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Author Topic: Support"No" to Irish Referendum against Natural Family+Births (Same Sex Mariage)  (Read 12428 times)
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« on: May 15, 2015, 11:23:51 PM »

Support the good Irish Popular Movement for Natural Family and Births, against attempts to impose Same Sex Marriage, "Adoption" of Children by Homosexuals, the atrocity of Surrogate Mothers, and the Dangers of Artificial Procreation of Human beings, (etc), on the occasion of the 22 May 2015 Referendum in Ireland : "Mothers and Fathers matter" !
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« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2015, 05:01:04 PM »

People must know, and speak !

Some misleading Media try to impose the false impression that this Irish Referedum would only concern something of rather Secondary Importance, and what they call "Traditional Christians", that they describe, slanderously, as cut off from the rest of the society...

Ireland has a chance to prove that the Truth is very different :

- In fact, not only what is really at stake is an issue of Crucial Importance for the Country and all HUmankind, but it's also the so-called "Left-leaning"," Liberals" of "progressive", open-minded and "Modern" People who should be among the first to feel directly concerned by the Challenge of those Lobbies who search to impose, in Dublin, as well as in certain, other Countries, the controversial "Same Sex Marriage"+, (due to be soon inevitably followed also by Thousands of Homosexuals asking to get hold and a power over Children born artificialy and/or through other People, f.ex. the atrociously exploited "Surrogate Mothers", as recently in poor India, etc) :

--> Because, behind the Lobby of only a part of the Homosexual Minority, the Hypocritical/naive bla-bla about "Love" (sic !), etc, is hidden a bigger, and much more Dangerous Lobby of unscrupulous Technocrats, secretely searching to Seize Power on the Procreation of Human Beings, and Impose their Dictature by spreading various forms of Artificial, "Medically Assisted" Births, that several Homosexual "couples" will demand, since they are all Infertile,  instead and to the detriment of Natural Bitrths of Children by Natural Families, composed by a Man and a Woman, who are normaly Fertile and don't need that.

Such a Danger obviously threatens to Push towards several Horrible Nightmares and Hells, against any really Democratic Society, and to the detriment of Humankind in general, that have been already described, at least partly, among others, also by world-famous Writers such as Aldus Huxley (in "Brave New World"), HG.Wells (in "Time Machine"), Orwells ("1984"), or in "the Island of Dr. Moreau", etc.

If our Irish "Leftists" might wish another such Writer, not British and perhaps closer to their taste, they can usefely read what is considered to be, perhaps, the Historic No 1 Book denouncing the above-mentioned Dangers against Humankind, (which inspired, it seems, even Huxley himself, as well as others) :  The good Book of Russian (even former "Bolshevik" of the 1917 Revolution !) writer Eugene Zamiatin (or Yevgeny Zamyatin) : -"WE" (i.e. us), published first, while at Exile in Paris, in French, and later-on in New York, in English, since almost the beginning of the 20th Century !

Today, our usual Leaders may be ignorant and/or manipulated, particularly by Obama-led lobby of USA+ big businesses' technocrats, (even if some among them, old and young, dared say "No", risking a too comfortabel career, but winning People's Hearts).

However, both in this, and other such serious issues, what matters most is Citizens' Democratic Action, (obviously IF the are all fully, adequately and timely informed).

=> Now, Time is of essence !  Act FAST : Phone, speak around you, communicate and publish at the Internet, go to collective meetings and if needed at the streets,  (etc), to inform and help the Maximum of People to understand what is really at stake and VOTE a crystal-clear "NO" !

It's time for Ireland to Lead morally, and not to obey to shady dictates against Natural Family and Births, which Hide what is really at stake, Dangerous for all Humankind !
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 05:27:01 PM by Aurora » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2015, 05:17:05 PM »

......--> Because, behind the Lobby of only a part of the Homosexual Minority, the Hypocritical/naive bla-bla about "Love" (sic !), etc, is hidden a bigger, and much more Dangerous Lobby of unscrupulous Technocrats, secretely searching to Seize Power on the Procreation of Human Beings, and Impose their Dictature by spreading various forms of Artificial, "Medically Assisted" Births, that several Homosexual "couples" will demand, since they are all Infertile,  instead and to the detriment of Natural Bitrths of Children by Natural Families, composed by a Man and a Woman, who are normaly Fertile and don't need that.

Such a Danger obviously threatens to Push towards several Horrible Nightmares and Hells, against any really Democratic Society, and to the detriment of Humankind in general, that have been already described, at least partly, among others, also by world-famous Writers such as Aldus Huxley (in "Brave New World"), HG.Wells (in "Time Machine"), Orwells ("1984"), or in "the Island of Dr. Moreau", etc.

If our Irish "Leftists" might wish another such Writer, not British and perhaps closer to their taste, they can usefely read what is considered to be, perhaps, the Historic No 1 Book denouncing the above-mentioned Dangers against Humankind, (which inspired, it seems, even Huxley himself, as well as others) :  The good Book of Russian (even former "Bolshevik" of the 1917 Revolution !) writer Eugene Zamiatin (or Yevgeny Zamyatin) : -"WE" (i.e. us), published first, while at Exile in Paris, in French, and later-on in New York, in English, since almost the beginning of the 20th Century !

Today, our usual Leaders may be ignorant and/or manipulated, particularly by Obama-led lobby of USA+ big businesses' technocrats, (even if some among them, old and young, dared say "No", risking a too comfortabel career, but winning People's Hearts).



Some, by gross Ignorance or, rather, Hypocrisy, make claims about a so-called "Equality", etc. But, in fact, what is really at stake, seriously risks to push towards what could become the Greatest Inequality in History, and not merely to Racism, but definitively to real different Races !....

Thanks, but for me and our Family and Friends, it's "NO" !

(But you should have better spoken much earlier).
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 05:19:38 PM by Ocean » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2015, 05:30:18 PM »

... Some, by gross Ignorance or, rather, Hypocrisy, make claims about a so-called "Equality", etc. But, in fact, what is really at stake, seriously risks to push towards what could become the Greatest Inequality in History, and not merely to Racism, but definitively to real different Races !....

Thanks, but for me and our Family and Friends, it's "NO" !

(But you should have better spoken much earlier).   


There are still more than + 5 Hours ahead !!!!!.....
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 05:35:38 PM by Aurora » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2015, 11:50:29 PM »

Interesting analysis of facts on the real results of the vote (and their possible political consequences) :

It makes a positive difference from the Establishment's Media massive propaganda's "Tsunami" against natural family and births, grossly distording and hidding real facts, massively repeating always the same and the same simplistic leitmotiv which abuses of the Peuple as if they were a herd of sheeps without any independent and critical brain, (which looks more like Orwell's 1984 "Thought Police")...

You might not agree with everything that is said there, but, at least, there is a real effort of critical analysis, from an original point of view, of all real, relevant FACTS.
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