Interesting Wolfgang Schauble idea: EU President directly elected by EU Citizens+...and an EU Government (i.e. "Commission"), mainly chosen by EU Parliament, etc.
It's in an INTW at FAZ, repercuted also by Welt and several other Medias, (also in various other EU States, big and small).
Such moves are indispensable also in order to create a "European Public Space" (EU area of debates : "Europaische Offentlichkeit", a well known term in "Frankfurt"'s school of thought, including Habermas, etc), which needs to be boosted also by the development of original Media projects like "EuroFora", etc).
But the Timing is also important : It should be done around 2014 or 2015 at the latest, or sooner. If not accross all the 27 EU Countries, at least via €uroArea's 17 main core.
Urgently needed, efficient European Integration, obviously calling for a reinforcement of Democratic Legitimacy, which can only be really revitalized by EU Citizens'debates introduced in mainstream Decision-making processes, in one way or another, go hand by hand.