« on: January 06, 2009, 05:11:40 AM » |
Economy and Foreign Policy could be at the focus of EU Parliament, next week in Strasbourg :
- After celebrating 10 Years since the creation of EuroZone, the only hope for protection against the Global Crisis, (particularly after the strong impulse given by the Historic, 1st EuroZone Heads of State/Government Summit, October 12 in Paris), MEPs will debate on the Czech EU Presidency's Agenda for the first semester of 2009, with PM Topolanec, which gives the 2/3 of its attention precisely on Economy and Energy.
The 3rd "E" of the Czech EU chairmanship's Agenda : External relations, will add several Foreign Policy issues spreading from Belarus to ..Africa's horn, through Western Balkans and the Mediterranean, after a Foreign Ministers' meeting at nearby Prague, which will expected to deal with the Middle-East crisis.
However, Citizen issues are included in"Perspectives for developing the civil Dialogue", as well as .. tasty matters with "Food Security" and even .. "Mediterranean diet" !
But MEPs may yet change and update their Agenda, during the following days, according to their political appetite..