The 1999 - 2004 Majority Abstention Syndrom risk, confirmed again this April 2009, reveals also the failure of many old, traditional Media to actively and regularly report on EU Parliament in an interesting way for EU Citizens.
While EuroFora had warned since December 2008, (thanks to the 1st EuroBarometer figures revealed in Strasbourg by EU Commission's vice-President, Margot Walström), on the contrary, some of those who wake up too late in certain traditional Media, have just found out about the Abstention risk only on .. April 2009, i.e. ... five (5) Months later !!!!!....
The time wasted by such delays (5 Months !) in the traditional Media, (despite all the Financial and material means they dispose, and an old notoriety), threatens to cost too much to Europe :
- Meanwhile, the number of those who have the intention to "probably" vote, instead of rising, has fallen even -3% lower : From 37% it went down to an abysmal 34% only...
The need of New EU Media is obvious :
- A large Majority of more than 60% of EU Citizens declare that they don't even have "heard anything about EU Parliament" in their old, traditional Media (Only a minority of 36% has) !...
Given the facts, the main question obviously is :
- What happened between 1999-2004 to make the Majority EU Citizens abstain from EU Elections, but vote (in majority) 3 "NO"'s in EU Referenda, mainly in France and the Netherlands in 2005, (continued only in Ireland in 2008) ?
And what can we all do (old and new EU Media together) to really change things before a catastrophic 3rd Majority Abstention in June 2009 EU Elections might undermine for ever the "European Dream" ?
Change it to Save it, is an obvious urgency !
See f.ex. :