Eve of crucial March 25 EU Summit : Brussels to EF on European Policy in 1821 and 2021...
1821-2021: Invent Virus' Vaccine +Liberty from Turks: Brussels to EF on EU Policy 2 Centuries After...
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- EU Heads of State/Government had notoriously Chosen March 2021, and Even the precise Date of March 25, at the 200th Anniversary of the Greek Revolution, one of the "Enlightnement" Century's landmarks, as the Decisive Date for a Key EU Summit on Turkey. By an Incredible Concidence, this was also 2 Centuries since Luis Pasteur's Birthday, the French 1st Inventor of Vaccines in the World,, at a moment When, Nowadays, European People notoriously, still desperately seek a Real, Efficient and Safe Vaccine against a Deadly Virus' Pandemic...
- Thus, when "Eurofora" raised hand for Questions at the relevant EU Press Briefing before that Summit, where we were Invited, together with Other 248 Journalists, for a Video-Conference earlier Today, it appeared Natural, for the Experienced Head of that Press Team in Brussels, to Guess that, -"Now, we have a Question, from Angelo, no doubt : on Turkey !"...
He had guessed Right, at least on 1 of the 2 above-mentioned 'Hot' Points' Directions, But Not exactly on its main Meaning : Often, indeed, "Turkey" offers a unique Opportunity in order to take the pulse of Europe's real stance on Human Rights and Democracy, on its Geo-Political Ambition in the World, on its Strength, Autonomy, Popularity and Vitality... So that we had to immediately Rectify : - "In Fact, it's more about Europe !", stressed "Eurofora", smiling...
- Indeed, what we Originaly Asked was Composed from 2 Parallel, but Converging, Topical Questions, on Europe's Real, Strategic Ambitions in the Fight against the Deadly Virus' Pandemic Crisis, (1), and on the European Neighbourhood and Foreign Policy, including the UK and USA, vis a vis Russia, and regarding Turkey (2). The Official Agenda of the forthcoming EU Summit includes Both Issues.
- "As you know, there is still a Need for More and Better Vaccines : Many People are Waiting...", "Eurofora" Reminded. => - "Do you think that there might be still a Hope for the EU to Catch-up, and Create a really Good Vaccine during this Pandemic, or not ?
+ Meanwhile, from a GePolitical point of view, inter alia, f.ex., Russian President Vladimir Putin has just Revealed that Moscow would Already have Not only 1, but 3, such Vaccines, (Declining to clarify which one among them he had just chosen to receive himself...), and Even the "Small (and Isolated) Cuba Island went on to Claim, in parallel, that it was Preparing 4 such Vaccines, and would, probably, have at least 1, nick-named "Soberana" (for "Sovereignity" !) in a Few Months", "Eurofora" observed in addition...
However, perhaps the more "Spicy" Symbol, Today, was the Neglected but Astonishing Fact that the World-Famous, Historic European Inventor of the Vaccines : French Dr. Louis Pasteur, had been Born on ...1822, i.e. just on the 2nd Year of the Greek Revolution, working and producing well "Vaccinated" People all the way during its Long Aftermath...
European Scientist Pasteur, (Born just 1 Year After that Greek Revolution in Europe : on 1822), notoriously produced, then, During the Greek Liberation Fight, actively Supported by the Biggest European Countries, (See infra), against the Foreign Military Invasion and Occupation by the Ottoman-Turk Empire, (i.e. from 1840-1850+) Real and Safe Vaccines, able to give long Immunity to Recipients, and Stop Spreading Infections to Other People, withOut Dangerous Unknown Side-Effects, Neither Genetic Manipulations with UnExpected Consequences.
On the Contrary, Nowadays, Foreign Start-ups, linked to BREXIT's UK/USA, and Turkish or Other Networks, Originating from Areas Usurpating Armenian People's Homes and Neighbouring to Islamist Terrorist ISIL's Top Hideouts (f.ex. Iskinderum/Idlib, etc), Pre-Selected by Controversial US Millionaire Gates, Military Pentagon's BioWarfare, etc., Suspected of InSufficient Protection on Elders, and UnCertain Duration of "Immunity" on Individual Recipients, apparently Unable to Stop Infecting Other People throughout Society, abuse of some Novel and Intrusive Technologies Manipulating the Human Genome (DNA, RNA, adding "UpDates", "BREXIT Chimpadjies"'substances, etc), with Dangerous, Unknown yet Side-Effects, (even Deadly "Thrombosis" to Young/Middle Age People, etc), and Other possible Consequences UnExplored in Only a Few Months" Tests), etc. While, Curiously, ...All "Classic" Vaccines (even Therapy Drugs, etc) seem Currently Droped, Delayed, or Excluded, for various Shady Pretexts...
+ At the Same Time, even an Experienced, French Professor and Head of Infectiology in Paris' Hospitals, as Dr. Perronne, is, Suddenly, ..."Fired" from his Top Job, when he Dares Criticize, in an Article Published on December 2020, that those Shady Novel Tools are "Not real Vaccines", (to the point that ..."Pasteur would be Spinning in his Grave !"), But a kind of Controversial ..."Gene Therapy" instruments, Risking to abuse of Human Persons as ..."GMO"'s ! (While, almost Simultaneously, at EMA's Head is Appointed someone with a Simple "Degree" in Pharmacology, and an UnRelated ..."Business Administration" Master from Ireland, entrusted to Supervise Crucial Decisions on the Authorisation of Vaccines and Drugs for EU Citizens' Health, eventualy indicating that ...Science may Not be the real Priority)...
=> In such a Context, in contrast, the Measured Reply of EU Council's Top Official, to the above-mentioned 1st Question by "Eurofora", i.e., (if the Sound-Recording wasN't Damaged by a strange, Sudden ambiant Noise at Registration), that : - "On the Vaccine (against the COVIT Viirus), I DoN't Know" yet, as he Carefully said,... clearly appears quite Honest, and Optimist, in substance, given the relevant Facts : - "Honest", simply Because he did Not Promise Anything a priori Inacheivable or Utopic, and certainly "Optimist", Because he said that, Despite the unquestionably Hard Facts, previously noted by "Eurofora" in this regard, at least until now, such a Possibility would Not be Excluded, A Priori, for this Pandemic, (Comp. Supra)...
* Meanwhile, Back to (Omni-Present) Geo-Politics, the Diplomatic Landscape for Tomorrow's 1st Day of this Crucial EU Summit of 25-26 March 2021, appeared very Intriguing, with its EU - UK/USA (marked by President Biden's Exceptional Participation), EU - Russia, and EU - Turkey main "Hot"-points, at the Same Moment that the Key EU-Member's Greece's 200th Anniversary for its National Liberation and Re-Vival, Since Ancient and Medieval Times, after 380 Years of Brutal Ottoman-Turk Military Invasion/Occupation, (Comp. Supra), amidst Similar ViewPoints : UK, Russia and Turkey, etc., in Addition to most EU Countries, were, more or less present in Both Constellations of 1821 and 2021, But in quite ...Different positions, Then from Now, "Eurofora" observed, right from the Start of our Questions :
- ... "Concerning also (but not only) Turkey (Comp. supra), Sorry to ask a very Large, Symbolic Question : Tomorrow (i.e. on 25 March 2021) by a Coincidence, it's the (200th) Anniversary of an affected EU Member Country's Independence : Greece (i.e. for the 25th March 1821), But the most Interesting thing is about Europe itself :"
- Indeed, "at That moment (1821), We (the EU) were very much Allies and (even) Fighting Together with the UK : there was No "BREXIT", they were Glad to be With Us (i.e. the EU), and, the Most Interesting thing, Compared to Now (2021) : (the EU) had Less Problems with Russia : (on the Contrary), They (the Russians) were Also United with us (EU), and (even) Victorious, in several key Events, (as, f.ex., the landmark Pan-European Victory, versus the declining Ottoman Turkish Empire, at the Famous Naval Battle of Navarino, on 1828, etc) !
=> "As it's obvious, don't you think that European Diplomacy would be much More Easy, (Nowadays, i.e. on 2021), for Europeans, if it was Inspired - in anOther Way, But, at least Partly - from What had existed at That (Historic) Moment (1821) ?", "Eurofora" asked. George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
+ As if to Better Mark things, among the Top Invitees to Tomorrow's (25 March 2021) Bi-Centenentary Anniversary Ceremonies in Greece for those Exceptional Histororic Events (of 25 March 1981), are, particularly, UK's "Prince Charles, of Wales", " the "oldest and longest-serving Heir (to the Throne) in British History", 1st Granchild of late King John VI and Elisabeth, and Eldest Son of current Queen Elisabeth II and Prince Philip of Edimburg, as well as the New Russian Prime Minister Michail (Vladimirovich) Mishustin, from a Belarusian Jew Father, and Mother from Archangelsk, Famous ex-Head of International Computer Club, working for integration of Russian and Western Information Technologies, who Launched a Europe-West China Transport Plan for Economic Recovery, after being Affected by the Virus and Recovered himself (as UK's PM Boris Johnson), known also for writing Pop Music... Cypus' President Nicos Anastassiades represented as Invitee the Addition of a New 3rd Group of Pro-European Interests, around the landmark Gas/Oil Energy Resources recently Discovered in South-Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Together with Israel, Egypt, and Other Countries, (that Turkey is Notoriously attempting to Hinder from Direct Access to EU Markets). French Defense Minister Francoise Parly, (added to an Extensive INTW with President Emmanuel Macron for Greek Medias), completed that New Trend.
- "On the Greek Independence" matter, went on in his to Replies the EU Council's Top Senior Official, to the above-mentioned "Eurofora"'d questions, Concerning "Tomorrow's (200th) Anniversry's" of 1821 - 2021, and European Diplomacy, "I, myself, was Impressed by some (Historic) Events, and, as a (Long-Time former Multilateral International) Diplomat, I would be Happy to Discuss that with You" ("Eurofora"), the Top EU Council's Official Acknowledged.
- "But", I think that it Needed much More Efforts Then (1821), on those "Revolutionary Events", while, "Today, (2021), we (EU) have Less Conflict in Europe, than in That Time", Comparatively, as he felt, (at least for the Moment)...
But, Meanwhile, EU Top Contacts from Brussels with Turkey and Russia, organized on 19 and 22 March respectively, in preparation of the forthcoming EU Summit of March 25-26, 2021, reportedly indicated a Possibility of Eventualy re-starting a partialy "Positive" Agenda between Ankara and the EU on June 2021, perhaps Despite Turkey's Recent Worsening also Against Parliamentary Democracy (including Threats of Total Exclusion and Oppression of entire Political Parties) and many Other Human Rights Issues, just loudly Denounced by CoE's Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg, (and Evoked by the EU's Top Official Today in Brussels)... The Pretext Obviously was an alleged Rarefication or recent short Suspension of Turkey's brutal Bullying, with War-Ships, Gun-Boats and illegal Drilling Ships at the Eastern Mediterranean Sea's EU Members' Cyprus' and/or Greece's EEZ, in recent Years, (including Even Brutal, immediate Military Threats against Peaceful and Legal Exploration, by Italian ENI's Civil Ships, in Agreement with Cyprus' Government, spoted during an EU Summit !), once Ankara was Promised, on 12/2020, to perhaps get even more Blllions € from the EU, (+plus an Update of Trade Union, etc), if it behaved... But such Ephemerus, Superficial and Changing, Short Zig-Zag Tactics, Obviously doN't Guarantee Anything, and can Easily Change at any moment, even withOut any notice... The Fact is that Turkey had been Brutaly Hindering, (with Military Threats, etc.), the EU to Peacefully Exploit even its own Energy Resources and/or of its Allies at the South-Eastern Mediterranean, and this hasN't really Changed a iota, since the EU, Still, after an Auful lot of Turkish Bullying, hasN't yet got any real Assurance that it could Start doing so in the foreseable Future, Protected from Turkish Piracy tatics !...
+ Moreover, what makes things Worse, Nowadays (2021) is Also the Parallel Fact that "EU-Russia ties" seem to be "at a Low", (even according to an Official EU Press Release issued these days in Brussels), Contrary to what was the Geo-Political Situation back on the Historic Era of 1821, (Comp. Supra) :
>>> Indeed, then, the Still Fragile, Surprizing Initial Win of the Greek Liberation Movement of 1821 at remote Peloponese peninsula, was, Obviously Threatened to be Crushed, at one Moment or anOther, in a Brutal Bloodshed, as it had too Often happened also with various other such Popular Movements throughout the European Territories still Occupied by the Ottoman-Turk Medieval Armed Gangs, since More than 3,5 Centuries (1453-1821)...
The Only New Hope, Notoriously were the landmark Ideological/Philosophical successive Movements of the European "ReNaissance" and of the "EnLightenment's" Aspirations to Freedom and Humanism, (linked also to a Synchronous Wave of New Technologies, Spirit of Inventions, Discoveries, etc), Added to a Progressive Awakening of a kind of Common European Identity, (Even at the BattleGround of the First landmark Historic Victories of United European People, against Brutal Aggressions by the Ottoman-Turkish Empire, Marked by the Famous collective Heroic Achievements at the Naval Battle of Lepante [inspired as Justice for a Massacre of Venisians at Famagusta, Cyprus, by the Turks : 1571, Sisak Fortress in Croatia, saved by Austrian Andreas von Auersperg, nicknamed "Achilles": 1593, at the Defense of Wien : 1683, the Liberation of Budapest : 1696, the Serbian Revolution : 1804-1835, the Greek Liberation Fight 1821-1921, particularly up to 1828, etc).
That's why, f.ex., Alexandros Ypsilantis, armed Head of the "Friendly Society" ("Filiki Etairia") Movement which Opens Fire the 1st on March 1821 for Liberation from the Ottoman-Turk Empire all the way from Odessa, throughout Moldavia and Valachia (Romania), towards Constantinople and Peloponisos, etc, crossing Byzantium's and Ancient Greece"s Historic Areas, Significantly chose to Address himself to "the People of Europe", repeating a Call to the "European People", Widely, for the Liberty of whom he had Already Sacrificed one of his Hands, at the Battle of Dresde, while Notoriously cultivating also a Direct Personal Link with the Russian Tsar, etc. Indeed, the Main Point, then, it's Not so much Greece alone, But Whether Democracy, Christian Culture, and Ancient European Civilisation can Revive, or not, in our Historic Continent, even After more than 380 Years of Brutal Foreign Military Invasion and Occupation by the Turks... And that's the Main Reason for which, among many others, f.ex. British Poet Lord Byron, Writers Mary and Peter Shelley, "Whig" Politicians as Charles James Fox, in the UK, World-Famous Painter Eugene Delacroix, Music Composer Hector Berlioz, Writer Victor Hugo, Writer and Politician René de Chateaubriand in France, added to its Expedition at Moreas (Peloponese), Harvard University President and Secretary of State Edward Everett in the USA, German Poets Johann von Goethe and Friedrich Hölderlin, as well as Painter Peter von Hess and Music Composer Wagner, Russian Poet Alexander Pushkin, (while Writer Dostoyevski was Born on 1821, followed by Leon Tolstoy on 1828 !), etc, as Many Other European People Volunteer to Fight for Liberation from the Oppressive Turkish Invasion/Occupation, f.ex., British (even Poet Byron himself, etc), French (numerous to embark for Greece from Marseille SeaPort), many Germans (including brillant Generals, allied to Russians, such as von Diebitsch who reached Adrianople, etc, while King Ludwig 1st of Bayern supported the Greek with a 1,5 Million flr. loan, tried to Free Messologi's Women and Children sold as Slaves by the Turks), Italians (as Riccioti Garibaldi on 1894, son of the Founding Father of Italy's ReUnification, (etc).
=> In such an overall Context, European Leaders could Not Abandon the Greeks, who Revolted for Freedom, to be Massacrated by the Turks, when they Attacked Peloponese with Reinforcements from Egypt, so that, in the crucial, Following Naval Battle of Navarino (1827), a United PanEuropean Naval Force, including English, French, and Russians, etc, succeeded to Face and mark a Decisive, Brillant Victory against a Turko-Egyptian Fleet...
>>> But Even this was Not Enough, in order to Stabilize he Situation and Guarantee Peace, at least for a while, in that Area, where the Turks threatened to Return Back, at any moment in the foreseable Future, to Massacrate and/or EnSlave again the Greek People, as they had Recently done f.ex. at Messologgi's Tragedy, etc.: Indeed, the Ottoman Turks Refused Yet to Recognize the Independence of Any new Greek State, as a Result of the Revolution of 1821, (Comp. Supra).
- Such Pending Threats (which Affected even Freedom of Shipping through the International Dardanelles Straights, also threatened by the Othomans), Sparked the Fast-Track, almost "Lightning" Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829, when the Russian Army, cooperating with the Greeks, Succeeded to Reach Trapezunta, in Anatolia Plateau, through Caucasus, and even Adrianoupolis (Edirna) in Eastern Thrace, at the European Continent, through the Balkans, Facing Constantinopolis ! - As Karl Marx wrote in a New York Tribune article (21 April 1853): "Who solved finally the Greek case? It was neither the rebellion of Ali Pasha, neither the battle in Navarino, neither the French Army in Peloponnese, neither the conferences and protocols of London; but it was (von) Diebitsch, who penetrated through the Balkans to Evros".... Indeed, one of the most Complex Issues, (Recognition of a Greek State by Turkey), was, Suddenly, settled in Less than 1 Year !
=> In such Circumstances, suddenly, Peace, Freedom (instead of more Messolongi-style Massacres), and Even Liberation of Europe from a Centuries-long Foreign Turkish Military Invasion/Occupation, Started to Become Possible, and much more Rapidly than anyone would have guessed before that... The Obvious Key Condition of Success being a Unity (instead of Division) among Europeans, (Comp. Supra), as it was Symbolized f.ex. in their Joint landmark Victory at the Navarino Naval Battle of 1827, (Comp. Supra), just After Messolongi's Horrible Massacre, even of Civilian People, by the Turks on 1826, which had Angered all Europeans, etc.
- How was that Achieved ? Certainly, the Horror of those Turkish Crimes against Civilians, and the Transmission Impact by a Good Network of Motivated Philhelenes, throughout Europe, Count. But, once again, it's Not sure at all that it would be enough, you can't say exactly that it was absolutely the 1st Time, and plain Facts show that it wasN't all... Indeed, at that Exceptional Moment of History, since there was Also Something Else going on, then : In Other Words: - "There is Something in the Air !", as a Popular Song said, back on 1969...(inserted in the famous "Straubery Statement" relevant Film against unpopular Vietnam War after the Killing of an American Student by a Brutal Intervention of the Army to evacuate a Protest movement).
>>> In Substance, it Realy seems that Something "Special" about all Europe, and its Place in the World, was going on, then, at that Exceptional Historic Moment of Landmark Events around 1821, (which, Perhaps, might Not be Repeated Nowadays, on 2021, at least Not Yet, for the Time being, withOut Excluding that it Might, Hopefully, Re-Appear anew, in one way or another, mutatis-mutandis, somewhere in the foreseable Future)...
- Indeed, already, the Brittish King George IV himself was, then (on 1827), a very Atypical and "Special" one : During All his Life he had stubornly Refused to Obey to Orders to Mary a Rich Cousine, Striving, on the Contrary, for the Recognition of the Only Marriage that he had Accepted, of a quite Poor Young Lady, who was even Catholic Christian (and Not Aglican Protestant), so that Also implied to Lift Restrictions of Catholics' Liberties in the UK, advancing towards a Unity of Christians... Moreover, during his Reign, he Succeeded to Start a "Pax Brittanica" Whole Century of Bloodless Law and Order in International Ship Transports and Trade (1815 - 1914), which was particularly Peaceful When he was alive (until 1830). This Culminated with the Historic Abolition of "Slave Trade", (which was, by the way, also exactly what the Ottoman Turks had just done with the usurpated Women and Children of Killed Defensors of Messolonghi, at the 1826 Massacre (In Peloponese : Comp. Supra), and what they were, in Addition, Trying to do Massively before the Navarino Naval Battle of 1827, by Violently Altering the Demography of Peloponese, through Forced Transferts of Populations between Europe to Africa, in an attempt to Curb European People's Resistance)... Probably the most Important : King George IV was Notoriously Criticized for being fan of a Controversial but Brillant Politician, Charles Joseph Fox, a "Whig" Leader, always Elected to the Parliament, and several times Foreign Minister, supporter of "People's Sovereignity", linked to the 1688 Historic "Bloodless Revolution" and Constitutional Law, Famous for his Exceptional and constant Political Wish for Peace in Europe, via Agreements with France (including Napoleon), the Germans, Italy, Spain, and Russia, (to the point that Imperatrice Catherine reportedly had a Bust of him at her Saint Petersburg Palace, together with that of Demosthenes)... Fox even backed USA's Historic Revolutionaries, starting by Washington himself, together with Lafayete, etc. And, Advancing well Beyond the Emancipation of Christian Catholics around the UK, he supported and realized also the Abolition of Slave Trade.
+ But, in Addition to a Popular, pro-Freedom, pro-Peace, and United Europe Aspirations at Key Circles, there was Also anOther landmark Geo-Political Reality around 1821, (while No more Necessarily present on 2021...), which played a Decisive role in History-Making, (particularly regarding Turkey - Europe reciprocal Autonomy) :
>>> It's, indeed, a Striking Fact that, back on 1821, almost at the Same Time as the Greek Revolution in Europe, after some 380 Years of Ottoman-Turk Military Invasion and Ocupation, we had, almost Simultaneously in the USA, the Emergence of the World-Famous "MONROE DOCTRINE", in Global Foreign Policy, formulated by the almost Uanimously Re-Elected on March 1821, Popular, Twice-US-President James Monroe, Symbolicaly right in the middle of a ...Winter SnowStorm, then, and Aiming to Exclude Any Interference of European Powers at the Internal Affairs of American People, as well as of Any American Power's Intervention at the Internal Affairs of Europe, (in order to Help the Unity, Freedom, Stability, and Equality of the 2 Key Continents of the World) ! During Many Decades, that "Monroe's Doctrine" was, reportedly, Repeated by Various and Succcessive USA Presidents, mutatis-mutandis, included Even John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, etc...
- However, it's enough to just have a Look at the MAPs of the USA dating from 1821-1823 ("Monroe Doctrine's" creation Time), and 1856 ("Crimea War"'s Conclusion, when Europe is Divided: See Infra, Shortly before the 1860-1866 USA Civil War, won by the Federalists), in order to Easily Guess the "Real-Politics"' Interests standing Behind such a Row :
- Indeed, the MAP of the USA on 1821-1823, was an Astonishingly Small Area of just a Few "Member States", mainly at the North East Coast, while a Big "HeartLand", in the Middle, (including, at the South: Texas, which Started on 1821 !, as well as Florida, Eastwards), were simply considered, then, as a Big "UnOganized Territory"... At the Western Coast (towards the Pacific Ocean), Only a (Disputed) "Oregon Country" existed, then, Surrounded by Alaska, Northwards, which belonged to Russia, and Mexico, Southwards, which belonged to Spain, (with those 2 European Countries Disputing Parts or even All of that Oregon's Middle-Ground)... In other words : an Obviously Weak, still, USA, Unable yet to exert any Important Pressure on Europe, and, therefore, Limited Only to the Defense of an American Continent's part => I.e., precisely what Corresponds to its Focus on the "Monroe Doctrine" (Comp. Supra), Leaving the European Countries Free to get United in their Victorious Joint Fight for Liberation from the Remains of the Foreign, Ottoman-Turk Military Invasion/Occupation, which was notoriously Declining, (CQFD). From Lepante, to Wienna, Budapest, Zagreb, etc., up to Belgrade, Navarino, even Adrianoupoli, (Comp. Supra), etc, the Idea of a Strong Europe Ready to Liberate, at last, All its Historic Continent, naturaly Wins more and more Ground and (most Important) People's Minds/Aspirations...
- But, Suddenly, between 1853 - 1856, pops up, on the Contrary, an Exceptional "Crimean War", which Divides and tragically Opposes European States between them, paradoxicaly Favoring ...the Ottoman-Turkish Foreign Military Invasion/Occupation's remnants, (See Infra), Killing an Awful Lot of Europeans, provoking many Destructions, and Resulting in a kind of Territorial "Pat", with almost Everybody Deceived, DisSatisfied and Bitter... What Happened, Who is Really Behind it, and Why that Now ?
In Appearance, it looks as if some in the UK and France might have, Suddenly, ...fell in "Love" with the Ottoman-Turk Sultan from Far Asia, UnExpectedly Finding that the Russia of Christian Culture, Andrei Rubliev, Saint Petersburg's Imperatrice Catherine of the "Enlightenment", Vasily Titov, Leon Tolstoi, Pushkin, Rubinstein, Tchaikovski, Dostoyevski, its Scientists, etc., would have become ...Worse than even a underdeveloped, 2nd Grade Asian or SubSaharian Jungle, making it Necessary to Kick her Out of Europe, in order to get Room for ...Turkey instead (sic !). From Southern Black Sea, this Military Aggression went Straight up to Northern Black Sea, afterwards Reached even Crimean Peninsula's Land, affecting until Azof Sea, at the Heart of Southern Russia, (right there where its Civilisation had been Born). Destroying practicaly Any Russian Naval Force, this inevitably created a Dramatic Precedent which Marked Moscow with a Legitimate Fear to be left withOut any Naval Defense at its Southern Borders, which led (via the Rivers too) towards Moscow and Saint Petersburg : An Historic Fact which Obviously played a Traumatic Role on 2014, when Crimea (meanwhile Ukranian peninsula with Special Status), was Threatened anew, this time also with the USA adding its pressure, provoking a Pretext to Divide anew Europe... Meanwhile, the 1853-1856 Precedent had Already pushed, at an UnPrecedented Level and Magnitude of Harsh, Useless Massacres of too Many European People, (about Half a Million !), for almost Nothing, Most of them being Killed, curiously, by Sickness, Abandoned scandalously in Horrible Circumstances, which revealed that those Really standing Behind that Shady and InHuman War, didn't give a damn for Any European People at all... Among the Allies, (but Aggressors), the French, notoriously suffered the Most Victimes, with around 21.000 Killed in the Battle or by Wounds, added to 75.400 killed by Disease, (= a Total of 96.000 Losses), while the British lost 12.500 by Killings Or Wounds, and around 17.600 by Disease, (= a Total of 30.100 Losses). Among Other Europans, Russians lost about 75.000 Victimes, KIlled or Dead after being Wounded, added to 377.000 Dead by Diseases, (= Totaling 552.000 Losses). Some Greeks (around 1.000) tried to Help Russians Defend at least Sebastopol (Crimea's Capital, which had been Instaured by Ancient Greeks), But Western BattleShips Blocked Pireas SeaPort for Years, Hindering Communications with Crimea, so that Greeks Launched unprepared Revolts against the Turkish Occupation at North-Western Ipiros and South-Eastern Creta Island, which were massacrated, pushing the Young German King from Bavaria (Otto) to Resign, later on. Meanwhile, it's also about 30 Sards who were Killed in Action, added to 2.138 by Disease... => In Conclusion, Killed Europeans were, all in all, about 725.668, added to 29.000 Ottoman-Turks Killed in the Battle or after Wounds, Together with another 24.500 Dead by Disease (= Total: 53.500), i.e, around 779.170 Human Persons (from Anywhere in the World) Dead at that Crimean War !
=> What For ? ...No Country Won, not even 1 Square Centimeter of Foreign Land. No one Got Any Financial Gain at all, etc., as also Turks reportedly Complained...For the Rest, Obstacles to Russian Navy were soon Lifted, and the Historic process for Liberation of South-Eastern Europe/Balkans' Countries from the Ottoman-Turk Invasion/Occupation, also, soon Recovered a Rapid Pace, (See Infra).
+ Or, Might Anyone seriously Claim thet so Much of the European Youth would have been Sacrificed in that Horrible Bloodshed, (in fact a Civil War among European People : Comp. Supra), just in order to ...Re-Name the (1st in History) "European Commission" (already existing then), into a Batard kind of ...."Commission of Neighbours" (sic !), by putting...Turkey inside ? And/or in order to let "the Ottoman-Turk" Military Invasion and Occupation "Enter the European (sic !) Concert", for the 1st Time, while Also "Guaranteing the Territorial Integrity" of Ottoman-Turk invadors/occupiers (re-sic !!) ? These were the Only main Changes that tried to impose the Corrupted and Declining ..."Fake Europeans" (as Americans speak of "RINOS"), at a Hasty "Paris' Treaty" back on 1856. thereby signing their Disappearance into Forgotten, Gray pages of Lost and Insignificant History....
>>> In Fact, Only 1 Important Issue was (UnExpectedly) Settled, then : - When Russia was practicaly Deprived of its Naval Battle Fleet, Saint Petersburg naturaly felt that Practical Chances to Continue Protecting its OverSeas, TransContinental Acquisition of Alaska, located on the American Continent, and in Straight Direction Towards UK's Area of Influence, was, Suddenly, obviously Threatened... So, Russians were, in Fact, Obliged to offer to Sell Alaska then to the USA asap ! + > Moreover, when this was Agreed, quite Soon, then, Shortly Afterwards, it was Officialy Announced that precious ...Gold had been Discovered in Alaska, (which Notoriously became the Origin of many ...New Milliolaires in the USA, including, f.ex., even f. POTUS Don Trump's own GrandFather, and Many Other People, as those caricaturily evoked in Bertol Brecht's/Kurt Weil's famous "Mahagony City's Rise and Fall" Theater work)...
- What showed the main MAP of the USA, as they had Become on 1856 ? Interestingly, indeed, Compared to the Previous, 1821-1823 Situation (Comp. Supra), a much Greater Number of Organized Member States had been set up, (Including the Great Lakes' States, as well as Florida, Texas and California in the South, (so that any -previously existing- Spanish threat had Practically Disappeared), etc. So, in Fact, they had Already acquired much More Power, Than what they had in the Past, in order to Start Influencing also European Politics... for the 1st Time in History, (even if, at least for the Time being, in a rather Covert, Disguised manner, Comparatively to what Followed Later on)...
- But, for the rest, if Russia was, Initially, Obliged to Drop its Army Ships around the Black Sea and even Azof, Soon Moscow Denounced that Too Heavy Restriction, and Found anew its Liberty, since, in fact, Not Any Serious European really contested that elementary Right... As for the Continuation of the Process of Liberation of South-Eastern Europe from the Foreign, Ottoman-Turk Military Invation-Occupation, Soon a New Russo-Turkish War allowed to Free Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, etc, as well as to Extend Serbia and Greece, which Rapidly managed to catch up with its initialy Fast Liberation pace ! So that Europeans didN't remain dupe for too long...
Indeed, the French People, (who had Suffered from the Wost Casualties in that Auful "Crimean War" (Comp. Supra), Got Rid soon of that Retrograde, Corrupted Lackey of a UK Band of UnPopular Politicians : the "Small" (or "Petty") Napo., as many, including Marx, Nicknamed "a Nephew", (sometimes called "Napoleon 3" - but rather "a 3rd Nephew"- in order to Avoid Confusion with the Real Napoleon, who was notoriously Murdered in an African Prison)...In consequence, that "3rd Nephew", Escaped any Punishment by immediately Fleeing to the UK...
- Unfortunately for him, most of the Brittish People ...Revolted even inside the UK, against those maveric Politicians who were Responsible for that Bloody Crimean War (Comp. Supra) ! In particular, the Scandalous way that many Innocent Victims had been Abandoned to Suffer and Die by Wounds or Disease, (See relevant 1853-1856 Crimmean War Data, Supra), were Strongly Denounced by competent EyeWitnesses, such as World Famous Brittish Nurse Florence Nightingale and others, so that when a Large Majority of MPs Voted for a thorough Investigation at Westminster, most of those who were in charge, Resigned ! In Consequence, when, Later-on, "at "3rd Nephew", alias "Tiny Napo", (during the 1861-1866 Mexican and US Civil War), made a Caricatural Attempt to Snatch Mexico, with a Military Operation teleguided from Europe, and in Violation of the "Monroe Doctrine" (Comp. Supra), he didN't find almost Nobody to come with him to Commit such a Blunder...
Indeed, the UK and the Spanish, when they understood what it really was about, suddenly Changed course, and Stayed Away. Russia, at any case, had Nothing to do with those who had just aggressed it, in Complicity with in Complicity with a Foreign, Non-European Occupant, as the Ottoman Turks. Bismark's Germany did almost the Same, as Before. South-Eastern European Countries, at the Balkans, which had Just Recently Started to be Liberated from the Turkish Foreign, Non-European Military Occupation, did alike. As for the Ottoman-Turks, (again Sollicitated by that Band of "Fake Europeans"), they Carefully send a Number of ...Sudanese Slaves, 1/3 of whom were Killed, while they Withdrew soon the Rest, allegedly in order to Oppress a Sudanese Revolt in Africa...So that, Soon, when USA's Civil War Ended, with North America United around the Victorious pro-Federalists, it was Enough to Simply send an Order to a Nearby Arms' Factory in order to Deliver Weapons to their side at that phony "Mexican" Conflict, and, Suddenly, All this Resulted into a grotesque Retreat Fiasco for those "Fake Europeans"...
=> While the New MAP of a really United USA still remains, Nowadays, almost as it had Become after the Civil War won by Federalists, (f.ex See 1867), on the Contrary, that of Europe and of its Neighbouring Countries, has Obviously undegone the Most Abrupt Changes in its History !
+ Among others various Events :
- 1870 : Franco-German War
+ >> Commune de Paris
- 1890 + 1905-1915 : Armenian Genocide (in Turkey)
- 1914 - 1920 : 1st World War
- 1917 : Russian Bolshevic Revolution
- 1921 : An Experienced, but exasperated (by Europe's Missed Historic Opportunities) CoE's Top Official : - "It was Only 40 Km away, just 40 Kms, Mr. Marcopoulos !"....
- 1922 : Massacer of Smyrne (Turkey)
- Fascism seizes power in Italy
- 1929-1930 : Big (Economic) Krach
- 1933 : Nazism seizes power in Germany
- Spanish Civil War : 1936-1939
- 1939 - 1945 : 2nd World War
- 1944 - 1949 : Greek Civil War
- 1949 (Kazakstan): URSS becomes the 2nd Country to have a Nuclear Bomb arm, (after the USA, at Nagashaki-Hiroshima 1945)
- 1950 - 1953 : Affair Rosenberg + "Cold War" Divisions, particularly in Europe, (where Nulear Weapons approach, including, soon, even in Turkey)...
- 1955 : Bloody "Pogrom" against Greeks in Constantinople (nowadays Turkey). Already, inter alia, since around 1930+, more Exclusions from several Qualified Jobs had been Imposed by Turkey to Greek and other People, (etc). By Multiplying such Trends, it's not surprizing that from the Original Population of the Greatest in History, Over-Millenary, former Christian Byzantine Empire, (+ 300 - 1.453), didN't Remain, in Nowadays Turkey, But Only ...less than 1% of Christians, (i.e. the Smallest percentage among All Middle-East Countries !)...
- 1958 - 1963 : Berlin Crisis
- 1960-1970: Greece reportedly started Explorations for Oil/Gas Energy in its EEZ. At the Beginning, it's Limited to the West (towards Italy and mainly at Land (1960), but afterwards also reaches the Aegean Coast (with some Findings f.ex. at Prinos and Kavala : 1970).
- 1960 : Cyprus' Independence (+Non-Aligned International Movement)
- 1960 : Hanging of Popular, 4 Times-Elected Prime Minister Menderes, (including for Vague Accusations of "High Treason"), by 1st Turkish Army Putsch, (considered by many at the CoE as Incompatible with Ankara's Membership to an Organisation dedicated on Democracy and Human Rights)... Menderes had just Escaped Narrowly from a Turkish Airplane Crash, near London, just before Signing a famous Joint Declaration on Cyprus, together with Greek and UK Prime Ministers Karamanlis and McMillan, about Unilateral Guarantees of island's Independence. (Meanwhile, indeed, at a NATO Assembly's Exceptional Session in Strasbourg on 1998, an Experienced Turkish Official, who had worked closely together with Menderes, told "Eurofora" that they found that UK Politicians had Often provoked various Problems to Ankara in the Past, particularly for reasons of "Oil/Gas" Interests, as he stressed then... Indeed, a 2020 Publication also finds that Turkey had become very "Touchy", on such "Energy-related Issues", Already, "Since Ankara lost Mossul"s Resources in the Past, i.e. a Long Time ago)....
- 1963 : InterCommunal tension and provocations in Cyprus
- 1966 : Nuclear Arms Non Proliferation Treaty
- 1973 : Energy Disputes at the Sea marked as Long-term Strategic Problem vis a vis Turkey... (-"Your Generation will have to Face Turkey for a Long Time, on Energy", Warned a Top Greek Professor of University)...
- 1974 : Turkish Military Invasion and Occupation of the Northern territories of Cyprus, (many Killed, 22% of Cypriots = Refugees/Displaced People, about 2.000 "Missing" People, Particion of the Island with UN "Buffer" Zone, the Political Issue of Peaceful ReUnification of Cyprus not yet solved by the UN, etc. : Still continuing)...
- 1983 : Turkey asks for the Occupied Territories of Cyprus to become a Separate, Independent State, seeking to Impose a permanent "Partition" of the Island. UNO and all other International/European Organisations Refuse, (seeking a Peaceful ReUnification of the Island).
- 1994 : 5 Bullets' Cold Blood Murder of Cyprus' Press and Information Bureau (PIO) Agent, and Editor of Review, Theofilos Georgiades, as he was Returning at his Family Home : Notoriously killed by Turkish Agents mainly for his Support to the Oppressed Kurdish Minority's Human Rights in Turkey, through Publications and Meetings related to Europe. Critical Questions on his Murder were raised to Turkish Prime Minister, Dr., Prof., and wife of a Millionaire, Tansu Ciller, by the Experienced, Long-Time Secretary General of the European and International Federation of Journalists, Aidan White, (who Often spoke also with us, (TCW/MPA/Eurofora) from Brussels or at the CoE in Strasbourg, on this and many other Topical Press Freedom Issues). On the Contrary, some Turkey-related petty Bureaucrats, (including in Strasbourg in the Past), Shamefuly declined even to Denounce Georgiades' Murder, under Pretext that he wouldn't be a "real Journalist" (sic !), as they Erroneously believed that they were, stirring a "Hot" and Lively Controversial Debate on what is really Journalism, Fighting for Press Freedom, and what is Only some Cushy Job Holders, Scandalously Paid by some Shady Businesmen as WatchDogs, ("Chiens de Garde").
- 1996 : Cold-Blood Murder of Kutlu Adali, critical Dissident Turkish Cypriot Journalist in Occupied Cyprus, by Brutal Attack as he returned to his Home. His Family lodged a Legal Complaint at the ECHR in Strasbourg, (that we Supported via "TCW", "MPA", and/or "Eurofora", including vis a vis the New York-Based International Committee to Protect Jouralists), and EuroJudges Condemned Turkey for his Murder.
- 1996 : Hidden Big Lorry crushes Bicycle and hits Legs of "Cyprus Weekly" Journalist A.M., at a quiet, Pedestrian alley in Strasbourg's Central Square, obliging him to go to Hospital Urgencies, from where he departs only after signing a Dispense of Responsibility, and with 2 Cruches, in order to reach on Time a crucial EU Parliament Plenary, which Starts just in 1 Hour.
- 1996 : Brutal Mob-Killing of unarmed protestor Tasos Isaac, who had participated in a Motocyclists' Rally throughout Europe, from Berlin to Nicosia, (at Cyprus' UN Buffer Line). Later, ECHR in Strasbourg condemned Turkey.
- 1996 : Killing Shootings (Fired by 2 Turkish Agents) of demonstrator Solomos Solomou, from a Family of Refugees/Displaced persons, when he tried to Lower a Turkish Flag at Cyprs' UN Buffer Zone, in protest of the brutal lMob Killing of his Cousin, Isaac, (Comp. Supra). ECHR in Strasbourg condemned Turkey later-on.
- 1998 : The 1st Russian Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the CoE, (who had just been Elected also as New ECHR Judge for the next 9 Years), Eygeny Prochorov, is atrociously Killed in a Fire Explosion of his Car, which hit a Tree at a Quiet Country road, in the Return from his Office (where he had just welcomed the Russian Prime Minister) to his Family Home, shortly after having met with CoE's Secretary General Daniel Tarshys, together with Journalists, including AM of "Cyprus Weekly" and Greek "MPAgency". In an Exclusive Interview, published at "MPAgency", the Chief of the French Fire-Fighters' team, who had arrived 1st on the spot, told us that he found Strange the total Lack of any trace of Brakes on that Road. That very rare Deadly Incident took place right in the middle of a "Hot" Political Controversy about Cyprus' intention to buy and install at the island Russia's "S 300" Anti-Missile Air Defense System, (which, Finally, was stocked in Greece's nearby Creta Island, as part of a Compromise). Until then, the Main Query was about the Way that Cyprus' planned to bring Russian "S300" to the surrounded island, a latest hypothesis reportedly pointing at a Piece-meal system, via various shippings, (etc).
- 1998 : The European Correspondent in Strasbourg of "CyprusWeekly" + Greek "MPAgency", A.M., is Brutaly Assaulted, at the Dorstep of his Family Home, (while Returning from the European Institutions' Press-Room after a heavy Week's work), by a Band of 3 Thugs, to whom is added a 4rth Accomplice, stealing his Computer, all Notes, and personal papers, etc, (that the culprits semble recognize immediately, among Many other bags), hit right in Front of his Wife and small Kid, Obliged to witness the Violence from the Window, hindered to do anything to help, except from Calling Frenh Police's Emergencies. They come fast, but advise to lodge a full Legal Complaint also by writting, which is done asap, OverNight, withOut Time to sleep, (because a full EU Parliament is starting soon). Our 2 Medias both Publish a relevant Article, Denouning that Aggression, Urging to Find and Punish the Aggressors, and an EU Parliament's vice-President launches a Call to Help Reimburse that expensive Computer asap, (that PC had Already been Targeted and Crushed by another Aggressor in Switzerland, Montreux, where we had Recently gone for the UN Secretary General and Top Political Talks on Cyprus' Issue). But, Curiously, Nothing is done, and No Response is given by the Strasbourg Police when repeatdly asked about the progress of Investigation. So that when the competent Attorney is soon invited by Strasbourg's Press-Club/Europe, he is Unable to Explain what's really going on, and why... On the Contrary, in the Local Elections which follow soon afterwards, he takes the Unprecedented decision to ...Resign from Attorney General, and become ..."Socialist" Mayor in a Small Vilage of the countryside !
- 1998 : Embattled f. Prime Minister of Turkey, Party Chief and University Professor, Necmettin Erbakan, replying to Our Question in a Press Conference in Strasbourg, just after visiting the CoE and ECHR, strongly Denounces the fact that, the Army constantly Interferes Between the People and its Political Parties, 14 of which have been OutLawed recently, with their Leaders systematically Excluded from Politics, in his Country, Urging for a Decisive European/International Intervention in order to clearly and Definitively Change such an unacceptable, UnDemocratic situation, blatantly Contrary to Human Rights, inside Turkey. (His former Assistant and later Successor, Tayip Erdogan, the current Turkish President, apparently took Revenge from the Military Establishment for that, much Later-on, in 2016, but, unfortunately, mixing that move Also with Other notorious issues of Massive Human Rights Violations).
- 1999 : Leader Kurd PKK Ocalan arrested + F. Yugoslavia War +
- 1999 : Greek Minister for European affairs, Jianos Kranidiotis, (Experienced former Long-Time MEP and probable Presidential Candidate), of Cypriot Origin and strongly Opposed to Turkey's UnPopular EU bid, (we had just Published relevant Declarations he gave us, to MPAgency, TCW, etc), is Brutaly Killed (his Head suddenly Crushed at the Ceiling, etc), in a very strange incident inside an Airplane which lands normaly to Romania, during Crucial Meetings to Prepare a forthcoming EU Summit at Helsinki, due to Decide on Ankara's demand to become Candidate to EU Accession. He is immediately Replaced by USA-Born Giorgos Papandreou, (a 3rd Generation Papandreou politician), who declares openly, that, on the Contrary, he Backs Turkey's demand. Meanwhile, a MEP from Romania, former Airplane Engineer, tells us, in a Press Interview, (Published to MPAgency), that such kind of Deadly Incidents are absolutely Abnormal in such an Airplane.
- 1999 : Concerning an Earthquake Killing an UnPrecedented Number of several Tens of Thousands of (mainly Poor) People, and Demolishing Industrial installations, just found Economicaly "Non Viable" in Turkey, near Istanbul, by a "Hot" OECD Report in Paris, after the Publication of which a Minister is found Thrown out of a Window, and Dead, we find, after Investigating relevant Facts, that it Could have been Provoked by a Deep UnderSea Drilling from an Oil/Gas Searching Ship, which had just passed accross the Straights, (the rest depending from a Notorious Bad Habit of many Turkish Building Companies, to scandalously Steal Poor and/or Fragile People, by Depriving their Family Homes from Elementary Security Materials, while they provide them, on the Contrary, to Other, even Adjacent Buildings, whose Proprietors Pay with more Money and/or Influence, etc, so that, in practice, Nobody Cares of those Killed)... +Additional Reports about alleged "Organ Trafficking" also organized against the Victims, gave an even more Ugly image of an Event, which, on the Contrary, had been Initialy Exploited in an attempt to artificialy provoke Sympathy for Turkey, seeking to Diminish European People's Refusal of Ankara's Controversial EU bid... At any case, Meanwhile, an Experienced University Professor of Sismology in Strasbourg clealy Confirmed our Analysis, as a matter of principle.
- 2000 : UN asks Depleted Uranium Truth on Serbia bombing - Press Muzzled
- 2000 - 2005 + 2007: Turkey = EU Candidate => "NO" Votes on EU Referenda +Merkel-Sarkozy elected.
- 2004 : Cyprus becomes full EU Member State, as scheduled. => As a Consequence, from Now on, Cyprus' Energy Resources' potential Becomes a new European Issue, since they practicaly and geopoliticaly Belong to the EU.
- 2004 : Beslan School Massacre : Islamist Terror hits Russian kids, Demonstrators back Terrorists only in Turkey (Istanbul)...
- 2005 : Disagreements on a Controversial attempt to Impose on Cyprus' Political Issue a Draft Plan Backed by a UK Diplomat inside UNO's Secretariat, (former Ambassador to Turkey and Turkish-Speaking, Mr. Kieran Prendergast), which, inter alia, Risks to Lead into a Dangerous Break-Down of a Shaky Future State of Cyprus, also by Failing to Guarantee that Energy Resources would Belong to the United Federal State, Leaving Separated and/or Contradictory Foreign Trade Policies for Each separated future Federated States, and, Generaly, Refusing to Create Binding Common Interests able to Link Together All Cypriots in a Positive Common Future, while also Under-Estimating or Skiping even CoE's and ECHR's well Established Case-Law on Human Rights of Refugees/Displaced and/or "Missing" People, (etc).
= All this went Contrary, f.ex., to what the Historic Constitutionalist Alexander Hamilton, had strived to Succesfuly do for USA's Constitution in his Famous "Federalist Papers" in the Past, in order to Prevent any Other Civil War, as we analysed both at Burgenstock/Switzerland, and in Strasbourg. And it Added Even a Risky Mechanism for an eventual ...Break Down of a Future Cyprus' Federation, curiously inspired by a Similar Controversial Tool, earlier Prepared by a Bill Clinton's Top Counselor, for the issue of ...African South Sudan (sic !), with the well Known Consequences... So that, when We Friendly Discussed, with a Turkish Journalist, there at Burkenstock, that "UN"/Pendergast's Draft Plan, immediately after it was disclosed, we Replied to his Questions by simply Asking him if he Found, in that Draft, Any Important Series of Solutions Helping to Create, Safeguard, and Develop real Common Interests between Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots, solid enough in order to Avoid any Repetition of the Contradictions, (Exploitable by Foreigners, from the Outside), Tensions, and Bloody Dramas, that might Push towards Similar or even Worse "Break Down" of a Future Common Cyprus' Federal State, mutatis-mutandis, as it had, UnFortunately Happened in the Past, f.ex. After 1963, etc. : => Despite an apparently Serious Effort to really Search in that Draft, our Interlocutor did Not manage to Find, there, Any clear and convincing Reply on how to Prevent any such possible Tragedies...
+ By the way, in an incredible "Coincidence", we find that a person Named Also "Pendergast" had Recently Published, at New York, a PhD Thesis on the Geology of the "Gulf of Mexico", which was proven to be Similar to that of ..."South-Eastern Mediterranean", near Cyprus, including on Important Energy Resources (UnKnown in the Past) ! While that UK Diplomat Pendergast, hadn't worked anywhere else, during all his life, but Only in African Zimbabwe and Kenya (sic !), Starting as a Simple Employee in Turkey, and Ending his Career also as Ambassador to Turkey, speaking "fluently Turkish", and "Chairman of the Anglo-Turkish Society" (re-sic !!)...
=> =When We spoke about that, Later in London, with Cyprus' President Tassos Papadopoulos' Director of Diplomatic Office, Ambassador Tzionis, he immediately Traveled to New York and met with Koffi Annan. Soon Afterwards, Pendergast Left the UN, and the job of UNO's UnderSecretary General for Political Affairs, including Cyprus' issue, was given by Annan to Sympathetic and Cultivated Ibrahim Gabari, Experienced Long-Time Professor of University at New York, Georgetown, Washington, and Nigeria, as well as former Ambassador to the UN, Foreign Minister, and twice President of UNO's Security Council, World Famous for having succesfuly Headed UNO's work to put definitively an End to South Africa's "Appart-Heid": A Positive Symbol for a Future ReUnification of Cyprus, that he Visited shortly After we met at New York's UNO Headquarters, on Autumn 2005, (see relevant INTW that we Published, then, at "CyprusWeekly"). Koffi Annan had certainly Existed. As well as the UNO itself, Cyprus' island, and its People. But the so-called "Annan Plan on Cyprus" had NEVER Existed : It was Only a Scandalous, Petty sly Trap by Prendergast...
- 2006 : Brutal Killing of Greek Airforce Pilot Konstantinos Iliakis, by Aggressive, Violent and Targetted Attacks of a Turkish AirForce Pilot, at a Dispute over a normaly Greek EEZ Area at the Aegean Sea, (the Turks reportedly Pretexting of alleged Vague relations either to an Old and Settled Issue of Russian "S300" Air-Defense : Comp. Supra, and/or some Foreign -including USA's- Ships' attempts to discretely Explore for Energy Resources). Instead of using the Standard Safe Procedures in such matters, on the Contrary, that Turkish Pilot and another one reportedly Attempted to Attack and Kill the Greek Pilot, by crashing his Head, and Afterwards Threatened with a loaded Gun the Greek CoastGuards who arrived on the spot to Arrest him. Many Dozens of Military Airplanes were send on the spot by each side, (reportedly About 40 to 80, from the Greek and the Turkish side).
Provocatively, that Exceptionaly Dangerous Incident was orchestrated on the very Day that Greece was taking over the rotating Annual Presidency of the OECD, in Paris, in the presence of Prime Minister Costas Caramanlis and many other top Officials, that We were Covering for the Press on the spot, among a large number of International Journalists, and where an Extreme Tension had become Obvious.... Finaly the Greek Authorities, (who had Already surrounded the Turkish Killer), preferred to simply Film that Fact, and Give him back to Ankara's Amy, (where he was greeted as if he had done a big exploit...). That Brutal Killing Affair got a Big Press and Social Medias' coverage in Greece, all the way from 2006 up to 2020 included, and is known as the "Constanin Iliakis" (means "Sun") case, by the Name of the Young Air Pilot whose Head was Brutaly crashed (Comp. Supra).
However, After the alleged mini-"Putch" of 2016, (i.e. a whole Decade Later !), that Killer was reportedly Arrested, Fired, and Expulsed out of the Turkish Army, accused to be an Extremist Islamist "Gullenist" !... I.e. a Procedure Often used by Ankara's Government, also in Other High-Profile Cases of Nasty Incidents, in order to Try to Alleviate its own Responsibilities : As, f.ex., also in the cases of a Russian Ambassador Shot and Killed by a Turkish Policeman, and 2 Russian Air-Pilot POWS, atrociously Killed by Turkey-controlled Armed Thugs, when their Air planes were Shot and Downed, just before Returning Back to Russia, after a routine Anti-Terrorist Operation against Armed Islamist Terrorists, at nearby Idlib Region of Syria... I.e. Turkey practicaly informed Europe that even EU's common External Borders in Greece, Risk to be Treated as Bad as ...a Syrian semi-Occupied Region in Asia, controlled by Turkey-supported Extremist Islamist Armed Gangs !
- 2008 : Dangerous Armed Conflict provoked between Georgia and Russia, in the Middle of the Summer, when all European and International Organisations are in recess, and Political Leaders Absent... But then Pope Benedict launches a vibrant Call to Urgently Act for Peace, from the Italian-Austrian Mountains, where German Chancelor Merkel is too, and, fortunately, French President Sarkozy, who Chairs the EU, moves fast to Moscow and Tbilisi, in the following Hours, succeeding to broker a Compromise, which Stops Tanks just before they arrive at the Georgian Capital... ("Eurofora"'s 1st News Publication helps relay immediately that Urgent Message, from the middle of the Alpes -where we were in order to Prepare a forthcoming official Visit of the Pope to Paris).
- 2014 : After many Provocations and Interferences, Against a Peaceful PanEuropean "Free Trade" Area, "from Lisbon to Vladivostok", (that German Chancelor Angie Merkel had tried to Help make possible, including by announcing Trips to Moscow, Kiev and Brussels, but she was Hindered to organise, after an UnPrecedented Accident in Switzerlannd on December, which cripled her legs, Obliging to walk only with Cruches), Suddenly, at the End of a Franco-German Summit in Paris, on February, Bloody Conflicts erupt at Kiev: Furious for the Turn that the "Snowden" affair took last year, (on Mass Spying by the USA over Private Telecommunications Worldwide), the Obama - Biden Administration hits now against anything "Russian" in Europe, and has just Destroyed, after a lot of Interferences, a Draft "Peace Agreement", signed between the Ukranian President Yanukovitc and All the Opposition, under the auspices of 3 EU Foreign Ministers, from France, Germany and Poland, providing for General Amnesty, a National Unity Government, and Elections before the end of the year, (etc), by Slandering Europe with the infamous ..-"Fuck the EU !", of State Department's Miss Nulland, (at a Leaked Phone Call), and an Astonishingly Detailed Interventionism on the precise Government Job that anyone would take..., while, almost at the Same Time, a Band of "Snipers" notoriously Killed Both Policemen and Demonstrators, Provoking a Wider Bloody Conflict, which Resulted to the Divided Ukraine, with a Krimmea Secessionist Referendum of Nowadays, and a New, Damaging and Dangerous European Divide...
- 2015 : Turkey launches a Brutal series of Massive Attacks on Kurdish Minority Villages and Cities, with many Destructions and Killings, Even of People who had Urgently asked ECHR's Help, but were, instead, shot dead right in front of their Family Homes, still waiting for Ankara Government's Reply...
- 2016 : On Pretext of an alleged ...6 Hours Short "Coup" (sic !), the Turkish Government Fires many Hundreds of Thousands of Soldiers and officers, Policemen, Journalists, bloggers, writers, students, Teachers, Judges, Doctors, Civil Servants, etc, Others are Lunched or executed, raped, tortured, persecuted or condemned, arrested, jailed, etc, many being obliged to hide, or flee abroad as refugees/asylum seekers, etc. According to some sources, the Rebels would have Called for "Peace" and "Withdrawal" of Turkish Troops from Northern Iraq, etc.
- 2017 : Turkey reportedly establishes "Military Bases" inside Northern Iraq, (which would be reaching 57 around 2021).
- 2018 : From January 2018, a Turkish Military Invasion and Occupation hits the most Peaceful, until then, Kurdish Region of Syria : Afrin, (at the North-West), full of various Monuments from Ancient History, and Governed by a Pluralist, modern Democratic system, Rare for that area of the World, where Neither Al Queda, Nor ISIS ever entered. Turkey, in Addition to its Canons,Tanks, and/or Airplanes, abused Also of Many Extremist Islamist Armed Gangs, who reportedly Seized about 1/3 of the Local Houses, Animals or Fields, while committing also various other crimes against the lawful inhabitants. A large Wave of Refugees/Displaced persons, as well as a Strong Armed Resistance against the Occupant, were observed.
- 2019 : Turkey Invades and Occypies the most Important Parts of the Syrian Kurdish Regions, which helped Win over ISIS' Deadly Islamist Terrorists cowardly Targetting Civilian People. Ankara again abuses of Extremist Armed Gangs' proxies, atrociously Murdering Lady Leader of Future Syria Party.
- 2020 : Turkey Spreads Extremist Armed Gangs Proxies also to Libya Conflict, and Bullies by Warships EU Countries' Mediterranean Energy Resources.
- 2021 : Turkey attacks Armenia, with Extremist Armed Gangs +Azeris, POWs BeHeaded + (etc).
+ While Pope Francis, returning Recently from his landmark 2021 Trip to Iraq, focused on InterReligious Dialogue (see : ..., etc), warned Journalists that he really Hopes to see Yazidi and Kurdish People, at Northern Iraq, untouched by current Risks of more Turkish Military Invasions and Airplane Bombings, after having Suffered too much, as he said Soon After meeting there, inter alia, also with the Tragic Father of the World-Famous Young Boy "Kurdi", notoriously found Drawn Dead at the Greco-Turkish Aegean Sea Borders, back on 2015, when the Turkish Smugglers who had been Paid by his Poor Family to Transport them inside the EU overNight, suddenly, without any warning, opened a hole in their makeshift plastic Boat, in the middle of the Sea, and Disapeared, with Fast-track Jet-propulsed Mechanic Boats, Abandoning alone to Draw to Death, not only that Young Boy, but also his Mother, Sister, and Other Poor People who didN't even know how to Swim !
- "Do you imagine ? All that Family could have been Living and working Together, Free and Happy, on these Beautiful Mountains !", Pope Francis reportedly observed, with a kind smile...
+ And, by the way, something like that would have really made ... "Less Conflict" for Europe, and all involved, or not ? (Comp. EU Council Official's relevant Observation, in Reply to "Eurofora"'s Question, Supra)...
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Sarkozy and Merkel want deals with Obama on European Security at Strasbourg's NATO 2009 Summit
In parallel but concording moves, EU Chair, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angie Merkel both invited this week US-President elect, Barack Obama, to discuss important deals breaking new ground on European Security during the NATO's 60 Years Anniversary Summit of Heads of State in Strasbourg, where Obama is expected to make his 1st visit to Europe as a President on April 2009.
Merkel focused mainly on smoother NATO - EU Defence and Security policy cooperation, while Sarkozy spoke about PanEuropean Security, associating both Russia and the USA, proposing to freeze missile and shields' deployement until an agreement is reached.
But both tackled some hard nuts to crack : Turkey's VETO against the participation of EU Member Cyprus to EU-NATO cooperation, and Russia's anouncement on deployment of missiles up to Kaliningrad, at EU's belly, in reply to USA's wish to set up missile shields in EU States such as Poland or Czech Republic, etc.
- "Certainly...one of the points that we'll dicuss with the New US President", Barak OBAMA, "who will come f'or the 1st time in Europe as president, at the NATO Summit", co-hosted by France and Germany in Strasbourg, ""concerns, above all, the European Security and Defence Policy" (ESDP), and "the relations between NATO and its partners", with whom it should "work together", anounced earlier this week Merkel.
We must find "a reasonable and adequate concept to articulate NATO and European Security and Defense policy", because of a "series of practical issues, sometimes difficult to understand", but that "we must discuss".
- "An example" of that is "the issue of Cyprus and Turkey", said Merkel, where Ankara raises problems "from Kosovo up to Afghanistan", as also CoE's chair, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt recently observed in Strasbourg replying to EuroFora's questions.
- "We must do something to smoothen this problem for good, and not only on a case-by-case basis, laboriously negotiated each time". Here, we must find "a reasonable and adequate concept to articulate NATO and European Security and Defense policy", Merkel stressed.
- "With good will from all sides, it could and should be posible. Germany wants also to help on that". Otherwise, "the coming generations will not understand why it took Decades to do so". But, if we "don't even achieve that for Decades, this would be an Historic Failure !", the German Chancellor warned
- "I think that our American partners are increasingly realizing that", Merkel said, pleading for "a stronger European Security and Defence policy, with which, I believe, the Atlantic Security Partnership can also strengthen and solidify".
Meanwhile, USA is also due to take in 2009 a special status inside EU-led EUROCORPS, the European Army HeadQuarters, based in Strasbourg.
Merkel said that after meeting in Berlin with NATO's Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, earlier this week, precisely in order to "prepare NATO's Summit", scheduled for the beginning of April 2009 in Strasbourg.
Scheffe, knows well Strasbourg, since he chaired the CoE, as Holland's Foreign Minister, when he brokered a controversial deal precisely on Turkey and Cyprus about the implementation of ECHR judgements on Greek Cypriot displaced persons' houses and properties in 2003. He returned later at least once, for a WEO meeting at the CoE, where he precisely had highlighted such EU - NATO issues.
EU Commission's 2008 Report on Turkey has just observed that, on European Defense - Security policy, "Turkey continues to object to EU-NATO Cooperation which would involve all EU Member States". "This created Problems for EU-NATO co-operation in the context of Civilian ESDP missions, in particular in Kosovo and Afghanistan".
French EU Chair, President Sarkozy and Merkel are visiting Washington on Friday and Saturday for a Global G-20 Summit with current US President George Bush, on the sidelines of which are expected preparatory contacts with US President-elect Obama's entourage, even if himself might stay in Chicago until he takes over on January 21.
Before going to Washington, Sarkozy concluded today an UE - Russia Summit with Dmitry Medvedev, where they "spoke in length on PanEuropean Security" :
- As EU President, I proposed that we meet on mid-2009 in a framework such as OSCE's in order to set the foundations of a Future Pan-European Security, which would associate Russia and USA, and that, meanwhile, nobody speaks about deploying missiles or shields, which complicate the situation".
- NATO's Summit in Strasbourg-Kehl, on April 2009 is a perfect occasion to discuss with our American friends and to prepare a possible OSCE Summit for these issues f.ex. for June or July", Sarkozy concluded.
- We must all abstain from Unilateral measures" dangerous for Europe's security. "Russia only reacted to decisions taken by some other countries. But if they are ready to cooperate, we are ready to discuss. EU could be an intermediary", added Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, before going himself too at the Washington G-20 Economic Summit.
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