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 on: August 27, 2020, 08:31:30 PM 
Started by Louise - Last post by Louise

=> At least an Elementary, On-Line News Editions' Legal Status is Needed throughout the EU's 27 Member States, to Protect Press Freedom, "Pay per View" transactions, eventual local Correspondents, Help a joint Fight against Cyber-Aggressions (often launched from Outside of the EU), etc.

 on: August 22, 2020, 11:59:35 PM 
Started by Ivan - Last post by Louise

It's Better to have Real Web News, by sincerely motivated People, instead of Fake "CNN"-like pseudo-"News", by an old Establishment's corrupted outlet.

 on: August 05, 2020, 08:24:54 PM 
Started by Geopol - Last post by Geopol
Liban Explosions: A  Qui Profite le Crime ?

Plus de 100 Tués (dont plusieurs Européens), au moins 4.000 Blessés, plus de 300.000 Sans Domicile, etc., après les 2 Explosions Meurtrières au Liban, (pourtant, longtemps tranquile lors des années récentes),  

ce mois d'Août 2020, pendant lequel, le Président français Macron prépare un Sommet exceptionel des Etats-Membres du Sud de l'UE (Sud-7), alliés aux autres pays du Sud-Est de la Méditerranée (Egypte, Israel, Liban, etc), surtout afin de valoriser et protéger les immenses Ressources naturelles d'Energie, sous la Mer qui se trouve au Sud de l'île de Chypre (UE), notoirement harcelés et ménacés, illégalement et brutalement, (y compris par l'abus de moyens Militaires), par la Turquie.

=> A Qui Profite le Crime ?
Ca rapelle 2006, lorsque l' Etat Turc cherchait à commencer un très long, risqué (Conflit Kurde, Seismes, Blackmails Politiques Turcs, comme face à l'Iran, etc), et, surtout, trop Cher Pipeline Bakou (Azerbaijan)-Ceyhun, (à l'époque des "Socialistes" ex. PM Britanique Bliar et de Bill Clinton aux USA), mais ses récetes escomptés Ne suffisaient pas pour couvrir son Lourd Coût :

- Aussitôt, la Veille de la signature éventuelle du contrat le concernant, soudain, ...une série d'Explosions des Roquètes Eclate, frappant surtout plusiers gens innocents, des deux côtés de la Frontière entre le Liban et Israel, provoquant un Conflit, qui ne fût pacifié que plus tard, grace à l'interposition d'une force de l'ONU pour maintien de la Paix, où la France et plusieus autres pays Européens, y compris l'Allemagne, jouent un rôle important, (à l'époque Chirac).

=> Mais, entre temps, l'Effet Immédiat de ce Conflit fût de provoquer ...une Augmentation du Prix de Pétrole Mondialement, qui a réndu ce Pipeline Turc, artificiellement ..."rentable", et, ainsi, le Lendemain, un Contrat fut signé et ce projet controversé a pu être inauguré !

En fait, ce pétrole-gas de la Caspie, aurait pû être DIRECTEMENT transféré à l'Europe, par un Chemin beaucoup plus court, sûre, et pas cher, à travers l' Azerbaijan et la Géorgie (pays de la Grande Europe), via la Mer Noire et la Roumanie (alors candidate et bientôt nouveau pays-membre de l'UE dès 2007), suivant avec des Bateaux "High-Tech" capables à transporter du Gas Naturel Liquefié (GNL) par les Fleuves de Danube et Rhin, (liés et ouverts aux bateaux "grand gabarit" dépuis 2002), de facon beaucoup plus Courte, Brève et Sûre (Pas des Conflits, Ni Seismes, Ni Blackmails Politiques Turcs, etc), ainsi que Moins Chère...

Mais, notoirement, la Turquie, ainsi que les ex-dirigéants "Socialistes" Americano-Brittaniques d'alors, MM. Tony Bliar ("son" BP étant la maitrèsse d'oeuvre dudit Pipeline Turc) et Bill Clinton, NE voulaient pas avoir, devant eux, une Europe vraiment indépendante, Souveraine, et Forte !

=> Du "Déjà Vu" (au plus Tragique) ?
Aud dernières nouvelles, la France vient d'envoyer de l' Aide au Liban par 2 ou 3 Avions Militaires, et serait suivie bientôt par d'autres pays (comme, déjà, la Russie, la Grèce, l' Egypte, la Jordanie, le Danemark, la Chequie, etc), tandis que le Président Emmanuel Macron visitera personellement le pays infligé, immédiatement.

 on: July 14, 2020, 08:39:37 AM 
Started by Matan - Last post by Matan
Turkey insults Islam by AgiaSofia usurpation !

Turkish President Erdogan's controversial attempt to impose the transformation of Sainte Sophie/AgiaSofia into a Mosque, in fact, is an Insult against all Muslims,

because it obviously implies that Islam would be Unable to build itself a so beautiful Monument as the Christians already did there, almost 2.000 Years Earlier, so that it would have to usurpate and steal a foreign culture's religious shrine !

No ! Real Islamic Civilisation respects other People's religious shrines, and doesn't accept to use as Mosques other religions' monuments. Muslims are, also, perfectly able to build their own Mosques, in fairly good buildings, with Muslim Architects, Muslim technicians, Muslim workers, paid by Islam.

Real Muslims are NOT thieves ! Respected Mosques are Never like transvestites ! The Real, Historic Islamic Civilisation, (before being invaded, occupied, exploited and destroyed by Ottoman Turks), had been ABLE to build its own religious and other monuments.

And Istanbul (which is located in Europe, not in Asia, and whose Tourism business will suffer now) deserves Better than that !

 on: July 12, 2020, 04:59:52 PM 
Started by WKalina - Last post by WKalina
Even if it's late, please GO out, RUN and VOTE for Natural Family and People's Social Rights !

This Presidential Election is on more CRUCIAL Issues than what some had said...


 on: July 06, 2020, 11:40:53 PM 
Started by ACM - Last post by ACM
Eurofora 2X WhistleBlowed on Virus to Call for Early Protection +Slam Bogus Fake-Study v. HCQ+ cure (Confirmed: 1st Negatively, 2nd Positively)

Facts Proved that "Eurofora", already, Rightfully Whistle-Blowed Twice (X2) against certain Grave Errors about the Deadly Virus' Pandemics :

- (A) First, by Calling for Urgent Early Protection against Risks of Europe's Infection +, Already since January 27/28, February 22, and February 24. (See:,936.0.html, +,+, etc).

- (B) Second, by clearlly Denouncing 1st of all the main "Bogus" Fake-Study Slandering "HCQ+" Cure, at a Moment when there were Many unjust Attacks, with Oppressive Measures against that Cheap and Simple Medicine, (See Our Publication Dated 23/5/2020:, etc).

=> Afterwards, Many subsequent Facts and Events notoriously Proved that "Eurofora" was Right :

- (A) On the First Point, see, among others, also WHO's Statements on Europe Becoming the Pandemic's "EpiCenter", Mid-March 2020, EU's Too Late Measures, EU Infecting Russia, USA, and Other Key Parts of the World, etc., (f.ex.:, +, etc).

- (B) On the Second Point, see, among others, also French Professor Didier Rault's Subsequent Reactions, from 25/5/2020, "Open Letter" by almost 400 Medical Doctors from 5 Continents, about 27-28-29/5/2020, Professor Tsiodras' Support at CoE's Debates on 1st June 2020, "LANCET"'s Enquiry, and, finally, the Retraction of the Authors of that "Bogus" Fake-Study, (which Provoked an UnPrecedented Scandal), as well as WHO's Restoration of "HCQ+" at International Trial Studies, Announced on 3 June 2020, etc. (F.ex.:, +, +, etc).

>>> This is Published Nowadays, When a ... 3rd Important "Eurofora" Whistle-Blowing about the Deadly Virus' Pandemics has Just Started, on Recent and still Evolving Events...
=> Stay Tuned !


 on: June 04, 2020, 04:32:05 PM 
Started by ACM - Last post by ACM
HCQ : A Victory in the Battle, (while War continues...) WHO's U-Turn, ReOpening HCQ Trials v. the Virus, came on June 3, (a Day after LANCET's "Concerns" for its Bogus <<Fake-Study>> slandering HCQ). I.e., as We had Already Published since May 23, and June 1st !

See:  (<<Bogus "Study" Risks to give Pretext to Block HCQ/AZ/Zinc Cure, f.ex. in France+>>) + (+"in fine"), (<<CoE Chair's Harvard+Einstein-educated Prof. Tsiodras (Greece/Australia): HCQ+ is Safe Cure v. Virus>>).

...But, during these 9 Days of Slandering and "Freezing" HCQ Trials, provoked by that Bogus "Fake Study", (25 May - 3 June) => 42.254 more People Died, and 1.083.263 more People were Infected... What these Fanatic Anti-Trump thugs did, is a Crime ! (See an INTW one of them gave to a ...Turkish Islamist TV "TRT")

 on: May 31, 2020, 01:45:32 AM 
Started by Thunderbird - Last post by Thunderbird

2020: -6%, 2021: +10% ! (GDP Growth in Germany) +USA Potential

A Spectacular ReBound is expected in the German Economy, after a - 6,6% Fall of its GDP on 2020, But Followed by a + 10,2% Growth on 2021, according to the Latest Estimations.

Meanwhile, it's also in the USA, where StockMarkets remain quite Strong, that, Despite UnEmployment's Growth, Nevertheless, Housholds' Revenues augment + 10,5%, (thanks to Federal Goverment Aid), and their Savings mark an Historic high with 33% !

=> Despite the Virus' Pandemic, the World's Economy seems to have a Strong Potential for Rapid Recovery in the foreseable Future.

 on: April 30, 2020, 10:59:12 PM 
Started by Norma - Last post by Norma
The study made in China, and published by "the Lancet", after the "WHO", reveals that 6,5% more patients abandoned the Ramdesivir drug, compared to a Placebo group, because of "adverse events".

Another Study, made in USA, and published by Gilead itself, names among those adverse events also "Nauseas and acute Respiratory Failure".

But, we are now on April 2020, while Ramdesivir has been Tested (with Federal Funding) already since, at least .. 2015, as an initially anti-Ebola candidate drug in Africa...

=> More than ...5 or 6 Years are not enough in order to Know all "Adverse Events" ?

 on: April 23, 2020, 08:13:08 PM 
Started by GVK369 - Last post by GVK369
EU Leaders should use this Post-BREXIT era's beginning in order to Boost New, Big, Inventive, Ambitious, and Popular European Projects, that they were Hindered to do Previously, particularly due to UK's earlier notorious reluctance, Instead of Only Delaying and Quarrelling about petty and sterile Money-Sharing issues, partly worsened by UK's departure, followed by the Virus, etc...

Such EU Projects, able to Mark the History of nowadays World, Attract Huge Popular Support, Stimulate the European Economy and Develop Science/Technology, could Spread accross a Large Spectrum of topical Possibilities :  

I.e. from Air-Space (f.ex. a Shuttle and/or other ReUsable Space Vehicle, a Space-Based "Early Warning System", Planets Exploration, Complete "Galileo", etc); Defense, (f.ex. Advance towards an EU Army, by developing EuroCorps etc, progressively Mutualise Army Spending/Procurements, set up a real EU Civil Protection Force against Natural and/or Man-made Hazards/Disasters, Create an EU Bio-Defense Force against any Hostile Bio-Warfare and/or Deadly Virus or other Pandemics, etc) ; Digitalisation (f.ex. a European SmartPhone, a New and independent Operating System, Key Softwares, Tele-Work in Rural Areas, etc) ; Transports (f.ex. a +600 km/h High Speed Train, PanEuropean High-Speed Rail Links, Ecologic Helico-Propulsed individual Air Vehicles, PanEuropean Rivers-Seas Networks for classic and modern Ships, etc); Agriculture (Food Independence, Quality, Safety and Health, Wood + Stones + Water Production, as well as Rural Spaces maintenance and/or Public use for Sport/Holidays/Exploration, etc) ; European History (f.ex. an Anthology with the Best Examples of Victorious Unity of many European Countries from Ancient Times to Nowadays, Collections of the most Brillant Ideas, Culture/Arts, Theories or Inventions created by Europeans, Europe's best role in the World, the most Brave Examples of European People's Resistance Facing various Threats, tragic Errors, Oppression, Aggressions, and their Struggle for Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights, etc) ; EU Citizens (f.ex. Boost Civic Participation in Public Decision-Making, popularise EU Civic Education, clarify and strengthen an EU Citizen Status making people feel Proud of being European, etc)...

=> In Most of these cases, the required Money will be Generated, in one way or another, and/or Attracted by a lot of such Big collective EU original Projects, able to Unite and Develop both the Interests, the enthousiasm and the Minds of all Europeans, (instead of Dividing them by closing them inside narrow, petty Money-Sharing quarrels withOut Oxygen and Real Horizons)...

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