Impressive Research work done in Germany, Switzerland, etc. in the astonishing Documentary Film "Aghet : A Genocide".
It reveals for the 1st time all together, Letters, Reports, Testimonies, etc. of many Diplomats, Missionaries, etc. who personally witnessed the 1st Genocide in modern History, from 1915 onwards, including Attaturk and the on-going Public "honors" (in Monuments, Names of Streets, etc. at Istanbul on Instigators of Mass Murders such as "Enver Pacha" or "Talat Passha" since 1921 and 1922, etc. even Today : - "It's as if Germany kept now in Berlin a street named "Hitler" or "Eichman", says an observer), the Negationism of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, the 2007 Murder of an Armenian Journalist in Turkey, Negationist Turkish Extremists loudly parading inside Europe, NATO's 2009 Summit, French Officials, Obama's initial statements back in 2007, the on-going struggle inside US Congres in 2010 (where, shortly after the Swedish Parliament, US. Foreign Affairs Committee recently voted a Resolution for the Recognition of the Armenian Genocide, that Ankara desperately tries to block), etc.
But what is unforgetable, most of all, are the authentic Photos and Testimonies on Thousands of Armenian Children kidnapped even from Orphelinats, which "disappeared" after the massacre of their Families.
=> What Europe (and what World) do we want for the Future ?