
European POLICIES and ISSUES => Enlargement - Foreign Policy => Topic started by: Geopol on December 14, 2014, 03:04:23 AM

Title: EU Energy supply: Anti-European proTurkish lobby still Blocks DIRECT Russian Gas
Post by: Geopol on December 14, 2014, 03:04:23 AM
Some remains from an Anti-European, in fact, lobby hidden inside the out-going EU Commission of Barroso, who had notoriously done whatever they could in order to impose Turkey's unpopular EU claims, even against the Democraticaly declared Political Will of EU Citizens, seem to be still attempting to undermine Europe even after the New, post-May 2014 EU Elections' Commission, chaired by pro-European President Juncker, who might have not yet had a real chance to seriously and thoroughly examine certain complex but crucial issues :

- Thus, after having repeatedly accumulated various negative interferences HINDERING Russia to transport Gas Energy DIRECTLY to the EU, (f.ex. by pushing to bock and/or endanger Ukranian, Belarus, South Stream, etc. concrete possibilities for Direct Russian Energy Supplies to the EU), they are curiously .. Glad for having obiged Russia to try, now, to pass, previously, THROUGH a 3rd Country in ASIA : ...TURKEY, before being able to deliver Gas to the EU in Future, (via a "Blue Stream" called Pipeline project heading South-East towards Turkey, before an eventual U-Turn Upwards, in order to return back towards EU Countries) !

One of the real motivations of that Lobby are its desperate attempts to abuse of any opportunity (even Contrary to EU Interests, even artificialy provoked by itself) to try to overcome the Problem existing in a Too Expensive and Risky old plan for a Pipeline through Turkey (i.e. subject to Political Risks, Violen Conflicts Risks, and Financial Risks, in addition even to notorious Earthquake Risks, etc) for Azeri and eventualy other Kaspian See Energy, which has Not yet found but only Insufficient quantities of Gas, and was, therefore, abandoned or "freezed" until now...

But, if a former Portuguese politician, more familiar with the UK and Brasil etc. than with Europe's core, as Barroso, and particularly some among his old-time Socialist Commissioners, might have pushed towards such an obvious Blunder, clearly against Europe's real General Interests for cheap, safe and fast Energy Supplies, (i.e. naturally better if also "Direct"), nevertheless, from now on, with a New EU Commission's President with much more Franco-German experience and orientation, as former PM of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker, such Scandalous and illogic obstacles should, normallyStop hampering Europe's Energy supplies' security.

=> Will JCJ have enough Time and Will to seriously investigate that issue, be well informed, and decide according to his conscience as a real pro-European, or won't they let him any ?