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Announcements / http://EUROFORA.NET interactive European News project / Mobile Internet boost to EuroFora project ?!
on: August 24, 2010, 02:55:07 PM
EuroFora project is due to be considerably upgraded and expanded towards EU Citizens, (after its forthcoming Public Launch Day : PLD), thanks also to the astonishing Expansion of Mobile Internet (f.ex. Text, Photo, Video data transfert), which is currently Growing Faster than any other Mobile SmartPhone use, and is expected even to become more important than Voice data com. during the next few years, (based on facts and estimates for the period 2009-2013/4) !
(Comp. also relevant Statements given earlier to "Eurofora" by EU Commissioners in charge of Digital European policy, previously Viviane Reding, and currently, Noelie Kroes, both already published and/or sent to "EuroFora" Donors/Subscribers).
European POLICIES and ISSUES / Science - Health - Environment - Nature / People jumping to Rivers EARLIER in Strasbourg than in Moscow !
on: August 22, 2010, 08:04:01 PM
Exceptional 2010 Heatwave(s): People jumping to Rivers EARLIER in Strasbourg than in Moscow !In fact, 2010 Exceptional Heatwave started in Strasbourg earlier than you said : Already since ... JUNE ! => Desperate Young People were Jumping in Strasbourg's Rivers (even Dirty + Dangerous) long .. BEFORE others did so during the famous Unprecedented July-August Moscow Deadly Heatwave ! An exceptional fact that we've never seen before during more than 37 years in Strasbourg ! See Photo-proof, taken on June 28, 2010, in front of ARTE TV and EU Parliament, near CoE and ECHR : Not only they knew that such City Rivers were Dirty and Polluted, (as they told us) , but they also jumped after climbing over a Metal Barrier from a Bridge dangerously High (some 4 or 5 meters Higher than the River).. These People were pushed to Risk anything (Health, Wounds, even Life etc) because thay couldn't stand an Exceptional Heatwave which had just started in Strasbourg, (even Earlier than it started to Kill other People in Moscow, many Dead, precisely, from Drowing inside such other City Rivers and various other inadequate Water Bassins, according to Media + Russian Authorities)..! But, while everubody spoke in 2010 about the Exceptional, Deadly Heatwave in Moscow, curiously, on the contrary, Nobody said anything about Strasbourg !..
European POLICIES and ISSUES / Science - Health - Environment - Nature / Heatwave targets Strasbourg since the eve of EU Parliament's Plenary+
on: July 03, 2010, 03:39:50 PM
A strange Meteorological phenomenon provokes an extremely hot temperature on CoE/ECHR/EU Parliament weekly Plenary sessions' headquarters, Strasbourg, at the eve of next week's EU Parliament's Plenary, while in the rest of France temperatures are much lower : from - 5 to - 17 less ! Moreover, pradoxically, MeteoFrance warned that Neighbouring regions, (including nearby Lorraine) is due, on the contrary, to face heavy Rainfalls, even of hailstorms !..
Some Facts :
- Only in Strasbourg, temperatures (measured in Celsium d.) are so hot as between 20 and 36.
On the contrary, in Brest it's only 10 to 21, Lille 19 to 25, Paris 20 to 24, Nantes 18 to 26, Bordeax 19 to 27, Clermont-F. 20 to 25, Toulouse 21 to 28, etc.
Only Marseille and Lyon approach (from a Cooler distance..) Strasbourg's exceptionally Hot temperatures : between 20 and 32 (i.e. - 4 lower). By an additional coincidence, these 2 other Cities are located almost at the same Vertical Straight Line, (as it could be seen best from a Satellite, with a Map).
=> When shall EU have, at last, an efficient Weather Science and Technology unit, ready to intervene, whenever necessary, to protect any EU interest Key Areas from Extreme Weather Phenomena ?
European POLICIES and ISSUES / overall Ideas, Europe's Identity + Future / BrNO après l'Irlande ?.. Le Traité de Lisbonne avance au milieu des défis.
on: October 04, 2009, 10:54:51 PM
Après la ratification du Traité de Lisbonne par le 2e Référendum irlandais, tout dépend, maintenant, de ce qui va se passer dans la République Tchèque, et plus particulièrement dand sa Cour Constintutionelle à Brno, (comme la CC allémande qui est à Karlsruhe), où un groupe de sénateurs vient de soulever une série de questions juridiques. En réalité, ce n'est pas tellement le contenu des décisions de la Cour de Brno qui inquiète, (car, probablement, elle laissera passer le Traité, meut-être en faisant quelques observations, comme la CC allémande), mais leur durée : - Car il est bien connu que le Président Tchèque, Vaclav Klaus, opposant au Traité, a été sollicité par le chef des Brittaniques conservateurs, David Cameron, pour rétarder le tout jusqu'à juin 2010, afin que le prochain gouvernement brittanique, qui sera issu des élections de mai 2010, puisse bloquer le Traité par un Réferendum. Certes, la Tchèquie a déjà été ménacée avec d'avoir à subir des "consequences", (entre autre, pex. le réjet du Commissaire européen tchèque par le Parlement européen, etc), mais la présidence suedoise de l'UE a déjà abandoné l'idée d' élire une nouvelle Commission européenne sur la nouvelle base du Traité de Lisbonne en 2009. Ce qui adjourne pour plus tard, aussi, la question tordue, si Barroso devrait juridiquement, ou pas, passer aussi par une ré-election pour le poste du nouveau Président de la Commission européenne sur la nouvelle base du Traité de Lisbonne, qui implique aussi une augmentation du nombre des eurodéputés, et, donc, une hausse du seuil requis pour avoir la majorité absolue. En fait, l' issue final devrait dépendre, pour une grande partie, aussi de l' attitude des Citoyens Européens face à la perspective (et le bésoin) de renforcer la capacité de l'Europe à prendre des décisions et d'agir : Bref, de la stimulation du soutien populaire à un "rève européen", que les anti-européens de toute sorte (apparents et masqués) tentent à saborder, precisement à cette époque de potentiel historique exceptionel.. V. pex. aussi :
Announcements / Multi-Lingual / EU Commissioner Orban to "EuroFora" on Multilingual automatic translation: soon?
on: September 09, 2009, 12:52:47 PM
The recent anouncement by EU Commissioner on Multilinguism, Mr. Orban, to "EuroFora" about new projects for automatic multilingual translation on-line, for EU-wide projects like ours, iwill hopefully be soon followed by some interesting concrete steps in this direction, (which, in fact, is easier than generally thought, particularly if we simplify things in practice).
(+ More soon at the "News" section, asap)..
EU ELECTIONS / EU-wide ISSUES / Citizens voted for a non-Technocratic, Political EU of Values, without Turkey
on: June 10, 2009, 01:01:55 PM
Citizens voted to change for a non-Technocratic, political EU of values, without Turkey's bid.
In Democracy, the forthcoming choices for EU's Top Jobs, as the New EU Parliament's President, new EU Commission's President (+ probably EU Council's President, EU Foreign Minister, etc) must be made according to EU Citizens' Votes in June 7, 2009 European Elections, and main EU Governments' strategic policies.
At the heart of the biggest EU Countries, in France and Germany, EU Citizens clearly voted for a renewed, non-technocratic but strong Political Europe based on Values, declared explicitly incompatible with Turkey's controversial EU bid.
This main choice was also supported in several other small or medium EU Countries, such as Austria (cf. promise of a Referendum), Spain (cf. EPP program's reservations vis a vis Enlargment), etc., while EPP Parties won also in Poland, Hungary, Cyprus, etc.
In other Countries, whenever Governing coalitions didn't make these choices or eluded them, continuing to let a Turkish lobby push for its entry into the EU, they paid a high price, and risked to damage Europe, by obliging EU Citizens to massively vote for euro-Sceptics whenever they were the only ones to offer a possibility to promise real change and oppose Turkey's demand to enter into the EU :
It's for this obvious reason that British UKIP (IndDem) succeeded now (after many statements against Turkey's EU bid) to become Great Britain's 2nd Party, unexpectedly growing bigger even than the Governing Labour Party, as well as the Liberal party ! (See Photo). Facts prove that it's not an isolated phenomenon : A similar development occured in the Netherlands, where Geert Wilders "Party for Freedom" (PVV) became also the 2nd biggest in the country, (after EPP), boosting the chances of a politician who had withdrawn in 2004 from an older party "because he didn't agree with their position on Turkey". And in several other EU Member Countries, even previously small parties which now focused on a struggle against Turkey's controversial demand to enter in the EU, won much more or even doubled the number of their MEPs (fex. Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, etc).
On the contrary, whenever Socialist and oher parties were explicitly or implicitly for Turkey's controversial EU bid, they obviously lost Citizens' votes and fell down to an unprecedented low.
In consequence, EU Citizens clearly revealed their main political choices, in one way or another : They voted to change for less Bureaucracy, but more Politics and Values in a Europe really open to EU Citizens but without Turkey's controversial EU bid.
Recent political developments are obviously different from the old political landscape which existed in the Past of 1999-2004, when Socialists governed undisputed in Germany, the UK, Greece and elsewhere, France was divided or following other policies, before the 3 "NO" to EU Referenda since May 2005, before Merkel, before Sarkozy, etc.... before the surprises of 7 June 2009 new EU Elections.
If the current candidates to the Top EU jobs promise and guarantee to respect People's democratic choices, OK.
Oherwise, Europe must find new candidates, really motivated and able to implement these democratic choices of the People.
EU ELECTIONS / EU Electoral PROCESS / EU Election RESULTS and perspectives
on: June 09, 2009, 04:01:36 PM
Main points on EU 2009 Elections' RESULTS and current perspectives :
- The 1999-2004 unprecedented, huge trend towards more and more ABSTENTION of a rapidly growing Majority of EU Citizens, was CONTAINED, (since 2009 numbers : 43,1% participation, not as bad as initially feared : 30 to 35%, and the continuing Fall is less than in 1999 and 2004), but not reversed.
Much more and better work is obviously and urgently needed to definitively reverse the 1999-2004 trend, by resolutely developing further the first positive attempts made too late, at the last minute, and insufficiently yet, who succeeded only partially :
+ 8,1% more Participation than initially feared, (see supra), falling now "only" -2 %, instead of - 7% and - 4% in 1999 and 2004, (i.e. 350% and 200% less fall).
- But the internal EU Parliament's Political landscape for he period 2009-2014 has yet to be shaped, since the EPP Group's obvious solidity as a kind of "CENTER OF GRAVITY" among more numerous than before and much smaller other Groups, opens several ways to various theoretically possible combinations and alliances with it. (Comp. EuroFora's Article).
For both reasons, (added to the pending, but imminent issues of new EU President, new EU Commission and probably soon new EU Council's President, if/when Lisbon Treaty will be ratified by Ireland in exchange of some guarantees for its people), the next few Months will be crucial for Europe's Future.
EU ELECTIONS / EU Electoral PROCESS / 1999-2004 Majority Abstention Syndrom reveals in 2009 many Old Medias' failures.
on: April 20, 2009, 07:41:18 PM
The 1999 - 2004 Majority Abstention Syndrom risk, confirmed again this April 2009, reveals also the failure of many old, traditional Media to actively and regularly report on EU Parliament in an interesting way for EU Citizens. While EuroFora had warned since December 2008, (thanks to the 1st EuroBarometer figures revealed in Strasbourg by EU Commission's vice-President, Margot Walström), on the contrary, some of those who wake up too late in certain traditional Media, have just found out about the Abstention risk only on .. April 2009, i.e. ... five (5) Months later !!!!!.... The time wasted by such delays (5 Months !) in the traditional Media, (despite all the Financial and material means they dispose, and an old notoriety), threatens to cost too much to Europe : - Meanwhile, the number of those who have the intention to "probably" vote, instead of rising, has fallen even -3% lower : From 37% it went down to an abysmal 34% only... The need of New EU Media is obvious : - A large Majority of more than 60% of EU Citizens declare that they don't even have "heard anything about EU Parliament" in their old, traditional Media (Only a minority of 36% has) !... Given the facts, the main question obviously is : - What happened between 1999-2004 to make the Majority EU Citizens abstain from EU Elections, but vote (in majority) 3 "NO"'s in EU Referenda, mainly in France and the Netherlands in 2005, (continued only in Ireland in 2008) ? And what can we all do (old and new EU Media together) to really change things before a catastrophic 3rd Majority Abstention in June 2009 EU Elections might undermine for ever the "European Dream" ? Change it to Save it, is an obvious urgency ! ------------- See f.ex. :
European CITIZENS and FORUM / Members and Rules / Public Posting suspended after Aggressions against EuroFora's Forum
on: April 07, 2009, 03:55:47 PM
Posting from all Members, new and old, well known and unknown, etc. has been provisionally suspended, because of a series of sly aggressions by some cowards thugs.
Apparently they were politically motivated, targeting Newsite EuroFora exactly at the eve of NATO's exceptional Heads of State/Government Summit, April 3 and 4 in Strasbourg.
=> Posting will resume, progressively : At 1st only for well known members, later for all members, and finally even for new-comers.
Thank you all for your patience.
(P.S. : Meanwhile, Investigations -both by EuroFora and others - have obviously started to search, find and punish those responsible for such sly aggressions).