CoE Rapporteur on WhistleBlowers Waserman to EF: UK+USA must Find a High-Level Solution for Assange
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- CoE's Rapporteur on Whistle-Blowers, French Assembly's vice-President Sylvain Waserman, a Centrist MP from Strasbourg, speaking to "Eurofora", launched a Call for the UK and USA to "Find a High-Level Solution for Assange", the Jailed "Wikileaks" co-Founder, as US President Don Trump is reportedly due to Decide a Long List of "Pardons" to be given to several People Nowadays, (Comp. also : ..., etc).
USA (as well as Canada, Japan, Mexico, etc) has a Special Status inside CoE, the 47 Member States-strong, Strasbourg-Based PanEuropean Organisation for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, Since Reagan's era of 1986 when Russia joined the CoE, where the UK Remains Still a Full Member, (Despite "BREXIT" from the EU), while imPrisoned Assange is a World-wide Symbol for Free Expression and Freedom of Information, (Article 10 of the European Convention for Human Rights, and 1st Amendment of USA Constitution).
+ Waserman also Told "Eurofora" Today that "a Specific Legal Protection for Whistle-Blowers is Absolutely Urgent", particularly in the UK and, even more, in the USA, (where Obama has reportedy Eliminated the slightest External Access to Court on "Intelligence" Issues by any Whistle-Blower since 2014), while, on the Contrary, the EU has Recently Adopted a relevant "Directive", Currently in the process to be Transposed inside its 27 Member States, and CoE's Parliamentary Assembly has Quasi-Unanimously Voted on October 2019 a Resolution (Drafted by Waserman) in order to Enlarge and Strengthen such Protection throughout All its 47 Member States, as CoE's Highest Political Body, its Committe of (Foreign) Ministers, Agreed that Whistle-Blowers' protection is a Must for the Fight "Against Corruption" and for Free Speech/Freedom of Information in Modern Society.
++ Earlier, VPresident Waserman had already Replied to anOther relevant "Eurofora" Question at a Press Conference in the CoE, by indicating that he had "Accepted a Key Amendment", meanwhile Adopted by CoE's Assembly, which had been Inspired by the Assange case and particularly "Wiki-Leaks", Stressing that, Already, Such "NGOs have the Right to Seek, Receive and Impart Information given to them, in the Same way as Journalists", while, in Addition, Even Wider "Legal Entities" must be "Allowed to <<Blow the Whistle>> ” on illegal practices or enjoy Protection as “whistle-blowing Facilitators”, in the Same way that Journalists are able to rely on the Protection of their Sources; “Reporting Auxiliaries” must be given Increased Protection, especially when put under Pressure to Reveal the Identity of Whistleblowers", (See, f.ex. : ..., + ..., etc).
- Julian Assange has Already Suffered Enough, But No More Swedish or UK Sentences keep him in Prison. His Brittish Judge has Notoriously Found that if he was Extradited to the US, he might commit Suicide. But she's reportedly concerned that, if he's given Bail in the UK, he might Flee to Mexico's Embassy in London, since President Obrador has just Promised him Asylum. So, as long as any Other Solution is Lacking, Pending USA's Appeal to a Higher Court, he is Still Closed in a very "Hard" Prison, reportedly Full of COVID Virus' Infections, and Even of Deadly Islamist Terrorists...
However, Recently, a Phone Conversation leaked to the Internet, and Noticed also by Snowden as a "Game Changer", Revealed that Assange had been Careful to Protect US Agents' Personal Data in Delicate Situations, Even by Warning personaly a contact at the State Department for a Break Away Former "Wikileaks" Member's Controversial Plans to Disclose UnEdited Documents which Might Expose them, in order to Give a Chance to Protect them Timely. >>> But, in case of Extradition to the US, If and when a Past Regime of Biden - Obama - Hillary might, eventualy, Return Back to Wash. DC, (as, probably, in a Few Days), then, Assange would Notoriously Risk to be Exterminated, as a Revenge for the "Wikileaks" Revelations of 2016, which had Contributed to the Latter's Losing that Election, something Suspected to be Related also with the Strange Brutal Death of Conrad Seth, (particularly After the Publication of Dems' NDP Leadership E-mails Revealing the Hillary versus Bernie Sanders' scandal then, Followed on 2017 by the CIA Malware Security issue, the "Russia Spy Files" on surveillance contactors in Moscow, etc).
+ In Addition, a Brittish Judge has Just, notoriously, Found that if Assange was Extradited to a US Jail, he might, very probably, commit "Suicide". Indeed, Since a Long-Time Reclusion at the Tiny Ecuador's Embassy in London, (where a UN Committee of Legal Experts, at nearby Geneva, had found that his Basic Rights had been Already Violated), Before being Transfered by Force to a UK Prison for Years, Until Sweden Droped any LawSuit against him, and he Also Served a Sentence for having Droped Bail Previously in the UK.
>>> But, Assange is also a Well Known International Defender of Human Rights and Freedom of Information, particularly at the Internet, Currently Threatened by particularly Oppressive Measures taken by US "Big-Tech" Oligo-Monopolistic Networks against Free-thinking People, which have Affected Even US President Don Trump personaly, (provoking even German Chancellor Angie Merkel's Reaction), and Risk to Undermine Democracy in the US, presenting Growing Dangers also in Europe, and in Many Other Countries accross the World, against which, Trump (as well as Mexico's President Obrador, etc) has Rightfully Vowed to Help Struggle Efficiently, Despite Establishment's UnPopular Obstruction. And CoE's Rapporteur on "Whistle-Blowers", vice-President of France's Assembly, Centrist MP Sylvain Waserman, in a relevant exchange with "Eurofora", has stressed that Assange is a Key part of Wikileaks' important "Mecanism at the Service of Journalism", and therefore, Should be Protected. + On 2019, it's also a quasi-homonymous, but unrelated, American Specialist Expert, Professor from Berkeley University on Journalism, Dr. Edward Wasserman, who Published, Both at Berkeley's own Media outlet, and in a "New York Times" Op., a landmak Article on "Julian Assange, and the Woeful State of Whistle Blowers" accross the World, who, "as the Medias' indispensable HelpMates", "Deserve a Constitutional Protection too", as he concluded. Thus, on 2021, an, at last, Free Julian Assange would Obviously Add a sincere and experienced Fighter in the Common Struggle for Freedom at the Internet !
For All these Reasons, "Eurofora" sincerely Believes that, (in Addition to Avoiding, for Joe Biden, any Probable Negative Pressure, Afterwards, by a Part of his Entourage, for an Issue which, Apparently, does Not Concern him Directly : Comp. Supra), Don Trump would Obviously Do the Right thing, if he included Assange in the List of People that he reportedly Plans to "Pardon" Now. He would be Appreciated Worldwide, and Remembered for Ever in History, while All Freedom-Loving People would be United by such a Strongly Symbolic Move, regardless of Other micro-Political Differences of the Past, Easing a "Healing" and Harmony of various Positive Forces able to Advance Forward Together, for the Present and the foreseable Future.
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- "Europe must be liberated from this undermining "wooden talk" of a "unique thought" which hampers democratic debates", stressed incoming EU Chairman, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking to Journalists after his official meeting with EU Commission's President, Jose Barroso, at Elysee Palace in Paris
- "It's precisely because there are not enough Debates, that EU hasn't managed yet to make it clear to European citizens what is really at stake", he added, in an obvious reference to the latest Irish "No" in 2008, after a long series of similar, unprecedented events, from the 1st Majority Abstention to EU Parliament's Elections in 1999, repeated in 2004, to the Dutch and French "No" in 2005, etc.
- "This is not an easy period, but we shall act with determination, while also listening to Citizens' views", he promised.
Sarkozy's move came shortly before his opening Speech, next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, for the first Public Debate on the Priorities of the French EU Presidency (July - December 2008), and that's one of the reasons for which he significantly opened his EU Council's Chairmanship by welcoming at Elysee palace EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering at first..
The incoming EU Chairman was replying to Press Questions about rumours that controversial British EU Commissioner on Trade, Mandelson, was alone to drop an invitation to have a working Diner at Elysee palace, together with all other EU Commissioners and the French Government, only because he would have been upset for some critical points made earlier by President Sarkozy in defense of European Agriculture vis-a-vis its Foreign competitors.
But, as smiling Sarkozy played down Mandelson's reported refusal to debate, saying that he had to visit Marseille for a Ministerial meeting on Trade the next morning, and that "all our British friends are always welcome to taste a nice diner" in France, perhaps at another occasion..
- "It's urgent to win anew the trust of the People" : Lately, "the European ideal lost its momentum. Since several years, whenever Citizens are questioned on Europe, they react with reserves : They even have .. a tendency to reply "NO".. After this 3rd "No" of a People in some years, there is an Urgency to convince", added French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, after a meeting earlier the same day of all Ministers with EU Commissioners, followed by an interview with Barroso
"According to recent Polls, only 30% of French people believe that the European construction is a source of hope. It's only a poll, but we all now quite well, that, since 2005, it's dangerous to neglect these alarming signals, as it would be dangerous to treat with contempt the Irish "No", Fillon warned.
"We all have a common duty to prove to the European Citizens who have doubts, that EU is more useful, more necessary, than ever" : And "that EU can take decisions needed in order to respond to European or Global challenges", the Prime Minister concluded.
- "We believe, together with President Sarkozy, that EU should open debates on all issues of direct, concrete interest to Citizens", confirmed later to EuroFora the Head of France's governing party (UMP), Patrick Devedjan, after his speech to the European People's party (EPP) Study Days in Paris (2 - 4 July 2008).
He didn't deny that one of them is Turkey : - "Public Opinion in France is very much unfavorable to Turkey's EU bid, and President Sarkozy has said that several times", he told EuroFora.
From European Central Bank's controversial policies on Euro's value, to EU Enlargement Strategy, etc., issues of obvious importance to EU Citizens will be plenty, next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, before President Sarkozy launches the debates on EU 2008 French chairmanship's priorities on Thursday.