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Author Topic: Climate, Development, and Global Governance : Sarkozy link ?  (Read 3927 times)
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« on: August 26, 2010, 03:07:56 AM »

Good idea, officially launched today by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, to find an innovative and mutually useful Link between Climate protection, Development Aid, and Global Governance's reform, starting somewhere between the September 2010 UNO New York Summit, the November South Africa and France G20 Summits, before December 2010 Climate change Cancun Summit in Mexico, and the 2011 G8 Summit in France, (etc), in order to re-launch also, in a Better way, a process started by the controversial but interesting 12/2009 Copenhagen Climate change Summit (the Biggest in UNO's History, as its SG Ban Ki Moon pointed out then), where, inter alia, Aid to Developing Countries focused on investing and spreading New "Green" Technologies, about Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy sources, Forests' protection, Pollution reduction, etc., able to make People and Nations more Independent and free from Oil/Gas dependency, prevent or alleviate Deadly/Destructive Extreme Weather Events, combat Environmental and/or Social Dumping, etc. Something which might reveal a valuable potential contributing for an attractive breakthrough towards a better and more democatic future in such interrelated Global issues.

But this should logically contribute also to lead towards Enlarging the current G 8 - G 20 format, in one or another way, in order to have a more Democratic and efficient representation of the International Community, (since, f.ex., it's inconceivable to have introduced Turkey but contine to exclude several much more important African and other Countries)..
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 03:47:04 AM by GVK369 » Logged
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