POTUS Trump fans Back Iran f. President Ahmadinejad move v. Labo-made Virus +Anti-Human Criminals /B
- "That's the only sane thing I have ever heard him (Ahmadinejad) say!", agreed "Ed" too.
- "I don't normally ever agree with Iranian maniacs (Ahmadinejad), but when I do it's about who created the Hunan Virus....", was added also "Laurence Jackson".
- "You go, I'madinnerjacket! (Ahmadinejad)", joined "Bannaghar" too.
-" Ahmadinejad is a man of conscience, something the world doesn’t know how to deal with. If he were Irans leader today, they would be better off!!!", "Jonathan" also supported.
- "Agreed", said "JCMR" too.
- "...If this is a man-made weapon it’s a pretty crap one", found "BobCurious".
-"No one is saying it was their doomsday virus that was accidentally released, but even performing experiments on how to infect humans with rodent viruses can be dangerous (as we see)", "Cowpow" denounced.
- "That depends on what it's purpose is. It might be intended for economic chaos, rather than human fatalities!", rightfully observed "ellerfeller".
-"That lab must hate Italian seniors", supposed "BugsBunny", because of the Virus' more often targetted (aged) victims.
- "As much as I hate to agree with this clown (Ahmadinejad),... part of me does...", "Mojo" admitted.
- "At first glance it would seen that China is the culprit.........but we have to look at who has most to gain by doing the unthinkable. China was about to finalize a great deal with the US but Iran was not! China cannot afford this CV but Iran needs something to stop the revolution. China could have worked on the technology to make the virus but was too careful not to let it go.......but Iran could have been the main culprit in seeding China so as to create havoc. How was it that some Iranian politicians got so quickly infected ? ......maybe because they had first hand look at the vial......but where too stupid to be too close ? I have no idea. I am just throwing stones at a glass pane. Iran allowed people to get out of infected areas.Iran is said to have opened the doors to prisoners. Iran has some very inadequate safety measures. China is doing its best to control while Iran seems to be only praying for Allah to punish Israel and Trump for this CV. On the other side there are the mega billionaires who have been talking about such viruses just a few months ago. So, is this a money thing, a religious thing or just madness ?"
"Whoever did this will reap the wind. Many people will die. Let us all pray that it will not be us", soberly wondered "disqus_E5omamma".
- "You wrote all that because you think a human being made this particular virus?", "Edith 1880" asked.
- "Yes, and he is right. Level 4 biological lab Wu Han China. You have to be crazy to believe it's something that came from bats. Chinese have been eating them for centuries", "Keeper of Odd Knowledge" observed.
- "This Guy (Ahmadinejad) could be on to something... Think about it! Out of the 10's of thousands of food markets that exist throughout China, it just so happens to be in the food market within blocks of the only BSL level 4 lab in China. It could be a leak, which everyone may suspect. But if it was, who leaked it, and how was it that Iran was suddenly one of the first hardest hit countries (dozens of high ranking politicians infected), ...that just so happen to be mortal enemies of the state of Israel.? fact or fiction?", wondered "wildfirexx".
- "I like this guy (Ahmadinezad)", agreed also "Sam Adams".
- "I kind-of agree with him (Ahmadinejad)....", added "SPANGLER the Deplorable" too.
-"Coronavirus, Patent No. US 10-130-701 B2, The Pirbright Institute, UK. Major funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, EU. Start here. Look it up at uspto.gov. Happy hunting", wished "KauaiGoneGin", after giving some Interesting Factual leads.
- "I actually agree with this (Ahmadinejad's call)-- the sentiment anyway, not the nonsense. It should be made public who and where the virus was created. Then we should expose all Democrats, before November", urged "Matt Fischer".
- "You only have to look at the DNC lab to find out where the virus came from. The trick was to get it into the Chinese population to scapegoat the Chinese and crash Trumps economy", denounced "Don't Tase Me Bro!".
-"To scapegoat populists worldwide and have people begging for a one world government, or so they thought. They could easily steal the election from Trump", added "Elf of Destruction".
- "Well that's an easy one: It was the lab at the University of North Carolina. Then, Barack Insane Obama sold it to the Comm. Chinese in 2015 for further gain of function research and to then release it en masse", "007_Conservative" suspected.
-"The head of the Wuhan lab was working on Corona virus gain of function research at UNC. It's one theory. Shiangli Zhi is her name ai think", "Elf of Destruction" added.
-"...The public is already in panic mode. Announcing that it is man-made would increase the panic level by 100. So they will play the "an animal virus that just happened to jump to humans" card....in the city that China has their only level 4 bio lab in", "Cowpow" warned.
-"I'm not saying it is a man-made disease. It is a bat/rodent disease the originated in the wild. No denying here. However, taking this bat/rodent disease that originated in the wild and figuring out how to infect humans with it is something that happened in that level 4 lab", nuanced "Cowpow".
- "Your comment is simply ridiculous... You say it's not a man made disease, and then you proceed to proclaim that man figured out a way to infect humans with it (thus it becomes man made)... I got news for you... Virus that "don't affect humans", infect humans all the time. It's when the virus mutates to a point that it CAN affect humans that things go awry. Every country understands that biological warfare is a dumb thing. Using a virus to attack your enemies will always boomerang back onto you. We are all human, there is no way to create a virus to infect just certain people", claimed "Arminious", (despite evidence of the Contrary : F.ex. COVID-19 notoriously targets mainly Old People, with certain Conditions, etc).
-"And yet every country still continues to experiment...", warned "Cowpow".
+"Again; same city as their only level 4 bio lab. They turned down help from the CDC. They surrounded an entire city with soldiers in hazmat suits that were pointing automatic weapons at citizens who were trying to escape. Their own reporters with inside tips were reporting that it originated in that lab (before they vanished that was). If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...", he reiterated.
-"...Countries study virus so that they can be prepared for every eventuality. They don't manipulate the coding of those virus to use against people. As I said, that's a fools game. The virus you're "concocting" is inside your borders, and if accidentally let loose it will cause mayhem among your population. No country tries to do biological warfare anymore. The dangers outweigh the benefits", "Arminius" believes.
- ".... I guess the stories published in credible papers about researchers in China in prison for selling the animals they experiment on to raw meat market street vendors are also just "troof"", persisted to denounce, "Cowpow".
+"...out of the 3.7 million square miles in China, what are the odds of this disease magically jumping from animals to humans in the very same city where China has their only level 4 bio lab where viruses like this are experimented on, with the two events being unrelated? I will save you the math; 13.7 trillion to one. (so you're telling me there's a chance?) I guess statistics lie too now...", "Cowpow" added.
-"...it all ties back to here: http://www.waarheid911.nl/b... There's no fear of a False Flag attack now. CoVid IS the False Flag, only it's a real attack. Think of all the 'clearing out' going on behind the scenes. ...Let's follow the breadcrumbs, and avoid the fake CIA marshmallow 'wet market' diversions, as George Webb would say:"
+ "1. 2019-nCoV is a patented US Bioweapon of the SARS - MERS respiratory virus family, with an HIV wrapper. Backing out an isolation and identification of the first victim announced 8 DEC 19, and the 2 to 3 week incubation of what presented as a pneumonia cluster, Patient Zero was the second half of October, 2019. ... 2. Trump, Pompeo and State were in China the second half of October, brokering the New China Trade Deal. Trump announced 'We have a Great New Plan', but then China said, 'Uhh, no we don't!' This infuriated and embarrassed Trump and the US State trade mission. ...3. Also in the second half of October, the 2019 Military World Games was held in Huwei Province, in WUHAN. All of the Pentagon, State and CIA 'wet' operatives were right there IN WUHAN when the China Trade Deal collapsed. Pentagon has 26 bioweapons labs, ready to start 'seeding'. ... 4. Now, you'll recall, in the first half of October, the Fed began frantically covering a sudden global 'liquidity crisis', as credit dried up and the markets froze. This was just after Trump refused to attack Iran for a second time, and then fired Bolton to signal the end to these Perpetual Wars of Greater Levant. That was the trigger for the so-called 'DNC' Soft Coup impeachment effort by the Pentagon-CIA. ...5. That same week as the 2019 Military World Games was seeding Patient Zero with the Super-SARS, just after Perpetual Wars of Levant went off the rails, then the China (Extortion) Trade Deal failed ... that SAME WEEK, a US Big Pharma PAC introduced HR4710 into Congress as a Homeland Security Drug Monopoly Plan, to BAN ALL IMPORTED DRUGS AND VACCINES and also CREATE A PENTAGON IMPORTED DRUG AND VACCINE INTERDICTION TASKFORCE".
++"Coincidence? The L4 Wuhan lab was French-built, it was brand new and staffed by Chinese researchers who were all educated and trained in the West. They were working with Stanford and Harvard on developing US bioweapon SARS and MERS vaccines. The lab was researching known bat immunity to SARS as a potential vaccine adjuvant. Their Harvard co-researcher was arrested by Feds and never heard from again. Neither Stanford nor Harvard has issued any statement. .... So, let's do a Dave Letterman count-down. First the Perpetual War of Greater Levant collapses and Bolton is fired. The the Soft Coup, as global credit instantly dries up. There is a huge global banking crisis! Trump announces a new China (Extortion) Trade Deal! But it immediately blows up during the 2019 Military World Games right there *in Wuhan*. Then a bill to create a US Big Pharma MONOPOLY under Permanent Pentagon Posse Comitatus is introduced to Congress at the same time...and then five weeks of incubation and isolation later, the first case of what's now been branded 'CoVid' by the West is announced by China on December 8th (December 7th in USA, ... Pearl Harbor Day). "We need some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl Harbor” Project for a New American Century Smoking Gun? Or just a Wild Coincidence? Must be coincidence. Why, Mike 'End of Days' Pompeo wouldn't even hurt a FLY!"
+++ "- In fact, if you research, you can find a 2010 video where a respected journalist with an inside-leaker from CIA-MI6 stating The Plan was to: 1. start blitz-kreig with Iran by provoking it using illegal insertions, then 2. a Bioweapons attack on China, and use the resulting global pandemic chaos for Patriot Act IV America LockDown.... And that is exactly what played out, and is playing out and will likely play out. The Private Fed just bailed out the international banking cartels last Fall by looting our US Treasury. They now hold all the gold. You hold all the Toilet paper. Do the math. ....Protect your Home, protect your Family, protect your Wealth. Be Kind to Others!", concluded "Antworter".
-"The stock market was ready for a correction, right after the Wall Streeters ran it up to 30,000. They almost go there when the virus news got bad, so they sold a bit early and predictably took their profits. Those who know the game were short the market and are covering this week now that the Dow has hit its 200-week moving average. Watch: Things will now settle down, maybe after another dip, as Wall Streeters begin to buy up all the lost profits of the fools who had turned their money over to 401(k) managers. They do this all the time. The craps table was hot till someone rolled a seven", added "My O. My".
-"My biggest problem with your theory is that you think the CIA operates under anyone, including Trump. I also think China is nowhere near innocent which you seem to portray them as. The trade deal was necessary, not extortion. I've been there, the people are terrified of their government. I'm hoping it was a CIA operation to cripple the CCP and Iran", replied "Elf of Destruction".
-"It was made with PShuttle. A college kid could have made it. Came from Canada, modified variant found in Wuhan. The end. Nothing more to ever know for sure", claimed "John Hall".
-"Wow! I agree with the Dude (Ahmadinejad) !!!.", was impressed "Croodness".
- "I have only two words for Iran's ex-president Amahdinejad: "Fair enough.", agreed also "Howard Lewis".
- "DANG! I never, ever, thought I'd agree with anything Ahmadinejad said, but he is 100% on target with that. ...Of course, once the WHO determine the virus was manufactured in China, as a militarized weapon, what will they do about it?", wondered "Jack Carter".
-"The Crazy sun of a gun (Ahmadinejad) might have a point", agreed "1955-mullet" too.
-"I'm-all-in-jihad (Ahmadinejad) has a valid point for once", joined also "Munch".
- "One has to wonder . Why would anyone develop such a devastating virus ??? Then the MSM's / The WHO etc... talk only Pandemic and DO NOT say a damn thing about the very people who developed it ! ...", wondered "Gabriel Power".
- "From what I've read about the genome it has 2 places that are the same as HIV, and uses the same pathway to spread and infect. I would say it's a genetically combined virus that was made in a lab, but who's the question. Soros and the .0001 of the elite that want total control of the world would be behind it I'm sure. They're sick bastages that will do anything to take over", denounced "banned usafirst".
-"What kind of Frankenstein lab would be working on a virus that targets the elderly? Those people have got to have their head screwed on backwards. hmm ... perhaps the elderly were just the 'test pilots' .. analysis from this might show how to do other 'selective' projects? My word ... the entire land of China will be sand dunes. They'll lose that battle and I had such high hopes for them in that....", deplored "Waterwllows".
-"The lab is at the University of North Carolina (Comp. Supra), and they made it for the Chinese", found "Jimmy Troutbum".
- "Strange, but I agree with him (Ahmadinejad) on this. The CCP must be held to account. Even if they didn't develop it in a lab, they lied about it and hid it for as long as possible. Par for the course for commies. What's a few million deaths of their own people,let alone the rest of the world in the name of maintaining their own power and wealth?", claimed "Speakthetruth".
-"...Anyways, the patent is owned by Gates, I think. Sue him!", reminded "freedom1776".
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Renew Europe's Historic Legend with Parthenon's pure white marble at the eve of crucial 2009 EU Elections, was the ambition of an interesting Art Exhibition, with more topical Symbols than expected, organized by EU Parliament's 1st vice-President Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou and MEP Marie Panayotopoulos- Cassiotou, Chair of the Inter-group on Family policy, during March A session in Strasbourg.
According to the Ancient Legend, God Zeus, charmed by young Girl Europe, was trasformed into a strong Bull with Wings, and when she tamed him with Human affection, they flew over the Sea to live together in a New Land with large, fertile landscapes.
- "There, they saw the Continent with a "Large Front" ("Eureia -opse" in Greek => Eur-opse => Europe)", reminded the Sculptor, Mary Papaconstantinou, of the European Women Association, honored by awards in Paris, Athens and Strasbourg.
Thus, Europe's Legend combines Symbols of Energy and Strength, with caring Human personality, to bring towards New, large Horizons :
- "Modern Art for this Ancient Greek Legend here in Strasbourg reminds that Europe, placing Human dignity at its heart, always finds the strength to overcome any Crisis towards New achievements. And EU Parliament offers Citizens a chance to artfully interact", said MEP Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou.

Made by sparkling pure white Marble full of Symbols, they incite to think but also to act, as in front of a Book with half of its pages full of written text, but another half, free to write on white paper..
While several EU politicians think that one of the most important characteristics of the 2009 EU Elections is that from their outcome may depend Europe's Identity and Future, Culture Minister of Greece, Antonis Samaras (a former MEP) send the message that, precisely, such modern Art linked to Historic legends may help "EU Citizens search the origins of Europe's Identity".
- "The Legend says that they founded a New City, Thebes, and that reminds us that Europe is always a project of Invention and Creation", added EU Parliament's vice-President, Rodi Kratsa - Tsagaropoulou.
Sculptor Mary Papaconstantinou said that she "tried for years to find the same White Marble from Penteli Mountain that was used by Praxitelis and all those who created Parthenon", symbol of Democracy and one of the 7 wonders of the World.
- "By shaping this millenary Greek Marble to revive Europe's Ancien Legend with Modern Art, it reminds that Europe is a Hope for a better Future after Crisis, combining Energy for Development, with care for the Human person", said the sculptor's compatriot from Chios island, famous from French artist Delacroix's historic painting, MEP Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou.

Organisers of both events said that it was a pure coincidence. People are free to believe them, or hope otherwise...
They disagree in almost everything, except from one thing :
- EU Parliament's Art unites even opposed politicians in a common belief for Europe : Cyprus' example...

Rarely united together, but posing for "EuroFora" with the statute of Europe and Zeus flying over the Sea, ChristianDemocrat/EPP's MEP Yannis Kasulides, a frontrunner Presidential candidate in 2008, former Foreign Minister and Government Spokesman, and EuroLeft's MEP Kyriakos Triantafylides, Chairman of EU - Palestinian Council delegation, from the governing party AKEL (new Left) of the elected President, disagree on almost everything, except from their common claim that Europe of the Ancient Legend, when she flew with God Zeus from Ancient Phynecia to the West, must have crossed the island of Cyprus !
Hard to prove the contrary, 3.000 years later...