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Author Topic: Traditions du nouvel an aux montagnes tibétaines  (Read 18423 times)
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« on: March 03, 2018, 11:56:00 PM »


Des festivités qui mêlent tradition populaire laïque et rituels religieux

offrandes faites aux déités à l'occasion du Losar au temple / photo 16 février, karma Lhundup Rinpoche

par Christine Faivre

Le nouvel an tibétain se dit Losar : « lo » signifie année et « gsar » nouveau. Les
Tibétains suivent le calendrier lunaire, pour les tibétains nous sommes en l'an 2145,
année du chien mâle de terre.
Le 16 février 2018 correspond au 1er de l'an.
Le Losar fête le passage à la nouvelle année, c'est l'occasion pour les tibétains de
prendre de bonnes résolutions et de se débarrasser des mauvaises habitudes.
Le Losar est une fête qui mêle traditions laïques et religieuses.

La tradition populaire :

Chaque famille prépare le passage à la nouvelle année ; les Tibétains commencent par
nettoyer leur maison, ensuite ils la décorent avec des fleurs et des signes auspicieux. Ils
achètent de nouveaux habits et pour bien commencer la nouvelle année, ils règlent leurs
dettes et se réconcilient avec leurs voisins. Ils prennent de bonnes résolutions car il est dit
que les voeux pris durant ce premier mois seront plus fermement tenus.

Des khapsés (beignets à base de farine de blé) en forme d'oreille de singe sont
spécialement préparés pour être disposés sur l'autel lors du nouvel an. Ils ne sont pas
destinés à être mangés. D'autres khapsés plus petits sont cuisinés et seront consommés
tout au long de la période de festivité qui durera 15 jours.

Khapse / photo internet

Le Gouthouk : Le 29 ème jour du 12 ème mois lunaire, les Tibétains ont pour tradition de manger
en famille “la soupe du 29 ème jour”: Ghouthouk. Elle est composée de boulettes de farine de blé et
de radis et …. de boulettes farcies de coton, de laine, charbon, cailloux … qui symbolisent des
qualités positives ou négatives qu'il convient alors de rejeter ou de développer lorsque l'on reçoit ce
signe. Par exemple le coton signifie la douceur, le caillou noir des pensées négatives, un caillou blanc
des pensées positives … Les tibétains ont l'esprit très pratique et enjoué dans leur façon
d'aborder la vie. Il savent tirer avantage de toutes les situations même négatives car ils
gardent à l'esprit que tous les phénomènes sont changeants, impermanents. Ils restent
optimistes et font des efforts pour changer, modifier leur état d'esprit ou situation. On peut
dire que la cérémonie du Gouthouk est une façon de prendre conscience de ses défauts
et qualités.

Après la soupe, les Tibétains frottent une boule de tsampa ( farine d'orge grillée) sur leur
corps entier et plus particulièrement les parties du corps où ils ont des douleurs ou
maladies (sauf le coeur). Ils laissent ensuite l'empreinte de leurs doigts sur cette boule en
la serrant dans leur main droite, pouce au dessus. Toutes ces boules de tsampa sont
rassemblées autour d'une effigie en tsampa qui a la forme d'un humain. Cette effigie
représente le mal. Les boules qui symboliquement renferment toutes les maladies,
négativités des membres de la famille et l'effigie sont amenées au loin à la croisée de
chemins par le plus jeune de la famille et ainsi les éléments négatifs accumulés sont
dispersés au loin.

Les Tibétains fêtent le nouvel an en journée.
Le jour du Losar, Ils se lèvent très tôt, revêtent leurs nouveaux habits et la maîtresse de
maison présente ses voeux à chacun d'entre eux en disant “Tashi Délég Phunsourn Tsog”
ce qui signifie bonnes augures, chance, bonheur, santé …

On sert du Changkhoel chaud, ( bière chaude mélangé avec de la Tsampa et du fromage
de brebis), du thé au beurre, des Khabsé et du Drésil (riz sucré).

Dans chaque foyer tibétain se trouve un autel où sont arrangées les offrandes
traditionnelles : eau, fruits, fleurs. Pour le Losar, chaque famille dispose des offrandes
spéciales : un monticule de Khabsé (Derga), des fruits et des jeunes pousses d’orge dans
un pot, symbolisant une bonne récolte et la fertilité (Lophu), une tête de mouton en
Tsampa ou en beurre symbolisant la chance et la fortune, le Tchémar, mélange de Tsampa
et de beurre présenté dans un récipient en bois sculpté et peint symbolisant une bonne
récolte, enfin Changphu, premier cru de bière d’orge et de l’eau symbolisant la lignée
ininterrompue de la famille.

Le reste de la matinée est alors consacré à la prière et l'après-midi aux festivités. Danses,
musiques, jeux de dés, et chang vont égayer ce jour particulier.

Le deuxième jour les tibétains ont pour habitude d'aller visiter leurs voisins et de leur
présenter leurs voeux.

Le troisièmejour, en accord avec la tradition, on procède au changement de drapeaux de
prières (lungta:« lung » signifiant air et « ta » signifiant cheval). Il est dit que lorsque le
vent souffle dans les drapeaux, les prières de bonnes augures écrites sur les drapeaux, se
dispersent dans toute la région alentour, apportant chance, bonheur, paix et bonnes
récoltes … aux habitants.

Lors de cette même journée, les Tibétains procèdent à la cérémonie de la fumigation
dans la montagne, au bord des rivières ou des lacs en brûlant le genévrier. Ils adressent
des prières aux dieux de ces lieux. Ils pratiquent également ce rituel envers les dieux du
foyer (Khyim lha), dieux du sol (Shi dag), dieux du pays (Yul Lha) et dieux du lieu de la
naissance (Kyé Lha).

La tradition religieuse du nouvel an tibétain

Les festivités du nouvel an tibétain sont précédées de cinq jours de
pratique intensive de la déité Vajrakilaya qui est une forme
courroucée de Vajrasattva elle mêmedéité de purification et de la
cérémonie du Guthor pour chassertoutes les impuretés et négativités de
l'année. Le losar sera suivi duMönlam Chenmo (Grande Prière) qui
durera 3 semaines.

Le premier jour de l'an est le Lama Losar (nouvel an du Lama), les Khenpos (Abbés
des différentes traditions monastiques) viennent présenter leurs prières. La présentation
des voeux se fait dans la pure tradition religieuse bouddhiste à travers le drapeaux de prières
corps, parole et esprit symbolisés par une statue, un texte et un stupa. A cette occasion
les dignitaires sont invités à boire le traditionnel thé tibétain au beurre salé, à manger le
drésil et à déjeuner au palais. Pour les Tibétains, la cérémonie du thé est un élément
important de la vie culturelle et doit obéir à des règles de protocoles très strictes. En effet
la tradition bouddhiste accorde beaucoup d'importance à l'harmonie et la paix. Cette
cérémonie est à la fois un acte de respect et de remerciement qui marque le
commencement d'une année dans une entente cordiale et bienveillante. Le Losar est le
moment d'apaiser les vielles discordes.

Différentes cérémonies religieuses ont lieu ce jour là, la plus importante : les prières de
remerciements envers la déesse protectrice du Tibet et du Dalai et Panchen Lama : Palden Lhamo.Le
deuxième jour est le Gyalpo Losar (nouvel an du roi). Cette journée est essentiellement
consacrée aux affaires de l'état, la cérémonie est identique au premier jour mais c'est au
tour des dignitaires gouvernementaux de présenter leurs voeux au chef religieux du Tibet.

Le rassemblement des grandes prières pour la paix

Mönlam Chenmo, 26 février 2018 / photo Karma Lhundup

Le Mönlam Chenmo (grandes prières pour la paix) commence le troisième jour du premier

Voilà, il nous reste encore quelques jours pour prendre de bonnes résolutions pour cette
année de chien mâle de terre 2145. Peutêtre arrêter de fumer, de manger du chocolat,
d'arriver en retard, de passer son temps sur internet .... toutes ces habitudes qui nous collent …

བཀྲ་ཤཤིས་བ དདེ་ལདེགས། Bonne chance

« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 02:59:50 AM by CFS » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2018, 02:36:08 AM »

Mercedes-Benz hits pothole in China with Dalai Lama post

by Sherisse Pham   @Sherisse

February 7, 2018: 3:06 AM ET   

'One China,' explained

Mercedes-Benz has become the latest major global brand to offer a public apology after upsetting the Chinese government on a sensitive subject.

The carmaker apologized Tuesday for hurting "the feelings" of Chinese people by quoting the Dalai Lama in a post on its Instagram account. The move comes just weeks after Marriott, Delta Air Lines and other big names found themselves in trouble with Beijing over how they described politically sensitive places like Taiwan and Tibet.

The Chinese government has launched frequent attacks on the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet, calling him a "traitor" and a separatist. Beijing considers Tibet to be part of its territory and comes down hard on any suggestions to the contrary.

Related: Delta flies into China trouble over Tibet and Taiwan

Mercedes, which is owned by Daimler, (DDAIF) ran afoul of China's stance when it paired a quote attributed to the Dalai Lama with a photo of one of its luxury sedans on Instagram -- a social media platform that is banned in China.

"Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open," the quote read.

The ad was posted on Monday and garnered nearly 90,000 likes before Mercedes deleted it the following day, according to a screenshot posted by Chinese state media.

The Global Times, a state-run newspaper that often strikes a nationalistic tone, criticized Mercedes, saying the company was quick to respond to the incident but shouldn't make such mistakes in the first place.

Mercedes issued a statement in Chinese about the incident on Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter (TWTR), offering a "sincere apology" three separate times.

Related: Tibet: Tensions on the roof of the world

"We fully understand how it has hurt the feelings of people in the country, including our colleagues working in China, we sincerely apologize for this," Mercedes said, adding that the post contained "extremely erroneous information."

With its rising middle class and growing economic might, China is a key market for many global brands. Mercedes is no exception.

Of the nearly 2.4 million vehicles it sold worldwide last year, more than a quarter were snapped up by Chinese buyers.

A growing number of international companies have recently found themselves in hot water in China over politically sensitive issues.

Authorities last month blocked Marriott's websites and apps for a week in China after it listed Tibet, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan as separate countries in its emails and apps. Marriott (MAR) apologized profusely, saying it respects and supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China.

Related: China blocks Marriott for listing Tibet and Taiwan as countries

Shortly after that, Delta (DAL) came under fire for similarly listing Taiwan and Tibet as countries. It said it was "an inadvertent error with no business or political intention" in its apology.

At the same time, the owner of European clothing brand Zara was chastised by regulators for listing Taiwan as a country and ordered to rectify the situation.

China and Taiwan -- officially the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China -- separated in 1949 following the Communist victory on the mainland after a civil war.

They have been governed separately since, though a shared cultural and linguistic heritage mostly endures, with Mandarin spoken as the official language in both places. The government in Beijing has always maintained that Taiwan is a renegade province that is an integral part of its sovereign territory.

Communist China sent troops into Tibet in 1950 to enforce its claim on the region, and has controlled it since 1951 -- though the central government in Beijing has faced repeated bouts of unrest from ethnic Tibetans unhappy over its rule.

-- Nanlin Fang contributed to this report.

CNNMoney (Hong Kong )

First published February 7, 2018: 2:43 AM ET  


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Mercedes-Benz Dalai Lama Quote in Ad Rattles China

By Zoe Papadakis    |   Wednesday, 07 Feb 2018 10:49 AM


Mercedes-Benz quoted the Dalai Lama in an ad in an Instagram post, a social media faux pas that left the German automaker in hot water in China.

The Tibetan spiritual leader fled to India when he was exiled following a failed uprising against Chinese rule in 1959 and is still regarded as a separatist in China, National Public Radio reported.

Mercedes-Benz failed to take that into account on Monday, when the company posted an ad featuring a photo of a luxury sedan with the Dalai Lama quote, “Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open," CNN reported.

Many customers were quick to criticize the company for its post.

“Foreign companies do not understand our national conditions, but this is not an excuse to not deal with them,” one person responded to the post, according to Chinese news site Shanghaiist.

Another demanded an apology, noting that the use of the Dalai Lama’s words was as insensitive as quoting Adolf Hitler in an ad.

Mercedes-Benz was quick to delete the post and released a statement on its official Weibo account in which it apologized for the post.

“We fully understand this incident has hurt the feelings of Chinese people, including Mercedes-Benz’s employees in China,” the company said, per Fortune.

“We will promptly take steps to deepen our understanding of Chinese culture and values, our international staff included, to help standardize our actions to ensure this sort of issue doesn't happen again,” the automaker said, per CNBC.

Mercedes-Benz is the latest global brand to offer an apology to Chinese government.

Recently, Marriott came under fire for listing Tibet, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan as separate countries in its emails and apps, while Delta Air Lines found itself in trouble for similarly listing Taiwan and Tibet as countries, CNN noted.

© 2018 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


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Mercedes in China apologizes for quoting Dalai Lama abroad

   By The Associated Press
February 6, 2018 9:27 am

BEIJING (AP) — Mercedes-Benz issued an apology in China on Tuesday for quoting the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader who is reviled by Beijing, on social media abroad in a reflection of foreign companies’ heightened sensitivity to the Communist government’s possible reaction to their global activities.

The apology follows official criticism last month of hotel operator Marriott, fashion brand Zara and other companies that were ordered by Chinese regulators to apologize for calling self-ruled Taiwan and Hong Kong countries on websites or promotional material.

The Dalai Lama quote — “Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open” — appeared Monday on Mercedes’s account on Instagram, one of a number of foreign social media services Beijing tries to prevent China’s public from seeing. Chinese web surfers with access to technology that allows them to see past the filters copied it onto domestic social media.

In a statement on its Chinese social media account, the unit of Daimler AG did not mention the Dalai Lama but apologized for “wrong information” that “hurt the feelings of Chinese people.”

A Daimler spokeswoman in Beijing, Simonette Illi, said the company acted at its own initiative. She said to her knowledge, the company had not heard from Chinese authorities about the quote.

The company statement promised to “take concrete action to deepen our understanding, including colleagues abroad, of Chinese culture and values.”

Asked whether that meant Mercedes’ global marketing would be designed with official Chinese sentiments in mind, Illi said, “What we are striving for is that, as we are a globally active company, we establish an understanding for cultural tolerance.”

Global companies look to China to drive revenue and increasingly design autos, consumer electronics and other products and services sold worldwide to appeal to Chinese consumers.

Beijing rejects accusations of human rights and other abuses as improper interference in its affairs but is increasingly assertive about demanding other governments enforce its political positions in their own countries.

Tibet is especially sensitive for Beijing – one of a handful of “core interests” over which Chinese leaders say they would go to war.

In the case of Marriott, the official Xinhua News Agency cited a company executive as saying an employee abroad who “liked” a posting on Twitter citing the Tibet mention would be fired.

Twitter also cannot be seen by Chinese web surfers without technology to evade Beijing’s filters, though Xinhua and other official entities use the service to spread the ruling Communist Party’s views abroad.

Beijing accuses the Dalai Lama of leading a movement that wants to split Tibet from China. He says he only wants autonomy and to protect the region’s distinctive Buddhist culture.

Communist troops invaded the isolated Himalayan territory in 1950. The Dalai Lama fled into exile in India in 1959 following a failed uprising. He stepped down in 2011 as political leader of Tibetan exiles but remained a Buddhist spiritual leader.

In November, a Chinese soccer team that was to play in Germany walked off the field in Mainz after people in the stands unfurled a Tibetan flag.

The Chinese team returned to the field for that match following a 25-minute delay. The rest of their games were suspended after German officials said they could not grant a Chinese demand to prohibit demonstrations.

Copyright © 2018 The Associated Press.  


Mercedes apologises to China after quoting Dalai Lama

 Mercedes-Benz quickly deleted the photo after the outcry and issued an apology on China's Twitter-like Weibo social media platform

 Our Foreign Staff

7 FEBRUARY 2018 • 5:59PM

Mercedes-Benz has apologised for "hurting the feelings" of the people of China for quoting the Dalai Lama on Instagram.

The German auto giant became the latest of several international companies that have backpedalled recently for offending Chinese consumers with advertising or information that clashes with Beijing's official position on Tibet and other Chinese-claimed regions.

Mercedes' seemingly benign post to its official Instagram account showed a Benz on a beach before rolling white-capped waves.

"Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open," the ad copy ran, citing the Dalai Lama, who is seen by Beijing as a separatist.

"Start your week with a fresh perspective on life from the Dalai Lama," the carmaker wrote in the tagline.

Mercedes' seemingly benign post to its official Instagram account showed a Benz on a beach before rolling white-capped waves
The Zen post immediately drew criticism from Chinese internet users for quoting the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, whom Beijing accuses of being a "wolf in monk's robes" seeking Tibetan independence through "spiritual terrorism".

The Dalai Lama has called for granting Tibetans greater autonomy within China, but not independence.

While Instagram is blocked in China and inaccessible to most Chinese - and the post was penned in English - Mercedes-Benz quickly deleted the photo after the outcry and issued an apology on China's Twitter-like Weibo social media platform.

"Even though we deleted the related information as soon as possible, we know this has hurt the feelings of people of this country," Mercedes said on its verified Weibo account on Tuesday.

The post "published extremely incorrect information, for this we are sincerely sorry," the company wrote, without naming either Instagram or the Dalai Lama, or explaining what the offending post was about.

"We have immediately taken real action to deepen our understanding of Chinese culture and values, including among our colleagues abroad, and in this way regulate our behaviour."

China's foreign ministry applauded Mercedes' quick response on Wednesday, with spokesman Geng Shuang telling reporters: "Recognising and correcting one's mistakes is the most basic of ethics."

Beijing "welcomes foreign companies to reap the opportunities of China's development but during this process we hope foreign companies can perform the most basic of compliance," Geng said.

China's state media was less conciliatory, with the online edition of the Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily running an editorial attacking Mercedes after it published an apology.

Offending the sensitivities of Beijing has proven a problem for a number of foreign companies tapping the lucrative Chinese market.

Earlier this year, a spate of brands came under government criticism for online material that listed Chinese regions such as Tibet and Hong Kong as separate countries.

Marriott hotels even had its Chinese website and app blocked for a week by mainland authorities, while Spanish clothing giant Zara and Delta Air Lines were also called out.

Trendy Japanese retailer Muji has also faced the wrath of what the foreign ministry called the "new era" of a "more confident and open" China.

One of the retailers' in-store catalogues held a store location map which Beijing said omitted islands disputed with Japan.

Last summer, British band Placebo was scheduled to perform at the Summer Sonic Festival in Shanghai - until they posted a photo of the Nobel winner on Instagram.

The picture resulted "in a lifetime ban by the Ministry of Culture in China," the band said in another post acknowledging they would be unable to perform.

"We apologise to all the fans who were hoping to see Placebo perform," it wrote. 

« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 04:02:07 AM by Fengxu » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2018, 03:43:33 AM »

 Cautious India to skip Tibetan events marking 60 years of exile

03 March 2018, 05:10 | Silvia Roy

China considers the Dalai Lama to be a separatist and expresses displeasure when government leaders - Indian or foreign - meet the Tibetan leader, who has been living in exile in India for the past six decades. While the Dalai Lama found shelter in India, New Delhi has often been careful to avoid showing him official support.

New Delhi is of the view that the time chosen by the Tibetan Government in Exile to hold the "Thank You India" event would be "very sensitive" for India's relations with China and hence purportedly asked the senior leaders and officials of Government of India as well as the state governments not to participate in it.

Last week, German carmaker Daimler had to issue an emphatic apology to China after its subsidiary Mercedes Benz quoted the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama in an Instagram post, Xinhua reported. The Centre has come to this decision after a letter sent by Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale to Cabinet Secretary PK Sinha dated February 22 just before flying off to China.

India has long had a wary relationship with China, seeing it as a strategic rival and a major trading partner.

Responding to a newspaper report that cited a Union government advisory asking central and state government functionaries and leaders to stay away from the Dalai Lama-led "Thank You India" campaign, the External Affairs Ministry (MEA) on Friday said that India's position on the Tibetan leader is "unchanged". "He is a revered religious leader and is deeply respected by the people of India", MEA Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said. There is no change in that position.

New Delhi and Beijing are expecting the strains in the ties to be eased out in 2018, which is likely to see a series of engagements between the two neighbours.

Gokhale recently visited Beijing and met his counterpart in the Chinese Government, Vice Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou. In last two meetings between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Xi Jinping during the BRICS summit in Xiamen and the SCO summit both leaders agreed "not let differences become disputes".

Beijing also strongly criticized New Delhi past year for allowing the Dalai Lama to visit the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. Events commemorating this landmark have already begun in Dharamsala where the Dalai Lama resides and which is officially considered his headquarters.

The government-in-exile is based in the north Indian town of Dharmsala, which is also home to the Dalai Lama.


Cautious India to skip Tibetan events marking 60 years of exile

The Indian government has sent out a note telling “senior leaders” that it is “not desirable” to participate in the events of the Tibetan leadership in exile.

By Abantika Ghosh | Indian Express

NEW DELHI, India, 2 March 2018

In an unusual departure from its stand on the Tibetans-in-exile, the [Indian] government, underlining that this is a “very sensitive time” for bilateral relations with China, has sent out a note asking “senior leaders” and “government functionaries” of the Centre and states to stay away from events planned for March-end and early April by the “Tibetan leadership in India” to mark the start of 60 years in exile of the Dalai Lama.

A note to the effect, dated February 22, was sent by Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale to Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha. Four days later, Sinha put out a directive telling “senior leaders” and “government functionaries” of the Centre and states that it is “not desirable” to participate in the events of the Tibetan leadership in exile. China calls the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Tibetans, a “splittist” and a “dangerous separatist”.

In his note to secretaries and heads of government departments, Sinha said participation in these events “should be discouraged” and “accordingly, you are requested to ensure appropriate action in the matter”. He quoted Gokhale’s note to underline “the sensitive nature of the subject”.

Gokhale, former Indian ambassador to Beijing, had requested Sinha to issue a “classified circular advisory advising all Ministries/Departments of Government of India as well as State Governments not to accept any invitation or to participate in the proposed commemorative events”.

In his note, the Foreign Secretary stated: “We understand that this includes a large public event titled ‘Thank You India’ being organised at Thyagaraj Sports Complex in New Delhi on 1 April, 2018. The Dalai Lama set-up also intends to invite a number of Indian dignitaries. These are likely to be followed up by additional events in Delhi as well as other States of India.”

“The proposed period will be a very sensitive time in the context of India’s relations with China. Participation by senior leaders or government functionaries, either from the Central Government or State Governments, is not desirable, and should be discouraged,” Gokhale wrote to the Cabinet Secretary.

In a statement issued Friday, the Ministry of External Affairs said: “Government’s position on His Holiness the Dalai Lama is clear and consistent. He is a revered religious leader and is deeply respected by people of India. There is no change in that position. He is accorded all freedom to carry out his religious activities in India.”

Copyright © 2018 Indian Express  


Govt says ‘no change in position’ after report that it asked leaders to skip Dalai Lama events in China outreach

A media report said the government told “senior leaders” and “government functionaries” to skip events planned to mark the Dalai Lama’s 60 years in exile. The government later said there was no change in its position on the Tibetan spiritual leader.

Updated: Mar 02, 2018 19:21 IST

Agencies, New Delhi

The government said on Friday there was no change in its position on the Dalai Lama as it reacted to a report that said the Centre had told “senior leaders” and “government functionaries” to skip events planned to mark 60 years in exile for the Tibetan spiritual leader.

The Indian Express report said the step was a “reflection of India’s cautious approach towards Beijing as it embarks on the task of mending fences with its northern neighbour (China).”

Denying the report, ministry of external affairs said: “Government of India’s position on His Holiness the Dalai Lama is clear and consistent. He is a revered religious leader and is deeply respected by the people of India. There is no change in that position. His Holiness is accorded all freedom to carry out his religious activities in India.”

According to the report, in February, foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale reportedly issued an official statement asking leaders to skip all functions of the Dalai Lama, seeking to be an embodiment of India’s commitment to mending ties with China.

The note was reportedly issued a day before the foreign secretary departed for Beijing to hold talks with China’s Vice Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou, Foreign Minister Wang and State Councillor Yang Jiechi.

Beijing detests the Dalai Lama, saying the Tibetan spiritual leader is trying to break Tibet away from Chinese control. The Dalai Lama, who insists he only wants more autonomy for Tibet, has lived in India since 1959, when he fled a crushed Tibetan uprising.

India has long had a wary relationship with China, seeing it as a strategic rival and a major trading partner.

Last year, Indian troops stopped China from building a road in Doklam, where the borders of China, India and Bhutan meet. In August, Beijing and New Delhi both agreed to pull back their troops from the area.

Beijing also strongly criticised New Delhi last year for allowing the Dalai Lama to visit Arunachal Pradesh.   
« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 03:48:39 AM by Fengxu » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2018, 04:13:37 AM »

Report: Dalai Lama received $1M from Albany 'sex cult' accused of branding women

Updated January 25, 2018 at 11:58 AM; Posted January 25, 2018 at 11:14 AM

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, left, is pictured on stage at an NXIVM event in Albany on May 6, 2009. Second from right is Sara Bronfman, an NXIVM member who reportedly helped book the Tibetan spiritual leader with a $1 million fee.

(YouTube video still)

By Geoff Herbert,

A new report claims His Holiness the Dalai Lama was paid $1 million by an Upstate New York "sex cult" that brands women to speak at their event.

According to The Daily Mail, the Dalai Lama received the fee to speak in front of 3,000 members of NXIVM (pronounced "nexium"), which has recently come under fire from former members. The Buddhist leader is seen in a photograph placing a khata, a traditional ceremonial Tibetan scarf, around the neck of the group's founder, Keith Raniere, in Albany.

NXIVM describes itself as a self-help organization, but former member Sarah Edmondson filed a complaint in July against a member who branded her. She said female members are required to be branded with Raniere's initials, "KR," and also must give their "master," or recruiter, naked photos or other compromising materials of themselves; Ranier allegedly manipulates women with sex and intimidates people who try to leave the group, threatening to expose those materials.

The New York Times reported last year that DOS, a women's only group within NXIVM, has been described as a "secret sorority" that also brainwashes members, puts them on starvation diets and beats them if they don't recruit enough "slaves." DOS, led by former "Smallville" actress Allison Mack, allegedly stands for "dominus obsequious sororium," Latin for "master over the slave women."

Members also reportedly include former "Dallas" star Catherine Oxenberg's daughter India Oxenberg, and wealthy Seagram's heiresses Sara and Clare Bronfman.

The Daily Mail reports Sara Bronfman helped book the Dalai Lama to speak at the Albany event in 2009 while in a relationship with his "personal emissary of peace" to the U.S., Lama Tenzin Dhonden. Bronfman can be seen on stage next to the Dalai Lama during the event in a YouTube video.

The Guardian reports Dhonden was replaced last month amid allegations of corruption. A Seattle-based technology entrepreneur claims Dhonden extorted him for "unjustified payments" between 2005 and 2008, in return for setting up an event with the Dalai Lama; Dhonden has denied all wrongdoing.

Whistleblower Frank Parlato has repeatedly detailed the allegations against NXIVM and Dhonden on his website, The Frank Report. He posted photos of Bronfman with Dhonden, a Buddhist monk that would have taken a vow of celibacy.

"Everyone in NXIVM knew the monk was a fraud. NXIVM used him to get the Dalai Lama to come to Albany and endorse the cult leader, Keith Raniere. The Dalai Lama was too wise to fall for this and DID NOT endorse the cult or its leader," Parlato wrote.

According to the Daily Mail, the Dalai Lama initially canceled the Albany event and several others in the U.S. that year due to controversy surrounding NXIVM. Bronfman and Raniere reportedly convinced him to come a month later by saying all the allegations of misconduct were false.

The Justice Department began a federal investigation of NXIVM in December, examining Raniere, the group's business dealings, and recruitment practices. NXIVM officials and associates have repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and dispute any allegation that it is a cult.

NXIVM, based in the Albany suburb of Colonie, has over 16,000 members in chapters nationwide, as well as in Canada and Mexico. A "20/20" special report focused on the group last month:

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EXCLUSIVE: Dalai Lama was paid $1 MILLION to endorse women-branding 'sex cult' after secret deal between Buddhist's celibate U.S. emissary and his Seagram billionaire 'lover'

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EXCLUSIVE: Dalai Lama was paid $1 MILLION to endorse women-branding 'sex cult' after secret deal between Buddhist's celibate U.S. emissary and his Seagram billionaire 'lover'

Buddhist leader the Dalai Lama was linked to NXIVM, the controversial self-help organization described by former members as a 'sex cult'

He spoke at an event in Albany, New York, in 2009 and put a Tibetan scarf round the neck of its founder Keith Raniere in what was said to be a 'victory' for NXIVM can disclose the Dalai Lama was given $1 million to spend on causes he backs in return for attending the function

The deal to get him to go was made by Sara Bronfman, a billionaire heiress to the Seagram fortune, and Lama Tenzin Dhonden, head of the Dalal Lama's U.S trust

But Bronfman and Lama Tenzin face claims they were lovers, even though the Buddhist cleric took a vow of chastity

NVIVM hailed the Dalai Lama's visit but it is now being hit by claims founder Raniere runs it as a sex cult with a 'harem' of women

The women are branded, call him 'Vanguard' and believe that sleeping with Raniere, 57, will heal them, according to claims made about NXIVM

Raniere denies it is a sex cult but neither NXIVM or the Dalai Lama's office addressed the latest allegations


PUBLISHED: 15:19 GMT, 24 January 2018 | UPDATED: 16:45 GMT, 24 January 2018

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The Dalai Lama was paid $1 million to travel to America to endorse a controversial 'sex cult' that brainwashes and brands women, can reveal.

The religious leader was paid to speak at an event hosted by NXIVM - a self-help organization described by former members as a 'sex cult'.

The deal saw the Dalai Lama speak to 3,000 followers of NXIVM and place a khata - a traditional ceremonial Tibetan scarf - around the neck of the group's founder, Keith Raniere.

Raniere's supporters described the visit by the Buddhist leader as a 'victory'.

Former computer programmer Raniere founded NXIVM in 1998, as a 'personal and professional development program' which he sold as Executive Success Programs, alongside his business partner, ex-nurse Nancy Salazman. It is pronounced 'nexium'.


Triumph: This is the moment the Dalai Lama met Keith Raniere, the leader of NXIVM, the self-help organization accused of being a sex cult which brands women. It was the culmination of a $1 million gift to the Buddhist leader for his good causes and hailed as a victory by NXIVM   +15

Prestige: The Dalai Lama appeared on stage at an event hosted by NXIVM after Sara Bronfman, (circled) billionaire heiress to the Seagram fortune, visited the Buddhist leader as part of a delegation which offered him $1 million to attend the Albany, new York, gathering   +15

In the front row: As the Dalai Lama spoke, the controversial leader of NXIVM was sitting closest to the stage. He is now accused of running a sex cult which brands women and treats them as his personal sexual property   +15

Relationship: Sara Bronfman is said in court papers to have been the lover of Lama Tenzin Dhonden, the Dalai Lama's emissary to the United States. He was removed from his post in November over allegations of corruption    +15

PR triumph: Pictures from the event were released by the 'World Ethical Foundations Consortium', which is part of NXIVM   +15


Branded: These are some of the signs which have been branded on women in the 'cult', according to whistleblower Frank Parlato. He says that the signs are designed to have the letters KR for Keith Raniere, or AM for Allison Mack, the Smallville actress who is also involved in it   +15

The ambitious group holds seminars and training programs for people 'concerned with developing their skills' and claims to have worked with more than 16,000 people in 30 countries.

But in recent years NXIVM has been exposed as a 'sex cult' with several former members lifting the lid on its dark side.

Some members are allegedly blackmailed, branded and beaten with paddles and at least two Hollywood actresses are among 70 to 80 women 'trapped' in the group.

Raniere also has a group of wealthy female recruits - including Seagram heiresses Sara and Clare Bronfman - who have plowed millions of dollars into NXIVM's unorthodox practices.

Now can disclose the extraordinary steps NXIVM execs have taken to further the NXIVM cause worldwide.

The pièce de résistance of their grand plan to make NXIVM a global brand was to convince the Dalai Lama to speak at an event they were hosting in Albany, New York in 2009.

The plot involved wooing the Tibetan Buddhist leader's American aide; expensive gifts and foreign travel; an alleged steamy affair with the heiress to a drinks fortune, and claims of broken vows of celibacy.

It raises questions over exactly what the Dalai Lama was told before he appeared at the event in NXIVM's hometown, and whether he was duped into giving a powerful propaganda victory to an organization under increasing scrutiny for its treatment of women. has learned that the deal was set up by the Dalai Lama's self-styled 'personal emissary of peace' to the U.S., Lama Tenzin Dhonden. He was replaced last month amid accusations of corruption.

The Dalai Lama Trust removed Dhonden as its executive secretary, pending an investigation, following claims that the monk abused his position as a gatekeeper to the Nobel Peace Prize winner.

According to court testimony Dhonden and Sara Bronfman were 'closely associated' and Dhonden agreed to help promote NXIVM.

The monk arranged for Bronfman and her sister Clare Bronfman as well as Nancy Salzman, president of NXIVM, to travel to Dharmsala in India to meet with the Dalai Lama.

There they expressed their desire to invite His Holiness to Albany to meet controversial NXIVM leader Raniere and offered to make a suitable contribution to the Dalai Lama for his worthwhile causes. understands that offer exceeded $1million.

But, according to sources, what had been planned as a four-day trip to the U.S. visiting prestigious colleges alongside Raniere was suddenly cancelled after local media in Albany, N.Y., highlighted the Dalai Lama's upcoming visit to the 'cult'.


Island retreat: Sarah Bronfman traveled with other family members and the Dalai Lama's representative, Lama Tonzin Dohnden who was allegedly her lover, to Necker in the British Virgin Islands, where she spent time with its owner, Virgin billionaire Sir Richard Branson   +15

Meet the family: Lama Tenzin Dhonden, the Dalai Lama's emissary to the United States, was on Necker not just with Sara Bronfman, his alleged lover, but her mother Georgina Bronfman, who is married to British actor Nigel Havers   +15


Gangs all here: Also on the Necker trip with Lama Tenzin Dhonden, was Allison Mack, actress who is claimed to be deputy leader of the NXIVM' cult'   +15

Triumph: The endorsement of the Dalai Lama included writing a foreword to The Sphinx Thelxiepeia, a book by Keith Raniere   +15

Concerned over the negative media attention, the Buddhist leader decided against the visit and publicly announced the trip was canceled.

But it is understood that the Bronfman sisters later flew back to India, this time with NXIVM leader Raniere in tow, in a bid to convince the religious leader the press coverage was inaccurate.

Following the meeting the Dalai Lama agreed to attend a one day event during spare time in a scheduled trip to the U.S. which was centered on visiting Harvard University, in Massachusetts.

Bronfman called the u-turn a success in a post on her blog. 'After an onslaught of negative articles and powerful local personalities voicing their lack of support for his proposed visit, His Holiness postponed until the truth became evident,' she wrote.

'In the end the truth prevailed, but in the process we lost participants, money and good faith.'

In a YouTube video of the event held at the Palace Theater in Albany on May 6, 2009, Raniere can be seen in the audience on the front row as the Dalai Lama speaks.

Sara Bronfman and sister Clare can be seen up on stage alongside the Tibetan Buddhist leader.

However, the event seemingly backfired for NXIVM when the Dalai Lama, during a question and answer, was asked about his canceled visit.

The 81-year-old said of Raniere and NXIVM: 'If you have done something wrong, you must accept, you must admit, change, make correction. If you have not done (anything wrong), make clear all these allegations (are untrue), truthfully, honestly, openly, transparently.'

Then he asked the media to investigate Raniere and report the truth of their findings.

Despite the rebuke, sources claim the visit was seen as a significant 'endorsement' by senior NXIVM members.

Raniere was even called on stage and His Holiness placed a khata - a traditional ceremonial Tibetan scarf - around his neck in what was seen bt NIXVM as a powerful symbolic gesture.

And on April 13 2009 the Dalai Lama wrote and signed off on the foreword for a book co-authored by Raniere called The Sphinx & Thelxiepeia.

After the visit Sara Bronfman wrote on her blog that the visit was a 'victory for us' and that she was proud to have been part of this 'great feat'.

Her sister Clare wrote on her blog: 'His coming brought about a certain contradiction: what is written about NXIVM, Keith, Sara and myself in the press – being labeled as a cult – and a world leader showing his support for us after thorough investigation.'

According to court documents, Raniere has 'swallowed up' more than $150 million of the Bronfman sisters' fortune.

What's more Sara Bronfman, it appears, was instrumental in securing the Dalai Lama trip for NXIVM.

According to court documents seen by it is alleged the Dalai Lama's aide Dhonden - who as a Buddhist monk took a vow of celibacy - was having an affair with Bronfman at the time the deal was struck.

In fact Dhonden, 53, became so close to Bronfman, 41, that she allegedly purchased a house for him in Half Moon, New York.

He is also believed to have spent time at her condo in Colonie, upstate New York, as well as her Manhattan condo in Trump International on Central Park West, which she sold in 2014 for $8.8 million.

If Bronfman did indeed buy Dhonden a property it raises further questions over his role with the Dalai Lama Trust and how he benefited from the deal with NXIVM.

A former publicist who worked for NXIVM in 2007 and 2008 has told that Sara Bronfman first met Dhonden, known as Lama Tenzin,  in Idaho in 2007.

'Sara told Lama Tenzin that the Dalai Lama might find NXIVM's tools useful,' he said


Right hand man: Lama Tendzin Dhoden was the Dalai Lama's long-term representative in the United States but was removed from his office over claims of corruption   +15


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« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 05:07:31 AM by Fengxu » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2018, 04:51:10 AM »




... +

Right hand man: Lama Tendzin Dhoden was the Dalai Lama's long-term representative in the United States but was removed from his office over claims of corruption

'He visited Sara in Albany and met NXIVM members including Keith [Raniere] in 2008. Keith thought that the Dalai Lama should come to Albany since his teachings were consonant with his own.

'He wanted a 'higher power' endorsement and the Dalai Lama was perfect. Sara and Clare worked on the deal for over a year, and I was told by high ranking NXIVM officials that they donated a million dollars to the Dalai Lama Trust to make the visit happen.'

Parlato alleges that Sara Bronfman quickly became intimate with Dhonden while trying to win him over.

He said: 'He's clearly not a true monk because we all knew he was having an affair with Sara and it was ill disguised.

'NXIVM members have said they had seen Lama Tenzin at Sara's house coming out of her bedroom, it was an open secret that they were having an affair, everyone was talking about it. Keith would call him Sara's 'husband'.'

Susan Dones, a former top ranking member of NXIVM, alleged that 'cult' members were aware that Bronfman and Dhonden were romantically involved.

She told 'They traveled together to California, to Seattle, to Silver Bay, and Necker Island.

'They were clearly a couple, but this was hidden to outsiders, and probably the Dalai Lama, since Lama Tenzin was supposed to be a monk, and he would have been defrocked if they found out.'

Parlato says Dhonden traveled with Bronfman to visit Virgin tycoon Sir Richard Branson at his luxury resort on Necker Island in the Caribbean.

Photos obtained by show the monk cheek to cheek with Bronfman and posing with actress and NXIVM member Allison Mack.

Another shot shows the monk hugging Bronfman's mother Georgiana Bronfman, who is married to British actor Nigel Havers.

And in another photo a smiling Bronfman poses with their host Branson.

According to Parlato, Bronfman broke up with Dhonden some time after the Dalai Lama's visit. She has since married another man.

Parlato is currently embroiled in a legal battle with NXIVM after being fired after disagreeing with how the group was run.

He was the first to make claims about the cult's allegedly sordid activities on his website The Frank Report and says the reality is terrifying.

The women's-only group led by Raniere is known as 'DOS', which Parlato says stands for 'dominus obsequious sororium' - Latin for 'master over the slave women'.

He claims that to join, women are brainwashed into handing over blackmail-worthy material such as pornographic pictures or financial information.

Once they are a member - or 'slave' - they are allegedly encouraged to recruit new women into their 'slave pods', stop dating, and be on call 24 hours a day to their 'master'.

If they don't recruit enough 'slaves' or respond to their 'masters' fast enough, they're beaten with paddles, Parlato claims.


Cult figure: Allison Mack is part of the NXIVM organization and has been accused of being part of the sex cult critics say operates inside it. The Smallville star  35, most recently had a voice role in Amazon animation Los in Oz    +15


Cult claims: Ex-Dallas star Catherine Oxenberg claims that NXIUM has 'brainwashed' her daughter India Oxenberg   +15

Leader: Keith Raniere claims he is simple running a self-help group and denies claims that he has a harem of women who willingly sleep with him, believing that they will 'be healed' by having sex with him, and calling him 'Vanguard'.   +15

New members are later taken by surprise, told to strip naked and then forcibly branded, according to Parlato.

They allegedly have to follow strict 500 to 800 calorie a day diets because leader Raniere prefers slimmer women and tells his followers that fat 'interferes' with his energy levels.

The controversial leader is also said to have a harem of women who willingly sleep with him, believing that they will 'be healed' by having sex with the 57-year-old - who they apparently call 'Vanguard'.

The women are branded with the initials KR - after NXIVM founder Keith Raniere. NXIVM has chapters in the US, Canada and Mexico, and has tried to expand to Ireland.

They also attempted to recruit and hold indoctrination seminars in the UK. Former 'cult' member Dones said Sara Bronfman flew NXIVM teachers to Belfast, in Northern Ireland, on a private plane to try to get a NXIVM center established.

'Because of Sara's constant need to publicly worship Raniere, she was out of rapport with the people of Belfast who thought it was too much like a cult,' said Dones.

'The center was never established.'

NXIVM leaders deny the allegations that their group is a cult.

Since the allegations emerged Raniere has moved from his Albany, New York home to Mexico.

Sources say he fled to escape both the limelight of adverse publicity and the possibility of being arrested.

US law enforcement is reportedly investigating Raniere and is focused on allegations of blackmail and coercive practices including branding.'

Parlato, who has worked to expose the workings of the 'cult', said: 'I have spoken to at least a dozen escaped members.

'I have seen many texts including correspondence between a 'master' and a 'slave'. I believe there are currently 70 or 80 women in the cult now - but not all of them have been branded.

'You don't get branded right away. The branding is done by surprise and without disclosure.'

Parlato said Raniere uses self-help courses to recruit rich, famous or good-looking women to his inner circle.

He said he was retained by NXIVM without a full picture of its acivities. has reached out to the Dalai Lama's office for comment on the NXIVM event and Dhonden's involvement, but received no response.

Calls and emails to Sara Bronfman and to Dhonden's legal counsel were not returned.

It is not known what the outcome of the Dalai Lama Trust's investigation is or whether they have reached any conclusions regarding Dhonden.

In recent weeks Dhonden, who lives in La Jolla, outside San Diego, California, has vigorously denied the corruption accusation, which was made by a Seattle-based philanthropist. He has not publicly responded to the other allegations.

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NOVEMBER 30, 2017
NXIVM ‘Cult’ named as part of the reason Dalai Lama suspends secretary Lama Tenzin Dhonden
The Dalai Lama’s secretary, Lama Tenzin Dhonden, has been suspended. High ranking members of The Dalai Lama’s Tibetan government in exile say that Lama Tenzin faced an internal investigation after accusations surfaced about an alleged extortion of a businessman in connection to an appearance of The Dalai Lama in California.

Lama Tenzin might have escaped censure for that episode, since there were two sides to that story.

See Sara Bronfman’s Lover, Lama Tenzin, suspended by Dalai Lama over corruption claims

What is looming larger is Lama Tenzin’s ties to NXIVM. It was through Lama Tenzin that the Dalai Lama came to Albany to speak in May 2009 and greet Keith Raniere onstage.

It goes deeper: I suspect a large part of the reason for Lama Tenzin’s suspension is that he violated his vows of celibacy as a monk when he engaged in a well known and sordid sexual affair with Sara Bronfman, a high ranking member of NXIVM.

Buddhist monks take strict vows of chastity.

There have been several stories about Lama Tenzin’s suspension in the Guardian and elsewhere.

The latest story, from Trike Daily, a Tibetan Buddhism publication, brings NXIVM front and center in the controversy. Tenzin Dhonden, Dalai Lama’s Gatekeeper and “Personal Emissary for Peace,” Replaced as Executive Secretary

The sub-headline of Trike’s story speaks volumes:

“Tenzin Dhonden apparently faced an internal investigation after allegations of corruption, bullying, and ties to the cult Nxivm.”

Lama Tenzin Dhonden’s has been replaced by Tashi Namgyal Khamshitsang as acting secretary.

According to Trike: “His departure was welcomed by Thupten Jinpa, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s longtime translator, in a letter sent to Dalai Lama Trust members and obtained by Tricycle.

“For someone who have had the honor and good fortune to serve His Holiness for over three decades, it had been painful to see how His Holiness’ name and legacy was slowly getting caught in unnecessary distractions (Albany-based NXIVM) and discordant messages (of rich and celebrity orientation).” Mr. Jinpa wrote.

Mr. Jinpa with the Dalai Lama on stage in Albany.


Mr. Jinpa, the Dalai Lama, and Sara Bronfman [r]

Thupten Jinpa acted as translator when the Dalai Lama appeared in Albany in May 2009. Also on stage were the Bronfman sisters, Sara and Clare Bronfman, both of whom are high ranking members of NXIVM and Seagrams heiresses.
I took the trouble to comment on the Trike story as follows:

Frank Parlato


I have reported that the so-called monk, Lama Tenzin had a sexual affair with Sara Bronfman, Seagram heiress, and member of NXIVM cult.

  Here is a candid picture of Lama Tenzin with his lover Sara Bronfman.

Thumbnail  The second picture is Lama Tenzin in an un-monk-like pose with TV actress Allison Mack.

Everyone in NXIVM knew the monk was a fraud. NXIVM used him to get the Dalai Lama to come to Albany and endorse the cult leader, Keith Raniere. The Dalai Lama was too wise to fall for this and DID NOT endorse the cult or its leader.


The Dalai Lama presents Vanguard with a white sash, which ironically is the sash NXIVM gives to beginners.


Sara Bronfman had had an open and notorious sexual relationship with Lama Tenzin.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 05:56:06 AM by Fengxu » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2018, 06:12:14 AM »


Among others :

<<... GetRealNow, New York, United States, 1 month ago

New low for the Daily Mail! Any real journalist could easily discover the Dalai Lama does not take fees for appearances. His office also does not arrange his teachings outside of his home temple, sponsors, usually registered nonprofits do, and His Holiness does not have any control over who attends his teachings or interacts with the sponsors. In fact, at the end of teachings, while His Holiness is still sitting on stage, there is a reading of the accounting for the event, which is posted on the sponsor's web site. Since most sponsors are nonprofits, the accounting is part of their filing with the government, and available in their yearly tax forms. This sensationalist, badly sourced "news" about His Holiness, is blatant FAKE NEWS by anti-Dalai Lama organizations, and there is a big one in the UK which got a lot more financing the past few years to spread FAKE NEWS and protest about His Holiness. Any decent journalist could find out the truth easily, this is not the truth. >>

(From the REPLIES to those "DailyMail" Claims, seen Above )

Dalai Lama’s office denies receiving $1 million for appearance as reported by Daily Mail

Tibet Sun Online News

ON THE WEB, 28 January 2018

The Office of the Dalai Lama rejected an online newspaper’s allegation that the Dalai Lama took one million US dollars to endorse a controversial organisation in the US that brainwashes and brands women.

The Daily Mail, in a story on 24 January, alleged that the deal was set up by the Dalai Lama’s personal emissary to the US, Lama Tenzin Dhonden. Dhonden was dismissed last month as the Secretary of the Dalai Lama Trust following reports of corruption charges made by a Seattle-based philanthropist.

A clarification issued by the Office of the Dalai Lama on Thursday said, “The Daily Mail article by Ryan Parry regarding an appearance by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at an event held in Albany, New York in 2009 contains incorrect statements and untrue allegations.”

Calling the allegations baseless, the statement categorically denied that either the Dalai Lama or his foundation in the US, The Dalai Lama Trust, ever received the alleged $1 million in connection with his appearance in Albany.

It further stated that the Dalai Lama never takes an honorarium or fee of any sort, nor does he require that any payment be made to charities or organizations as a condition of making a personal appearance.

The Daily Mail alleged that the Dalai Lama was paid to speak at an event hosted by NXIVM (pronounced ‘nexium’) — a self-help organization described by former members as a ‘sex cult’.

At the event in Albany the Dalai Lama spoke to 3,000 followers of NXIVM and placed a khata — a traditional ceremonial Tibetan scarf — around the neck of the group’s founder, Keith Raniere.

Keith Raniere heads a cult called NXIVM which brands women on their pubic region with his initials and requires them to give him nude photos of themselves and other damaging material in case they reveal the secrets of his cult.

It is said that the Dalai Lama’s appearance for NXIVM was secured by Lama Tenzin Dhonden, who had been wooed by Sara Bronfman during to their alleged steamy affair. Bronfman is the Seagram drinks fortune heiress.

Raniere’s supporters saw the Dalai Lama’s event as an endorsement for NXIVM.

Explaining that contrary to the belief that the Dalai Lama furthered the cause of NXIVM, he had called for an investigation and exposure of any wrongdoing, the statement from his office said.

“As reported in the Daily Mail, during His Holiness’ talk in Albany in 2009, he called on the media to investigate the allegations made about the NXIVM organization and its founder, and was quite clear that the truth should be exposed.”

Copyright © 2018 Tibet Sun
Published in Tibet Sun

Posted in News » Tags: Corruption, Dalai Lama, Tenzin Dhonden

« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 06:19:59 AM by Petra » Logged
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« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2018, 06:33:20 AM »


Yeah ?

But :

Dalai Lama cancels North American schedule for 2018


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His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Photo via the U.S. Institute of Peace.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has canceled the majority of his overseas schedule for 2018, including visits to North America, Phayul reports.

His Holiness was scheduled to visit Raleigh, North Carolina in April, but recently announced he would not be traveling to the United States as planned.

In a letter to Raleigh’s mayor, Nancy McFarlane, His Holiness’s secretary stated, “It is with deep regret that I inform you of a change in His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s schedule, obliging him to cancel the majority of his travels abroad, including the United States of America.”

McFarlane responded by saying she hoped His Holiness would visit in 2019.

No reason has been provided for the cancelations,

but His Holiness, who turns 83 this year, has said he is unable to quickly recover from long flights to the United States as he ages. In July, His Holiness canceled a public address in Montreal, Canada at the advice of his physicians. He later canceled a visit to the Republic of Botswana, citing exhaustion.



The Dalai Lama isn’t coming to Raleigh after all

January 09, 2018 12:52 PM

Updated January 09, 2018 06:59 PM

A planned April visit to Raleigh by the Dalai Lama has been canceled after the Buddhist spiritual leader announced that he would not be making a tour of North America this spring as planned.

Mayor Nancy McFarlane and the group preparing for the Dalai Lama’s visit received a letter this week that broke the news, a city spokesman said.

McFarlane had extended a formal invitation to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama during a visit last year to India. It was announced in May that Raleigh would be among the cities the Dalai Lama would visit in October during a tour of the United States. But in August, His Holiness said he was postponing his Raleigh visit until this April due to scheduling conflicts.

The Dalai Lama’s initial interest in visiting the region stemmed in part from an appreciation for scientific and health care research, McFarlane said in May.

Gargan: 919-829-4807; @hgargan  


Dalai Lama cancels Raleigh visit amid changes to schedule

By CBS North Carolina

Published: January 9, 2018, 12:30 pm  Updated: January 9, 2018, 12:36 pm

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) – The Dalai Lama will not be making a scheduled trip to Raleigh this year due to changes in his schedule, according to his representative.

The Dalai Lama’s trip to the United States in 2018 has been canceled, but could be rescheduled for 2019.

Letter sent to Raleigh Mayor Nancy McFarlane:

Dear Mayor McFarlane,

It is with deep regret that I inform you of a change in His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s schedule, obliging him to cancel the majority of his travels abroad, including the United States of America.

We understand that there are many plans already in place to support Raleigh’s Compassionate City designation, and His Holiness looks very much forward to support these wonderful initiatives.

Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,

Tenzin Talklha
Secretary to
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

McFarlane’s response:

Your Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama,

The citizens of Raleigh, North Carolina, are honored that you plan to visit our city and respect your decision to delay all visits to the United States until after 2018. We will continue, with the residents of Raleigh, to forward our commitment to promote the fundamental principles that you have championed such as compassion for all sentient beings and secular ethics, with a particular focus on the youth.

We remain hopeful you will grace us with your presence at a future date and are committed to making such a visit an enriching experience with lasting benefits.

With gratitude,

The Honorable Mayor Nancy McFarlane

« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 06:37:56 AM by Fengxu » Logged
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« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2018, 06:56:05 AM »


OK, OK, OK. Cool, Relax...

All that is, obviously, Too "Hot", and too Much !

>>> This is supposed to be a EUROPEAN Forum, have you all Forgotten ?

=> In Consequence, this Thread is (exceptionally) Locked.


(PS. Hey : that's the 1st one to be locked, in "Eurofora"s History !

Will this create a new "Tradition" ?  Let's See... )

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