
European view on the WORLD => on Geopolitical REGIONS => Topic started by: Geopol on October 03, 2010, 04:54:09 AM

Title: Brazil needs a Change
Post by: Geopol on October 03, 2010, 04:54:09 AM

*  Because Brazil was isolated in the UNO Security Counciil recently when old Lula committed the blunder to stick to a notoriously oppressive, undemocratic Turkish State abusing even of Torture, over Islamic Iran's chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Nuclear Bomb materials' controversy.

* Old Lula da Silva (forgetting all his previously critical positions when he was younger, in a sudden U-turn) astonishingly obeyed to USA's desiderara, and betrayed E.U., Russia, Australia, Developing and other Countries at UNO's Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change, contributing to its failure to take drastic measures to protect Natural Environment a gainst CO2 Pollution. To the point that, f.ex. the popular Australian Socialist f. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd never understood why this happened, and lost his job shortly afterwards, the Center-Right winning more votes.

* On the contrary, opposition leader José Serra is topically famous also for daring to oppose Multinational Pharmaceutic Companies in order to ensure Poor People's access to Medicine, thanks to generic drugs.

Being of Italian Family origin and having studied also in France, Serra could have better relations with Europe, while also keeping good relations with the USA where most of the brillant University career of this multi-Elected Brazilian Politician (son of a Poor immigrant) evolved, being apparently more adequat for a more Democratic, Multi-Polar World.

* Finally, it's not so important if a never elected "Technocrat" as Dilma Roussef (old Lula's successor) is favorable to Abortion, or not : At any case, she is for Genetic Manipulation of Human Embryos, which is even more Deadly and much more Dangerous....

Recent facts (comp. above) clearly show that she would persist, and probably aggravate, old Lula's strange U-turn towards a quasi-total alignement to the USA, (despite her Bulgarian origin), definitively droping, in real practice, any independently-minded, previous claim, (and thereby losing even any leadership among Latin American Nations)..

Initial Polls reportedly gave José Serra winning at a large margin, after attributing at Dilma Roussef a tie, and later-on a favorable edge But, if on this Sunday, Brazilian People refuse to give an absolute Majority to old Lula's collaborator, then, on the second round, at the end of the Month, Serra might not only broker a deal with the third, "Green" candidate, (f.ex. based on BioEthics, where PTD notoriously is pro-Technocrat, neglecting too much Human Values), but, more important, attract a growing number of Citizens which would go to vote if they saw that a Change is possible at the Horizon.


Title: Kirschner stopped Turkish genocide negationism+crimes Impunity, unlike old Lulle
Post by: JVJ on October 30, 2010, 07:14:42 PM

Nestor Kirschner stopped Turkish PM Erdogan's negationism of genocide + Impunity of Criminals, while old Lulle bowed to his desiderata..

The sudden death of the popular Argentinian f. President Nestor Kirschner, (husband of the current President Cristina Kirschner, Chairman of the Latino-American Countries' Organization, and probable winner of 2011 Elections), topically reminds, just one day before the Brazilian Elections, a recent, blatant Opposition between Kirschner and the out-going Brazilian President, the old and aging Lulle :

> While old Lulle had invited the controversial Turkish Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan to Brazil, bringing in manyTurkish lobbies, and curiously bowed to all his desiderata, (even on Iran's nuclear aims, where Brazil and Turkey were notoriously isolated inside UNOs Security Council against all other UNO SC Members), on the contrary, Nestor Kirschner's Argentina had refused to install a statute of .... Attaturk, because of the controversy on the Armenian Genocide which was committed when the Turkish State was created out of a declining former Ottoman Empire, less than 1 Century ago, resulting into a furious Erdogan's decision to drop a planned visit to Argentina, and leave immediately after his Brazil trip !

It's indeed a fact that Kirschner's presidential family is well known in Argentina and World-wide for its opposal to grave Criminals' Impunity, (as f.ex. in the case of "Missing" People's tragedies, where several Criminals started recently to be judged for abominable Crimes that they had committed at the 1970-1980 period), while, on the contrary, in the case, f.ex. of the notorious de facto impunity for grave abuses committed against poor Street Children in Brazil,  apparently there has not been any really important change.

When there is such a blatant indifference vis a vis those who cover up even Grave Violations of Human Rights, nobody could trust that kind of politicians in front, f.ex. of today's Lobbies notoriously searching any pretext for massive Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, which can prove to be very dangerous for all Humankind... 

Therefore, a comparison between the contrasting differences which opposed recently the out-going old Lulle of Brazil to Nestor Kirschner of Argentina (f.ex. vis a vis Turkish Negationism of Genocides, Impunity of grave Criminals against "Missing" People, Street Children, etc), obviously disadvantage the first, and outline even better what you said about the current "need for a change" in Brazil. ...

