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1  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Science - Health - Environment - Nature / Australia Wins against Virus, withOut pseudo-"Vaccines" ! on: May 02, 2021, 07:04:14 AM
How come that big Australia Wins nowadays the Fight against the Deadly Virus (already from September 2020 up to April 2021), i.e. even withOut controversial pseudo-"Vaccines" ?

(After having Suffered during the 1st and 2nd "Wave"), does it Now use Similar methods to its neighbour, China ?

Why here, in the EU + USA, on the Contrary, Infections and Killings are Booming, in a Monstruous "3rd Wave", with a quasi-Monopole by a few pseudo-"Vaccines" ?
2  European CITIZENS and FORUM / "European" HUMOUR ? / HYPOCRISY on Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants... on: July 29, 2019, 06:00:25 PM
Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants HYPOCRISY !

Scandalous Tragicomedy ... in 2 "Acts" :




3  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Defence - Security - Civic protection / 5 Kids drown at Turkish coasts trying to enter Greece(EU). No Smuggler punished! on: May 10, 2019, 12:23:25 AM

5 Children and 2 other persons were reported Dead by drowning in Turkey, after a failed attempt to enter irregularly inside Greece, at EU's External Borders, from the Turkish Coasts, at the beginning of this month.

But, once again, Nobody among the Smugglers from Turkey, who use to charge "incredible sums" of money for their criminal trafficking according also to the German Press, wasn't arrested, nor punished, despite a recent critical Report of CoE's Assembly, which denounced the systematic Impunity of Turkish a.o. Smugglers, even when it would be easy for the Police to find them...
4  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / +Vote => ? on: February 08, 2019, 04:10:03 AM
Mais, la plupart des gilets jaunes auraient déjà rejeté des débats "sans vote" et sans suite.

Pourquoi donc, ne pas viser, sinon un RIC complet, au moins un Vote, après les débats que vous mentionez, avec effet, en cas de réussite des contestataires, que l''Etat, au moins, ne saurait l'ignorer et passer outre avec une mésure (manifestement) disproportionée et/ou pas necessaire, au detriment d' intérêts legitimes et importants evoqués par les citoyens concernés ?
5  European view on the WORLD / on Geopolitical REGIONS / Juncker's half Reply on "Africa 0,5 - Turkey 3: Are they Crazy ?" on: July 09, 2018, 05:27:56 AM

Juncker claimed (from the beginning of his latest Press-Conference at EU Parliament in Strasbourg) that, in fact, the EU wished to give for Africa much More Funds, (particularly if Member States were really involved).

But it wasn't clear if he spoke only about Loans, or entirely about full Grants (as those already decided by the EU for Turkey)...

(At any case, however, he seems to be ...Reading EUROFORA !)
6  European POLICIES and ISSUES / overall Ideas, Europe's Identity + Future / A Bureacracy of Intermediaries, or Directly EU Citizens ?... on: April 14, 2018, 07:24:34 PM

Some obviously seek to push again things, about the "Future of Europe"'s Debates, towards the old anti-democratic slipery slope of a kind of ... Bureaucracy of various Intermediaries, keeping Citizens, in fact, subordinate, dependent, and, inevitably, far Away...

=> Instead, we should all take appropriate care to go Directly towards EU Citizens, incite them to Debate, in a crystal-clear manner, (it doesn't mean naif...), on how they believe that a Europe near to their most important Dreams can start to become True, in the foreseable Future, taking naturally into account also the existent Realities, and how they propose to succeed to build a Strong Common European Home, able to face the main challengeq of nowadays society and world.

Only then, it could really work, this time.

The contrary (see above) is a condemned recipe to failure, (staged by a few ignorants and/or hypocrites, who secretly push towards making a "flop" out of it)...

Emmanuel Macron's (and others') original Ideas look Good.

But they must Not be Betrayed !...
7  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Medias -Education - Religion / France:Risk v.Free Press 23 NGOs Warn, Criiticizing Macron's acting Government on: June 14, 2017, 11:14:56 AM
 Liberté de la presse : 23 sociétés de journalistes inquiètes de l’attitude du gouvernement

    Une vingtaine de médias, dont « Le Monde », considèrent que le gouvernement envoie « des signaux extrêmement préoccupants ».

    LE MONDE | 13.06.2017 à 15h50 • Mis à jour le 13.06.2017 à 18h45

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    Les sociétés de journalistes de vingt-trois médias, dont Le Monde, considèrent, dans le communiqué commun ci-dessous publié mardi 13 juin, que le gouvernement continue d’envoyer « des signaux extrêmement préoccupants » au regard de l’indépendance des médias et de la protection des sources.


    TRIBUNE. Le nouvel exécutif a-t-il un problème avec la liberté de la presse ? Le 18 mai, nous nous étions inquiétés de la façon dont l’Elysée organisait le voyage au Mali du président de la République, en sélectionnant les journalistes chargés de couvrir ce déplacement. Pas question d’« imposer » des choix aux rédactions, fut-il alors répondu.

    Or la semaine dernière, ce sont cette fois deux ministres qui ont envoyé des signaux extrêmement préoccupants, quant à la manière dont ils conçoivent l’indépendance des médias et la protection des sources, ou plutôt leurs limites.

    Mercredi 7 juin, quelques heures avant la diffusion par France Inter de révélations sur des soupçons d’emplois fictifs d’assistants parlementaires européens au MoDem, François Bayrou, président de ce parti et surtout garde des sceaux, a appelé en personne le directeur de la cellule investigation de Radio France pour se plaindre de prétendues « méthodes inquisitrices », ajoutant qu’il étudiait, avec ses avocats, la possibilité d’une qualification de « harcèlement »…

    Interrogé à ce sujet par Mediapart, il a eu cette réponse qui laisse pantois : « Ce n’est pas le ministre de la justice ni le président du MoDem qui a appelé, c’est le citoyen ! »

    Vendredi 9 juin, la ministre du travail, Muriel Pénicaud, a annoncé que son administration avait porté plainte contre X pour « vol, violation du secret professionnel et recel » à la suite de la publication, deux jours auparavant dans Libération, de documents listant les pistes étudiées par son ministère pour préparer la future réforme du code du travail. Une procédure qui permet d’attaquer aussi bien les sources de Libération que le quotidien lui-même.

    Ces deux événements, particulièrement inquiétants, ne sont pas les seuls motifs de préoccupation. Le 11 mai, En marche !, le mouvement d’Emmanuel Macron, a porté plainte contre la lettre d’information spécialisée La Lettre A pour « recel d’atteinte à un système de traitement automatisé de données », après un article s’appuyant sur des éléments tirés des « MacronLeaks ».

    Et dimanche 11 juin au soir, Richard Ferrand, ministre de la cohésion des territoires, et candidat d’En marche ! aux élections législatives dans le Finistère, a relégué au rang d’« efforts méritoires » des journalistes contre sa personne les investigations sur l’attribution d’un marché de location à sa compagne par les Mutuelles de Bretagne, lorsqu’il en était directeur général.

    Face à la liberté d’informer, le nouvel exécutif fait le choix de la tentative de pression, de la répression judiciaire et du procès d’intention. « Continuez à nous irriter, car elle est là, la liberté », lançait le même Richard Ferrand le 3 mai à la Maison des journalistes, lors de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse.

    Nous continuerons, à n’en pas douter. Parce qu’informer le public est un devoir autant qu’un droit, et parce qu’une presse libre et indépendante est essentielle à la démocratie.

    Les signataires : Les sociétés des journalistes de l’AFP, Alternatives économiques, BFM-TV, Les Echos, Europe 1, L’Express, France 2, Rédaction nationale de France 3, Libération, les JT de M6, Mediapart, Le Monde, L’Obs, Le Point, Premières Lignes Télévision, Radio France, RFI, RMC, RTL, Télérama, La Vie et les rédactions de Dream Way Production et LaTeleLibre.

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8  European CITIZENS and FORUM / "European" HUMOUR ? / Average Income of Thieves and their Victims, (send to IMF)... on: February 17, 2017, 01:47:18 PM

In an EU Member Country accused to Waste too much Money for bloody Thieves, (Lackeys of a Dirty State Establishment which blocked productive private businesses and abandoned Poor or Impoverished People to starve), the Average "per capita Income" for Thieves and their Victims, (taken all together), is Lower than in other Countries, where there are not so many thieves, argued in substance its recently appointed Minister "for Labour, Social Security and Solidarity" (sic !), a representative of Turkish Lobby.

This ridiculous Pseudo- "Fact" was abused in order to claim that IMF's Head, Christine Lagarde, should not agree with her Experts who rightfuly criticize particularly those Castes of largely unworthy and/or unproductive "pals" scandalously appointed to cozy Civil Servants jobs since the early 1980ies by several Nepotist Governments of the Past, mainly "Socialist", etc, and, nowadays, have already started to ask (and obtain) even cozy and/or early Pensions for the next Decades, while most Other People are threatened to starve, suffer or even die from not treated illnesses provoked by years of forced deprivations and/or various harassments, ill-treatments, etc.

When, will, at last, Productivity and Justice, make an Alliance to Save European People from the Damaging Hypocrisy of Foreign Networks which undemine their Lives, Democracy and Human Rights, (Comp., f.ex., the recent Scandal of Turkish Spying Imams in Germany, etc) ?
9  European view on the WORLD / on Global ISSUES / Ban Turkey, Not Iran = more Logical for US Measures against ISIS Terrorism ! on: February 01, 2017, 12:00:42 AM
Why Ban Iranians, and Not Turks, when the officialy Declared Aim is to Counter ISIS Deadly Terrorism in the US and the whole World ?

Who was that Anonymous guy who ill-advised the -Otherwise Correctly Oriented- set of Measures just taken by New US President Trump ? Perhaps some Dems' "Submarine", silmilar to Mr. McCain and Cie, of Wash. DC's old Establishment of RINOS ?...

Iran is currently Fighting against ISIS and other Islamist Terrorists (who Target even Civilian People), and Iranians have been recently Risking their Lives, Together with Others, in order to Liberate Syria from Deadly and Destructive Islamist Terrorism, while, on the Contrary, Turkey has been notoriously aiding and abetting both ISIS and various Other Violent Armed Gangs of Islamist Terrorists in Syria etc....

Turkey has been right from the Start, up to Recently, during Many Years, the No 1 (sometimes even Exclusive) Provider and/or Transit area for Jihadists, Money, Logistics, Weapons, and other Tools givenn to ISIS and various other Violent Islamist Terrorists, both in Syria and Iraq, but also in Europe and in the USA.

F.ex., among many other concrete Examples, amidst the Killers of Civilians at Paris, in Bataclan and elsewhere, back on Jan. 2015, were also ISIS' agents who had just Infiltrated Europe through Turkey, Disguised in Irregular Migrants/Mass Asylum Seekers.

+ Several Groups of various such Shady Muslim Irregular Mass Migrants discovered in ...Latin America, attempting to Head towards USA, in 2015-2016, had also emerged through Turkey.

++ The coward who Murdered with a Rifle 5 Innocent Civilian People (mainly Old Women) and Wounded Many others at a Washington State's Mall on 2016, was an ethnic Turk, (to whom Obama/Clinton had Scandalously given papers of US "Nationality", letting him even "Vote" 3 Times Before), who called to Back Hillary in the US Presidential Elections....


=> Donald Trump's popular General Principle of a well-Targeted, Temporary Ban from some unreliable Islamist Terrorism affected Countries, until a Solid Vetting Procedure is set up for adequately Selecting Muslim Migrants, obviously, in the Recent Circumstances of too many Deadly Terrorist Attacks Targetting Civilian People, has some Logic.

But, some Shady RINOS of the corrupted and blatantly failed, Anti-Democratic Establishment, must Not Deviate from that Aim, (f.ex. by Covering up Turkey's notorious ISIS Terrorists Complicities for Years, while targeting others, who, on the Contrary, Fight against ISIS and other Islamist Terrorists)...

USA does Not have at all to be "Afraid" of Turkey's Blackmails aboutn Incirlik AirBase use : It can always use, f.ex., Friendly UK's 2 AirBases at nearby Cyprus, close to Lebanon-Syria's Coasts, and/or its Suda-based Mediterranean Sea AirCarriers, Iraq Land and/or Sea based Facilities, (etc), which can Never be suddenly Blocked by a Turkish or other Unreliable Foreign Country's Muslim Military at any moment, as Turkey's Incirlik notoriously does.

=> Why, then, such a blatantly illogic Exception in the Counter-ISIS' Fight ?
10  European view on the WORLD / on Global ISSUES / Clinton: Child Sex + Security Scandals confusio... Some Clarity, Please ! on: October 30, 2016, 12:47:48 AM
What's going on ?

It's not clear, what has happened, in fact, about that Child Sex Scandal, with Hillary Clinton's closest Collaborator : the controversial Abedine, and her Husband, affecting small Girls, etc., found even directly Linked to Hillary's "Lost" Emails, that she had reportedly Claimed to be Non-Existent, but FBI found Now more than a Thousand, holed down in a Clinton Aide's Computer, abused in order to send "Sexting" messages to an Underage Young Girl !...

=> What does this Confusion mean ?

- Perhaps, that those "Lost",  unprotected Hillary's E-mails concerned some "Sexy" Top Security Issues, or that the Sexual Security of Underage Young Girls was Dangerously abandoned Unprotected,
despite inevitable Risks, by Untrustworthy Individuals, who abused of Hillary's Naivety or Negligence ? (As Bill has already done, in the Past, including in that notorious "Monica" Scandal, inside the White House)... Or Both ?

Who knows ? Somebody should Help Clear all that Mess, anyway....

Despite all that (and much more) :  - "Happy Halloween" and "Happy 2016 US Presidential Elections !", nevertheless...
11  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Medias -Education - Religion / Free Web at Risk by US Big Business-EU Com. Deal to Censor alleged Hate Speech? on: June 11, 2016, 03:11:44 AM
It seems that a student was oppressed at a university, a Swedish journalist's video was erased at the web, and a British christian website was blocked under fallacious pretexts, while some free speach NGOs were discriminated in Brussels, according to your links. Is all that true ? 
12  European CITIZENS and FORUM / "European" HUMOUR ? / Interesting New EU Parliament "artfull" composition: Beppe,Farage,LePen,Pirates+ on: May 30, 2014, 09:21:17 AM
New EU Parliament is due to become quite Interesting, and often "Spicy", given a full series of various "Artists" in Critical Public Debates, and Colourfull Politicians, from several original Parties and differend Countries :

- Such as, f. ex. an expected Bepe Grillo - Nigel Farage jointly organised Spectacle, right from the beginning of any big EU Parliament's Debate, due to be joined also by Marine Le Pen, "Golden Dawn" from Greece, German and Scandinavian "Pirates", etc.

=> Nobody could complain to be "Bored" !  From now on, there will be always a lot of guaranteed "Fun", as NF already warned... 

13  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Politics / EU Polls : EU Parliament less trusted than EU Commission ?!... on: May 14, 2014, 11:50:50 AM

While back on 2007, i.e. shortly after the 3 "No" to EuroReferenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, EU Commission was the most Unpopular of all, vis a vis EU Citizens, on the contrary, Today, the Less Trustworthy is ... EU Parliament, with 53% of Negative opinions, together with EU Central Bank with 54% Negative votes, compared with only 51% among EU Citizens finding Untrustworthy the EU Commissioners, according to the latest EuroBarometer Polls published just a few Days ago, which revealed a Majority of the People having lost any Trust to EU Institutions for the foreseable Future.

Strange, and dangerous fact : Normally, elected MEPS should be Closer to the People than EU Commission's Bureaucrats...

=> This must Change !
14  EU ELECTIONS / FORECASTS -POLLS - RESULTS / LINKS for POLLS/FORECASTS/PROGNOSIS of 2014 EU Elections... on: February 22, 2014, 02:29:10 AM   

15  European CITIZENS and FORUM / "European" HUMOUR ? / Karplus Mystery:1 témoin prétend l'avoir vu à Strasbourg ! on: October 14, 2013, 06:42:40 PM
Le chimiste américain, Martin Karplus, qui habite à Boston et travaille au Harvard, vient de gagner l' un tiers du Prix Nobel pour des travaux mettant la chimie au service de la Biologie.

Mais, d'autres prétendent que le mérite appartiendrait à l'Europe, et plus particulièrement en France, à l' Université de Strasbourg, où la Presse locale a trouvé 1 témoin qui pretend l'avoir vu la-bas,  (Dieu sait quant, et pour combien de temps) !

Bref, une guerre médiatique Franco-Américaine vient de commencer pour savoir QUI doit-on féliciter pour avoir éduqué et donner les moyens et le temps necessaires pour les travaux de cet américain de 83 ans qui ont récu l' 1/3 d'un prix Nobel, (dit de la Chimie, mais en, réalité au service exclusif de la Biologie).....
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