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Author Topic: Deadly..."Cease Fire" in semi-Occupied Syrian Kurdish Region !?  (Read 3537 times)
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« on: November 12, 2019, 11:28:32 PM »

The Syrian Kurdish Region's Administration has just Denounced the Fact that, since the so-called "Cease Fire" Deals (in fact : Blackmails) with the Turkish Military Invasion/Occupation of Northern-East Syria, instead of, at least, a Brief and Precarious Peace, on the Contrary, there were "190 Attacks" launched by Turkey's forces, including 82 Air Strikes, Killing 182 SDF Militants and Wounding 243 !

Were also Added several Islamist Extremists' Terrorist Attacks, (as, f.ex., that of just Yesterday, in Qamisli, where 2 Car Bombs Explosions Killed 6 Civilian People, and Injured 22), etc.

And Now, Turkey is even Threatening the Western Countries to Send them Back several ... ISIS' Deadly Islamist Terrorists, Cowardly Targetting innocent Civilian People, after having notoriously let them Cross its Territory in order to Join ISIS in Syria/Iraq, Transport more  Jihadists, Buy Weapons and Ammunition, Smuggle Oil/Gas or Antiquities Looted from Syria/Iraq, etc, during Many Years !

Already, at least one such ISIS' inmate retuning to the USA was just reportedly Stopped at EU's External Borders in Greece, and Send Back to Turkey. But there are much More, already Prepared, according to Turkish sources, f.ex. 7 others for Germany, 11 Ready for France, etc., among Thousands kept in Turkish Prisons, and Others Now Added during the current Ankara's Military Invasion/Occupation inside the Syrian Kurdish Region...

=> What the Hell is still doing Turkey inside ...NATO ? Normaly, NATO should Help Protect Western Countries against such and other Threats from Rogue States like Turkey, grossly Bullying, Threatening, Invading and Occupying any Other Countries !

As for those Claiming that, Otherwise, Turkey would stick to Russia, etc., what does it really Mean ? Was Anyone ever so Crazy to let inside NATO f.ex. Syria, Belarusia, Azerbaidjan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Cuba, Uganda, and so on, arguying that they might look towards Moscow ? Turkey already does... And, at any case, in  the Latest "Non-Aligned" movement's Summit on October 2019 in Azerbaidjan, Turkey was present, at a 1st row, aside ...Venezuela, before Indonesia (See relevant PHOTO)... "Let it Be !", ("Words of Wisdom", as "Beetles" used to say), and Save real North-Atlantic Organisation's Member States from that Mess !

NATO currently has, already, Other Important Topical Issues to settle, Instead of Wasting even More Time and Energy for a Notorious TroubleMaker who had pushed Greece (present in the Atlantic Ocean with its Many Ships since Acient Times until Nowadays, being the Biggest Ship Owner in the World), as France, Out of the Military aspects of NATO, and Ankara also Blocked, during 2 Days, NATO's 60th Anniversary Summit in Strasbourg/Baden-Baden on 2009, co-Hosted by France and Germany, with usual Turkish Propaganda for Oppression against Free Speech and Press, pretexting of ...a Radio in Denmark ! (See "Eurofora"s NewsReports from that Historic NATO Summit, which saw French Return Back to the Military aspects too, etc).

Why is the EU still Wasting 3 Billions € in full Grants, Each Year, for Turkeys' dirty Blackmail on Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants, with all EU Citizens Paying for that, (even Poor People practicaly Obliged to pay VAT Taxes on All their meager Revenues spend to buy the strict Necessary) ? Lebanon, Jordany, Armenia, or even the Syrian Kurdish Region, etc., who Host Millions of Syrian, Yazidi, a.o. Refugees, Never got such Money from the EU ! And, Nowadays, the succesfull Closure of the Western Balkans Route by European Countries, added to a New Government in Greece, in fact enclin to Restore an efficient Push Back Policy at EU's External Borders to Turkey, (that a Previous Leftist Government had Suppressed on 2015), Added to FRONTEX' and EU CoastGuards' recent Boost, with EU's Heads of State/Government officially Promising (since Bratislava Summit of 9/2016 !) to EU Citizens that they Will Protect EU's External Borders, should be, normally Sufficient in order to Efficiently Face any Turkish Attempt to Repeat its Scandalous Mass-Smuggling Aggression of 2015/2016, which had cought EU totaly UnPrepared, by Surprize, inconceivable Now on 2019/2020.

As for the Worst Blunder in EU's History: 95% Asiatic Turkey's Controversial, UnPopular and Counter-Nature Claim to become "Candidate for EU Accession" (sic ! Imposed on 1999, when All Prime Ministers were "Socialists" in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, even Greece, etc., and Clinton/Gore at the USA), while this has been Delayed or Refused even to Peaceful European Countries, as Belarus, North Macedonia, Moldova, Armenia, etc), provoking 3 "No" to Popular Euro-Referendums on EU Constitution in France, the Netherlands, and Ireland, (2005-2007), added to Growing "Euro-Scepticism" (inter alia, Farage got the Biggest Number of MEPs in the UK, enabling him to Create an Independent Political Group in EU Parliament, back on 2009 EU Elections, by Focusing, then, his Campaign on the Headline : "No to Turkey's Accession in the EU !", and he, also, managed to Win the "BREXIT" Referendum on 2016, by Focusing Against the Sudden "Tsunami" of 1,5 Million Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants Smuggled through Turkey into the EU, added to a Frightening Warning about the Risk to Let +80 Millions Turks always Enter and Stay inside Europe for more than 6 Months Every Year, withOut even needing any Visa !) , Blocking EU's further Integration and Development during too Many Years, (until the EU had to Face the Global Economic Crisis of 2008+ totaly UnPrepared), Nowadays, even "Socialists" (f.ex. Long-Time EU Parliament's President Martin Schulz from Germany, etc), and Many Others have, at last, Understood that it would be a "Political Suicide" if anyone, again, pushed for Turkey's Entry into the EU, which, as also all Polls constantly show, would be the most Absurd, Anti-Democratic, AbHorrent Catastrophe that could Threaten Europe's existence...  

Particularly if, as it seems, the UK of Shakespeare, Richard LionHeart, and Winston Churchil, gets soon a BREXIT Out of the EU,

where some would still insist to push Inside ...Turkey, which is Based (even by its Borders and Population) on the 3 Genocides of Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians, in Anatolia plateau, not to mention the Kurds, nowadays, in Addition to a Record-High Number of Jailed Journalists and Other People trying to exercice simply their Right to non-violent Freedom of Expression, suffering closed in Turkish Prisons, as Nowhere else in the World...
« Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 06:18:53 PM by GVK369 » Logged
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