Professor Cutajar to EF on US Jan 6 Protest: A 3rd Chamber for Dialogue with People before Deciding?
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/(PARTLY UPDATED)- Was an Historic Chance for Democracy Missed on Jan. 6 ? Replying to an "Eurofora"s Question at a Press-VideoConference just 1,5 Day After the Jan. 6, 2021 Massive Popular Demonstrations of More than a Million at Wash. DC (to Back a Senators' Demand for Bi-Partisan Enquiry on alleged Fraud/Irregularities in Nov. 3, 2020 US Presidential Vote), During which 4 Citizens were Killed (incl. 2 Women, Shot Down by Police Gun or Crashed), Followed Later by 1 Policeman Dead by UnClear Cause, and 2 Suicides (1 Protestor +1 Policeman), Hundreds of Dissidents Persecuted and Jailed Nationwide, while 25.000 Heavily Armed Soldiers entered the Capital (under Curfew) to Keep People Away, French University Professor in Public Law, Chantal Cutajar, stressed that, Nowadays, Events show that it's even "a 3rd Chamber" for "Citizens' Participation" in Key Public Decisions affecting their Lives and/or Society at large, according to Our wider Project, should have been Created at US Capitol's Huge Grounds and Buildings, n order to "Peacefully" seek a "Constructive" Solution, in line with Modern Participatory Democracy Values, which have Become Necessary by Recent Changes Worldwide.
Instead of "Police" Gun Fire Killing Brutaly a Woman Demonstrator, unarmed AirForce Security Vet., Suicides of a respectable Bank Manager, Head of Family, accused of "Mob Riot", the Same Day as also a sympathetic Capitol's Policeman at his Home, among Suspicions and "WitchHunt" against Law-Enforcement Staff Suspected of Letting US Citizens enter the Congress of their Elected Representatives, (while 3 Policemen were Immediately Fired), a Young Woman "Crashed to Death" after Security Agents' Clashes with Clubs, Shields, Tear Gas, Flash-Balls, Grenades, etc., against the People, 2 Middle-Age Demonstrators curiously Dead from Heart Attacks or "Strokes", and a 3rd, "Pro-Trump" Policeman, suddenly found "Collapsed" at his Office the Next Evening, amidst Contradicting Versions of another "Stroke", or, Othewise, of "not surviving at (some undetermined) Wounds", Curiously withOut receaving Any Previous Medical Help or Examination during 2 Days, (etc.: See ...),
while an UnPrecedented Mass-Oppression was also Launched, Nationwide, Hunting down and Arresting Hundreds of US Citizens, (But : Curiously, Not of Infiltrated "Leftist" AntiFa Provocators, as f.ex. Sullivan, the Most Suspect, who was a Rare Exception to Escape Arrest !), Accused to have Walked in the Gardens, and/or the Spectacular Outer Staircase and Terrasses, if not in the Corridors and Halls of the Superb "Capitol" Building of their Representatives, (Build with Marble from Neighbouring Vermont State, Famous for its "Direct Democracy" Institutions and Base of Popular Independent and Atypical US Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders), Notoriously invited by US President Trump at a more than 1 Million People Washington DC Demonstration of Jan. 6, 2021, Nearby, to Support Constitutional Debates Contesting the Representivity of Formal "Electors" oand an Official Demand, lodged by Senators and Reps., for a Bi-Partisan Investigation, Chaired by USA Supreme Court President, in order to Debate Seriously the Facts and Arguments about the Big Controversy on alleged Fraud/Gross Irregularities at the Nov. 3, 2020 US Presidential Election, (Never Examined Seriously Yet, by Any Court until now, on the Substance of its Merits), at least during the 10 or 14 Next Days which Remained until the Formal "Inauguration" of an US President for the period of 2021-2025, scheduled for Jan. 20,
grossly Slandering them by Claims to be a "Mob" making a "Violent" "Riot" to "Attack" the US Congress, and "OverTurn", by "Force" of a "Putch" (sic !), Biden's alleged "Election", facing an "Assault against Democracy", that some Apparently consider UnQuestionable, Despite Many State "Courts" Ruling "accross Partisan lines", (and Not based on Law, as Even OSCE's Preliminary Report already Denounced), so that FBI could Make Public Protestors' Photos, Names, Jobs, Family Addresses, and Other Private Data, Call for "Witnesses" to slyly "Knail" them, Routinely Accuse them to "UnLafully enter" the Garden etc. (Most of them), and/or the Public "Building" of their Representtives (Only for a Few among them, Briefly, Before being Thrown Out by Force : "Sticks" and "Guns", "Flash-Grenades", etc), Even for ..."Waving Flags" (sic !), and/or so-called "DesOrderly Behavior" (f.ex. a Lady Exhibiting a Placard for "Children's Rights", a Doctor calling for "Medical Democracy" and "HCQ", etc), finding a Pretext to "Arrest" and "Charge" them, Threatening Long "Prison" Sentences, Many being, in Addition, Immediately "Fired" or Obliged to "Resign" from their Job, in One (1) Day, through a Caricatural Version of "Neo-Maccarhysm"...(Explaining the Above-mentioned "Suicides" : Comp. Supra),
while Debates on alleged Electoral Fraud/Irregularities, due to durate 6 X 2 = 12 Hours in Senate and the House (i.e. +24 Hours in all), are, in fact, Rapidly Cut Short in Only Less than an Hour, under Pretext of Entry of a Small Group of Demonstrators, Full of Infiltrated "AntiFa" Provocative Clowns, (Serving Dems' obvious Aim to Avoid Debating),
>>> Wouldn't it be Better, for All People involved, including for Real Democracy, if, instead of Divisive and Violent Conflict, provoking such a Bloody Mess, a Way was Found to Peacefully Associate those People into a kind of Participatory Democracy, where they could have at least an elementary Dialogue with Politiciians, Before Final Decisions Affecting their Lives and/or Society at large ?, "Eurofora" Wondered, (Obviously referring to a Basic Version of our overall Project). - "Don't you have a Feeling that, in fact, a rare, Unique Chance for an Original "Rendez-Vous with a much Needed and Possible New Development on Democracy", was Misssed Nowadays at Washington DC ?", we asked.
Our Topical Question was Addressed to Strasbourg University Professor, Chantal Cutajar, Head of an EU-Funded Network of Researchers in Public Law, and Experienced former Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg EuroMetropole, who has Notoriously speahEeaded the Group, (Including with "Eurofora"s Involvement, too), which prepared its "Pact for Participatory Democracy", quasi-Unanimously Adopted on 2019, (among Many others, See, f.ex., also ; ..., ...., + ..., etc).
Cutajar, (a former Centrist), was Speaking at a Press Conference of the "Engaged Citizens" New Party in Strasbourg, where "Eurofora" and other Journalists had been Invited,
- Her immediate Aim is to Open "Citizens' Workshops" dedicated to the Creation of "a Chamber for Citizens' Participation".
- "Because we have entered into a Phase of Profound Mutations", where, "withOut a Active and Responsible Participation of Citizens in Public Decisions which Affect their Future, it's Impossible to have a Peaceful Construction".
* "It's Now Clear, and withOut any Doubt, that Social, Environmental and other Mutations, among Growing Health, Climate and Terrorism Challenges, provoke UnPrecedented Dangers to our "Living Together" Framework, (resumed in France as) "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". In Fact, InEqualities aggravate, Boosting Social Movements, and Provoking the Surge of more and more Violent Events, expression of a Growing Popular Anger, where Peace is at Stake. So that we have to Seek Ways to Ensure our Future, and Guarantee Resilience"., she said.
=> In Consequnce, "Engaged Citizens'" Movement was Born from the Belief that this Situation is an Opportunity for Citizens to Forge the Trend We Want for our City, Region, Country and Europe", Cutajar Voluntaristicaly stressed, Enlarging the issue thoughout All Levels, "Because the (Governance) Models of the Past and of Today, appear UnAble to Prepare us for that New Reality", she Warned. Indeed, "in order to Ensure a Democracy Based on the Quest of the General Interest, on a Fearless Evaluation of Responses, while also Attracting Innovations, we Need a Real (New, 3rd) Chamber for Citizens' Participation : It's a Space for Building Consensus, ... Able to Mobilize the Greatest Number of Citizens, in order to <<Build Together>> the Fundamental Choices that we have, Already, to make" for the Future.
Such a Move goes towards a Direction that "Eurofora" had Earlier Suggested to Professor Cutajar, in order to Put Citizens' previous Dialogue with Political Decision-Makers at the Base of a Modern Popular Movement, (See, among others, also : ..., etc).
- For that purpose, f.ex., Each "Citizens' Workshop" should Result into a "Tool-Kit" Ready to Use on an Important, given Topical Issue, each time, she proposed, while Tracing a Preparatory Process to Build concretely a Design for such a New Mechanism, between January and March 2021, Before Launching a Wider Campaign for its General Adoption, Starting by Strabourg's City Level. At the MeanTime, in Parallel, "Citizens' Consultations" would provide an Opportunity for Individual or Grouped Citizens to Present also Various Concrete Cases, where Public or Private "Administrative Violence" might Affect their Rights as well as present a General Interest Issue, on which the Movement could Adopt a Proposal.
>>> Even if the Current Base is situated at a Local Level, Nevertheless, the Movement Aims to Deal with All Relevant Issues "also at Regional, National, European, International or Global level", the "European Level being, Naturally, for us, very Important", Strasbourg University's Professor Cutajar Highlighted, in Reply to a Question by a Collegue Journalist.
=> "Eurofora", Raising a "Hot Current Issue", which, Despite several Differences between France and the USA, (in the History of which, French People are actively Present, Already "Since the Era of Lafayette"), nevertheless, concerns the "Fundamental Matters" of "a New Era" that Professor Cutajar had Evoked (Comp. Supra), Pointed at "those Difficult Moments" that "we have all Just seen among our American Friends", in a "very Strange Phenomenon", when a lot of American People, partly from Various Horizons, went to Washington DC, Naively Aspiring, Rightfully or Wrongly, to Reach the US Congress, where certain Issues of Great Importance for all were due to be Discussed and Decided, (i.e. the Official Endorsement of those who would be Authorized to Choose the US President for 2021-2024), Even if US Citizens haveN't Yet Any Established Right to Participate on that, at least Until Now, Hoping to be Heard by their Elected Representatives, (as far as the Growing Controversy on the Nov. 3 Vote's alleged Fraude/Irregularities, in 6 "Swing" States, is concerned). There, under particular, Non-Elucidated yet Circumstances, some Provoked (from Various Sides) certain Negative Incidents, which made Even President Trump to "Thank" the People for their Support, But Ask them to Return, Now, Safely, "Home". And, Already, in the Recent Past, during former US President Obama, with Biden as Vice-Pres., ("Socialist"), they Notoriously Faced some very much "Harder" Social Clashes, Even among Their own Socio-Political Areas, f.ex. at Ferguson, etc, as We Reminded.
- In order to Prevent such Problems, while Advancing towards the Horizon of Your Project, don't you think that, f.ex., the US Capitol's Building is Large Enough and able to Host Also a "3rd Chamber, for Citizens", f.ex. towards its Huge Garden, where we can Imagine that it could Welcome People, Both Favorable and Opposed to that Protestors' Demand, (Comp. Supra), in Any possible Way, Even by Video-Conference and/or Other Internet Links, etc., so that they would Express their Views, be Heard by Political Decision-Makers, and Receive a Reply, Easing more Peaceful Outcomes, Better manage such Socio-Political Situations, and Avoid such Problems ?, "Eurofora asked Cutajar.
=> "Concerning Your ("Eurofora"s) Question", the Reply is : - "Yes ! It's Exactly in the Area Where We Locate" our Movement, "Where we place Our Convictions", Strasbourg University Professor Cutajar Positively Replied.
>>> - "I.e., We are in a Moment - which is True Both in France and Anywhere else (f.x. in the USA, etc - where an Exclusively <<Representative>> Democracy, is No More Able to Pacify the Social Relations", she observed.
- "Simply, Because it's No More (really) Representative !"... "And, Because that so-called "Participative" Democracy, as it's set up here or there, is InSufficiently Participative", (i.e. does Not Give a Real Chance for Most People to fully Participate), she rightfully Criticized.
=>"In Consequence, we are driven towards such <<Blocked>> Situations ! (as that of the US Congress' "Closed Doors" Policy of Jan. 6, Followed by Brutal Killings of Protestors, Suicides, Even of Policemen, Witch-Hunts, Massive Oppression Nationwide, Tens of Thousands of Heavily Armed Military and 7/7 Curfew, etc : Comp. Facts cited Supra).That's precisely the Reason for which, Against that, We, Want to Demonstrate", First, "Starting from a Local Level, (Comp. Supra), that a Democracy which Accepts a kind of <<Co-Building>> Among the relevant interested Parties, is The Solution !", she Explained.
- "But", what is, sometimes, done, "f.ex. in France, to Randomly take 35 Citizens (i.e. by Lots) in order to Ask their Views on the Vaccine Policy, is Not the Right one" : "What should have been done, From the Beginning (i.e. Already Before Decisions are Taken), was to Associate Interested Citizens to the (Government's) Scientific Council, precisely as some of it's Members had Advised". Indeed, "Participation is Not Only to Consult some Persons in order to Ask for their Views, But it's, on the Contrary, to Give them a Responsibility, so that Everyone, from his own Position, has Something to Contribute : That's Our Credo, that we support. In that sens, I fully Agree with Your Analysis", Professor Cutajar concluded in her Main Reply to "Eurofora"s above-mentioned Question.
+ In Fact, "as they use to say on Psychanalysis, it's not enough to know only an Individual, because we must also have a Clear Idea of an Entire Society", observbed Earlier the Movement's vice-President Jean Laurent, adding later, that "We are Not Against the Institutions, But Try to Help them Function in a Better way".
- Indeed, we have seen that almost Every time that Different Groups Meet Sincerely Together in order to Search Joint Solutions, according to the General Interest, at the End, they Often Manage to Surprize by Reaching Conclusions that Nobody had Guessed !", stressed Cutajar Optimisticaly...
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Before the end of 2009, France and Germany will take strong initiatives to open "new Horizons" needed by Europe and the World, going well beyond the current Crisis' management, anounced French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angie Merkel, reassuring that both a judgement on Lisbon Treaty by nearby Karlsruhe German Federal Court, and the forthcoming National Elections in Germany would confirm their capacity to act.
They were replying to Press questions in Berlin, after key-regional elections on Sunday, where Merkel's ChristianDemocratic party kept everywhere a strong 1st and won the possibility to forge a New Majority with Liberals at the largest of 3 Landers : Saxony (4 millions inhabitants), while its main competitor, the Socialdemocrat party fell to unprecedented lows : Tackled by the small "Linke" (left) party in Saarland (1 million inhabitants), it became even smaller than it in Saxony and Thuringen (3 million inhabitants), where SPD arrived only third. While its usual partners, the "Greens" also fell down, contrary to CDU's new partners, the FDP Liberals, who go up.
- "At any case, at the end of the year (2009), if things go as scheduled, we shall take strong initiatives, showing that Europe needs a Franco-German axis, as well as the World, even if it never excludes other" countries to join, replied Sarkozy to a question if France and Germany will revive the "European dream", by "relauncing the EU motor" for the Future, with actions going further than the mere management of the global crisis, (as it was done fex. in the Past with the creation of the "Euro" Monetary zone, etc).
- "I am convinced that the Franco-German friendship must be constantly nourished by New Projects", he added."There are many areas of cooperation where we intend to take, very soon, some Franco-German initiatives, which will allow to open more Horizons" to the EU, Sarkozy stressed.
But if "we don't speak about that now, it's only in order to avoid interfering in important elections coming in Germany", he observed. However, "we have already started to consider the Future with the (German) Chancellor, and what we can do in order to honour our predecessors". "We are already speaking about that, and we are preparing things". "I am working very well together with Mrs Merkel, and I wish that it goes on", Sarkozy concluded.
- "It's important for EU's credibility that France and Germany advance forward together", stressed Merkel from the outset. "Don't worry about Germany's capacity to undertake initiatives" with France, she added. "France and Germany will be perfectly able to make proposals" for the EU.
- "After-crisis" plans must be prepared, meanwhile, with measures "advancing progressively", Merkel anounced. And, for the short term, we must deal also with EU Citizens' dismay since they feel that it's a Scandal for some in the Financial Markets to be paid with excessive "Bonuses", etc, she agreed with Sarkozy.
- "Abuses in financial markets must stop", stressed also Sarkozy. Backing Merkel's announcement that France and Germany call for an EU meeting to forge "a crystal-clear European position" in view of the G-14 Summit at Pittsburg, he warned that "everyone will have to undertake his responsibilities, in front of World's Public Opinion. particularly those who don't want to make the same effort of regulation as France and Germany".
Moreover, "Global Trade cannot be correctly dealt, without taking into account also Environmental and Social rules", Sarkozy added, referring to recently expressed positions against Unfair Competition via Environmental and/or Social Dumping, (See earlier "EuroFora"'s publications).
Such moves are obviously linked to the need to ensure at least an elementary respect for Human Rights by Third Countries, (f.ex. exploitation of Children's work, etc) in order to avoid, precisely, any such Social Dumping.
- "EU has Values, protecting Human Rights and Human Dignity", and "it cannot close its eyes" in front of grave violations, particularly "Torture and/or killings", added, indeed, Sarkozy.
Thus, "the time comes, where decisions must be taken". But, in case of "Sanctions", "all International opinion should be convinced of the need to take action", he observed.
Expressed on the occasion of recent developments in Iran, the same principles should logically apply also to other similar cases, including fex. that of Hundreds of ECHR judgements' condemning f;ex. Turkey for grave crimes, (as Torture, brutal Killings, Enforced "Disappearances", Destruction of Family Homes, harassments and oppressive violations of Freedom of Speech, etc).
Meanwhile, questioned on (EU Commission's chair) Barroso's bid to succeed himself for a second mandate, they both expressed a "wish" or a "feeling" that "EU Parliament"'s various political Groups might fix a date for decisions "during September". However, is he is endorsed before the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, it will be legally necessary to re-vote anew for a full term of office afterwards, according to EU Legal Experts, revealed recently in Strasbourg the experienced former President of EU Parliament's Constitutional Committee, German Socialist MEP Jo Leinen. And Germany will not vote for Lisbon Treaty's ratification but only "on September 8 and 18", revealed Merkel, ( i.e. after EU Parliament's plenary session in Strasbourg).
- Therefore, "for EU Commissioners' appointment, it's too early yet, because we must wait for the ratification of Lisbon Treaty" by all 27 EU Member countries, including naturally Ireland's Referendum on early October, said to "EuroFora" the influential President of EU Parliament's largest group of MEPs, Joseph Daul, expressing, however, the hope that a controversial deal with the head of the Socialist Group of MEPs, Martin Schultz of Germany, might hold for Barroso alone, at a forthcoming vote due to fix the Strasbourg plenary's Agenda.
But MEPs reportedly just "postponed" for 1 week all their previously scheduled group meetings (See : );
However, while the choice of a new EU Commission's President by EU Parliament is supposed, according to many MEPs' wish, take place according to EU policy issues, paradoxically, this would mean that Barroso's bid would pass before even the anouncement of France and Germany's "initiatives" for EU's "new Horizons"...
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