
European POLICIES and ISSUES => Economy - Social - Technologies => Topic started by: Geopol on October 06, 2009, 03:31:27 PM

Title: EU outlet to Black Sea: Danube river, upgraded by Romanian-Bulgarian cooperation
Post by: Geopol on October 06, 2009, 03:31:27 PM
EU's new outlet towards the Black Sea since 2007, Danube River, is due to be upgraded, inter alia also by Romanian - Bulgarian agreements, expected to reinforce its "navigation" capacities.

This strengthens the link Danube - Rhine between EU's Franco-German core (but also Northern Sea : ie UK, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, etc) and Central Asia Energy sources (fex. Kazakhstan, Kirgkistan, etc) via Azerbaidjan-Georgia and the Black Sea.

This axis is the only direct, straight EU link to Central Asia's energy sources.