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 on: October 31, 2020, 09:45:21 PM 
Started by 3Pierre - Last post by 3Pierre
EU Summit : No Therapy for Virus, No Sanctions for Turkey
=> Drop Fake "Europeans", Prepare for "Real Europeans" !

The latest EU Video-Summit, about Virus' Policy and Turkey/Deadly Islamist Terrorism Actuality,  did Not even Speak about any "Therapy" to Protect the People against the Deadly Virus, (while speaking about "Vaccines" Only after the 2nd or 3rd Trimester of 2021 !), Neither about any serious "Sanctions" on Turkey, for its obvious Moral Complicity to Deadly Islamist Terrorism against France and other Civilians in Europe, (just after an unprecedented amount of Provocative and Vulgar Slandering, Followed by 4 Horrible DeCapitations of Innocent Civilian People by some stupid Cowards)...

=> In consequence, Obviously, the Time has come, for EU Citizens, to Drop those Fake "Europeans" in name only (FENOS), and Urgently Prepare the way for REAL EUROPEANS !

= RDV taken to Start Acting Before the Horizon of 2024, at the latest.-

 on: October 27, 2020, 10:07:02 AM 
Started by Petra - Last post by Petra
Belarus : Pensioners + Students = strange Flop of failing General Strike Ultimatum.

What a Strange Mixture of ...Pensioners and Students only, reportedly Demonstrating at Minsk this Monday, Beginning of a so-called "Workers' General Strike", according to Tikhanovskaya's "Ultimatum" with "Order" to Belarusian President Lukashenko to resign immediately...

Was it, perhaps, because those Students dreamed to ...Become Pensioners immediately, withOut ever Working, or simply because No Workers participated at that Strike ?

Yet, while it's true that "Dozens" of Students had been reportedly seen out of some Universities earlier, nevertheless, those Pensioners had Nothing to do with that Strike, since they were Routinely Demonstrating regularly, "Each Monday"...

But, concerning Workers, "No walkouts at Belarus’s state-owned Factories"  were spoted by USA's "New York Times" Today, Contrary to what had reportedly happened in the Past, at the Beginning of Opposition's Protest, last August... Only "Some" Workers did walk Off the job", f.ex. "at the Minsk Tractor Works",  and "several Dozen" people who were scheduled to work on Monday had not taken up their tools" at a "state-owned "Fertilizer factory", "according to an independent trade unionist", "NYT" reported.

Already, on Sunday, instead of the "many Hundreds of Thousands" routine Demonstrators Usualy Claimed by Opposition-Backing Foreign Medias, Yesterday "BBC" spoke just about "Tens of thousands", and showed Only a Photo picturing, rather, some ...Hundreds of People, (Facing almost a ...Similar Number of Policemen)...

And, this Monday, "No massive Strikes were spoted", (Contrary to the Past), witnessed "AFP" Press Agency, while Belarusian Government Officials ensured that Enterprises were "Working Normaly".

Was it, perhaps, Because Lukashenko has Recently Launched a Constitutional Reform process including Public Consultations on All People's proposals, as well as a relevant "Dialogue", Even with Jailed Opposition Figures, as those that he Personaly Met some Days Ago, in Addition Freeing certain among them, who reportedly Accepted to Participate in a National Dialogue, (some already speaking at TV Stations) ?

This certainly Contrasted with Tikhanofskaya's Harsh unilateral "Ultimatum" and "Order" to the Belarusian President to Immediately "Resign", Threatening, Otherwise, with a "General Strike" that would Paralyse the Country...

Meawhile, the Risk, for her, to Eventualy be, in Fact, Less Popular than Even ...Pinochet, could Not be theoreticaly Excluded, since, according to Official Results, Tikhanovskaya got Only about 10% in the August 2020 Elections in Belarus, while, in Chile, this October 2020, at a Constitutional Reform Vote, the Old Text Drafted by the former Dictator has just reached 22% (i.e., comparatively, more than the Double than her votes) !

However, Tikhanovskaya has just Countr-Attacked, with a New Weapon : When she learned how the Situation was evolving Today, (Comp. Supra), she Suddenly Announced that some UnNamed "Donors" (probably Soros and some States, etc) had Given "7 Millions $" to her pro-General Strike Grouplet !

=> In Consequence, Tomorrow, (Tuesday), Tikhanovskaya might Hope to, at last, Attract some (Paid) Agents to Serve her aims...

Already "595 Foreigners", most of them “Tough young men with an Athletic build” from Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania", (notoriously still Traped by that "Anti-Russian" Virus made by Globalist Lobbies to Divide and Weaken Europe), were "Refused Entry" at Belarusia's Borders these Days, notes "NYT"....

>>> But, what about those Real Europeans, who doN't want a "New Ukraine" Tragic Problem here, with all its Boody Killings of a lot of Civilian People, Divisions, Destructions, "Sanctions"/Counter-Sanctions, Wastes, Debts, Corruption, etc. ?

 on: October 25, 2020, 11:58:07 AM 
Started by Jory - Last post by Aurora
. A series of aggressions, brutaly taking protective Masks away from People's Head, most of the times by Attacking them Behind the back, in full deadly Virus Pandemic, took place in Belarus, ...under the Cover of an apparently "Peaceful" Group of "Women".. Just to watch the Videos showing the way that they attacked, (and simply thinking of the possible Consequences on Human Health by such brutal deprivations of obligatory protective Masks vis a vis the Deadly Virus), cannot but, spontaneously, wonder whether those sly aggressors were realy "Women" or "Hyenas" ?....

In Fact, it's Even WORSE ....

=>Divulgation of Private Data = Crime in France, after Islamist Terrorist Murder

Indeed, those Belarus' "hyenas" (as Jory nicknamed them), acknowledged that (in addition to expose to the Virus) a 2nd Aim of their sly Aggressions was to ...Steal the Identities of their Victims, in order to Unveal them to everybody at the Internet !

But, precisely, the Divulgation of Private, Personal Data, (f.ex., Name, Identity, Photo, Residence, Job, Coordinates, Family, etc), particularly at the Internet, is officialy and explicitly becoming a Crime, Punishable as such (per se) in France, at the Aftermath of Samuel Paty's Brutal Murder by a Coward Islamist Terrorist who didn't like the Cartoons that this Professor had Examined and Discussed in the ClassRoom of his Students for the Bachellor Degree, at the Lyceum, in a lesson for the Democratic Freedom of Expression.

See : ,,955.0.html

 on: October 11, 2020, 06:23:38 PM 
Started by Aurora - Last post by Aurora
USA's Public Health Authority CDC, has just published a new Sanitory protocol against the Virus, which makes it clear that "Confined spaces with Insufficient Ventilation from Outdoors" Oxygen present a serious Risk of Infection, through simply Breathing the Air, where already affected individuals may have crossed, even Hours Before.

Recent Facts clearly indicate that this is More Dangerous than even Touching various Contaminated Surfaces (Tissues, Paper,  Wood, Metal, Plastic, etc).

 on: October 07, 2020, 11:21:15 AM 
Started by Aiwnas - Last post by Aiwnas
"Καλά" για τις φυλακίσεις, κατασχέσεις, αποκλεισμούς, φίμωτρο, δυσφημίσεις και κοινωνικο-πολιτική εξόντωση της ΧΑ. Δέν μας αφορά.

Αλλ η πραγματική "Εγκληματική Οργάνωση", που πυροβόλησε άναντρα και μάτωσε 3 ειρηνικά παιδιά, δολοφονώντας 2, και βρίζοντας τα θύματα της Τρομοκρατίας της μέ "Παμφλέτα", τον Νοέμβρη 2013, τί έγινε ?

Μόνο ο γέροντας Μανώλης Γλέζος βρέθηκε να μιλήσει τότε ? Ολοι οι άλλοι βολεμένοι ή/και λακέδες πρώην Κυβερνήσεων Πασοκο-Σύριζα απ το 1981 μέχρι πρόσφατα, πολλοί απ τους οποίους πάίρνουν και παχυλές συντάξεις μετά το 2015+, χρεώνοντας την Ελλάδα κι όλη την Ευρώπη, δεν κάνουν τίποτ άλλο παρά να διαδηλώνουν μ απόπειρες να τρομοκρατήσουν τους Δικαστές, καΙ μια θαραλέα Εισαγγελέα που τόλμησε να πεί την μισή Αλήθεια ?

Ντροπή τους κι Αίσχος !

Πότε θα ξυπνήσουν οι πραγματικοί Ελληνες, κι οι αληθινοί Δημοκράτες ?


 on: September 20, 2020, 07:13:15 PM 
Started by Jory - Last post by Svetlana
. A series of aggressions, brutaly taking protective Masks away from People's Head, most of the times by Attacking them Behind the back, in full deadly Virus Pandemic, took place in Belarus, ...under the Cover of an apparently "Peaceful" Group of "Women"..

Just to watch the Videos showing the way that they attacked, (and simply thinking of the possible Consequences on Human Health by such brutal deprivations of obligatory protective Masks vis a vis the Deadly Virus), cannot but, spontaneously, wonder whether those sly aggressors were realy "Women" or "Hyenas" ?

In fact it's Even WORSE that what you've shown...

F.ex. :

 on: September 15, 2020, 09:15:28 AM 
Started by Jory - Last post by Jory
A series of aggressions, brutaly taking protective Masks away from People's Head, most of the times by Attacking them Behind the back, in full deadly Virus Pandemic, took place in Belarus, by an obviously Systematic Harassment from so-called "Demonstrators" against the Country's Security Agents, under the Cover of an apparently "Peaceful" Group of "Women"...

Just to watch the Videos showing the way that they attacked, (and simply thinking of the possible Consequences on Human Health by such brutal deprivations of obligatory protective Masks vis a vis the Deadly Virus), cannot but, sponaneously, wonder whether those sly aggressors were realy "Women" or "Hyenas" ?

After such Unprecedented Incidents, no wonder why Tikhanovskaya reportedly felt a need, suddenly to urge her Fans to drop Violence...

 on: September 13, 2020, 05:24:28 PM 
Started by Svetlana - Last post by Svetlana

Establishment's Medias tell us that about 250 Demonstrators were arrested at Minsk (Belorusia), while, these days, around 300 were arrested in Paris (France), i.e. clearly more...

After what happened in Berlin (Germany) on August (s.:, now a similar Paradox, also elsewhere inside our EU !

=> Obviously, it's better for such Medias to become more sober, truthfull, and realistic.

 on: September 02, 2020, 02:06:36 PM 
Started by ACM - Last post by Norma


>>> This is Published Nowadays, When a ... 3rd Important "Eurofora" Whistle-Blowing about the Deadly Virus' Pandemics has Just Started, on Recent and still Evolving Events...
=> Stay Tuned !


It should be something around "Hasty Deconfinement"'s probable "Flop"...

See :

 on: August 29, 2020, 09:20:45 AM 
Started by Svetlana - Last post by Svetlana

Some are pressing for immediate "Dialogue" and "Negotiations" between the Government and demonstrating Dissidents (who ask now to seize the Power, after having contested the August 9 Elections' official results : 80% - 15%) in Belarus, theatening Sanctions.

A priori, No Problem, naturaly IF the Same Principle applies also to Turkey (f.ex. between Ankara and Kurds, etc), as well as in Ukraine (between Kiev and Donetz - Luhansk pro-Autonomy Regions), etc.

=> Well ?....

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