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Inicio arrow newsitems arrow Czechs Vote pro-Babis' Majority, But Late Count +Health Issue try to Undermine it...

Czechs Vote pro-Babis' Majority, But Late Count +Health Issue try to Undermine it...

Escrito por ACM


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- In what might probably be marked as a Record-High Bad Faith in Establishment's Medias, Vote Counting, and Strange Health Care services, Prague, at Europe's Heart, Before Chairing the EU Next Year (2022), gave, in Fact, a Landmark Popular Support to the Main Ideas and Values Supported by its embattled Prime Minister Andrej Babis, who, (against False Appearances), practicaly Succeeded into stimulating Almost an absolute Majority of 54% among the Voting People !

This was Against a distand Minority with Not even 44% of Votes, in a dispersed Opposition, hastily and clumsily set up in some Shaky pseudo-"Coalitions", among Even Opposed or Heteroclite, various Small Parties, (Including with ...Pro-Babis' Ideas in certain cases : See Infra), which attempt to Hide the Fact that those who are Mainly Opposed to the current Prime Minister on Topical Key Issues, Lost badly, being the most Rejected by the People (Ibid)...

Spectacularly United, in Public, Together with the Prime Ministers of Hungary, Victor Orban, and Slovenia's Janos Jansa (currently EU President-in-office for 2021), as well as USA former Vice-President Mike Pence, at Budapest's Castle recent Heads of State/GovernmentSummit for Europe's "Demography", and Against Replacement by a Massive Immigation, from Non-European Foreign Countries, mainly Islamic, wihOut any Cultural Integration in the History and Values of the Host Country, some Days ago, Babis, (already a Critical, Outsider element in EU Politics), was Suddenly Hit, at the Last Minute Before the Election 2021, by unproven allegations Against his personal Integrity by Mediatic so-called "Pandora" Papers, where some Accused him to have, Reportedly, a link to ..."a Castle in France', through Czech off shore Companies, Bought ...Since 2009" (sic !) ...i.e. about 12 (Twelve) Years Earlier, (which, at any case, Already Belonged to Other Czech Companies Also Before that)...

Babis immediately Denounces Fake "Slandering", and observes that this is "Not any International" move, But Only something pushed by a "Mafia" in his own Country, Czechia, which seeked Revenge for his Anti-Corruption Fight, during Many Years, Since 2013, (See Infra). However, Despite the Fact that Even "Wikipedia", (which has an Extensive Record of Many and Various Accusations against him) does Not Publish that rocambolesque Claim Hitting him, Nevertheless, a Few Days Before the Vote, Only the Words : "Babis ...  Pandora Papers ...Chateau in France" (sic ! ) Repeated by a lot of Establishment's Medias without Explanations, reportedly Might have Misled some Voters, serving as a Pretext for an (Otherwise Suspect) Blow up of Opposition's Bulletins OverNight, and/or a Simultaneous Exceptional "Disappearance" of some pro-Babis Candidates' usual Bulletins, Dissuading eventual Denonciations of Last Minute "Fraud" in favor of his Opponents at the Late Night Counting, (almost as f.ex. at the Infamous "Biden v. Trump" Row on the Results mainly of Controversial Postal/Absentees' and/or Electronic Votes OverNight on November 2020)...  

So, his Competitors, echoed by most Establishment's Medias, Hurry up to Claim an alleged Tight "Victory" for them, at the Last Minute, ...Even if a Careful Analysis of the Votes, on the Contrary, Reveals a quite Strong Popular Support for pro-Babis' Political Views by a clear Majority of Czech People, and several Converging Facts provoke legitimate Suspicions of probable Electoral Fraud Against him, (See Infra) !

Indeed, all the First Indications on the Electoral Date, when the Ballot Boxes Closed, was that Babis was clearly Winning the race, with his Big Party "ANO" (means "Yes !") coming clearly 1st, with Slightly Less than 30% of the Votes, and most probably due to Govern anew.

+ This was Expected to be done, with the conditional Cooperation, inter alia (See Infra), Also of an Atypical New Rightist Party, credited with about 10% of the Votes : that of "Freedom and Direct Democracy", (Created by Japan-Origin Tomio Okamura, mutatis-mutandis, as Also mainstream "PanEuropa" movement Founder, Coudenhove-Kallergi, Born at Tokyo by a Japanese Mother and a European, Austro-Hungarian Father), as well ns with a smaller and atypical, Old "Social-Democrat" Party. In fact, Prime Minister Babis had Succeeded to broker an Original Alliance between atypical Rightist and Leftist Parties ! (See Also Infra).

That's why he was Already Supported Even by an Historic "Communist" (sic !) Party, to which were Expected to be Added, this time (from 2021 Elections) Also Many Other Small Parties, particularly New ones :  Such, as, f.ex., of the "Oath", just Created by the former Attorney who had Denounced a Large Corruption in a Governing Party Back on 2013, Against which Babis Entered Politics for the 1st Time, Created his own Party ("ANO"), and Became Deputy Prime Minister, and Finance Minister, (i.e. a Potential new Ally, who Succeeded Now to Arrive 1st among All Small Partis !). As well as probably Supported and by anOther Small Party, which had just managed to Double its Voters : the "Free Citizens" Party, of an Atypical Right, until recently Member of Nigel Farage's Group of MEPs in EU Parliament. Perhaps Backed also by the Small Rightist Party "Free Block" or "Sovereignity", which has just Tripled his Votes between 2013 and 2021, (etc).


Facing them was Not Any Big Party at all, But Only 2 Coalitions, both composed from Various Medium or rather Small Parties, often of quite Different Orientations :

    - F.ex. the 3 Parties' Coalition "Together", with Two Center-Right Parties : The "Christian-Democrats", and  "Tradition" (alias "TOP 09"), as well as the Conservative "ODS" ("Civic Democratic") Party, whose Joint Results Approached Babis' Party Result.

    - Most Probably Allied to the Heteroclite "Pirates" and "various Mayors" (sic !) Coalition, simply Named "Pirates and Mayors" (re-sic !!), Expected to score a Little-bit More than the Above-mentioned Rightists of "Freedom and Direct Democracy", Babis' Allies (Comp.Supra).

+ But these Dispersed Opposition Parties had Obviously Exhausted their Political Forces on 2021, withOut Hope to Attract Any Eventual Ally among various Smaller Parties, (Except, perhaps, of the "Greens", who Fell Now Down to Less than Only ...0,9% (sic !) of the Votes, Becoming Irrelevant)...


=> Finally, (and Even taking into Account those Last-Minute Changes, UnExpectedly made by Late Counting and that Suspicious Last-Minute Slandering of Babis, with Fake Accusations : Comp. Supra + Infra), the Results of the Czech People's Votes were the Following :

- Leaning FOR Prime Minister Babis : His own Party "ANO" ("Yes") 27,13% (First in MPs : 72), + Atypical Rightists of "Democracy and Direct Democracy" 10%, New Party "Oath"  4,68%, "SocialDemocrats" 4,65%, "Communist" Party 3,60%, "Free Citizens" 2,76%, "Sovereignity/Free Block" 1,33%, etc. => i.e. a Total of an Absolute Majority of Czech People's casted valid Votes at about 54 % !

- Opposition AGAINST him : Coalition "Together" 27,79% (But Second in MPs: 71), Coalition "Pirates + Mayors" 15,61%, "Greens" 0,9%, etc. => I.e. a Total of an obvious Minority of People's Votes at about Only 44%...


>>> Nevertheless, a strange Late Counting of Ballots, Suddenly seems to have Systematicaly Altered, at the Last Minute, OverNight, severalé Initialy much More "pro-Babis" Czech People's Vote Results, (Comp. Supra), Pushing towards an Astonishingly Harsh Elimination of Many such Votes and Even of Too Many Small Political Parties, Old and New, Favorable to the current, embattled Czech Prime Minister :

- In Fact, ALL Small Parties which would Cooperate with Babis, Suddenly saw the Number of Ballots giving them Votes, Systematicaly Slashed, Reduced, Cut and Thrown Lower than the Crucial Threshhold of 5% Needed in order to have any MPs in the Parliament, as NEVER BEFORE in the History of the Country !

Indeed, f.ex., the "SocialDemocrats" (Part of Babis' Government) were thus Excluded from the Parliament, for the 1st Time since 1990 (i.e. practically Since the Fall of Berlin Wall) !... And the "Communist" Party of Czechia, (which Supported Babis' Government), was Also Excluded from the Parliament, for the 1st Time (Since the Liberation from the NAZIs) on 1945-1948 ! Even The Frontrunner, New and Biggest among All Kinds of Small Parties, the "Oath", (Created Now by the Attorney Famous for having Revealed the Largest Governemental Corruption in the Country, back on 2013 : Comp. Supra + Infra), was Excluded in an Identical way... Same Methods Abused also OverNight in order to Exclude anOther 2 or 3 pro-Babis' Small Parties, Old or New, (Comp. Supra).

=> Thus, a Total of More than 915.307 valid Votes casted by Czech Citizens, (Almost 1 Million of People), in a Country like Czechia, with just 10 Millions of Inhabitants, ie. the Equivalent of More than 17% of the Votes, something Like the 3rd Biggest Political Party in that Country, were Entirely Wiped Out of the Democratic System, just by that Strange, Last-Minute OverNight re-Counting of the Ballots, (a Notoriously too "Easy" Moment for Eventual Fraud)...


    + Remains, as Last Resort, the traditional and Crucial Decision of atypical and popular President Milos Zeman, on Whom he is Now going to Give an Official Mandate to try to Form the New Government of the Country.

    A Meeting between Zeman and Prime Miniser Babis had been Scheduled for Sunday, October 10. Popular President Zeman has Already given to Others and to Babis himself a Mandate to try to forge a Government Even with a Minority, at the Beginning, and has Vowed to Always choose the Head of the Biggest Party in the Parliament : I.e. Now too Babis' "ANO" ("Yes !"), which has Just Got the Biggest Number of MPs (72, instead of 71 for "Together"), and is a real Autonomous Party, Instead of a Mere Coalition of Smaller Parties, as those of the Opposition, (Comp. Supra).

    >>> But, Suddenly : - AnOther Last-Minute Patatrak ! The President of the Country, reportedly, is obliged to Enter in a Hospital, with his Health Suddenly Affected by UnKnown yet Events, for This precise Moment ! And Rccently, Suspecting a kind of Sympathy, between Zeman and Babis, the Opposition, and particularly the "Pirates", had Asked to Give a part of that Competence to Name a Prime Minister, instead, to the Speaker of the Parliament...


+ Meanwhile, however, it's Also the main Political Choices, made by the Czech People's Votes, which Reveal anOther Crystal-clear pro-Babis' positions Preference, by Droping his Most Fiercely Opposed Adversaries :

>>> Indeed, Even Among the Various Components of that Opposition's 2 Coalitions (Comp. Supra), the "Pirates", who were, Notoriously, the Most Aggressive Against Babis' Counter -  Massive Non-European, mainly Islamic Migration Policy, and were Accused by him to Push for LGBT Lobby Interests, "Same Sex" Marriage between Homosexuals, Drugs' Legalisation, and even to "Destroy the Visegrad Group" Alliance with Hungary, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, etc., Surprizingly Lost an Auful Lot of Votes and MPs, Falling Down to Only ... 4 MPs, (Instead of the 22 MPs they had Before), i.e. Losing - 18 MPs Less ! To the point that, If they were Not in Coalition with Various "Independent Mayors", they Might Even have been Excluded from the Parliament, (as having become a Too Small Party)...

+ In Addition, among the 3 Participants in the Other, "Together" Coalition of the Opposition, it's Not the 2 Center or "Center-Right" (EPP) Parties, But Only the "Conservative" Party of "ODS" (alias "Civic Democratic" Party), with its Anti-Mass Migration, Critical vis a vis the EU, and pro-Cultural Integration Policies, who Won the 1st Place. "ODS" is Also reportedly Favorable to a Cooperation with "ANO", in case Babis withdraws.

++ Moreover, the FrontRunner Party of the Opposition is Not Just Anyone : "ODS" (alias "Civic Democracy"), Indeed, was Governing the Country during ...the Biggest and Wider-Spread ever Scandal of Corruption in the whole History of Czechia, Back on 2013, when Even the Then Prime Minister himself, Together with Many Ministers, other Top Politicians, etc., had been Obliged, by a Growing Series of Damning Revelations and Scandalous Findings, to Quit, one after another, Until an Entirely New Governing Team was Elected to Replace them All, while Many had Already been Detained into Prisons, as profoundly Corrupted, in an alleged Plot to Influence the State for their Personal Enrichement... In the Meantime, about 400 Policemen had Raided the Government's Offices, and of various Top Lobbyists, Confiscated  Tens of Kgs in Gold, etc., as several Security Officers (even of the Military) were Accused for "Abuse of Power" and "Corruption", including for having Bribed MPs, Manipulated the Prime Minister's Wife, etc. Andrej Babis, originaly a Businesman, had notoriously Entered in Politics then, and Created his succesful Party "ANO", in order to, precisely, Fight against such kind of Widespead State Corruption (Comp. Supra).                                                             

=> In Consequence, (and given Also a Growing Number of various New Small Parties in Czechia, More radically Opposed to Mass Migration, EU Bureaucracy, LGBT, etc., that "Eurofora" had Not even the Time to Mention here), the Question seems Raised, Whether those who obviously Strived to Undermine Babis' Government, (Comp. Facts cited Supra), Might, Eventually, Soon Find themselves at an Even "Worse" Situation for their Interests, Than Before...










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People in Europe and the World expect from CoE to make a succes of its "Monitoring" for Human Rights and Democracy, despite difficulties, said Finland's President Tarja Halonen to "EuroFora" at a crucial moment for the mecanism built 15 years ago by the paneuropean organization which celebrates its 60th Anniversary in 2009.

Halonen, known as "Mother" of CoE's "Monitoring" mecanism, a long-time MEP and former Foreign Minister before becoming Finland's President, holds a long experience in the mattter, after also serving twice as CoE and EU Chairwoman in the past. That's why she is well placed to judge how CoE's "monitoring" should deal today with some crucial issues of importance both to CoE and to the EU.

The move came just a Month before a crucial, last visit to Turkey, scheduled for June, by the President of CoE''s "Monitoring" Committee, Ukranian MEP Serge Holovaty, to finalize his Report on Ankara, the CoE Member State with the longest Monitoring procedure. From its results depends its overall credibility.

This is a Test-case, because, in fact, it's in order to avoid Sanctions threatened against Turkey by a CoE's Assembly's April 1995 Resolution for grave Human Rights violations, Democracy gaps, the continuing Military Occupation in Cyprus, the unresolved Kurdish problem, Aegean differend with Greece, etc., that MEPs decided to create, for the 1st time on April 1996, a "Monitoring" proces, allegedly destinated to check, without excluding Countries who did not fulfill all CoE's standards.

In the Past, the obliged withdrawal of Greece's Military regime and of its "Civil" cover-up out of the CoE had helped bring back Democracy in 1974. But, on the contrary, since April 1996, the idea was to "monitor" Human Rights' respect while keeping most concerned Countries inside the CoE. After Turkey's oldest example, this was extended also to several former "Eastern" European Countries, even if CoE's Assembly has imposed to some of them (fex. Ukraine, Russia, etc., after Belarus, Serbia, etc) various "Sanctions", that Ankara always avoided. Curiously more succesful even than .. USA itself, (a CoE "Observer" since 1995), which has been at least threatened with sanctions some years ago..

EU-effects of CoE's Monitoring process became obvious between 2001-2008, since the "closure" of this procedure, when CoE felt that a Country had met most of its Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law obligations, (i.e. the "Copenhagen Criteria" for the EU), helped trigger Negotiations with the EU for "Accession" or other closer relations : This occured already before the 2004 and 2007 EU Enlargements to former "Eastern" European Countries, as well as for the commencement of "accession" negotiations with Croatia, and of "open-ended" negotiations with Turkey in 2005.

    But a stricking new development are Holovaty's recent findings that on core Human Rights issues as Torture and Freedom of Expression, Turkey, even "5 Years after" CoE closed its "Monitoring", back in 2004, inciting EU to start accession Negotiations in 2005, still presents grave problems.

    His findings are of crucial importance after a 2008 CoE Resolution called, "if need be", to "seriously consider the possibility of Re-Opening the Monitoring procedure for Turkey" : A move which might affect Ankara's controversial EU bid, since EU Accession Negotiations are based on the Hypothesis that the Candidate fullfils the "Copenhagen Criteria" (See above)..
    Holovaty expressed his will to check  "Matters still Outstanding" and  those that he "didn't have an opportunity to discuss" at an earlier visit this year, "in order to discuss the more complex issues in greater depth", at his forthcoming New Visit to Ankara, before the December 2009 EU Summit.  This is all based on the 2004 CoE Resolution which stresses that, CoE "will continue.. post-monitoring Dialogue with the Turkish authorities,...in addition to a 12-points list,..and on any Other Matter that might arise in connection with Turkey’s Obligations as a CoE member state".

    CoE's Resolution also asks  from Turkey "to secure the proper Implementation of Judgements, particularly in the Cyprus v. Turkey InterState case", of 2001, which concerns also the plight of many Hundreds of MISSING People. It adds Turkey's obligations to "execute" ECHR's Judgements in the Loizidou case,..and in particular adopt General Measures to avoid repetition or continuation of Violations found by the Court" to the detriment of Refugees.

    Nevertheless, Holovaty said to "EuroFora" that "MISSING" persons,"might be included" and cannot be excluded, but he has yet to examine the situation "to find out  which issues will be raised" to the Turkish Government.

    Therefore, "EuroFora" asked Halonen, as the Historic "Mother" of CoE's Monitoring mecanism, if she thought that, "whenever there are grave Human Rights Violations, as fex. "MISSING" persons, attested even by ECHR's judgements, they should be always checked by a Monitoring process. Or could they be forgotten ?"
     - "We (CoE) must be, at the same time, Fair, Realistic, but not in the mind that "now we have Forgotten", etc., replied to "EuroFora"'s question Halonen, speaking as a matter of general principle.

    - "When we think of those People that are suffering from the lack of Democracy, of Human Rights, and of the Rule of Law", "we should find a base on how to deal with the (Monitoring) system more rapidly"', she stressed.

    - "Sometimes it's very difficult to combine Transparency and Effectivenes together, particularly in this specific case", she went on to say. But, "I have not found a (CoE Member) Country who could be insensitive in this sens", Halonen answered concerning grave Human Rights violations attested by the ECHR.

    - "I have no ready-made answer. I have the expectations that you, in the CoE, will, step by step, find the different types of the monitoring systems."

    Also "because this is a part of the UN's Post-Conflict system, (fex. when it comes to Cyprus' MISSING persons), and it's a more Global system". So that, "If we make a succes in Europe, the others will follow", throughout the World.  "But they expect that we (Europe) are this opportunity, this Opportunity to make a Succes", Halonen concluded.

    In addition, she advised to extend CoE's Monitoring to all its 47 Member States, "because, as long as we hear that, all these monitoring systems are "OK for the neighbor, but not for me", "it's very difficult" to understand. Something which could make easier to Compare...

    Finnish MEP Jaako Laakso, former CoE Rapporteur on the Occupied Territories of Cyprus and one of the 5 Signatories of the Historic CoE's call to create the "MONITORING" mecanism since 1996, was more specific :  - "We (CoE Assembly) have to find a way for the issue of Cyprus' MISSING People to be better followed", he stressed, anouncing his intention to "speak to Mr. Holovaty" about that. "There might be also other ways", added Laakso.

    - The 2008 "Year had been a very Bad one for Turkey with regard to Human Rights in general, and Freedom of Expression in particular", denounced, meanwhile, Holovaty's preliminary Post-Monitoringh Draft Report by Holovaty, published by the CoE on April 2009.

    "Amnesty International believes that freedom of expression is not guaranteed given the various articles of the Criminal Code that restrict it. .. "For example, 1,300 Websites are said to have been closed down by the (Turkish) authorities in 2008" ! While "the new Turkish Criminal Code was used to bring a total of 1,072 proceedings between June 2005 and April 2008, and led to the conviction of 192 people", for expressing views. "Representatives of the Özgür Gündem newspaper, which specialises in Kurdish affairs, ..complained about Numerous Attacks on their Freedom of Expression ...as was everyone who advocated a settlement to the question by means other than the intervention of the army" "According to their figures, 19 Newspapers had been suspended 43 times between 4 August 2006 and 4 November 2008" !...

    Moreover, on 2008,  CoE's "Ministers adopted its 4rth Resolution on the execution of the judgments of the ECHR, ...and outstanding issues regarding 175 Judgements and decisions relating to Turkey delivered between 1996 and 2008...  concerning Deaths resulting from the excessive use of force by members of the Security forces, the failure to protect the right to life, the DIisappearance and/or death of individuals, Ill-Treatment and the Destruction of property". CoE's " Ministers urged the Turkish authorities ...to ensure that members of Security forces of all ranks can be prosecuted without administrative
authorisation" for "serious crimes". Holovaty reminded.

"Nonetheless", Holovaty heard anew of "Several cases of Violence committed last year (2008) by the (Turkish) security forces". Amnesty International speaks of Many Cases of ill-treatment and Torture in the prisons and by the police". "Including, fex."'the death of Engin Ceber, a young man of 29 who died on October 2008 as a result of the TORTURE allegedly inflicted on him by police officers, prison staff and members of the gendarmerie. He was part of a group of people arrested on September 2008 during a demonstration and Press Conference in Istanbul'. Proceedings against suspects are "on-going" in this case.

- " I therefore noted an Obvious Contradiction between the Government’s stated “zero tolerance” policy.... of Torture and other forms of ill-treatment, and the different testimonies given", denounced CoE's Rapporteur.  Turkish "authorities must make considerable efforts to guarantee that proper investigations are carried out into allegations of abuses by members of the security forces and that perpetrators are effectively punished" "In this respect, I have requested detailed Statistics on the number of Investigations, acquittals and convictions in cases involving allegations of abuse in order to show the positive impact of the measures taken to date", Holovaty said, repeating a permanently unsatisfied CoE's demand to Turkey since a Decade...

    - "The Political Crisis that shook the country in the spring of 2008 highlighted the Weaknesses of the (Turkish) Constitution", which comes from the Military regime of 1982, "and the Urgent Need of Reforms", stressed from the outset CoE's Rapporteur in 2009. In particular, "the ...Democratic functioning of state institutions, including the independence of the judicial system, are crucial", he observes.

    But, "the Electoral  system and the ways in which it is circumvented do not appear to give those elected complete Legitimacy, and tend to pervert the course of direct universal suffrage", denounces Holovaty, observing that, even 5 Years later, Turkey did not yet change the 10% nationwide Threshold for a party to take any seat, which is "far higher" than the "3%" maximum in Europe and already condemned as contrary to European Standards by the CoE.

    + Moreover, EU Parliament's 2009 Report on Turkey, drafted by Dutch MEP Ria Oomen-Ruijten and adopted in Strasbourg on March, expresses "Concern over the Failure of the (Turkish) Judiciary to prosecute cases of Torture and Ill-treatment, the Number of which is Growing". EU also "is concerned about continuing Hostility and Violence against Minorities" in Turkey. It also "calls on the Turkish Government to launch, as a matter of Priority, a Political Initiatve favouring a lasting Settlement of the Kurdish issue, (while "condemning violence.. and terrorist groups"). EU "regrets that No progress has been made on establishing full, systematic Civilian suprevisory functions over the (Turkish) Military".

    The final results of Holovaty's 2nd and last visit to Turkley will be known later this year, and, at any case, before EU's December 2009 Summit.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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