« on: June 01, 2014, 05:28:25 AM » |
Both the Turkish Foreign Ministry and controversial Prime Minister Erdogan have reportedly asked, in fact, EU Parliament to practically MUZZLE a growing Number of Elected MEPs who notoriously Oppose Turkey's unpopular EU bid, against which have notoriously voted a growing Majority of EU Citizens both in 2009 and even more on 2014 !
F.ex., grossly insulting EU Citizens' Democratically expressed Political Will by calling it as mere .."Reactionary Votes of the Electorate" (sic !), an official Statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry goes as far as to ...order the "new ..(EU) Parliament" to "adopt ... PREVENTIVE policies" that Ankara finds "necessary for the Future of .. EU - Turkey relations", against all those freshly elected MEPs who are accused by notoriously Undemocratic Turkey to "adopt marginal Political Views", which "pose a Risk" for Ankara's interests, given the fact that, as Turkish Media observe : "Opposing Voices on Turkey's (EU) Membership will increase, following the (May 2014 EU) Elections"....
Almost at the same time, in a Provocative public Intervention inside the EU at Cologne, in Germany, (where a Turkish Lobby has notoriously gathered since a Decade, pushing more and more German People to ...abandon their Family Homes in that City and leave far away for other Regions of the Country, as if EU Citizens were obliged de facto to become ...Refugees or Displaced People inside their own Country !), Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan reportedly made "Boo" the name of German Chancelor Angie Merkel, and even Threatened a controversial Turkish-origin "Green" Top MEP, Ozdemir, to have gone "Too Far", to speak in an "Ugly" way, and warning him that "this is No Joke", while also attacking another Critic among UK's "BBC" Journalists, etc. Accusing practically all Ankara's Critics for "Racism" (sic), Erdogan found that only .. Turkey's entry inside the EU could provide a necessary "Antidote" !
However, a disturbing "Detail" for Mr. Erdogan is also the fact that, between 2009 and 2014, the Number of those Opposed to Turkey's controversial EU bid inside Germany has grown from almost 52% up to more than 69 % Today, converging Polls clearly revealed !..