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Author Topic: Turkey Invades Syria !  (Read 6654 times)
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« on: August 25, 2016, 05:25:01 PM »

Military Troops and many Dozens of Tanks etc. from Turkey notoriously started to Invade Syria, in addition to various Threats from Ankara which obviously wants to Dictate what should be done and where, inside a Foreign and Independent Country, at Europe's Historic Neighborhood.

Turkey has already Invaded Cyprus, (where its Tanks and Troops etc., still Occupy a Northern Part of an EU+ €urozone, CoE and UNO Member Country, 42 Years long), Iraq's Northern Territories, and now Syria, while it also Threatens constantly with Military Strikes even EU Member Greece, at the Aegean Sea's Islands, if it dares use its probable Oil/Gas Natural Resources there according to the International Law of the Sea, and it still Imposes an "Embargo" along its Borders with Armenia.

Ankara notoriously has also very Bad Relations with Egypt, (while Hosting also in its own Territory the Chief of Extremist "Muslim Brothers" Group that Cairo considers as Terrorists), has Quarelled even with Israel for Years, is Opposed to Iran (as well as to Lebanon) about ISIL's Terrorisrs Beheaders, attempts to Manipulate the Ughur Turcic Minority in China, that it often Threatens, and supports even Ughur Terrorists, some Imported and linked to Armed Groups inside Syria's particularly ISIL-occupied Territories, has usualy Supported Chechen Extremists etc. in Russia's Caucasus areas, and Exploits various Muslim Minorities (that it calls "Turkish") inside Greece and Bulgaria.

Last, but not least, Turkey has notoriously unleashed, recently, a Huge, unprecedented Massive Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants Influx, which has illegaly Crossed EU's External Borders (mainly thanks to Turkish Smugglers), flooding Europe with more than 1,5 Million "Refugees"/Immigrants on 2015/2016, ("Selecting" basicaly Muslims and Low-level Education People, but Excluding, de facto and/or as such, Christians, Yazidi and/or Educated People, who are More Threatened but could be Integrated more Easily), as Brussels found afterwards. It's also from Turkey who have Come and/or Returned Many ISIL's and other Brutal Terrorists, such as those who Killed innocent Civilians in Paris, those who Smuggled Weapons, Falsified Hundreds of EU Passports (destinated to ISIL !), Knife Attacks,  (f.ex. in Belgium, or by Killing a Priest at Normandy, etc., even the guy who has just Attacked with a Knife a Couple in Western Virginia, USA), etc. Meanwhile, it has notoriously Boosted ISIL's atrocious Terrorists who cowardily Kill defenseless Civilian People, (by allowing Arms Traffic, Stolen Oil/Gas Traffic, Logistics and Jihadists' transit through Turkish Territories, etc).

Ankara is, recently, also Abusing of Turkish Immigrants inside Europe in order to systematicaly Spy, Accuse, Harass, and sometimes even more or less Violently Clash against Dissidents (f.ex. Kurds, Leftists, Armenians, Christian Rightists, etc) at European Countries, (f.ex. Germany, Scandal in the Netherlans, etc), massively Infiltrate EU Political Parties (see, f.ex. Erdogan's recent Calls launched in certain Speaches in Europe), attempting often to Exert Pressure on EU Countries (f.ex. also in France, etc), Refusing real Cultural Integration and/or Harmonious Assimilation of Migrants Hosted by EU Countries, pursuing an Aggressive "Islamisation" Agenda throughout all EU and beyond, which provokes Popular Tensions and Destablizes Europe.  In Addition, Turkey, too often, abuses of several cynical "Blackmails" exerted on European Leaders, (as, f.ex., with that Costly, Inefficient and Dangerous EU-Turkey Deal about that unprecedented Mass Migration via Turkish Smugglers : See above).

As for trampling underfoot even basic Human Rights and Freedom of Speech, elementary Democratic Principles and Rule of (National and International) Law, also inside Turkey itself, (which is notoriously composed by Dozens of various Minorities, as a residual remnant of the former Medieaval "Ottoman Turk" Empire's decomposition in the Past), both "old" and permanent, as well as most recent developments (particularly since thet strange, brief "Coup" attempt, recently, which obviously served as a pretect in order to trigger an unprecedented Massive Oppression and prosecution against various Political Dissidents).

But, Now, the Question No 1, naturaly is the following :

- Will Europe, and the rest of the International Community, alllow Turkey to make Today even an open, shameless illegal Military Invasion and violently intrude inside an Independent Neighbouing Country with total impunity ?

If Yes, then, everybody knows very well that, sooner of later, Europe itself (and other areas of the World) riskent to "Implode" under a growing pressure of mabifold conflicts, old and new...

Who might want that ?
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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2016, 11:17:24 PM »

+35 Civilians Killed by Turkish Army invading Syria and attacking West's + Russias' Syrian-Kurds Allies against ISIS !

More than 35 Civilian People were Killed by Turkish Military Troops and 50 Tanks that have just Invaded Syria, aggressing the Syrian Kurdish Minority which has served for a long time as the Ally of a Western Countries' coalition led by USA of Mr. Obama, supposed to focus on eradicating ISIS' Extreme Islamic Terrorists, against whom Fights also Russia.

The Syrian Kurdish Minority, who has never yet attacked nor threatened Turkey, and has been until now quite Succesful in Helping the West to face ISIS' Extreme Islamic Terrorists in hard battles throughout the area, had just succeeded to Win over, recently, even a key City at a Strategic point of the Roadlinks between Turkey and ISIS Beheaders Terrorists, for whom this was "a Key Supply Hub".

But, since this unprecedented Turkish Military Invasion of Syria, that Kurdish Minority is Now Traped between 2 Hostile Fronts : ISIS' Extreme Islamic Terrorists at its South, and Turkey at its North.

However, at least for the time being, their Western "Allies", (Mr. Obama's USA at the first place), have not yet condemned, nor reacted against that Deadly Turkish Military Invasion of Syria, which is the First in History.

Turkey has already Troops stationed at Occupied Territories inside EU Member Country Cyprus since 1974, but also, more recently, inside Iraq, while Turkish President Tayip Erdogan reportedly vowed to do the same "anywhere else"  he might deem necessary...

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the invading Turkish Tank-supported Troops just had at least 1 Casualty, their First, while the Syrian Kurdish Minority lost 4 Militants, added to 20 and 15 Civilian People Killed by Turkey in 2 Villages, Beir Koussa and Amarneh, respectively South and West of Jarablus, which were attacked by the invadors, supported by a growing number of Deadly Bombings and Military Tanks.

The Syrian "Kurdish Democratic Union Party" condemned the attacks and what it said was international Silence regarding the "Turkish occupation" of Syria.

"The Syrian state news agency SANA reported that 20 Civilians were killed and 50 wounded by Turkish artillery and airstrikes, calling it "encroachment" on Syrian sovereignty".

But Erdogan threatened to "uproot" the Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG, and warned that Turkish Military "will not shy away" from acting "in the same way in other areas" too.

Turkey's controversial move is due to "Divert Resources from the Fight against ISIS", North American mainstream Media ABCNews observed.

See, f.ex. :

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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2016, 11:32:33 PM »

+35 Civilians Killed by Turkish Army invading Syria and attacking West's + Russias' Syrian-Kurds Allies against ISIS !

More than 35 Civilian People were Killed by Turkish Military Troops and 50 Tanks that have just Invaded Syria, aggressing the Syrian Kurdish Minority which has served for a long time as the Ally of a Western Countries' coalition led by USA of Mr. Obama, supposed to focus on eradicating ISIS' Extreme Islamic Terrorists, against whom Fights also Russia.

The Syrian Kurdish Minority, who has never yet attacked nor threatened Turkey, and has been until now quite Succesful in Helping the West to face ISIS' Extreme Islamic Terrorists in hard battles throughout the area, had just succeeded to Win over, recently, even a key City at a Strategic point of the Roadlinks between Turkey and ISIS Beheaders Terrorists, for whom this was "a Key Supply Hub". ....


+ Moreover, Syrian Kurds had just anounced, back on August 25, their intention to start attacking ISIL Islamistic Terrorists' HQ at Raqqa (their "Capital") !

=> Facts clearly indicate that Turkish Military invaded Syria in order to ...Save such armed deadly Islamistic Terrorists, as ISIL etc..

Anything else is obviously a blatant Smokescreen, and Obama's USA of Hollande's a.o. EU key Countries' governing elites, as long as they don't react to such a brutal and Deadly Invasion of an Independent Country by the Turkish Military, will bear a Heavy Responsibility vis a vis their own Citizens and all the Amerian + European Civilian People who are recently Threatened to be atrociously Massacrated by ISIL's sly pseudo-"Jihadists" cowards.
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