"Depuis le 20 janvier, ....selon l'OSDH.....
68 civils dont 21 enfants ont péri dans les bombardements turcs sur Afrine, a ajouté l'ONG".
Les a
vions turcs ont survolé mercredi matin la ville d'Afrine, a constaté un correspondant de l'AFP, et les bombardements dans les environs de la cité ont gagné en intensité ces derniers jours, a-t-il précisé.
Mais l
es combats les plus violents se déroulent principalement dans le nord et l'ouest de la région. Ils sont accompagnés de
tirs d'artillerie et de frappes aériennes turques, selon une ONG, l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH). A Afrine, quelque
15.000 personnes fuyant les combats ont été déplacées dans la région, tandis qu'un millier ont trouvé refuge dans la province voisine d'Alep, selon Ursula Mueller, secrétaire générale adjointe de l'ONU, chargée des Affaires humanitaires.
'Les civils meurent'
Dans le principal
hôpital de la ville d'Afrine, les blessés continuent d'affluer, a constaté mercredi un correspondant de l'AFP.
Allongée sur un lit d'hôpital, une vieille dame au visage ridé pleure bruyamment alors qu'un médecin tente d'examiner son crâne.
Une infirmière demande à un jeune garçon d'ouvrir la main pendant qu'elle enroule un bandage, tandis qu'une de ses collègues lui nettoie une plaie à la jambe.
"Tout le monde sait que les civils meurent", tonnait déjà mardi soir un vieillard dans l'hôpital après avoir perdu 12 membres de sa famille.
Une famille de quatre personnes est venue récupérer le corps du patriarche, 80 ans. La tête posée contre le cercueil, une femme pleure." (.....)
'This is a massacre': Turkey's bombs drive families into caves By Waffa Munayyer, Joe Sterling, and Eliza Mackintosh, CNN
Updated 1512 GMT (2312 HKT) February 1, 2018
... Turkey's cross-border
military offensive against US-backed Kurdish militias has driven civilians living in the northwestern Syrian enclave underground. An estimated 16,000 people have been displaced by the fighting, which has been punctuated by relentless airstrikes and shelling, according to the United Nations
Footage obtained exclusively by CNN captures the city's deserted streets -- littered with crumpled cars, debris and gaping holes where shops once stood.
"We don't know where to go," says Mohammed Khaled, 10, speaking in Kurdish.
"The airplane has been dropping bombs for five days now. They are dropping missiles and bombs. My dad says not to go out because of the war planes and so we are sleeping in the huts. All our homes are destroyed."
Khaled stands outside one of the structures where civilians are seeking shelter. Children mill around behind him, restless. ...
Um Muhammed, Khaled's mother, asks why Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is bombing her people."What did we do to him?" she says in Arabic.
"We lost our homes our children, nothing is left ... why would this happen to us? Is not this a shame that children have to live like that? We are human beings, are we not? Why are they doing this to us?"
"On Wednesday, the SDF said an "invasion army" of Turkish fighters and terrorists with Al-Nusra, al Qaeda's former affiliate in Syria, pounded Afrin with Katyusha rockets, targeting Afrin's largely civilian Ashrafia neighborhood and wounded people were taken to hospitals. The SDF said civilians, from children to the elderly, were injured.
"Right now w
e are overwhelmed with injured and killed civilians," says Dr. Jawan Muhammed, general manager of the hospital in Afrin.
Our hospital is unable to cope, Our surgery rooms are overwhelmed. We conduct 18 surgeries a day. We are using up all our medical supplies because of the overwhelming number of casualties as a result of indiscriminate airstrikes and artillery fire."
people hiding in Afrin's caves ....
One woman asks, "What are the planes wanting from us? What are they bombing us for? What do they want from us and what do they want from the little children?"
A young girl named Yasmin went into hiding with her mother and her brothers after her father was killed.
"It is really dark here. We are so scared because it is really noisy. They are conducting airstrikes. What did we do to them? We are just kids. Why is this our fault?" she asks.
Fatima Muhammed, bundled in a red sweater, her hair wrapped in a purple scarf, is among about a dozen people hiding out in the same cave.
"This is a massacre," she says, breaking down in tears. "Please convey our message we are pleading with the international community to s
top the killing of the civilians stop the airstrikes and the war against us."