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31  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Politics / German Polls : 'Green" People ready for BioEthical deal with Merkel ?! on: August 14, 2013, 12:40:12 PM
+German Polls: Time for Green leaders to hear their People and strike a deal with Merkel on BioEthics, RES, etc ?!

Around Half of German "Greens"' supporters want Chancelor Angie Merkel to develop her governemental policies for the Future, after the forthcoming September 2013 National Election, according to the latest Polls, despite the persisting refusal, by their Leadership of a "Black-Green" Deal in Berlin.         
But this  Opposal looks outdated now, particularly after recent socio-political developments on BioEthic issues, from France to the USA etc., which give a fresh importance to the urgency to act in order to safeguard elementary Human Dignity and Freedoms vis a vis some too selfish Technocratic lobbies throughout the World. And, meanwhile, an old difference between Greens and CDU/CSU over the Nuclear Energy and Renewables, has now been overcome since the German Government's decision after Fukusima, towards a Strategic  schift for RES, etc.

=> Will the new Leaders of the "Greens" hear the voice of their own People, and will they be Keen enough to understand the Urgency to struggle today for a Human Ecology able to affront manifold growing dangers Worldwide, so that the "Green" Popular Movement might become anew faithful to the basic Values of their own, Historic Founding Fathers ?
32  European POLICIES and ISSUES / overall Ideas, Europe's Identity + Future / Israel-Cyprus-Greece deal to boost EU's Energy Autonomy ?! on: August 09, 2013, 04:22:10 PM
Europe's Energy Autonomy, as well as Middle-East's economic Development could be considerably boosted in the foreseable Future by renewed prospects of Liquefied Gas Transport directly towards the EU, be it by Ships and/or by undersea cables, etc., after the signature of a promissing Deal between Israel - Cyprus and Greece on Energy and Sea, followed by relevant proposals.
33  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Economy - Social - Technologies / Greek Stock Market up and UP (after ERT was closed down !!..+ on: June 14, 2013, 07:13:10 PM
The Greek Stock Market won more than +1,9% Yesterday, (mainly on Media compagnies : +20%!), as well as more than  + 3,4 % Today, (focused on Financial Services, Oil/Gas, and Banks, etc), just after the Government of Antonis Samaras (Christiandemocrat/EPP) anounced that Public Radio-TV "ERT", (one of the most Unpopular Mass Media, generally filled up with expensive lackeys of former clientelist/nepotist PASOK Governments of the Past 30 years) was closed down, and that a New Organisation will succeed to it, based on merits, as he promissed.
34  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Politics / Italy:+216 MPs for 0,3% of Votes more ! AntiDemocratic +Unprecedented in History on: February 26, 2013, 09:53:57 PM

For the 1st time in the History of Italy, an obviously Anti-Democratic System, gives + 216 MPs more to a so-called "Center-LEFT" coalition, for having only ... 0,3% more Votes than the "Center-RIGHT" coalition !

Facts are crystal-clear : Indeed, a "center-Left" coalition led by Mr. Bersani reportedly got just 29,54% of Votes, compared to 29,16% for a "center-Right" coalition led by former Prime Minister Berlusconi, i.e. with a Tiny, Marginal pseudo-"Difference" of only ... 0,38%...

Nevertheless, an obviously UnDemocratic System, set up recently, asks to add to that "center-LEFT" grouping + 216 (TWO HUNDREDS SIXTEEN !) more MPs in the Parliament, only for that Small, marginal, Tiny pseudo-"Difference" of merely + 0,3% in Votes !

Both coalitions got around 10 Millions Citizens' Votes each, (approximatively 10.050.000 against 9.930.000). Yet, the "center-LEFT" is given by that astonishing System ... 340 MPs in Parliament, while the "center-RIGHT" is given only 124 MPs there, (i.e.  - 216 MPs less)...

That is to say, while the "center-LEFT" needs only about 29 Thousands of Citizens' Votes in order to have a MP in the Parliament, on the contrary, the "center-RIGHT" is asked now to have more than ...80 Thousands of Citizens' Votes (i.e. almost + 300 % more !!!)

And Mr. Bersani (of that "center-LEFT") hasN't done Nothing important in these Elections that might eventually deserve such a blatantly Unequal and Undemocratic treatment :

- On the contrary, his own Party has been .. outnumbered and bypassed even by former Comic Beppe Grillo's "Five Stars Movement" of Citizens, since "PD" got only 25,42% of Citizens' Votes, while Beppe Grillo's "M5S" got more : 25,55% Votes, representing some + 45.000 Citizens more, having become the 1st, most Popular Party in the Italian Parliament !..

Such scandaloUS Inequalities are spread almost Everywhere, accross the lines of this Bureaucratic 2013 Electoral System, (Never seen before in Italy's History !) :

F.ex. :

- Inside both the "center-LEFT" and the "center-RIGHT" Coaltions, there is also another Party which has got almost 1 Million Votes each : "Sinistra Ecologia Liberta" at the "Left", and "Lega Nord" at the "Right" side. Nevertheless, at the "Left", this gets up to 37 MPs, while at the "Right" it only 18 MPs, (i.e. Less than the Half !)...

- The New Party "Fratelli d' Italia", part of the "center-RIGHT" Coalition, succeeded to reach more than + 666.000 Votes, but gets only 9 MPs, i.e. Near to the 6 MPs of the "center-LEFT" Party "CD", which didn't get but only some 167.00 Votes, (i.e. - 450 % less) !

- The Party "Destra" ("Droite") managed to win almost 220.000 Votes, but wasn't given not even 1 (one) MP, remaining without any representation at all, while, on the Contrary, at the same time, the "CD" Party of the "center-LEFT" coalition was given 6 MPs with only some 167.000 Votes (i.e. - 53.000 Less Votes than the "Right" ! : See above), and its partner, the "SVP" Party was given 5 MPs with even Less Votes : only about 146.000, (i.e.  - 74.000 Votes Less than the "Right" party)....

+ Similarly, Mario Monti's centrist "Scelta Civica" Party, with nearly 3 Millions Votes, is given only 37 MPs, .. i.e. precisely as many as the "center-LEFT" coalition's "Sinistra-Ecologia-Liberta" Party, which got only 1 Million Votes, (i.e. - 2/3 Less) !

Also "Futuro e Liberta" party, always of Monti's coalition, with some 160.000 Citizens' Votes isN't given any MP at all ("0"), while, on the Contary, "center-LEFT" coalition's "SVP" Party, is given 5 MPs, even if it has Less Votes : Only about 146.000 (i.e. - 14.000 Votes Less than the Monti-coalition party "Futuro e Liberta")...
++ New Citizens' "Movement of 5 Stars", created by popular Artist Piero Grillo, succeeded to become Italy's "First Party", winning 25,55 % of Votes, but was given only 108 MPs,
while, on the contrary, "center-LEFT" coalition's "Partito Democratico" (ex-Communist + ex-Socialist) party of Luigi Bersani, even by getting Less Votes (only 25,42 %, i.e. about - 45.000 Citizens' Votes Less than Grillo), nevertheless, it is given Much More MPs : up to 292, (i.e. almost Multiplied in Triple : X 300 % more) !!!...
=> In consequence, by Abusing of such Disproportionately big Anti-Democratic Deformations   of People's will, that 2013 Bureaucratic System threatens now to take a small Minority of only 29% of Voters, (that of the "center-LEFT" coalition"), and give to it, by obviously Artificial Manouvers, a ... large make-shift Majority of MPs in the Italian Parliament : 340 !

Indeed, the 2013 System threatens to impose something never seen before in Italy's History (not even in that of most Other Countries in Europe and across the whole World, at least No in such a big Disproportion), where, on the contrary, f.ex. at the previous Elections, f.ex. back on April 2008, a similar "center-LEFT" coalition, had managed to get clearly More Votes than now : almost 38% (i.e. almost + 10% Votes More !), but, nevertheless, hadn't received but just 239 MPs, remaining a Minority.

And in order to obtain such a huge number of MPs as the 340 given now to the "center-LEFT", on the contrary, the "center-RIGHT" coalition had to succeed to attract Much More Citizens' Votes, at the Previous, April 2008 Elections, with almost 47 %, (i.e. about + 20 % more Votes in Addition) !!..

=> All these astonishingly Converging FACTS, inevitably raise a Crucial Question :
>>> Who, and Why does he/she need to Manipulate and Alter so grossly Today Italy's Electoral System in order to Urgently impose a blatantly Small Minority of a notoriously Opportunistic, so-called pseudo-"Left", as if it was a so-called "Majority" to Rule over the Heads of the People ?

It doesn't seem to be only the Economic Crisis : It was already there since 2008, and it's certainly Not a "center-LEFT" coalition which might govern by making more Economies and Austerity than the Centrist Monti, (or even than the "center-RIGHT") !

===>>> Or is there, perhaps, a kind of HIDDEN AGENDA, for some Obscure Lobbies perhaps currently attempting (in Italy and elsewhere) to Impose some SECRET STAKES' Dark Interests over EU Citizens' Democratically expressed political Will ?

All indicates that European People will soon have to find out. But, meanwhile, what is important is not to be surprised unprepared.

35  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Politics / France: 3 elections partielles sur 3 gagnées par candidats pro-Sarkozy !!!.. on: December 10, 2012, 02:53:56 AM
Dans 3 Elections partielles sur 3, ce Dimanche, 9 décembre 2012 en France, la victoire est clairement avec les candidats qui ont soutenu l'ex-Président Sarkozy :

Elie Aboud, (UMP) avec 43% des votes dès le 1er tour : + 9% plus qu'en juin !) en Val de Marne (1e)

Patrick Devedjian, (R.UMP) avec 49% des votes dès le 1er tour : + 8,8% plus qu'en juin, aux Hauts de Seine,

et Henri Plagnol (actuellement UDI), avec 26% des votes, auxquels s'ajoutent encore près de 24% des votes obtrenus par un autre candidat UMP indépendant, Sylvain Berrios, totalisant déjà environ 50% pour le Centre-Droit, dès le 1er tour !).

En révanche, 1 candidat du Parti Socialiste et une candidate du Front National (droitiers) ont été éliminés dès le 1er tour, faute d'avoir réuni au moins 12,5% de votes parmi les électeurs inscrits.

=> Ce qui est encore plus étonant, surtout en ce moment de récompositions politiques au centre-droit, etc., est que, pratiquement, chacune des ses 3 composantes actuelles, (UMP, R.UMP et UDI : qui avaient toutes soutenu Sarkozy en avril-mai 2012, etc), gagne apparament au moins 1 député, (totalisant 3 sur 3 : v. en haut) selon une répartition curieusement égale et réussie !..

=> Va-t-on vers une sorte de Con-Féderation, ou "Féderation" de 2 ou 3 tendances politiques au centre-droit, réunies ensemble par quelques Principes communs, et, surtout, par Nicolas Sarkozy lui -même ?
36  European CITIZENS and FORUM / "European" HUMOUR ? / UMP: L'appel pour le rétour de Sarko a commencé par les Ardennes ! on: November 26, 2012, 01:26:27 AM

=> une nouvelle, victorieuse "Bataille des Ardennes" commencera bientôt ?


+ "Direction Collégiale ?"...
37  European AGENDA / of European ORGANISATIONS / Extend Strasbourg sessions after Closure of Brussels EUParliament plenary room? on: October 10, 2012, 02:08:41 AM
The 6 Months' close-down of Brussels' plenary room for necessary repair, threatens to deprive EU Parliament from sufficient Debating + Voting Time, which is currently needed in order to accelerate EU's Economic and Political Integration so that it can Timely take several much awaited measures due to create Growth, and ensure that the EU will soon be out of the Global Crisis.

As the mere tranfert of Brussels' "Mini-Sessions" to Strasbourg seems improbable to be agreed by all, and rather cumbersome in practice, then, the only logical, simple and efficient way to solve this problem would obviously be to extend Strasbourg's already scheduled Plenary Sessions to a Full Week, from Monday Morning up to Friday Afternoon, (as all other normal Parliaments work).

=> Thus, MEPs would, at last, have enough Time available in order to work efficiently, without hasty moves, otherwise imposed by undue Time pressure..
38  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / Greece: PASOK lower than Golden Dawn (Rightists) ! on: September 25, 2012, 10:05:08 PM
Greece : .....PASOK (Socialists) in Greece Droped ...down to .... the same level as the  Far Right ("Golden Dawn") at about 9%, ....

+ More recent Polls reveal that "Golden Dawn"s Rightists have reportedly ... bypassed PASOK's "socialists" now, with almost 9 % against only 7 % !...

.... σύμφωνα με δημοσκόπηση της Metron Analysis για την εφημερίδα «Επενδυτής».

 .... που έγινε πανελλαδικά σε δείγμα 1.002 ατόμων ηλικίας 18 και άνω το διάστημα 18-19 Σεπτεμβρίου,

τα ποσοστά των κομμάτων διαμορφώνονται ως εξής: ...... Χρυσή Αυγή 8,8%, ΠΑΣΟΚ 7,3%, .....

39  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / Greece: PASOK down to Golden Dawn(Far Right)=>Government of the Right=possible ! on: September 01, 2012, 06:02:28 PM
Greece : PASOK falls down, equal to the "Golden Dawn" (Far Right), while a New Governemental Coalition of parties of the Right, becomes possible

The continuing Fall  of PASOK (Socialists) in Greece Droped them down to .... the same level as the  Far Right ("Golden Dawn") at about 9%, while its Leader, Venizelos, roughly equals Rightists' Chief Michaloliakos, at about 19% of positive views, but he is outnumbered even by a New Party of the Right, "Independent Greeks"' leader Cammenos, who reached much more : 23% , the latest Polls revealed.

On the contrary, Center-Right, ChristianDemocrat/Epp Party of "New Democracy" of new Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, reaches a solid 1st rang with almost 25% for the Party, and a striking 34% of positive views for Samaras himself. This outnumbers SYRIZA's "Left" Party which stays at about 23%, with its leader, Tsipras at just 30%.

+ All Parties at the Right side of the political spectrum Growing, (even the "Independent Greeks" with almost 7%), while, on the contrary, the parties located at the Left side Fall down,  (f.ex. DHMAR drops down to some 5%).

>>> In consequence, from now on, the Right becomes 1st, (in the number not only of MPs but also of Citizens' Votes), totalling more than 40,2 %, and outnumbers the Left, which fell down to only 37,8%.

=> Therefore, a New, coherent and legitimate Governemental Coalition becomes possible at the Right side of the Political Spectrum, both in MPs and People's Votes, between ND, "Independent Greeks" and "Golden Down", etc., which could reach up to more than 40%, (while another 17% are undecided or for smaller, non-represented, mainly Center-Right parties),  compared to the current, controversial "co-habiation" in an unprecedented Center "Right-Left" Coalition of ND and PASOK + DHMAR, which falls Lower (about 39%).

Meanwhile, the atypical Greek PC party (which reportedly refuses any Governemental coalition, except from a short period of time, back on the 1990ies, focused on an Anti-Corruption program),  would also be lower at about 4% only.

Moreover, it's not excluded that a Newcomer, particularly among the various small Center-Right Parties currently not represented at the Parliament, might, eventually, emerge in any next Election among the 7% of voters who prefer "other", undetermined politicians.

Δύο μονάδες μπροστά από ΣΥΡΙΖΑ η ΝΔ
NAFTEMPORIKI.GR Σάββατο, 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012 15:31

Προβάδισμα στη ΝΔ με ποσοστό 24,8% έναντι 22,8% του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ δίνει δημοσκόπηση της ALCO για την εφημερίδα «Πρώτο Θέμα».

 Το ΠΑΣΟΚ συγκεντρώνει 9,8%, η Χρυσή Αυγή 8,6%, οι Ανεξάρτητοι Έλληνες 6,8%, η ΔΗΜΑΡ 5,2%, το ΚΚΕ 4,7%. Αλλο κόμμα δηλώνει ότι θα ψήφιζε το 7% των ερωτηθέντων, ενώ αναποφάσιστοι δηλώνουν περισσότεροι από 10 στους εκατό (10,9%).

 Σε ό,τι αφορά τη δημοτικότητα των πολιτικών αρχηγών, οι θετικές γνώμες για τον πρωθυπουργό Αντώνη Σαμαρά φτάνουν το 34%, για τον αρχηγό της αξιωματικής αντιπολίτευσης Αλέξη Τσίπρα το 30%, για τον αρχηγό του ΠΑΣΟΚ Ευάγγελο Βενιζέλο το 19%, για τον πρόεδρο των Ανεξάρτητων Ελλήνων Παναγιώτη Καμμένο το 23%, για τον επικεφαλής της Χρυσής Αυγής Νίκο Μιχαλολιάκο το 18,5%, για τον αρχηγό της ΔΗΜΑΡ Φώτη Κουβέλη το 34% και για τη γγ της ΚΕ του ΚΚΕ Αλέκα Παπαρήγα το 13%.

 Ποσοστό 43% των πολιτών δηλώνει ότι η κυβέρνηση δεν είναι συνεπής απέναντι στη συμφωνία των κομμάτων που τη στηρίζουν και 37% θεωρεί πως είναι συνεπής.

 Πηγή: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
40  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / Greece: Majority for the Right (164/300 MPs) on: June 17, 2012, 07:50:46 PM
For the 2nd time in a row, the Greek People seem to have given an Absolute Majority to the Right !

According to the Exit Polls :

- New Democracy : 128 MPs

- Independent Greeks : 18 MPs

- Golden Dawn : 18 MPs

=> Total of the Parliamentary Right : 164 MPs out of 300.

("Socialists" of PASOK got less than 11%)...

41  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Politics / Joachim Gauck : "Freedom" v. Oppression ? on: February 19, 2012, 09:55:15 PM
Merkel reportedly agreed with the opposition and others for Joachim Gauck  :

A non-politcal, religious man who reportedly resisted against persecution of political dissidents in the past is also good in front of the Turkish notoriously oppressive regime today, (at least if he really believes in the human rights values that he was supposed to defend during Brezniev's rule).
42  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Culture - Art- Sport - Tourism - Leisure / Famous critic Film director Angelopulos killed by PASOK Cop (Film = Debt scandal on: January 25, 2012, 10:37:44 AM
World famous, critical Cinema director Theo Angelopoulos brutally killed by PASOK's cop while working on a new film about the "Debt" scandal

The World famous Cinema director Theo Angelopoulos was brutally killed, with his crane crushed, after a violent aggression by a PASOK's Cop riding a motorcycle, exactly there where one of the most important, European creators, artist and thinker, a well-known critic of the establishment in Greece and elsewhere, with a penetrating but also human and beautiful way to denounce Historic scandals affecting Millions of People, was working for his New Film, reportedly inspired by the "Debt" drama which affects today mostly simple People in Greece and all Europe+.

It was the 1st time that Angelopoulos (who had got many International awards for his Films, after becoming a kind of Legend for the younger generations), had recently decided, exceptionally, to start dealing with a "Hot", still on-going issue of topical and crucial importance still today, which had recently attracted the greatest and most original Mass Demonstrations by Young and Old simple People of various political horizons in the History of the country at Syntagma ("Constitution") square, with a crystal-clear anti-Corruption popular impulse.
43  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Medias -Education - Religion / Pope Benedict's Miracle stops Heatwave ! on: August 21, 2011, 01:16:40 AM
A miraculous Weather Change, which stopped "Searing Temperatures"' Heatwave  (as AP put it earlier today) in Madrid (Spain), suddenly occured when Christian Catholic Pope Benedict arrived at an Airport Field to speak to more than "a Million" of Young People gathered there for the 2011 World Youth Days :

While, earlier, "Firefighters atop fire-trucks (had to) spray.. the crowds with Water from Hoses, and pilgrims sought Shade from umbrellas, trees and tents, in a bid to stave off the near 40-degree Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) Heat" breathless, several having already "fainted" at the eve, according to AP and/or Reuters Agencies, etc., on the contrary, shortly after Pope Benedict appeared, strong Winds started to blow Fresh Air pushing People's clothes all around, and a salutary Rain started to fall from the Sky, pouring People with a lot of fresh Water from above !

This, naturally included also many Bishops and even Pope Benedict himself, who spontaneously launched a bright, amused Smile when the Wind blew away his traditional Hat, revealing his splendid long White Hair floating fierly near a huge Tree of Light on a large platform facing this Evening a Million of lauphing and dancing young People from all over Europe and the World, obviously stimulated by that unexpected Miraculous "Gift", welcomed with a growing rythm of slogans and songs, while astonished local organizers were desperately searching to bring shelter from the Rain...

Could Benedict's enlightened Christian faith save the World even from "Global Warming" risks ?

By another incredible but real "coincidence", the unprecedented event occured precisely when we opened a Web-TV screen to watch from Home Pope Benedict's visit to Spain/WJD 2011....

Unfortunately, however, at the difference to Madrid's "Miracle", exceptional Heatwave Temperatures remained at Home higher than 26 degrees Celsium, even overNight...

Somebody should urgently invite Pope Benedict  to come and help also here !

44  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Economy - Social - Technologies / Greek People majority wants to fire surabundant/corrupted civil servants ! on: May 08, 2011, 12:22:52 AM
Greek People's majority wants to fire surabundant civil servants (particularly those corrupted) !

A strong absolute Majority of Greek People clearly wants to fire surabundant civil servants who had been hired by the governing PASOK party since the 1980ies, provoking a galoping Public Debt, hidden by U.S. Goldman Sachs manoeuvers between 1998-2001, when crucial EU decisions on an early Greece's entry into €uroZone, in exchange for Turkey's controversial EU "candidate" status, were notoriously taken, (giving then to PASOK a rasor-thin win in april 2001 Elections with just 1%)...

Apparently 60% of Greek People prefer for some abusive cashy job holders and/or lackeys among those massively hired as civil servants during the 1980ies' former PASOK Governments' Nepotism, to stop having a permanent status, while, even more  - 64% - ask the Government to proceed to privatizatons !....
Apparently, People feel that in order to face the galoping Public Debt, it's either that, or striking against Productive forces and/or Poor people's life-time economies...

Meawnhile, for a 2nd time recently, the Center-Right succeeds to arrive ahead of the governing  Socialist party with more than 33% ("New Democracy" and 3 small parties), compared to only 24% ("PASOK"), respectively , the rest been shared by various leftist movements opposed to the current government, "Greens", etc., according to an astonishing Poll published by a .. pro-PASOK newspaper.

However it's still rather doubtfull whether this might be enough, (financialy and/or Politically), if nobody, not even a small number of Corrupted cashy-job holders having committed various serious Abuses in the Past), doesn't pay back to the Greek State at least a part of the Public Funds scandalously accaparated all this time, since the 1980ies, while other People were scandalously excluded, damaged, or even despoiled from -or hindered to use- their own private resources.

It all seems to be one of those rare cases where Justice looks synonymous to Efficiency...
45  European AGENDA / of European ORGANISATIONS / EU Commission's Consultations open + for EU Citizens on: May 06, 2011, 12:18:25 AM


Handy !..
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