Biden=Minority in Net Electors, Needs Swing States Fraud=>Lies in Clumsy Attempt to Hide Revelations
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/(Partly UpDated)- A Surrealist Climate of Astonishingly Chilling Big Lies (See Facts Infra) marked Biden's Official Speech Today, (called "Blunt" by Pro-Dems "CNN"), after the Formality of a Minority of Real Electors, added to an "Extra" of Notoriously Fake Electors due to Blatant Fraud and Gross Irregularities in 6 small "Swing" States, Bowed to him in a "Queen's Theater" (sic !) at Delaware, while, on the Contrary, Real "Alternative" Electors from those Same "Swing" States, were Voting for Trump, Today, (as f.ex. in Pennsylvania's "Forum Auditorium", Georgia's 'State Capitol", etc), as Dems' Desperate Attempts to Hide Spreading Revelations BackFire by their blatant Contradiction to Real Facts, since Official Public Hearings, Popular Mass Protests, Legal Complaints, Experts' Findings, WhistleBowers' and EyeWitnesses' Revelations on Vote Fraud+, Accumulated Further, Despite Establishment's Medias' and Big Tech Networks' Scandalous Medieval Censorship, (reminiscent of a 3rd World Anti-Democratic "Banana-Republic"), more and more Bypassed by an American People with alive Fighting Spirit.
That "Alternative Electors" move, (to which was Added, Today,, Also a 7th State : "New Mexico"), was reportedly Inspired by an Equivalent Precedent of John Kennedy versus Nixon, Back on 1960 on Hawai, (when Congress Afterwards Counted them Officialy, indeed), as, possibly, Trump v. Biden on 2020 in the Swing States,
while RDV is taken, Now, for until 20 January 2021, (and particularly when the US Congress is due to make the Officialy Announcement, according to the US Constitution, on this Controversial Election. on Jan. 6).
- Indeed, Biden reportedly has Only a Minority of 233 Electors, (i.e. Lacks of at least + 37 More Electors that he Should Find and ensure in order to Hope to simply Reach the 270 Threshold, i.e. the Minimum Necessary in order to become President),
=> and, as a Consequence, he Desperately Needs most, if not all of the 73 Electors from 6 "Swing" States (Minesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona), where the Fraud/Gross Irregularites' Controversy broke out.
In Comparison, Nowadays, in this 2020 Controversial US Presidential Election, Trump was attributed 232 Electors in Addition to Initialy Winning almost in All "Swing" States up and until to the Electoral Night of November 3, (i.e., Largely Bypassing the 270 Electors Threshhold with about 305 Electors), Before Dems practicaly Steal the Vote - Suddenly, in Early Morning, between 4 and 6 am - by Throwing some Huge Packets of "Mail-in" Ballots AbNormally Full of pro-Biden's unchecked "Votes" (from ...80% up to 90% !), Out of any OverSight by Indepedent Observers Hindered to Watch, in Addition to Controversial "Dominion" Electronic Machines' Incidents, etc).
- "I earned 306 Electoral votes (on 2020)... Same number of electoral votes Donald Trump and Mike Pence received in 2016", Biden boasted,
Obviously ...Forgeting the Fact that His Alleged great "Electoral Votes" are, Nowadays, Strongly Denounced for Blatant, Wide-Spread Fraud and Gross Irregularities, (while, on the Contrary, those of Trump Never did, Being Always Universaly Recognized)...
+ And, apparently Day-Dreaming, Biden Asked to "Respect ...Even ....(Electoral) Results Hard to Accept", Claiming that it would be an "Obligation", in order to "Work Together", Urging "to Turn the Page, as We (Dems) have Done" in the Past, according to His Claims, by "giv(ing) each Other a chance to Lower the Temperature", and "setting the Example, for the World (sic !), for a Peaceful Transition of Power", as he Boasted for his 2016 Barack Hussein Obama - Don Trump, Extremely "Bumpy" and particularly Long Transition of 2016-2019 (i.e. Until Mr. Mueller's Witch-Hunting against President Trump, personaly, was Obliged to Stop)...
>>> But, on These Points, Biden Obviously "Forgot" - or rather Ommitted - Among Others, Also the very Harsh Way in which, in the Past, Both Himself and Barack Hussein Obama, Back on 2016-2017+, had Heavily ...Spied on Trump and his Team Even Before he was Elected, and, Immediately Afterwards, Started to Launch pityless Persecutions Against his Campaign Manager Manafort, his Security Adviser General Flynn, his Lawyer Cohen, even his Fans as Papadopoulos, etc., Accusing them of Various Pretexts, Throwing them to the Courts, and Condemning them to Jail (sic !), while, at the same Time, in Parallel, President Trump was, Notoriously, Persecuted Himself by "Impeachment" Procedures, Slandered, Pressured, and Threatenend during several Years, (Even on Crucial Days and Hours of Exceptionaly Important, Top Level International Diplomacy Meetings, particularly Decisive for World Peace, and/or Economic Development, etc), until, Finaly, it Became Obvious that Such Relentless and Brutal "Witch-Hunting" was, in Fact, a Scandal withOut Any real Reason to exist, so that it Had to be Droped, Years Later, After Terrible Sufferings for Many People, and an Awful Waste, Both for the USA and the World !
=> If Mr Biden insisted, Obviously, Something Similar Could Easily be Triggered, Also Nowadays, But This Time Against Him, Given All those, mostly Well-Known, Heavy Suspicions of Big Financial and Political Corruption related to Various Foreign States and Tragic Bloody Conflicts (f.ex. in Ukraine, etc), or potentialy Dangerous Power-Games, (f.ex. reportedly related to China, etc), particularly Involving Notoriously his Son, Hunter, in Addition to His Own and/or Some in his Team's most probable Responsibilities in the Present Big Scandal of apparently Wide-Spread Electoral Fraud and/or related Scandalous, Gross Irregularities in the Latest, 2020 US Presidential Election, which Seriously Undermined the Credibility of the Country's Institutions, Blatantly Depriving them of the Trust of the American People, as many recent Polls Already prove, and Picturing the USA in the Eyes of All the International Community, as If it had Fallen to the level of a Corrupted Outcast Country, whose Establishment was Unable to Fight against Corruption and Electoral Fraud, Desperately Attempting to Hide it, Systematicaly Censoring the Truth, and Muzzling Critics, Instead of Seriously Investigating and Rapidly and Efficiently Eradicating on Time such Anti-Democratic Horrors, Before they Provoke Irremediable Big Harm to All Affected People and Institutions, (Comp. Supra and Infra)...
- Biden also Claimed that 2020 Election Officials and Volunteers, Both Republicans and Dems, "Knew the Elections they OverSaw (sic !) were Honest, Free and Fair", as "They Saw it with Their own Eyes" (re-sic !!),
Blatantly Ommitting the Notorious Fact that Thousands of Independent Republican Electoral Observers have Bitterly Denounced a Blatant Lack of Transparency, due to Many Scandalous Discriminations, illtreatments, Obstacles, Hindrances, even Brutal Expulsions, etc., added to Excessive Distances, Often Obliged to use ...Binoculars, Ask Help from the Courts, or being Blocked to Watch Votes' Counting, by Pizza-Boxes, Cardboards, etc. to Cover the Windows of Adjacent Rooms, (etc, etc+), as Many Victims, EyeWitnesses, Signed Affidavits, Public Hearings, Press Conferences, Lawsuits, etc., have Repeatedly Attested until now, Starting by a landmark 1st Key Press Conference on the spot at Pennsylvania, with may Victims and Lawyers, inclluding Guliani, etc. as Early as Since November 7, (when Establishment's Scandalously hasted to slyly Cover Up and silence those First Denonciations by, Paradoxicaly, Chosing that very Same Day, and Even, Precisely, that Same Hour and Minutes (sic !), in order to Transmit, Instead, ...Only Their own, Subjective View Claiming that Biden would have "Won" this Rigged Vote, i.e. a Catch-All Statement which could have been Published at Any Other Time....
- According to Biden, “in America, when Qestions are Raised about the Legitimacy of any Election, those questions are resolved through a Legal Process. And that is precisely what Happened Here. The Trump campaign brought dozens and dozens and dozens of Legal Challenges to test the Results. They were Heard (sic !). And they were Found to be without Merit (re-sic !!)”, as he Erroneously Claimed...
>>> In Fact, Trump team's Legal Complaints against Widespread Fraud/Gross Irregularities in the 2020 US Presidential Election at the 6 "Swing" States, were Never "Heard", Neither Judged, Yet, on the "Merits", by Any Senior Court in the Country, (Neither the Federal Supreme Court, Nor the States'), Until Now !
The Reality is that, The Most Important among them, were Not Even Launched Yet, (f.ex. a General, Comprehensive Lawsuit on All kinds of Fraud/Irregularities abused by Dems éthroughout the 6 "Swing" States in the 2020 US Presidential Election).
Others were Briefly Dropped, withOut being Examined, Neither Hearing the Evidence, Nor Discussing on Merits at all, But Only Because of Strictly Formal Pretexts Just about Procedure, Time Deadlines, etc...
Only a Few, Particular cases, on Inferior, Local Courts, with a Barack Hussein Obama-Appointed Judge, were, at the Last Minute, said to be considered "on the Merits", about some, comparatively, Tiny, Local matters, (f.ex., Certain concrete Fraud/Irregularities in 1 or 2 Counties of a "Swing" State Alone), were (Abusively) Said to be rejected "on Merit", f.ex. by by 1 Local Judge so Fanaticaly Hostile to President Trump, that she was Limited into openly and grossly Slandering his Lawyer to be ..."RACIST" (sic !), Only Because he had Found Gross Fraud/Irregularities Problems in 2 Counties which, by a Coincidence, would be Reportedly Inhabited mainly by some "Minorities", as that Obama-Appointed Local "Judge" abusively Accused a Trump's Legal Representative, (himself, by Coincidence, also a Member of Greek-American Minority !)...
+ In Addition, Moreover in Parallel, almost All Establishment's Medias, Scandalously and Anti-Deontologically, Never Presented, Nor Discussed, Not Even the Slightest, Concrete Electoral Fraud/Irregularity Issue Raised on 2020, Biefly Dismissing All President Trump's Legal Complaints, Only by Routinely Repeating, Always, (as a Tape-Recorder), their "Erzats" Claim that they would, allegedly, be All, 100%, ..."Baseless", totaly "UnProven", entirely "UnSubstantiated", or even "already DeBunked" (sic !) Complaints, (withOut Ever Daring Cite Any, Not even the Slightest, Fact or Argument against a Growing Number of Many Facts and Arguments presented by Trump), Systematicaly Hidding, thus, the Truth to the American People.
=> On the Contrary, it's an Historic Paradox and Enigma, in this very Serious Controversy about WideSpread Fraud/Gross irregularities in 6 "Swing" States at an US Presidential Election, Raisong several Key Issues concerning the US Federal Constitution, that, at least Until Now, Not Even 1 Trump's Legal Complaint did Not Yet Reach, and was Not Discussed yet, at USA's Federal Supreme Court, (whose Original Jurisdiction is, However, Mainly Focused on Such kind of Issues, and which had, on the Contrary, thoroughly and in Depth Examined and Discussed, Back on 2000, a Previous Such Kind of Electoral Complaint, Notoriously lodged, Then, by former US-vice President Gore (a Dems' "Socialist/Liberal"), against former Governor GWBush, (a Republican), in a Months-Long Affair, precisely about Votes' Counting and their Certain or "Questionable" Legality... (Comp.:, etc).
- Why Not at all (Yet) Now (on 2020) ?
+ Biden also Claimed that "an Unanimous (sic !) Supreme Court" would have "Rejected" (re-sic !!) a "Texas'" Legal Complaint againt Big Irregularities at 6 Swing States' Controversial Votes. Rarely a so Brief Sentence had more than 4 Blatant Flaws :
(1) In Fact, the relevant SCOTUS' brief Ruling (1 Paragraph !) was NOT "Unanimous" at all, since, at least vice-Presidebt Thomas and Experienced Justice Alito notoriously Opposed that, and even Published a "Dissending opinion" against it...
(2) Moreover, SCOTUS did NOT "Reject" the Irregularities' targetting Complaint, (a Key point of Substance), But Only Contested that Texas might have "proved Interest" into how the Swing States Organised the Elections in Their Areas, i.e. a Purely Procedural point, (+ anOther Ruling, on a case brought by a Citizen,at Concerned Only a Time Deadline..), withOut pronouncing itself on the Substance at all...
(3) That Legal Complait wasN't Just made by "Texas" Alone, But, on the Contrary, it was Supported Even by 18 More States, (in fact 19 => 20 in All), since Alasca said that it Wanted to Join the Group, But its AG was Hindered by a too Short Time Deadline. Republican States are a Majority in USA's Federation.
(4) Last, but not least, several Observers Denounced previous "Pressure" and Blackmail by Biden against the Supreme Court, Threatening it by "Packing" with Liberals/"Socialists" and making it an irrelevant thing of the Past, according to an alleged "Plan", that he had Since Before this Controversial Election, But notoriously Hidden from the People When they Voted !
- Today, Biden went Even Further, by Claiming, f.ex., that Some partial and superficial "ReCounts" in certain Counties at Georgia or Wisconsin Alone, (None in the 5 Other "Swing" States, yet), would, Allegedly, confort His Point.
>>> But, in Fact, None of those Limited, Local so-called "Re-Counts" did Not Yet really Check f.ex., at least the Signatures on the Notoriously Too Numerous and Suspect "Mail-In", Late, and/or Various Other "Absentees" Votes, Neither Other Denounced Discrepancies of Most Controversial Votes at the 6 "Swing" States, Despite Even relevant Promises (given by some Governing Authorities), practicaly Refusing such Clear Demands by President Trump's side, (who has Warned that, in Fact, Any Real "Re-Count" should even be "Forensic", in order to have a Real Chance to Find the Truth, Hidden by Fraud).
- However, Biden's obviously Baseless and Unsubstantiated, already Debunked, False Claims, (to use his Side's usual Vocabulary : Comp. Supra), Advanced even Further Today : He went as Far as to pretend that his Alleged "Margins" of Votes in "Swing" States would, according to him, also Show his so-called "Victory" (sic !)...
>>> However, Unfortunately for him, it's an UnContested Fact that, (Even by Counting Also a lot of Questionable Legality, Strongly Contested "Votes", Notoriously Denounced for "Fraud"/Gross Irregularities : Comp. Supra), on the Contrary, that Biden's "Margin" is Extremely Small, Tiny, and Limited to Only 1 or 2% (once, but largely Contested), sometimes (in the Most Important of those States) Even Down to ...0,2 or 0,3% (Despite the Fraud+) !
+ Meanwhile, Nevertheless, Even More Clear Factual Indications of Electoral Fraud/Gross Irregularities appear to Continue to Emerge, from Various Converging Events :
- Among Other relevant Anti-Fraud Developments, f.ex., a Court Authorized, for the 1st Time, to Publish the Results of a "Forensic" Investigation in Muchigan, where Experts Found that Controversial "Dominion" Electronic Machines had been Set in a way leading Up to ...68% of "Errors" in Counting Vote Ballots, so that, Afterwards, Interventions in order to "Rectify" that, Could Alter Many Thousands of Votes casted ! Afterwards, it's Also in Nevada that a "70% Error Rate" was reportedly Found, Awaiting that of "Arizona ...Soon".
+ In Parallel, USA's Federal Senate held, also for the 1st Time, a Public Hearing, at Washington DC, on the 2020 US Presidential Election's Fraud/Irregularities' Controversy, which Soon Became a Top, Popular "Trend" at the Internet, Attracting a Record-High of Web Readers,
and During which, inter alia, f.ex., the Well Known Senator Rand Paul Strongly Denounced that this "Election was, in Many Ways, Stolen", and that "Courts Never Looked at the Facts. ...they stayed Out of it by finding an Excuse", (Comp. Supra),
while an Expert Attorney Jesse Binnall Revealed that, in Nevada, "Over 42.000 People Voted More than Once, at least 1.500 Dead People are Recorded as Voting, and More than 19.000 People Voted Even though they DidN't Live in that State, so that "the Election was Inevitably Ridden with Fraud !"
++ In Arizona a Public Hearing on 2020 Election Fraud/Irregularities was Organized, while the State Senate's Judiciary Committee President, Eddie Farnsworth, issued 2 SubPoenas for Maricopa County (the Largest) Election Audits on Scanned "Mail-in" Ballots, and on Dominion Electronic Machines.*
+++ "New Mexico" was Added to the 6 "Swing" States, which Evoked a Kennedy v. Nixon 1960 Precedent, in order to Allow their "'Electors who Represent the (UnContested) Legal Ballots" to "Cast their Votes for President Trump", in a 2nd Slate of Alternative Great Electors, in view of the Decisive January 6, 2021 USA Congress' Official "Reading" of the 2020 US Presidential Election's Final Results, according to the US Federal Constitution. => Therefore, several US Medias Enlarged the Post-Electoral MAP of USA's Still "Pending" Cases, Picturing Not 6, But 7 States, where "Dueling Electors" exist.
++++ Well Known Kentacky Senator Rand Paul and Alabama Representative Mo Brooks, are, reportedly, among those Ready to Contest, on that Crucial January 6 US Federal Congress' Meeting, the Credentials of Electors Based on "Questionable Legality Votes" at the "Swing" States, (according to Famous Late Supreme Court Justice Scalia's Key Wording, at the Bush v. Gore 2000 Case : See, etc), and Support the Alternative slate of Great Electors, Based on the UnContested "Legal Votes" (Comp. Supra), and Already Prepared at those States, Voted Nowadays, and Ready to act. In that case, the Congress has to Discuss and Vote on such Issues, with a Feasible Republican Majority in the Senate (according to the Forthcoming, January 5, two Senatorial ByElections in Georgia) could Obviously Help President Trump. But, the Constitutional Procedures would, reportedly, Enter, then, in "UnChartered Waters", Despite the Fact that, in some Hypothesis, the US Constitution points at States' Directly Voting for the President by 1 Vote Each, (mutatis-mutandis, as in an EU Council's Summit), while Republicans currently Hold a Majority of States.
At any case, "Eurofora" Believes that, in Substance, the Most Essential is to Clearly Find, at First, All the Truth about the Main Realities on this Controversial 2020 US Prasidential Election, Obviously Hampered by Wide-Spread Fraud Threats and Various Convergibg Gross Irregularities provoking Many Questionable Legality Ballots, and, Afterwards, Strive to Also Search one Practical Way or AnOher in order to Restore a Healthy and Basicaly Legal, Unquestionable Outcome, the Nearest possible to the American People's Real Wish.
=> In such Circumstances, US President Don Trump stressed that it's still "Too Soon to Give up", But, on the Contrary, "Must ... Fight. People are Angry !", (about some RINOS Turn-Coats). + His Senior Laywer, young Jenna Ellis, declared that "the Date of Ultimate Significance" is "in January" 2021. "We still Have Time. The State Legislatures ... Can Inquire, they Can hold Hearings, they Can Reclaim their Delegates, and they Should. And, ...Now, All the Evidence we have brought forth ...Will give them Inspiration and Courage Act". "Regardless" of that, "We'e Going to Continue to Do the Right thing". "“President Trump is Courageous, he is Standing for Truth, the Constitution, Election Integrity, and it is Always a Fight that is Worth Fighting". Inter aiia, Also by Filling Legal Complaints to District Courts for at least 4 "Swing" States, Looking towards Arriving at the US Federal Supreme Court, for the 1st Time. Meanwhile, ”We're going to continue to Press for these critical iInvestigations and I’m happy to see .. that Michigan, and Georgia, Arizona, and Other States, are Starting to make some Moves in their state Legislatures". "This is not a partisan issue. This is something that Every American should be Concerned with, so we're going to Continue to Fight that Battle. ...and I Hope that we do Rectify the correct Results of this Election".
+ In Parallel, Independent Lawyer and former Attorney Sydney Powell is reportedly Planning Next Steps on Enlarging and Spearheading Legal Complaints for the "Swing" States further and Higher. In Addition, Many American People have Recently Announced, also by Writting, that they would be "Proud to Take Part in an Eventual <<Class Action>>" Collective Move Against the 2020 Electoral Fraud/Gross Irregularities, Aiming to Reach USA's Federal Supreme Court, (which Seems, Perhaps, to Prefer such kind of Moves in those Affairs), as "Eurofora" Cooperators were Directly Informed by them, (Comp.:, etc).
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An appeal to make the "World more Human", by defending basic Human Values, helping those in need, and paying hommage to Nature, figured high in Pope Benedict's long-awaited speech at his "First Angelus" in the symbolic, beautiful historic small town of Brixen/Bressalone at the Alpes.
- "No Dictature, nor any destructive force can rob us of the most important goods wich are God's gift", stressed Pope Benedict, referring to elementary Human Values, in a last-minute improvisation of his draft speech, before launching also a call to "help those in need", in order to "make the World more human".
- "Jesus is the focus .. In him is Justice and Freedom", said earlier Brixen's Bishop Wilhelm Egger, after prayers including calls to "Truth, Justice and Freedom", read at a Mass of thousands in the town of Archangel Michael, known as defender of christians against the devil.
In what looks as a reference to BioEthics' dillemas of crucial impportance, raised at Strasbourg's unique in the World legally binding International Treaty on BioMedicine and Human Rights (1998, with the "hottest" issues added later through additional protocols, some of whom are imminent), he spoke also of the splendid "Nature" at this Alpen's ressort : This fits well Vatican's earlier anouncement that Pope Benedict's "prayer intentions for August" are mainly to "respect God's design for the world", and "become ever more aware of the great gift of God which Creation represents for us".
- "The most important things in our lives cannot be bought, but are only given as holy gifts : The Sun and its Light, the Air that we breath, the Water, the beauty of Earth, Love, Friendship, Life itself", Pope Benedict added, extending also to Natural Environment, another topical issue after recent Climatic upheavals at several parts of the World.
The "preparation of Pope Benedict's visit to France", which currently heads the EU, at mid-September, among exceptionaly important Council of Europe meetings on Human Rights in Paris and Strasbourg, is part of his work, together with his "book on Jesus", during brief Summer Holidays in Brixen, said his Spokesman, Federico Lombardi.
- The Pope's message is mainly religious, theological. But we are living in a concrete world, and ideas may be taken by readers as references to the actuality. However, it's better to wait to se what the Pope will say in Paris and at Lourdes, added to EuroFora Lombardi, who is also Director of Vatican's Press Office.
Brizen/Bressanone is similar to Strasbourg by succeeding to make a fertile synthesis of Germanic and Latin sources of Europe, like the two local rivers who meet at the historical center of the town, among spectacular ressorts at mountains' hights.
Headquarters for an Historic Religious Seminar, it attracted recently also a Free University's Educational studies. Well-known as a long-time preferred rest place for former cardinal Radzinger and his brother Georg, it includes areas named "St Benedeto" and "St George"...
But Pope Benedict's first speech gave also another symbolic rendez-vous :
- "Next Wednesday, August 6, we shall commemorate the 30st anniversary from the death of late Pope Paul VI", who "concluded Vatican II", and "the Transfiguration of Jesus, mystery of the divine light, which exerced a unique fascination to his soul", he said to some 12.000 applauding People, among the happy few who succeeded to have a rare place for an open-air Mass inside the Domplatz a particularly sunny day at the Alpes.