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61  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Economy - Social - Technologies / EU Commission undermines Franco-German-Russian cooperation eve of Turkish Nabuco on: July 13, 2009, 11:05:03 PM
Scandalous interference by out-going EU Commission against Franco-German Energy cooperation with Russia, at the eve of Turko-US Nabbuco pipeline push..

The brutal interference of out-going EU Commission which claims 1,1 Billion € from Franco-German energy companies GDF Suez and EON Ruhrgas on a cooperation with Russian Gazprom (See decision of July 8 ), at the eve of Turkey's attempts to impose, by any means, an expensive, too long and too risky, controversial "Nabucco" pipeline, notoriously pushed and controlled by an American lobby, (See event of July 13), looks less as a blunder, and more as a scandal !

If the out-going EU Commission accomplished its duties correctly, (i.e. defend "the European General Interest"), it should not fine, neither obstruct, but, on the contrary, FUND and support Franco-German energy industry's efforts to cooperate with Russia in a mutually benefiting way.
62  EU ELECTIONS / Specific Member COUNTRIES' developments / France:Sondages réagissent aux curieuses declarations d'Aubry sur la Turquie:+1 on: May 30, 2009, 04:10:33 PM
France: Sondages réagissent aux curieuses declarations d'Aubry sur la Turquie (PS + 1%)

Etonante réactivité des Citoyens européens en France à la question de la démande controversée de la Turquie d'entrer dans l'UE !

- Pour la première fois après une stagnation suivie d'un declin lent mais persistant (qui avait mis le MODEM à distance de seulement 5% du PS : 14% - 19%), le PS monte un point + 1% (=> 20%), de suite après les declarations attribuées à son leader Mme Aubry (par l'hebdo de gauche NouvelObs), selon lesquelles elle "ne" serait "pas pour l'entrée de la Turquie dans l'UE"....

En même temps, la liste marginale de Villiers/Libertas gagne un démi-point +0,5%, suite aux critiques contre la poursuite des negotiations UE - Turquie.

Par contre, le MODEM de Bayrou, un critique classique de la démande de la Turquie, mais avec nuances et fluctuations, perdent un pourcent - 1%, (ce qui est logique, puisqu'il n'en aurait plus l'exclusivité)..

Tous les autres partis, à gauche et à droite, restent sans changement notable. L' UMP de la majorité présidentielle, qui montait la plupart du temps aux sondages dépuis le début des ses declarations contre l'entrée de la Turquie dans l'UE, maintenant resterait stable, toujours en 1ère place avec 26%. Mais, en même temps, les sondages avertissent d'une curieuse montée de l' abstention ces jours-ci, autrement inexplicable...

=> Mais, une interrogation légitime s'impose, d'évidence :

- Est-ce que la version presentée par le NoubelObs. traduit bien la vraie position de Mme Aubry sur la controverse Turque ?

On en doute...

63  European AGENDA / of European ORGANISATIONS / EP last Session before June Election: Protecting Health, Economy + Human Rights on: May 01, 2009, 04:03:34 PM

EP's Last Session before June Elections : MEPs on protecting Health, Economy and Human Rights

New Flu H1N1 epidemic will be dealt from the outset, on Monday, with Commissioner Vassiliou and MEPs in Strasbourg, followed by 3 big Economic-Social debates and 2 on Political and Human Rights issues : Telecoms, Employment, and EU Funds, as well as the 1st Post-Elections EU Summit in Brussels, UNO's Durban II anti-Racism Conference at nearby Geneva, and EU's policy on Human Rights in the World.

EU's Future regarding Institutions (Lisbon Treaty) and Democracy issues in Turkey are left for the Night, (with a pittoresque context for Turkey, after "Rosé Wine", but before "protection of animals from Killing")... 

As usual, various other things may happen on the sidelines....
64  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Enlargement - Foreign Policy / USA's insistance to push Turkey into the EU stirs European reactions on: April 09, 2009, 12:04:01 AM

After someone convinced US president Obama to attempt to impose Turkey inside the EU, French, German and other European political leaders reacted saying that this is a decision to be taken by the EU itself, and stressed that it's still an open question with many controversies, on which several top EU leaders have expressed their refusal.

At the same time, they made it clear that this has nothing to do with their wish, on many other issues, to work closely with the new US Administration, and to treat Turkey as one among the friendly and important 3rd countries with which EU wishes to have a privileged partnership.

It all looks as if Turkey, who recently opposed Obama's and EU countries' endorsement of Danish PM Anders Rasmussen as new NATO's SG, obliged the American president, in exchange, to push for Ankara's controversial EU demands, provoking a rift to the detriment of euro-atlantic relations, otherwise growing.

But, in Europe, one thing is clear : June EU Elections is the only positive chance for EU Citizens to have a say....
65  European POLICIES and ISSUES / overall Ideas, Europe's Identity + Future / EU the most inteconnected area in the World ? on: February 28, 2009, 04:14:52 PM
Is it true that Europe has, since Ancient times, the longest Sea coasts and River sides, as well as from the Modern times, the most dense Rail and Road Network, compared to its surface and population, from all other Continents in the World ?

If yes, then, Europe could claim to be, comparatively, the most "interconnected" area in the world ! That fits well with EU's probable advantages in Telecoms now, and is obviously important for European integration.

But, today, what about Internet ? We started later than the US, mainly because of its Military origin after 2nd WW and the former "Cold War". But are we going to win the race, or at least be among the first, in the digital communications "World-wide-web" competition ?....
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