EU "Harakiri" on Turkey Migrants' Blackmail ?
Who is pushing Europe to commit an obvious "Harakiri", by adding to some 800.000 Syrians, Pakistani, Afgans, Bangladi, as well as Bosnians, etc, Irregular Immigrants/Asylum Seeksrs already Tresspassing inside the EU through Turkey, also another ... 75 Millions of Turks, to whom some promissed even "Visa Free" Entries in all EU Countries ?...
Even the Criminals who have just Killed many Innocent Civilian People twice these last months in Turkey, by Terrorist Explosions of Bombs close to the Syrian Borders and in down town Ankara, added to those who scandalously let ISIL's Extremist Islamic Terrorists to Smuggle Lethal Weapons, make a lot of Money by Selling Oil/Gas usurpated from Syria or Iraq and Recruit Thousands of Jihadists through Turkey, will they all be now let Free to Circulate, at any moment, even without any Visa, at the Heart of Europe, among EU Citizens, with a Dangerous Impunity, just because they could be Hidden among those 75 Millions who have a Turkish Passport ?
Why Return Back to the Unpopular so-called Turkey's EU "Accession" bid, and even "Accelerate" it, Despite the well known Will a Large Majority of EU Citizens in Germany, France, the Netherlands, even in the UK, etc., who Refuse such a Betrayal of the European Ideal, as they have clearly shown repeatedly from the 2005-2007 Three "No" to EuroReferenda, up to more Recent Polls and Votes, spread also in various other EU Countries ? Such a blatant Contempt against European People's clearly expressed Political Will, isn't it scandalously UnDemocratic ?
What's really going on in Brussels (since a Week, but initialy concealed from EU Citizens, particularly on Socialist Dutch Commissioner Timmerman's Secret Deals in Turkey, Days ago) ?
Instead of Punishing that Turkish Regime which, suddenly, threw a Million of Irregular Massive Immigrants to Europe, since Summer 2015, (provoking a Chaos, Threatening EU's Security, Dividing EU Countries between them, Exploiting Thousands of Fragile People by Smuglers asking up to 2.400 € per Person, and pushing many Women and Children to be atrociously Drowned and Killed while tresspassing the Aegean Sea, etc), without any Warning, nor any special event whatever (f.ex. No New War, etc) which might have explained such an Unprecedented "Tsunami", should it be, on the Contrary, Rewarded ?
Why, then, Morocco should keep Helping the EU to Protect its African Borders from Millions of potential Migrants among the Poorest Countries in the World, already hit by ISIL-related Terror, (from Nigeria's "Boko Haram", and Mali's Aqmi, up to Somali and Kenyan Extreme Islamic Terrorists, Tunisian Massacers, Libyan Beheadings of Christians, etc) ? Should, perhaps, Rabat be inspired to ask also itself for the EU to pay another .3 Billions €, as Turkey did ?...
Is it really necessary for the EU to become inFamous all over the World for ... Giving Up to such Cynical Blackmails, (as that, which was, in fact, abused by Turkey since Summer 2015) ? E verybody knows that Blackmails multiply whenever their Victims give up too easily...
Is EU really so Impotent to Protect its own External European Borders ? Perhaps, some Small/Medium Countries like Hungary, Spain, Bulgaria, or even Slovenia, etc., might be ... More Powerful than all the 28 EU Member Countries united together, the 5 "Big" included (Germany, France, the UK, Italy, and Poland), in Safeguarding their Common External European Borders ?...
Instead of Wasting 3 Billions € and Exposing the EU to 75 Millions of Turks, with blatant UnDemocratic Contempt vis a vis EU Citizens' repeatedly expressed Political Will against Turkey's unpopular EU "Accession" bid, wouldn't it be much Less Expensive, both in Financial and Political terms, to Simply Warn Ankara's regime that it would Risk to Lose the 1 Billion € of Subsidies that EU pays for it each year, since 2002, unless it Stops its Scandalous Blackmail via that "Tsunami" of Irregular Massive Immigration currently brought into the EU by Turkish Smugglers, (and, by the way, Stops also to support ISIL's Terrorists) ?
If EU dares do so, (as it had already done in the Past, before 1999/2000), then, Brussels could keep those spare 3 Billions, precisely, in order to Build, at last, a real Protection of EU's External Borders, (f.ex. with full deployment of GALILEO Satellite Navigation system, Drones, Early Warning system, and a fully fledged European CoastGuard, etc).
In Addition to being Respectful and Faithful to EU Citizens' Democraticaly expressed Political Choices, naturaly, (Comp. Supra)...
What Dark Anti-European and Anti-Democratic Interets does really Serve whoever might fall to the Sly Trap to attempt do the Contrary ?