin by an Irregular Migrant coming from (and soon Returning Back to) Italy, after abusing of the Stolen Truck in order to Massacrate Dozens of Innocent People at the "Christmas Market", before fleeing at his usual Mosque, run by the Turkish DITIB.

As for Hungary, it has already received More such Mass Migrants in percentage of its own Native Population, than any other EU Member Country, (since almost All of that 2015-2016 Giant "Tsunami" of 1 Million People crossed its Borders)...  

The Czech Republic, (which currently Chairs CoE's PanEuropean Organisation for Human Rights, Democracy, and Rule of Law : May - November 2017), had Earlier accepted 12 such Mass Migrants, who had arrived in Europe at Greece through Turkey. But, after that Experience, Prague refused to receive not even one (1) more of the same, reportedly prefering to eventualy pay a Fine !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
As for Slovakia, its Prime Minister, Robert Fico, inter alia, had reportedly Warned that if Groups ofradicaly Islamized Mass Migrants from Turkey enter the Country, they will be soon Asking to have also a Muslim Mosque there, so that, soon, even a over-Millenary Christian State would have Problems also from a Fast-Growing and Troublesome Muslim Minority hastily imported from the Turkish Borders close to areas controlled by various Islamist Armed Gangs until the Recent Advances of the Syrian Army. When Slovaks asked to Welcome, instead, some Christian Refugees from Syria, they Faced a Refusal, (since Not even the Pope himself wasN't able to find at least 1 Christian Refugee Family there : Comp. Supra). 


+ Curiously, instead of Thanking at least those Visegrad (particularly Hungary) and Western Balkan FrontLine Countries (as FYROM, etc), which managed to, at last, Stop an Otherwise irresistible, UnPrecedented sudden Giant "Tsunami" unleashed against Europe through Turkey, i.e. succeeded, in fact, to Protect Europe by taking Control of their Borders without any Help, (See UN - IMO relevant Data, for the 1st Time revealed by "Eurofora", as early as, already since May 2016 : f.ex. .....), on the Contrary, some parts of the Establishment didn't find anything better to do than to Threaten and even Attack these European Countries still Resisting to Forced Islamization, by pushing, recently, to launch a series of Legal Prosecutions to the Courts against them...

- "I Warned" them, "They didn't Believe it". But,"now they can see it", soberly observed EU Commission's President Juncker, only 2 Days ago in Brussels, speaking on the sidelines of an EU Parliaments' High-Level Conference on Migration management, to Journalists, including "Eurofora", (See:....) ....


+ So, instead of speaking about High-Tech, Satellite or other Space Exploration Modern and Ambitious Technologies, a Decisive European, brand New Initiative on Strategic TeleCommunications and/or other Innovative Digital Technologies, etc., (or, at least, searhing to find how to Protect European People from even more Islamist Terrorists' Deadly Attacks, which persisted even recently),

on the Contrary, this EU Summit of June 2017 suddenly started to Lose Time and Energy in a long and counter-productive Dispute, attempting to exert Pressure on Central-Eastern European Countries, where, in Fact, it all boiled down into the Question whether, or not, even More Muslim Mosques should be built, mostly for the 1st Time, in ..."Mittel - Europa",
probably Funded by Foreign States, such as, f.ex, ...Qatar, (that even Arab Countries, as Egypt, Jordany, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, etc., have just Denounced as Accomplice to Terrorism, and New USA President Don Trump Criticized for Funding Islamist Radicalisation and Hate, even Islamist Terrorism !)  

Like, f.ex., that Strasbourg' Western Suburbs' new Mosque, (that Qatar decided to Fund just after the "Charlie Hebdo" Massacre of critical Journalists in Paris, January 2015 !), recently inaugurated on May 2017 by an out-going "Socialist" Mayor... Perhaps, in order to make ...Competition to that Other, Saudi Arabia - Funded Mosque in ...Brussels, astonishingly Near the Top EU Institutions at Schuman Square, (mainly EU Commission, but also EU Council, etc), where "New York Times" reported at least one Deadly Islamist Terrorist recently ?

Isn't really a Pity that Europe was almost Divided into Opposite Camps, and Quarelled these Days, over such Issues,

instead, f.ex. to Inspire itself, united, from the pré-existing, Positive Example of Spain and Morocco, (Geopolitical "Bridge" between Europe and Africa), which have notoriously succeeded, all this Time, to keep Mass Irregular Migrants far Away from Tresspassing into Europe, (and quite Safe, away from Smugglers' shaky Boats which already killed a lot of People trying desperately to cross the Mediterranean, for Italy, or the Aegean, for Greece, etc) ?

Paradoxically, at least until now, it's only ...Turkey who got more than 3 Billions € per Year from the EU, in relation with that Mass Irregular Migratio of 2O15-2016, while, on the Contrary, almost Nothing Similar wasN't yet given to the Well-Functioning Spain-Morocco, pre-existing Positive example...

However, it would be much "Better" if EU helped to Keep the Mass irregular Migrants from the African continent, usefuly occupied, somewhere around "here", told recently "Eurofora" a Morocco delegate at the CoE in Strasbourg. _ "I think that we could do it"...


But, instead of Focusing, all Together, into a concerted EU effort to Help Neighouring Countries keep irregular Mass Migrants closer to their Homeland and Cultural space (Comp. Supra), while also Protecting EU's External Borders, and starting really to Rectify the Harm provoked by that sudden, unprecedented, Giant "Tsunami" through Turkey, since back on 2015-2016,

    on the Contrary, the Divisions between EU Member States, provoked by that latter fact, appeared quite Hard during this June 2017 EU Summit in Brussels...

The Quarrel, notoriously Started to emerge in Public by an Exceptional INTW that Macron gave to 6 or 7 Traditional Newspapers, (as his Press Attachés had informed also "Eurofora"), in which, he made a very "Hot" Criticism of the Recalcitrant EU Member Countries, accused, inter alia, for "chery-picking" among EU's various aspects, as if it was "a Super-Market", taking EU "Money" but droping some EU "Values", etc., in line, and even Harder than his known stance asking from all Central-Eastern EU Countries to apply all EU Rules, including on the Controversial issue of Migrants' "ReLocation", etc.

Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, reportedly replied that Macron was "a Newbie" in EU Summits, wrongly believing that he could "kick" on Central-Eastern EU Member States, and found that this was a "deception". Polish Prime Minister, Beata Szydlo, reportedly found that Macron would feel an "Antipathy" vis a  vis Central-Eastern Europe, and invited him to focus on "Facts", instead, calling for a Meeting between the New French President and the "Visegrad" Countries, which took place briefly, Earlier Today Morning.

All this led to a reported Break, during Friday's EU Summit's working session, which restarted Later-on, provoking the above-mentioned 2,5 Hours unexpected Delay (Comp. Supra), but also a "Blank" amidst this June 2017 Summit's official Conclusions :


    - "Unfortunately, we have Not made Any progress on the issue of reDistribution (of Migrants) within the EU", acknowledged  the German Chancellor Angie Merkel, in Reply to a relevant Question, during Today's Joint Press Conference in Brussels, on the Conclusions of the latest EU Summit. .

    - "It was clear that we (the EU Summit of June 2017)  Could Not achieve Any progress", on this notoriously Disputed matter, she observed.

    - According to "My Vision of Europe", we should "sit Together at a Table", putting ourselves in the Situation of the Others, and "Find Compromises", Merkel soberly suggested.




In this regard, even if she spoke about "Solidarity", and reiterated her favorite reference to EU "Values", (earlier made also by Macron), Nevertheless, she ddn't say anything about Coercion.



- Macron was much More Critical  - "We (EU Council) Failed" to see "always Solidarity and Responsibility in Europe... There was No Balance ... in the area of ... Migration", he Denounced. "I am Not sure" that "we had always enough Solidarity". And, "from this ImBalance, the Doubt has been born", in his view.

- Even "France did Not act very Gloriously", he acknowledged. But "this is a Symptom of ...the Fact that we have 10% of UnEmployment", Macron pointed out.

>>> - "From that time on, there was a Lack of Solidarity to Distribute the Burden. That's a fact", he stressed.

- Therefore, "what we are Working on Today is to achieve a real Solidarity, a real Responsibility... for these Refugee Flows", Macron concluded on this point, Highlighting but Not Repeating here (at least Not Explicitly) some Harsh Words previously launched against those EU Member Countries which are Recalcitrant to a Controversial, Imposed "ReDistribution" mechanism, (Comp. Supra), any reference to which, was, finaly, ommitted in EU Summit's Conclusions.


+ But, when he vas Specificaly Questioned about the fact that, "with Other EU Leaders - f.ex. the Poles", he had "Not Hesitated to make things Very Clear, and Say that they are Turning their Backs on EU Values", as Macron had reportedly Accused them to do, in a joint Interview to "Figaro" and some Other Countries' Newspapers Earlier, (Comp. Supra), he did Not Deny that, (even if he did Not Repeat Explicitly similar Harsh Words, No More :

 - "Regarding the Interview you have mentioned, ... I stand behind my statements, just as I said", Macron insisted.

 -   Since "I've seen what the (EU) Commission itself has said : It has Triggered a Procedure against Infringement", (allegedly made by Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, etc). Because "Statements were made, that are Not on our (EU) line, and which are also likely to Trigger a Breach of (EU) Treaty", he Denounced.

    He was refering to the Legal Procedures against "Visegrad" Group Countries of Central-Eastern Europe, that EU Commission's President Juncker evoked Wednesday Evening, during a Press Conference in EU Parliament, by Simply saying : - "I had Warned them. They did Not Believe me. But Now they can See it"...

     -  "I have seen the Viségrad States this Morning", added now Macron. - "We have defined points where we have a Difference, and where we will Continue to see an Exchange, in order to see and understand how one or the other is, and which are the constraints", ....We can have quite Different opinions on certain topics and values ​​....Nevertheless, we can continue to Work ....to Reduce the Differences", he concluded.


    => Finally, the June 2017 EU Summit's Conclusions, on the Chapter regarding "Migration", do Not even Mention that Controversial obligatory "Re-Location" schema...

    - EU Countries' Leaders simply "invited" EU "Commission ... to Explore possible solutions to Alleviate the Burden on Frontline Member States", in a way Open also to Various Other possibilities in the foreseable Future, according to the Official Text.

     + However, EU Parliament's New President, Antonio Tajani, official proposal, made Yesterday to EU Council, for the "Creation of Reception Centres", f.ex. "South of the Sahara", to "guarantee the Safety of Migrants", "provide Medical care, Water and Food", as well as "Properly apply the rules on Asylum and ReAdmission", (i.e. something which could, obviously, be duplicated also to South-Eastern Turkey, etc), at least for the moment, apparently fell also Victim to that Division among EU Leaders on the crucial Issue of how to Tackle Mass Irregular Migration, since Nothing similar exists in EU Council's Conclusions.        

Similarly for EU Parliament's suggestion to "Build a New Partnership with Africa", including "on Major Opportunities for Growth in that Continent" : A point which was made, Recently, at the G7 Summit's Conclusions in Taormina (Italy), and suggested Nowadays by Tajani also for the EU Council, but was Ommitted Today, perhaps also because it might be taken over by the Forthcoming "G 20" Summit in Hambourg (Germany), on July 2017.


+ Meanwhile, however, new US President Don Trump, will visit Poland, at the Eve of that "G20" Summit, where he will also participate actively to a special Meeting with the "Visegrad" and Other EU Member Countries, making a keynote Speech which is due to be "very Important", according to the Press service of the "White House" ...




("DraftNews", as already send to "Eurofora" Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be published asap).

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    - "Europe must be liberated from this undermining "wooden talk" of a "unique thought" which hampers democratic debates", stressed incoming EU Chairman, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking to Journalists after his official meeting with EU Commission's President, Jose Barroso, at Elysee Palace in Paris

    - "It's precisely because there are not enough Debates, that EU hasn't managed yet to make it clear to European citizens what is really at stake", he added, in an obvious reference to the latest Irish "No" in 2008, after a long series of similar, unprecedented events, from the 1st Majority Abstention to EU Parliament's Elections in 1999, repeated in 2004, to the Dutch and French "No" in 2005, etc.

          In fact, "there is no time to lose for Europe, and that's why we decided to start the French EU Presidency right away, from the first day", he explained, on France's exceptional choice to schedule the usual meeting with EU Commission from the 1st day of the 1st month, instead of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th or even 10th or 11th, as it had been done by others in the Past..    

    - "This is not an easy period, but we shall act with determination, while also listening to Citizens' views", he promised.

    Sarkozy's move came shortly before his opening Speech, next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, for the first Public Debate on the Priorities of the French EU Presidency (July - December 2008), and that's one of the reasons for which he significantly opened his EU Council's Chairmanship by welcoming at Elysee palace EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering at first..

    The incoming EU Chairman was replying to Press Questions about rumours that controversial British EU Commissioner on Trade, Mandelson, was alone to drop an invitation to have a working Diner at Elysee palace, together with all other EU Commissioners and the French Government, only because he would have been upset for some critical points made earlier by President Sarkozy in defense of European Agriculture vis-a-vis its Foreign competitors.

    But, as smiling Sarkozy played down Mandelson's reported refusal to debate, saying that he had to visit Marseille for a Ministerial meeting on Trade the next morning, and that "all our British friends are always welcome to taste a nice diner" in France, perhaps at another occasion..

    - "It's urgent to win anew the trust of the People" : Lately, "the European ideal lost its momentum. Since several years, whenever Citizens are questioned on Europe, they react with reserves : They even have .. a tendency to reply "NO".. After this 3rd "No" of a People in some years, there is an Urgency to convince", added French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, after a meeting earlier the same day of all Ministers with EU Commissioners, followed by an interview with Barroso

    "According to recent Polls, only 30% of French people believe that the European construction is a source of hope. It's only a poll, but we all now quite well, that, since 2005, it's dangerous to neglect these alarming signals, as it would be dangerous to treat with contempt the Irish "No", Fillon warned.

    "We all have a common duty to prove to the European Citizens who have doubts, that EU is more useful, more necessary, than ever" : And "that EU can take decisions needed in order to respond to European or Global challenges", the Prime Minister concluded.

    - "We believe, together with President Sarkozy, that EU should open debates on all issues of direct, concrete interest to Citizens", confirmed later to EuroFora the Head of France's governing party (UMP), Patrick Devedjan, after his speech to the European People's party (EPP) Study Days in Paris (2 - 4 July 2008).

    He didn't deny that one of them is Turkey : - "Public Opinion in France is very much unfavorable to Turkey's EU bid, and President Sarkozy has said that several times", he told EuroFora.

    From European Central Bank's controversial policies on Euro's value, to EU Enlargement Strategy, etc., issues of obvious importance to EU Citizens will be plenty, next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, before President Sarkozy launches the debates on EU 2008 French chairmanship's priorities on Thursday.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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