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1  Announcements / http://EUROFORA.NET interactive European News project / Re: Eurofora 3 WhistleBlows on Virus Pandemic (2 Confirmed + 1 New) on: September 02, 2020, 02:06:36 PM


>>> This is Published Nowadays, When a ... 3rd Important "Eurofora" Whistle-Blowing about the Deadly Virus' Pandemics has Just Started, on Recent and still Evolving Events...
=> Stay Tuned !


It should be something around "Hasty Deconfinement"'s probable "Flop"...

See :
2  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Science - Health - Environment - Nature / Adverse Effects of Drug Remdesivir for Virus: + 5 Years of Testing ! on: April 30, 2020, 10:59:12 PM
The study made in China, and published by "the Lancet", after the "WHO", reveals that 6,5% more patients abandoned the Ramdesivir drug, compared to a Placebo group, because of "adverse events".

Another Study, made in USA, and published by Gilead itself, names among those adverse events also "Nauseas and acute Respiratory Failure".

But, we are now on April 2020, while Ramdesivir has been Tested (with Federal Funding) already since, at least .. 2015, as an initially anti-Ebola candidate drug in Africa...

=> More than ...5 or 6 Years are not enough in order to Know all "Adverse Events" ?
3  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Politics / Italy: 1/3 Minority Ousts 2/3 Majority ? on: August 21, 2019, 10:56:23 PM
In Italy, some push the Paradox for a Minority notoriously representing Only 1/3 of the Voters to seize the Government of the Country and Exclude the large Majority of 2/3 of the People by throwing it to the Opposition and Refusing timely Elections !

Such sly, AntiDemocratic manouvers canNot last long...

=> They will bounce back like a Boomerang.-
4  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Economy - Social - Technologies / German Medias welcome Italy's Minimum Revenue, linked to jobs Training on: November 17, 2018, 12:09:47 AM

German Establishment's Liberal Medias curiously criticized Italy for Tax Cuts, added to Civil Servants' wage raises, but Welcomed its Minimum Revenue decisions, observing that they were linked to Jobs Training.

Is really Jobs Training so important for them ? And, if yes, then, why ?
5  European CITIZENS and FORUM / "European" HUMOUR ? / Italy: Betrayal of Anti-Establishment People ? on: May 23, 2018, 04:22:40 AM


Attention to petty Technocrats !

=> Skip "il Professore" Tourist,

>>> But keep the negotiated political Program, and go on !

Anti-Establishment Italian People deserve Better...
6  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / Italy:New Right+5 Stars have a Duty to Govern Together ! on: May 02, 2018, 04:30:13 PM
Crucial decisions approach on Italy's political future these days.

In fact, the two frontrunners, who won the latest Parliamentary Elections of March 2018 (1st the new, united Right, headed by Salvini, and 2nd  Beppe Grillo's + Di Maio's "5 Stars" movement : See, have a DUTY to try to govern together, for at least 2 main reasons :

(A) First, because the Italian People clearly asked for a CHANGE, a renewal of the political life, and for a brand new Government. No for a backward compromise with old recipes of the outgoing 2013 government of the Left, which was strongly condemned by the Voters on 2018 !

(B) Moreover, politicians have also a National and European duty to do as advised above : Because, otherwise, i.e. if the new united Right and the 5SM stay divided, then, given the MAP of the latest elections' results, (where the 1st wins mainly at the North, and the 2nd mainly in the South), this would obviously provoke a serious risk for Italy to be divided also Geopolitically, between a Northern and a Southern areas, ipso facto triggering very dangerous, mutatis-mutatis similar divisions North/South accross all over Europe !

=> So that, to put it in a nutshell, in this original Italian case, play the political game Democraticaly (point A), is also play it Safely (point B)...

7  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Enlargement - Foreign Policy / +68 Civilians (21 Children) killed (London-based SOHR) on: February 01, 2018, 11:38:35 PM

"Depuis le 20 janvier, ....selon l'OSDH.....68 civils dont 21 enfants ont péri dans les bombardements turcs sur Afrine, a ajouté l'ONG".


Les avions turcs ont survolé mercredi matin la ville d'Afrine, a constaté un correspondant de l'AFP, et les bombardements dans les environs de la cité ont gagné en intensité ces derniers jours, a-t-il précisé.

Mais les combats les plus violents se déroulent principalement dans le nord et l'ouest de la région. Ils sont accompagnés de  tirs d'artillerie et de frappes aériennes turques, selon une ONG, l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH).

 A Afrine, quelque 15.000 personnes fuyant les combats ont été déplacées dans la région, tandis qu'un millier ont trouvé refuge dans la province voisine d'Alep, selon Ursula Mueller, secrétaire générale adjointe de l'ONU, chargée des Affaires humanitaires.

'Les civils meurent'

Dans le principal hôpital de la ville d'Afrine, les blessés continuent d'affluer, a constaté mercredi un correspondant de l'AFP.

Allongée sur un lit d'hôpital, une vieille dame au visage ridé pleure bruyamment alors qu'un médecin tente d'examiner son crâne.

Une infirmière demande à un jeune garçon d'ouvrir la main pendant qu'elle enroule un bandage, tandis qu'une de ses collègues lui nettoie une plaie à la jambe.

"Tout le monde sait que les civils meurent", tonnait déjà mardi soir un vieillard dans l'hôpital après avoir perdu 12 membres de sa famille.

Une famille de quatre personnes est venue récupérer le corps du patriarche, 80 ans. La tête posée contre le cercueil, une femme pleure." (.....)


<<'This is a massacre': Turkey's bombs drive families into caves

By Waffa Munayyer, Joe Sterling, and Eliza Mackintosh, CNN

Updated 1512 GMT (2312 HKT) February 1, 2018

... Turkey's cross-border military offensive against US-backed Kurdish militias has driven civilians living in the northwestern Syrian enclave underground. An estimated 16,000 people have been displaced by the fighting, which has been punctuated by relentless airstrikes and shelling, according to the United Nations

Footage obtained exclusively by CNN captures the city's deserted streets -- littered with crumpled cars, debris and gaping holes where shops once stood.

"We don't know where to go," says Mohammed Khaled, 10, speaking in Kurdish.

"The airplane has been dropping bombs for five days now. They are dropping missiles and bombs. My dad says not to go out because of the war planes and so we are sleeping in the huts. All our homes are destroyed."

Khaled stands outside one of the structures where civilians are seeking shelter. Children mill around behind him, restless. ...

Um Muhammed, Khaled's mother, asks why Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is bombing her people."What did we do to him?" she says in Arabic.

"We lost our homes our children, nothing is left ... why would this happen to us? Is not this a shame that children have to live like that? We are human beings, are we not? Why are they doing this to us?"


"On Wednesday, the SDF said an "invasion army" of Turkish fighters and terrorists with Al-Nusra, al Qaeda's former affiliate in Syria, pounded Afrin with Katyusha rockets, targeting Afrin's largely civilian Ashrafia neighborhood and wounded people were taken to hospitals. The SDF said civilians, from children to the elderly, were injured.

 "Right now we are overwhelmed with injured and killed civilians," says Dr. Jawan Muhammed, general manager of the hospital in Afrin.

"Our hospital is unable to cope, Our surgery rooms are overwhelmed. We conduct 18 surgeries a day. We are using up all our medical supplies because of the overwhelming number of casualties as a result of indiscriminate airstrikes and artillery fire."


The people hiding in Afrin's caves ....

One woman asks, "What are the planes wanting from us? What are they bombing us for? What do they want from us and what do they want from the little children?"

A young girl named Yasmin went into hiding with her mother and her brothers after her father was killed.

"It is really dark here. We are so scared because it is really noisy. They are conducting airstrikes. What did we do to them? We are just kids. Why is this our fault?" she asks.

Fatima Muhammed, bundled in a red sweater, her hair wrapped in a purple scarf, is among about a dozen people hiding out in the same cave.

"This is a massacre," she says, breaking down in tea
rs. "Please convey our message we are pleading with the international community to stop the killing of the civilians stop the airstrikes and the war against us."

8  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Politics / Re: London in Danger ! on: May 05, 2016, 03:05:38 PM
Mr. Sadiq's real Agenda is Sadicaly Obvious from his own Website,
pompously called : ..."Sadiq.London", (which Sadly reminds "Sadist London")...

He looks Favorable to the Islamic Scarf, (while, on the Contrary, he turns his Back against London Women who are dressed in a Traditional British/European style)...

=> In fact, it all looks as if, his Real Intentions might be better expressed openly, with a tiny, small addition to his own website :

9  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Enlargement - Foreign Policy / STOP Oligarchs killing Dissident People in Military attacks at Eastern Ukraine ! on: June 09, 2014, 02:52:38 PM
+ f.ex. :

Slaviansk's Inhabited areas Bombarded by Kiev's Military AirStrikes : (6 June 2014) :

=> + (8 June 2014),

10  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Enlargement - Foreign Policy / STOP Oligarchs killing Dissident People in Military attacks at Eastern Ukraine ! on: June 04, 2014, 05:47:00 AM
In fact, it's becoming awful, and much Worse !

(to the point that YouTube and others started to CENSOR and/or BLOCK INTERNET ACCESS to Documented News about the Victims atrociouslly Wounded and/or killed during Kiev's Military Attacks against Dissident Regions, such as Luhansk, etc. :
11  European POLICIES and ISSUES / overall Ideas, Europe's Identity + Future / "Hibernation" à Cannes, veille des Elections Européennes ?... on: May 25, 2014, 05:36:15 AM
Après le Travesti à barbe de Eurovision, Cannes prime le Turc Nuri B.C., veille d' Elections à l' Union Européenne...

De suite après le prix récent de "EuroVision" au Travesti à la barbe "Conchita Wurst" (alias: "Conchita le Saucisson"), un autre machin à fric pseudo-"Européen", ou plutôt Globalisant, celui du festival des Cannes, en France d'aujourd'hui, vient de donner son prix  à un Cineaste Turc inconnu, ex-garcon de Restaurant Anglais à Londres :  Nuri Bilge Ceylan, pour un film à dormir débout.. ("sommeil hivernal")..

Et, cela, par "coincidence", la veille des Elections européennes, où la question de l' "Identité" européenne vient d'être à nouveau posée à tous les citoyens de l' UE, qui vont voter demain dans la plupart des pays membres de l'UE, y compris pour des questions liées aux démandes de la Turquie d' entrer dans l'UE, de supprimer les Visas aux 75 Millions de ses habitants, etc..

A cette occasion, le cineaste Turco-brittanique s'est même vanté d'un soi-disant "Anniversaire de 100 ans de Cinéma Turc" (sic !), sans que persone n'ose comprendre ce qu'il voudrait dire en réalité, parlant aussi la veille de l' Anniversaire de 100 ans dépuis le début de l' atroce GENOCIDE ARMENIEN (1914/15 - 2014/15), qu'il a totalement escamoté...

Visiblement, si un establishment ripoux voudrait s'aliener le Peuple, non seulement au sein de l'Union européenne, mais aussi ailleurs, (v. p.ex. le ridicule qui a menacé certains "pro-européens" auprès du peuple Ukranien, suite au matttraquage médiatique d' EuroVision pour le Travesti en barbe "Conchita le Saucission" : v. en haut, etc), n'aurait pas fait autrement que de gaspiller de l' argent en pleine crise de telle maniere : Les vrais fossoyeurs de l'Europe semblent, recemment, acharnés, sans craindre ni le ridicule, ni le grotesque !

A noter; naturellement, aussi :

- "Prix de la MISE EN SCENE : l’Américain Bennett Miller pour «Foxcatcher»",
- "Prix d’interprétation féminine: l’Américaine Julianne Moore"
 - "Prix d’interprétation masculine: le Britannique Timothy Spall, pour son rôle dans «Mr T(o)urner»(-la-Veste ?)..

=> Ca rime avec Lobbies "LGBTI" + Turc, curieusement, en ce moment, pris ensemble pour servir les intérêts des quelques uns  ?


(Photos : BBC + Reuters)
12  EU ELECTIONS / Political PARTIES - CANDIDATES / Acces Threshhold challenged legaly also in Italy after Germany=> Elsewhere too? on: May 10, 2014, 12:36:32 AM

A 3% Threshhold for Acces to MEPs' seats in EU Parliament has just been contested legaly in Italy, where a Venice Court referred the matter to the Country's Constitutional Court, (after its previous ruling thwarting a similar obstacle in the National Elections), for a decision which could be taken before the European Elections of the End of May.

The move comes shortly after the German Constitutional Court notoriously droped the 5% Threshold which existed traditionaly in the German Elections., both National and European.

=> Will such a wave of Change - which allowes to various New Parties to emerge, but diminishes political Stability- extend also to other EU Member Countries, including f.ex. in Hungary, (where a 4% Threshhold avoided the Socialist Party's quasi-Total Implosion, by pressing some smaller grouplets to form a "multi-fruti" coalition with them, obtaining a LImited but  not negligeable number of votes), etc. ? 
13  European view on the WORLD / on Global ISSUES / NSA "Misunderstood" ?.... on: November 01, 2013, 03:56:24 AM
According to Obama's agents, NSA's activities would have been ... "Misunderstood" (hic !), both by Snowden and all the others ....

That reminds something even more "retro" than Nixon, doesn't it ?
14  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Science - Health - Environment - Nature / Strasbourg targetted by Heatwave, while all the rest of France is Rainy(+Hails)! on: July 28, 2013, 04:34:16 PM

Strasbourg's area is astonishingly Targetted by an exceptionaly "Hot" Heatwave; up to more than + 37 degrees Celsium (!), particularly on Tueeday and Wednesday, 18 and 19 June 2013, (as both Citizens and the Regional Prefecture started to denounce, too late..),

... while, at the same moment, almost everywhere else in France, there are, on the contrary, exceptional ... RAINS, Cloudy Weather, even Hails (with Surprisingly Big Hailstones !),

resulting in a very Strange, never seen before Phenomenon....

+ By the way, this section being about "European events", could anyone tell us what might have been ths most important "European Event" in Strasbourg these precise Days that it is Targetted by a so astonishingly Exceptional Heatwave, (contrary to all the rest of France, which is Rainy, even with Hails etc) ?

.... (.../..)


Similar strange weather events, as the one that you described for June 2013, appeared also this month : on July 27 (when the local Prefecture and Municipality had warned about a Heatwave up to 37 -38 degrees Celsium hitting Strasbourg, while the rest of France was facing ... RainStorms !

Surpsisingly, current forecasts warn that this same phenomenon of "selective" Heatwave would again focus on hitting Strasbourg's area even at the beginning of .. next month : from Agust 2...

What's really going on ? Something or someone is, may-be, playing dirty games ?
15  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / Re: Paris 2013 comme Athènes en 2011 ?!... on: May 27, 2013, 05:47:21 PM
Malheureusement, les Brutalités persistent, et même s'aggravent,

surtout lorsque certains s'acharnent contre des manifestants pacifiques,même des jeunes filles!...

P.ex., dépuis samedi,25 mai, déjà :



Ca, la plupart, (du samedi 25, aux Champs Elysées), c'est même de simples ENFANTS, 100% pacifiques (v. p.ex. les pétites filles à lunettes, etc)
 face à des Gorillas manifestement et excessivement brutaux) !!!....

Ces enfants-là, (la plupart de ceux que vous nous montrés brutallement aggressés, jettés au sol, leurs têtes frappés, maltraités et inutilement humiliés, arretés, etc. par une horde de plusieurs CRS violents), n'ont rien fait d'autre qu' utiliser des paroles en public et un simple astuce pacifique pour tenir quelqes minutes avant qu'on les musèle), sont surtout des frêles pétites filles pacifiques portant des lunettes....

V. p.ex. ce Vidéo-là qui le montre clairement :

=> It's really "MAY-Time" !

(cf. : )

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