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46  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Economy - Social - Technologies / Franco-German smart Phone+ coming ? on: February 12, 2011, 10:07:33 PM

France Telecom and Deutsche Telecom, EU's biggest phone companies' duo, in the telecom services area where Europe traditionally has an excellent position on Exports Worldwide, at last, decided to start cooperating, mainly in view of the forthcoming High Speed Internet for Mobiles.

EU being World's most networked area in mobile phones' networks, adding Telecom Services as one of its best Export items, it's naturally a logical and long awaited move to bring together its Franco-German core on this key -and fast-evolving- area.
47  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Economy - Social - Technologies / €urozone Investment Trust up +17%, France 1st Industrial production growth on: February 08, 2011, 01:45:26 PM

Investment Trust in €uroZone augmented +16,7% on January 2011, the Highest level since the Pre-Crisis period of 9/2007, according to Sentix.

Meanwhile,  Industrial Production grew +1,2% in €urozone on November 2010, according to the latest available EuroStat data, with France growing 1st (+2,3%), while, on the contrary, peripheral Greece, Lithuania and Malta decreased by - 1,5%, - 2,0% and - 3,2% respectively. In the rest of the EU, Sweden and Czech Republic grew best, with +2,6% and +2;0% each, (+1,4% mean average for all EU 27 Countries).
48  EU ELECTIONS / EU-wide ISSUES / Turks push Cameron(+Clegg?) to forget Winston Churchil-Lloyd George Legacy ?! on: July 27, 2010, 08:57:57 PM

Turks push Cameron(+Clegg?) to forget Churchil-Lloyd Historic, popular, victorious Government Legacy (1918-1922) ?!

It's a pitty for British and European Politics that USA - Turkey lobbies hindered the New Brittish Prime Minister David Cameron to change "New Labour" "Socialist" policy on Turkey's Impopular EU bid, and pushed him to repeat the same controversial policies as MM. Bliar, Brown, etc, as if nothing changed in the recent May 2010 UK Elections, risking to deceive many People who supported a new Conservatives - Liberals coalition hoping for Differend, Fresh Ideas...

Who might be pushing Cameron (just arrived from a trip to USA's "Socialist" President Obama 2008-2012, who faces Difficult Mid-Term Elections on November 2010) and, may be, also Clegg, to ..miss the Chance to inspire themselves from the only previous Conservatives - Liberals Government in Great Britain's History : The famous, Victorious Winston Churchil - Lloyd George 1918 - 1922 Government, which had become very Popular by succeeding to boost High -Tech Investment and elementary Social Welfare, whle also( being Strongly Critical on Turkey's post-Genocide retrograde Militarism (comp. f.ex. "Laurence of Arabia", Dardanelles' fights, International Treaty of Sevres, 1920, etc). It was the last moment of a really Independent Great Britain, genuinly Free to co-decide, together with its European Allies, on Europe's Future !

How could anyone explain a Contrary policy on Turks, now, to those British People who notoriously voted in 2010 to curb down a galoping Non-European Immigration in the UK, and various Islamist and other "Ghettos" separated and not-integrated into the Brittish Society, which took Dangerous proportions during the late Labour Governments ?  Moreover, much among the People who voted for the Conservatives in 2010, were the same who Massively voted in the 2009 EU Elections for ... UKIP's campaign explicitly focused "Against Turkey's accession into the EU", which succeeded to become the ...2nd Party in the UK, scoring Higher even than the Liberals and the Labour, winning a Record High of EuroMPs for the period 2009-2014...

Last, but not least, instead of respecting Democracy, would anyone wish to attempt to ..throw to  a waste basket all the Numerous Votes of EU Citizens who Massively opposed Turkey's controversial EU bid at various Elections in many EU Member Countries during the recent years 2005 - 2010, as, f.ex. in Germany on 2005 and 9/2009 National Elections, in France since 2007 Presidential and Parliamentarian Elections, as well as in June 2009 EU Parliament's Elections (including even in the UK : f.ex. with UKIP's surprising results : No 2 Party with the Target : "No to Turkey's EU bid :", See above), in Bulgarian National Elections on 2009, in Hungary, Slovakia, the Netherlands and Belgium on 2010, (etc). ? 

It's obviously much better to respect Democracy, both throughout most EU Member Countries, as well as EU-wide, but also vis a vis British People and History itself !..
49  European view on the WORLD / on Global ISSUES / Re: 35 $ Computer by India ? on: July 24, 2010, 01:48:32 AM
Here is a photo :

50  European CITIZENS and FORUM / "European" HUMOUR ? / Le plus Européen de tous les pays : l' Uruguay ?!.. Paradoxes du Mundial 2010 on: July 09, 2010, 04:23:57 PM

Le pays le plus "Européen" au Monde, serait-il paradoxalement situé à l'autre bout du Monde, à l' Hemisphère Sud de l' Amérique, vers le Pole Sud ?... 

Si tout le monde connait ben les autres 3 pays qui ont réussi d'avoir une équipe parmi les 4 finalistes au Championat Mondial du Football en 2010, (Pays Bas, Espagne, Allemagne), en revanche, peu savent que le 4e : l' Uruguay, est apparament le pays le plus... "Européen" de tous, à juger par la composition de sa Population :

Incroyable, mais vrai : 97 % des Habitants d' Uruguay, (pas seulement des "Citoyens", mais de tous les simples Habitants, i.e., y compris tous les Immigrés), sont des ...Européens !

88% sont tout à fait Européens, et 8% sont des métis, cad. issus de marriages entre Européens et autochtones. Total : 97% UE..

1% (UN pour cent) sont des populations Autochtones, (pex. issus des rescapés des Anciens Incas, et autres LatinoAmericains qui vivaient là pendant des Millenaires).  Seulement 3% ont été amenés d' Afrique (pex. afranchis de l' esclavage, etc), et il n'y a que peu d' Asiatiques (Turcs ou autres), etc., en quantités négligeables.                                     

En réunissant ensemble plusieurs Européens, (Espagnols, Italiens, Français, Allemands, Portugais, Britaniques,  Arméniens, Irlandais,  Grecs, Polonais, Maltais, Bulgares, Suédois, Danois, Hollandais, Belges, Autrichiens, Hongrois, Estoniens, Lettons, Lithouaniens, etc., en provenance des pays-Membres de l'UE, etc. ainsi que des Suisses, Russes et Ukraniens, etc), il est le seul pays au Monde d'avoir réussi la meilleure ... "Integration Européenne" !

En sus de l' Espagnol, Italien, Anglais, Portugais, etc., beaucoup y parlent même le français.

Son plus important Artiste-Peintre, Manuel Blanes (1830-1901), qui a mis en Tableaux les plus grands évenements Historiques du pays, dessina ... le Drapeau Français !

Le Président du pays, le vieux Mujica, (d'origine Hispano-Italienne, marié à une Topolansky, d' origine... Austro-Hongroise, avec un 2e nom, bien Allemanique : "Müller" !), vient de donner l' example à tous les Planqués Bureaucrates égoistes en temps de Crise, en décidant de se priver de 90% de son Salaire pour être investi à des activités qui générent du travail pour des gens pauvres et démunis.

En même temps, Uruguay a réussi d' éradiquer la Corruption, ayant le plus Bas taux de toute l' Amérique Latine, tout en étant un pays Economiquement Developpé avec un bon PIB per capita.

La Capitale : Montevideo, est considerée comme "la ville avec la meilleure Qualité de Vie dans toute l' Amérique Latine", tandis que l' ensemble du pays est parmi les 50 Etats qui ont la meilleure qualité de vie au Monde.

66% des Habitants sont Chrétiens Catholiques, et il y en a aussi plusieurs Protestants Evangélques, (qui sont souvent parmi les plus fervents Chrétiens). Ce qui n'empêche que l'Etat soit "laique" et protège la Liberté de toutes les Réligions ou croyances, Juifs, Musulmans, Budhistes, etc., y compris naturellement des Agnostiques, etc.

Ainsi, c'est logique que le terme "UruGuay", pour ce pays dessiné par l' Océan et 3 Fleuves (2 aux Frontières, et un au Centre, qui sert l' Agriculture) signifie : "La Rivière aux Oiseaux à plusieurs Couleurs"... (97% Européennes, bien entendu !)

Au sport, le 1er Championat du Monde au Football avait été organisé en 1930 à Montevideo...

Pourtant, si l' Equipe du pays a déjà pu gagné contre presque toutes les meilleurs équipes du Monde : Brasil, Angleterre, France, Italie, Espagne, etc., en revanche, curieusement il n' a pas encore jamais gagné contre l' Allemagne, (qui est le SEUL pays au Monde d'avoir toujours gagné ou fait match nul), sans que les raisons réelles de cette curieuse "Exception" soient encore connues, (au moins pas jusqu' à maintenant)...
51  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Economy - Social - Technologies / Better Euro currency rates for EU Exports on: June 05, 2010, 10:51:37 AM

Euro currency rates found anew much better levels for EU Exports, returning back to where they were before French President Sarkozy had denounced, in 2007, an excessively high Euro rate which had provoked in the past a 1 Billion € losses per year to Airbus, launching a call for ECB to allow a change.

Thus, today, (6/2010), French Prime Minister Fillon said that these Euro's lower rates were "Good News" due to boost EuroZone's Exports.

Air-Space High Tech business EADS's chief, Gallois, already welcomed exports' gains recently due to more logical Euro rates.

While new US President Obama has apparently tabled for a double-track approach trying to push both Investment and Consumers' Internal Demand, on the contrary, EuroZone's Franco-German core, with President Sarkozy and Chancelor Merkel, while safeguarding an elementary social protection, have resolutely focused on High Tech Investment to boost Innovation and EU's Exports Worldwide.
52  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Economy - Social - Technologies / Concorde deadly crash: Accident hypothesis droped => New Investigation ? on: May 21, 2010, 08:40:35 PM
Concorde deadly crash: Accident hypothesis droped => New, efficient Investigation ?

Now that it became obvious that the "Accidental" Hypothesis for the Julmy 2000 Deadly Concorde crash, which killed 134 Persons and led to scrap the Franco-Brittish Supersonic Airplane, (a World-wide Technological achievement, that even USA hadn't matched yet), was False, since the American Airline Compagn "Continental", initially accused to have provoked the crash by throwing a Metal Strip at Concorde's Runaway, was practicaly absolved from any grave responsibility, New Brittish Prime Minister Cameron and French President Sarkozy should start, at last, a brand new, efficient Investigation to find the whole Truth on what really happened !

Pontoise's Court has just decided to ask only ...175.000 € from Continental for the Metal Strip issue, while the Companies who run Concorde have already paid Tens of ...Millions to most Victims' Families...

Judges' criticism reportedly focused also on the curiously bad "Maintenance" of the runaway, of the plane, etc., particularly on the Day of the unexplained deadly incident.

Back on 2.000 all involved Countries' former Governments were Socialists (Mr. Jospin in France, Schroeder in Germany and Blair in the UK). On the contrary, now, in 2010, they have just became (after 2007 in France, 2009 in Germany and 2010 in the UK) coalitions of Center-Right, (with Sarkozy, Merkel and Cameron-Clegg).

The manifold Consequences of the unexplained July 2000 Deadly Concorde crash were huge : Among others, Europe was pushed to abandon its performant High-Tech. Supersonic Airplanes (instead of developing New ones, extending further the Pioneer "Concorde" family), and blocked some 30 Billions € to "Old Cuckoo" A 400 M, an AirBUS military transport plane project initially proposed since 1981 (!), which can't fly further than EU's neighborhoud, can't carry a modern Tank (full of electronics), and whose production has been already many times postponed and delayed, while, in parallel, its manufacturer has recently surrounded by various Scandals.. 

Is it a mere "Coincidence" that New British Prime Minister David Cameron met French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel just a few Hours before the Court anounces a verdict today ?
53  European AGENDA / of European ORGANISATIONS / Global Markets' Diversion v. €, eve of controversial Report on EU Future on: May 08, 2010, 12:29:24 AM

Global Markets' Diversion v. €, eve of controversial Report on EU Future


   Attacks against EuroZone  € via Global Speculative Markets' movements spearheaded from abroad (on May 7), at the eve of the publication of a Controversial Report on Fundamental issues related to Europe's Future (on May 8 ), obviously attempted to divert EU Leaders from giving the required attention to timely rectify a Draft prepared by an obscure commission in Brussels, cut off from contacts with EU Citizens, Governments or any directly elected EU body (as fex. EU Parliament).

   Some astonishing revelations of Facts reportedly concerning certain choices made in the organisation and the majority of the members appointed to prepare this Draft, are alarming Warnings,
   indicating, in particular, too many elements linked to a pro-Turkish lobby and/or to an excessively Globalist ideology, notoriously unable and/or unwilling to develop a crystal clear  Consciousness of common European Identity for a Politically strong and Democratic Europe, able to stimulate a vital Popular support, with decisive, strategic aims to play an important role in the World at the Horizon.

   This is obviously contrary to the main results of People's will ad EU Citizens' Votes proved in 2007 National Elections in France, brillantly won by President Sarkozy, as well as in the September 2009 National German Elections, clearly won by a Solid Governmental project headed by Chancelor Merkel, and, most importantly, also in many other EU Countries, during the June 2009 EU Parliament Elections.

   At these Historic Days of both Anniversaries of 60 years since Shuman's Declaration for the Creation of the EU, and of 65 years since the Victory against Fascism and Nazism, which opened a way to EU Unity and Values, including Human Rights, Democracy and a popular aspiration to revitalize a reunified Europe, will EU leaders find the much needed greatness, conciousness and Political will to decisively fight, well beyond any diversion, and win today's struggle for a real "Renaissance" or  "Resurrection" of Europe :

A unique and obviousy much promissing opportunity in this post-World War, and post-"Cold War", Peaceful and reUnited Europe,  which never had before such a Chance in a Past of more than 2 Centuries, made out of Divisions, Diversions, weakening and subordination..

Here is the modern "War" for nowadays Europe to win.

According to what it will succeeed to do, or not, the World will obviously be differend.
54  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / Can Conservatives-LibDems renew UK's Lloyd George-Churchil last Great Era? on: May 05, 2010, 12:25:38 AM

Can Conservatives-Liberals deal revive UK's last Great Era with Lloyd George-Churchil ?

Among various political combinations in the 2010 UK Elections, if Conservatives don't get a sufficient Majority at Westminster, many speak about a Conservatives - Lib. Dem. possible deal, which could ally Change and Stability.

But, in fact, this could mean real Change only if a new Conservative-Liberal Majority (almost as since 9/2009 in Germany, etc) succeeds to find the Spirit of the last Great Era in the History of the UK, that of famous former Prime Ministers Lloyd George and Winston Churchil :

That exceptional period has notoriously marked History with a Double Victory in World Wars I and II, as well as with the creation of the "Welfare State" and Investment in High-Tech. innovation, related to Industry and Defence.

 It was the last great moment when UK still played a 1st rank role in International developments, before it was overshadowed by the U.S.,  (since the middle of WW II).

When Lloyd George and Winston Churchil worked together, (at the head of a Conservative-Liberal Govermental Coalition), they succeeded to lead together at the 1st and Unique Victory of purely European forces in a World War : that of 1919, and that made them very Popular then. 

It's during that Historic period also, that both Lloyd George and Winston Churchil became famous for opposing the retrograde Turkish Militarists' attacks, both at the Aegean Sea and in Arab Countries, becoming popular also among various other People and Nations which were notoriously oppressed by the former Ottoman Empire :

- Already in 1914, Winston Churchil, famous for advocating Brittish supremacy in modern Naval Forces, succeeded to seize 2 Warships destinated to the Ottoman Turks, and use them for the Royal Navy to face German attacks at World War I. (Earlier, the Young Churchil attempted to travel to report and, if necessary, fight in the Greco-Turkish War of 1897 for the liberation of the isldand of Crete from the declining former Ottoman Empire,  but this conflict ended before he could arrive).

- Winston Churchil saved at least the Moral Honour of Great Britain also by leading the Galipoli and Dardanelles campaign of the British Army facing the Turks on 1915, at the very moment of the Armenian Genocide, (See, f.ex. : ).

- During the 1916-1918/9 Arab revolt against the Ottoman-Turc Occupation, Winston Churchil, who was then Minister for the Middle East, sends the famous T.E. Lawrence, (that Direcor David lean pictured with Peter O'Toole at the World Famous 1962 Film "Lawrence of Arabia", which won many Awards and Prizes, incluing 7 Oscars), to help the Arab Peoples to succesfully organize their Liberation struggle vis a vis Turkey's Military.

- Churchil was also an important State Secetary in Lloyd George's famous 1st World War Winner Coalition Goverment of 1918-1922, when the Brittish Prime Minister threatened Turkey with a Delaration of War, both by the UK and the Commonwealth, if the Turkish Army attacked the Brittish Soldiers who safeguarded the Dardanelles International traights, (while Greeks were massacrated by the Turks at nearby Smyrne, Constantinople/Istanbul, etc. that same year of 1922).

But Lloyd George, who was until then so Popular, (particularly after winning the 1st World War, establishing the "Welfare State" and funding UK's investments in High-Tech. Industry and Defence), that many said that "he could stay Prime Minister for all his Life", was, suddenly, during this 1922 slandered and personaly defamed by rumours about so-called financial scandals, his strong European stance vis a vis Turkey was bluntly opposed from the American continent inside the Commonwealth by Canada in 1922, and his Government was betrayed by a number of MPs changing colors after a meeting at an hotel behind closed doors...

Churchil and Lloyd George were evicted from Government after the clash with Turkey (supported by the American continent : See above), and spend many Years  at the margins of the Political Life, (Churchil was even evicted out of Westminster, failing twice  to be elected, and faced Health problems)...

After this last attempt by Great Britain's Government to oppose Turkey in Europe, which was slamed by a pro-Turkish interference from the American Continent, overseas, neither the UK, nor the rest of Europe, didn't ever find any way to control themselves the situation in the old continent, which started to be notoriously monitored from abroad, by the U.S.A., during the 2nd World War and its aftermath, the "Cold War", which provoked many Destructions and Divisions throughout all Europe, subordinated since then into a 2nd-class area compared to America.

In fact, the American 1922 pro-Turkish stance arranged also the interests of .. former USSR's Stalin, who had just decided to make a pact with Turkey at the Caucasus, throwing a growing number of Turkish troops against the European soldiers (led by the U.K., France, Italy and Greece) at the coasts of the Aegean Sea : Thus, Stalin practically saved a part of the declining former Ottoman - Turk Empire from total Collapse, and threw it against Europe, in  a GeoPolitical and Cultural conflict which persists until Today, undermining the Western camp with weakening Tensions (f.ex. even inside NATO, as the 2009 Blockade of the NATO Summit by Turkey proved, in addition to Turkey's "Veto" against NATO - EU cooperation, from Kosovo up to Afghanistan, etc). Stalin's cynical calculation (to weaken the Western coalition by throwing them a troublesome Turkish banana-skin) proved, unfortunately, right..

Contrary to the Lloyd George - Winston Churchil brave Historic attitude (See above), the "New Labour" Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's controversial stance vis a vis Turkey, merely followed, copied and aggravated the American desiderata, (that paradoxically coincided with Stalin's cynical pro-Turkish stance back in 1922  : See above), which notoriously are to weaken European Countries by throwing against them an oppressive, anti-democratic, retrograde and under-developed Asiatic Turkey, whose controversial EU - bid has become increasingly Unpopular among Brittish and other EU Citizens :

- Proof is the unexpected Big Electoral Win of the UKIP. Party in the June 2009 European Elections, when Nigel Farage succeeded to become, for the 1st time in History, the No 2 Party Leader in the UK, getting more Votes than the Lib-Dems and even more than the Labour party, arriving just after the Conservatives, immediately after he decided to focus UKIP's 2009 Electoral Campaign on the Popular moto : - "No to Turkey's Accession to the EU !"

But now, (with the only, partial exception, perhaps, of Boris Johnson, and of some healthy Criticism on laxist Immigration policies and Human Trafficking through Turkey, etc), WHO will be able to revitalize anew the winning Historic Spirit of Lloyd George - Winston Churchil, which "ruled the waves" and had succeeded to become so Popular at the Last Era of Greatness for the U.K. (and all Europe) ?

David Cameron and/or Nick Clegg, with the help of some of their Friends, will they find a strong enough Historic Conscience, Knowledge and Inspiration at Lloyd George and Winston Churchil to bring a real Change from "Bliar's" dark era, as Citizens' 2009 votes proved what British People want ?

(See above).
55  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Culture - Art- Sport - Tourism - Leisure / Sport: Count all EU Athlet's Awards together : MEP's proposal on: April 05, 2010, 01:07:46 PM
An interesting idea, proposed recently by French MEP Audy, is to systematically count together all Golden, Silver, etc. Medals and awards received by EU's Sport Athletes in Global Competitions (fex. Olympics, Football, Tennis, Basket, Chess tournaments, etc) Worldwide.

If we really start to count EU's sports achievements all together, People will start to realize Europe's athletic potential, Audy stressed.

Nice Idea, easy to realize. Why not ?
56  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / Murder of Media CEO critical to Turkey in Cyprus : Doubts on suspects on: January 16, 2010, 03:43:55 AM
This week's cold-blood murder of the Director of Medias critical to Turkey, Andys Hadjikostis, son of the founder of Newspaper  "SIMERINI" and RadioTV "Sigma/Proto", seems still far from being elucidated, since the suspects arrested by the police yesterday night, deny any implication in the murder and nothing was yet published about its motive.

The killing is part of a recent series of astonishingly brutal strikes, which started with the unprecedented theft of the remains and profanation of the Cemetery where was burried the former President of Cyprus, Tassos Papadopoulos, known mainly for his popular (75%) opposal to a controversial 5th version of a UN Secretariat Plan reportedly drafted under British influence, in the absence of France, Germany and other EU Member Countries, but white-washed by the outgoing former EU Commissioner then in charge of Enlargment, Socialist Gunter Verheugen, accused to disregard Refugees' Human Rights and to prepare a shaky, loose con-federation , without real re-Unification of the island, risking to dramatically break down under external influences exploiting diverging, instead of converging interests, let to float apart between two separated entities, among "vetoes" and other blockades of a weak central entity, formed by  the originally 75% Greek Cypriot majority and the 19% Turkish Cypriot minority of the island. By imposing some points known to be unacceptable to Greek Cypriots, who felt obliged to refuse for the 1st time, the move was exploited by a pro-Turkish lobby to partially absolve Ankara from its long-standing refusals to almost all previous UN efforts to reunify Cyprus, (the latest being at the eve of September 11, 2001, scheduled in New York, but cancelled after a Turkish refusal followed by 9/11), precisely at the moment that Turkey wanted to convince EU to decide to start controversial accession negotiations (2004), which provoked an unprecedented Institutional Crisis in the EU after popular reactions and 3 "No" to EU Treaty referenda in France, Holland and Ireland (2005-2007).

Afterwards, even a Greek Flag, used at Papadopoulos' grave, was stolen, taken away, and later found burned. Meanwhile, a second grave, where was burried another, long-time former  President of Cyprus, Spyros Kyprianou (father of the current Foreign Minister of Cyprus, Markos Kyprianou), was also profanated.

Contradictory estimations about the motives behind such criminal acts point either at Politically motivated shameless Terrorism attempting to muzzle critical voices regarding Turkey, or, on the contrary, mere Provocations. The Government preferes to speak about non-political,  ordinary crime motives, both for the cemetery's profanation/theft of the remains, and for the murder. 
The killing of journalists is extremely rare in Cyprus : The latest precedents were in 1994-1996, when Greek Cypriot Theofilos Georgiades, in the Government-controled area, and dissident Turkish Cypriot Kutlu Adali, in the territories occupied by Ankara's army, were  shot dead out of their family homes.  Georgiades had been supporting the Kurds, while Adali was critical of Turkish Settlers coming from Anatolia to the territories from where some 190.000 Greek Cypriot displaced people had been expulsed and are still hindered to return, despite European Court of Human Rights' case-law.

After Andy Hadjikostis' murder, his Newspaper "SIMERINI" was published with its Frontpage in black, and a subtitle :  - "We shall not surrender to Terrorism !"
57  European AGENDA / of European ORGANISATIONS / Juncker supported by Merkel's ally, (+Lagarde at EuroZone) ? on: November 19, 2009, 03:00:59 PM
The President of Germany's Parliament, Dr. Norbert Lammert, a friend of Chancellor Merkel, launched recently a call to support the experienced Luxembourg's Prime Minister, EuroZone's Chairman, Jean-Claude Juncker, for the new post of EU's President, on which 27 EU Heads of State and Government will start official debates on Thursday, November 18, at a Brussels' Diner.

France's Finance and Economy Minister Mrs Lagarde could succede him at EuroZone's chair, other sources added at the same time.

Juncker defended French President Sarkozy's moves to support EU's Economy against the Global Crisis, at EuroZone's 1st Summit, during the French EU Presidency on October 2008, at the final Press Conference at Elysee palace in Paris, facing some German ("Socialist" ?) journalists' critical remarks.

Contrary to some who accuse Juncker to be in favor of EU integration to the point to enstrange some Brittish anti-EU circles, the EuroZone's Summit, where British Prime Minister Brown participated in large part, showed that if Frence and Germany, together with other EU Member Countries, resolutely decide to advance further on, the UK will inevitably be "attracted" by the "Gravity Center" thus created..

See :

Merkel ally backs Juncker for EU presidency: report

1 hour, 8 minutes ago

BERLIN (AFP) - The speaker of the German parliament, an ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel, backs Luxembourg's Jean-Claude Juncker for European Union president, a press report cited him as saying on Friday

"If the criteria for choosing the (EU's) first president are experience, reputation, competence and profile, then we don't need to look any further, because nobody meets these requirements more perfectly than Jean-Claude Juncker," Norbert Lammert told Saturday's Frankfurter Allgemeine daily.

Lammert, who is officially Germany's second highest representative, added that the fact that Juncker is not from one of the "EU big powers" counted in his favour.

Juncker, 54, is prime minister and finance minister of Luxembourg and head of the Eurogroup gathering of eurozone finance ministers. He is the 27-nation EU's longest-serving head of government.

This was the first comment from Berlin on who might become the EU's first president, a post enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty, along with a new foreign policy supremo.

EU leaders are to decide the posts at a summit in Brussels on November 19.

Other names being considered include Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy, Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and former British prime minister Tony Blair.

Blair seems to have met resistance from EU members who believe that Britain has not sufficiently embraced the European project.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said last month that France and Germany would back the same candidate.

Contacted by AFP, a German government spokesman declined to say if Lammert's preference for Juncker reflected Berlin's official position.

"We refuse to take part in speculation," the spokesman said.

Merkel, while ruling out pushing a German candidate for the presidency, has hit out at how lengthy the decision process has been.

"The presidency should be held by a current or former head of government of an EU state. That rules it out for us," Merkel told Saturday's Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ) daily in an interview.

"This is another great step for the EU, although I would have preferred a swifter decision."

58  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Economy - Social - Technologies / Sarkozy for "the Airplane of the Future" on: October 18, 2009, 06:26:28 PM

Sarkozy pour "l'avion du futur".

Alors que le bon vieux AirBUS a de plus en plus de concurrents, même en Chine, risquant d'être bientôt dépassé, avant d'être relegué au musée des techniques anciennes, le président de la France, Nicolas Sarkozy, vient de lancer un appel pour la création d'un nouveau type d' avion, impliquant invention et développement de nouvelles technologies de pointe :

- "Alors que les Chinois préparent des concurrents d'Airbus, pourquoi ne pas travailler sur l'avion du futur ?", s'interroge-t-il.

Ce que l'UE aurait déjà du faire dépuis longtemps,
(au lieu de gaspiller plus de 22 milliards € pour le vieux, banal et trop limité A400M bus)..


Sarkozy for "the Airplane of the Future"

While good old AirBUS has more and more competitors, even in China, risking to be soon outpassed, before ending up in a Museum of old technologies, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, has just launched an appeal to create a new type of Airplane, impying the invention and developpement of New High Tech :

- "While Chinese prepare Airbus' competitors, why not work for the Airplane of the Future ?", he asked.

That's what EU should have already done a long time ago,
(instead of wasting more than 22 billions € for the old, low-tech and too limited "A400M" Bus)..
59  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Enlargement - Foreign Policy / Bruxelles/Londres: Soros demande toujours plus pour la Turquie... on: September 09, 2009, 01:41:45 PM
Bruxelles/Londres/ICT : Soros demande toujours plus pour la Turquie...

Un groupe d'ex-politiciens organisé par le millionaire americain "socialiste" Soros (basé à Londres) vient de repéter à Bruxelles sa démande pour que l' UE donne encore plus à la Turquie.

Si Ankara n'a pas fait aucun progres, recemment, et a même regressé souvent, face aux graves violations des droits de l'homme notoirement commises là-bas, ce ne serait pas sa faute, mais celui de l' Europe, pretendent-ils !

Ommettant de mentioner le fait que l' UE continue, malgré tout, à verser des sommes astronomiques (plusieurs centaines de millions d' euros par an, presque 1 milliard !) dépuis 2000 à cette-même administration turque qu'on accuse souvent pour corruption et exactions, (même en cette période de crise économique et financière, pendant laquelle plusieurs entreprises européennes ne trouvent pas des subventions ni crédits favorables), ce lobby-"think tank" soutient que l' UE ne fait pas assez pour amadouer la Turquie.

Enfin, allant manifestement à contre-courant du nouveau verdict populaire lors des récentes elections européennes de juin 2009, qui a notoirement plébiscité les partis (gouvernementaux ou à l'opposition) contraires à la démande de la Turquie d'entrer dans l' UE, le papier demandé par Soros a été presenté par quelques ex-politiciens en retraite, qui étaient responsables au passé, surtout lors de l'époque qui avait abouti à imposer une canditature turque controversée, ménant l' Europe à l' impasse d' abstentions majoritaires grandissantes aux elections européennes dépuis 1999-2004, aux 3 "Non" aux referenda pour les institutions européennes, aux sondages notoirement négatifs et à une dangereuse desaffection des citoyens européens.

En plus, l' ex-politicien socialiste français Rocard, à cette occasion, avoue son opposition à toute consultation du peuple concernant la démande controversée de la Turquie, soutenant, pratiquement ainsi, qu'il faudrait totalement exclure les ciitoyens européens, sans ténir, donc, compte, de leurs votes démocratiques, ni aux elections nationales (pex. en France en 2007), ni aux elections européennes (pex. en 6/2009), ni même avec un referendum, (contrairement aux décisions prises pas seulement par le président français actuel Nicolas Sarkozy, mais même par son prédecesseur, Jacques Chirac)...

Un enjeu pratique actuelle semble être l' évidente souhait d'un lobby anglo-américain de contrôler les transports d' energie vers l' Europe, en lui imposant, à tout prix, quelques vieux projets d' oléodux/gazoducs, trop longs, trop chers et trop dangéreux, inutilement zig-zaguant par la Turquie, au détriment de la Russie, de l' Algerie, de la Syrie, de la route Mer noire - Danube - Rhin, du Canal de Suez, de la Méditerranée, et d'autres routes beacoup plus directs, sures, et moins chers vers l' UE...
60  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / Syrie/Irak+petrole/gaz et transport Maritime direct vers l'UE: Chypre, France+?! on: August 21, 2009, 03:05:16 PM

La Syrie vient de se mettre d'accord avec l'Irak pour relancer le transport de petrole-gaz vers la Méditerannée. En même temps, des contacts de haut niveau entre le pays-membre de l'UE le plus proche : Chypre, avec la Syrie et la France seraient imminents. Vu l'amélioration des rapports entre la Syrie et la France, que le Président Sarkozy a commencé dépuis le Sommet de Paris sur l'Union pour la Méditerranée, juillet 2008, et l'amélioration de la situation au Liban, on peut s'attendre à des développements interessants sur l'approvisionement énergetique de l'Europe  :

P.ex. par transports maritimes directs vers l'UE. Ce qui pourrait aussi permettre de valoriser le nouveau terminal français pour gaz liquifié à Fos II, conformement à la Résolution adoptée par le Parlement Européen à Strasbourg en 2009 sur le financement de réseaux et des nouvelles technologies en GNL
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