Title: Greens vote Benedict from Bavaria as No 1 among their new leaders !... Post by: Horizon on October 20, 2013, 05:15:46 PM Winning almost 92% of Green Delegates' Votes, at the Berlin Congres, the Oldest among the candidates for a "new" Collective Leadership after the September 2013 National Elections, (which were notoriously Catastrophic for the pro-SPD wing inside the Party, for the 1st time, surprisingly, it is .. ."Benedict", from Bavaria, who gets, by far, the Highest Number of preferences !
However, he doesn't seem to have any personal link to ....Pope Emeritus "Benedict", who lived and worked also in Bavaria, at least according to the "official" Green Party Informations available today... Among other noteworthy facts, a representative from Saarland, the Laender with the longest ChristianDemocrat - Greens coalition, wins the 1st place as Political Leader, (Simone Peter), while a BioEthics' sensitive new candidate linked also with the German Catholic Christians wins a Record High Number of Votes, (Betina Jarash : 84,5%), which is, however, outpassed by a "Claudia (Roth) - Baby-boomer" (Michael Kellner, with 88,5%), while the only residu remaining from the Past, pro-"SPD" era of Rudolf Scharping and Joshka Fischer, (Ozdemir), on the contrary, loses more than - 8 % of Votes in 2013, compared to what he had got previously, ending now, in 2013, with the Lowest number of Votes than anyone else (only 71 %, compared to 75,9% 80,9%, 84,5%, 88,5% and 91,8% for the other 5 "New" winners) ! |