
European POLICIES and ISSUES => Medias -Education - Religion => Topic started by: Jory on August 20, 2014, 11:51:50 AM

Title: Pope Francis' family hit in deadly car crash shortly after speaking out !
Post by: Jory on August 20, 2014, 11:51:50 AM
Pope Francis has just launched a call to "Stop Unjust Aggression", thanks to well-evaluated means and through the UNO, as he said on the occasion of a question on Minorities facing Deadly Military Attacks by ISIL at Iraq. Almost at the same moment, UNO's SG. Ban Ki Moon called Washington DC's Government to respect People's Human Rights at Ferguson, (Missouri, USA). Shortly afterwards, President Obama reportedly ordered to reduce use of force by the National Guard and partialy lifted curfew, etc.=> Why not, then, ask also Kiev's Government to Stop its Deadly Military Attacks against the Dissident Regions of Donetsk+Luhansk, at least to Stop Killing/Wounding CivilianPeople, lift blockades (even of ICRC-monitored Humanitarian Aid !), cease fire and respect Humanitarian Law, etc. ?

Yes, but, shortly after the Pope criticized any military intervention by only one country, (instead of through the UNO collective mechanism), during the same visit in which he gave a very noticed message for the rights of the "unborn child", (both "hot" issues, particularly in Obama's U.S.), he was suddenly hit by the brutal killings of the family of his deceased brother's son, (that Francis had almost raised himself at Argentina), whose wife and 2 children were atrociously slaughtered in a crash with a huge truck that wounded him seriously, to the point to fight for his life at a hospital. It's probably also because of such kind of heavy pressure that Pope Francis surprized, (always in that same visit to South Korea, country of origin for UN's SG Ban Ki Moon), by announcing that he might be obliged to quit his mission and retire in a few years, (as his predecessor, Pope emeritus Benedict had been unexpectedly forced to do, again in a context of exceptional tensions vis a vis big interests at stake, already back on February 2012).

It even seems that some additional facts also clearly indicate that that deadly crash incident which has just hit Pope Francis' family (see above) was very probably linked with some shady big interests, opposed to the moral values that he wanted to promote worldwide...