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Author Topic: Cops+Journalists block Greece deal with EU/IMF by egoism/corporatism: => Purge ?  (Read 4931 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: March 08, 2012, 06:31:56 AM »

Cops and Journalists are currently obstructing the deal between Greece and its creditors sponsored by the EU and IMF, refusing to apply the general agreement consisting to erase 70% of the Debt in exchange of longer duration bonds detained by their own Pension a.o. Funds. Occuring 1 day before the expiration of the Time Deadline set by the EU for this exchange, as a pre-condition to the EU/IMF new loans to the Greek Government, this obstruction risks to block the entire mecanism of EU/IMF aid, which is urgently needed in order to repay previous loans of 15 Billions before March 14th, threatening to provoke a banqueroute with cascading financial repercussions (via guarantees, etc) totaling, reportedly, some 1.000 Billions €, with incalculable consequences throughout the EU and beyond...

=> If this astonishing and dangerous corporatistic Egoism persists, and given the extremely unpopular character of most brutaly oppressive Cops and corrupted, misleading Medias during the last 30 years in Greece, both costing a lot of Money to the Greek State, then, the EU should incite and help the Greek People to, at last, "purge" the State from many counter-productive cushy-job holders and/or political lackeys notoriously appointed by clientelism and/or nepotism, during the last 30 years (1981-2011), mainly by former PASOK Govenrments : Such a move could reduce the Debt thus provoked to the detriment of the Greek State and exploited by adversaries of €urozone trying to undermine it, as well as deserve and win the sympathy of various sectors of the Greek People which are notoriously fed up by certain Cops' brutalities and/or by the Mass Media Manipulations by grossly misleading pseudo "News" of those corrupted political lackeys of Nepotism disguissed in pseudo-"Journalists" and wasting an awful lot of taxpayers' Money for their luxurious expenses during decades...

Here is, thus, a good opportunity for a well-targetted anti-Corruption movement to start, able to attract large popular support from inside and outside the country !..
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 06:34:40 AM by JVJ » Logged
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