Title: VGE for MONTHLY €uroArea Summits => Political Union ? Post by: HugoHegelMiltonCesarPlato on August 27, 2012, 10:23:38 PM Valerie Giscard d'Estaing, former French President and Chairman of EU Constitution's Brussels convention, speaking together with former German Chancellor Helmut Schmitt in Hambourg (North-Western Germany) in a Conference on Europe's present and future,
-supported the idea to hold "Monhly" €uroArea's Heads of State/Governments' Summits, which will also help "create Trust", as he said, adopting an Original proposal initially launched by Sarkozy and Merkel at their August 16th Paris' Elysee Palace Franco-German exceptional Summit, which resulted in the March 2012 signed New €uroTreaty. Sarkozy and Merkel's original idea was later on watered down, during subsequent Brussels' collective meetings, for unclear yet real reasons, resulting on a December 2011 - January 2012 compromise which spoke only of Semestrial €uroArea Summits for tje 17 €uro Member States' Leaders, each 6 Months (as for the entire 27 Members strong EU), but it left open a door for more frequent €uroArea Summit meetings, i.e. .. even Monthly, if there is a Political will to do so. VGE is known for having recently proposed a 2015 Mega-European Top Poilitical Leaders' gahering, f.ex. in Strasbourg, bringing together both Heads of State/Government and MEPs, as well as key MPs from National Parliaments, EU Commission, etc., in order to start a closer European Political Union. However, another, VGE's reportedly evoked point, during this Hambpurg's meeting with Schmitt, about a controversy on Greece's EU Accession, strongly supported by VGE when he was President, together with Historic Greek Prime Minister Konstantinos Karamanlis, (a Center-Right political leader of long experience), if it's true, really falls down ton an incredibly abysmal low : Among many other important (and much more urgently "hot" points), any project to launch a real European Political Union obviously needs Greece's over-Millenary Historic Civilisations, (spreading from Aristote, Platon, Socrates and Demosthenes, Pericles etc, fathers of Democracy, Philosophy and Science, etc., through Alexander the Great's giant ambition to unite together all Best Civilisations known then, up to the Byzantine Empire : 1st Christian State entity, which freed People from Religious Oppression/Persecution and abolished Slavery, etc), also as a key part of any popular "EUROPEAN IDENTITY", as €uroGroup's President, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, the experienced Jean-Claude Juncker, has just stressed, a few Days earlier in Athens, when he met with the New Greek Prime Minister Antoni Samaras, (a Christian-Democrat/EPP, experienced former EU Parliament's MEP and f. Foreign Minister). Unless some wouldn't really like for Europe to build a brand new, strong and popular Political Union.... |