
European CITIZENS and FORUM => "European" HUMOUR ? => Topic started by: JVJ on May 26, 2009, 12:38:48 PM

Title: Aubry "Humour": Special prize to a French Socialist's claims on Crisis+Turkey..
Post by: JVJ on May 26, 2009, 12:38:48 PM

Aubry "Humour" bug :  Special prize awarded to a French "Socialist"'s claim on Crisis and Turkey !

Mrs Martine Aubry, the controversial chief of a "Socialist" Party in France, certainly deserves a special Euro-Humour bug prize for her sayings :

- First, she claims to "change Europe", mainly on Socio-Economic issues, while Socialists have been governing France for 21 Years in the recent Past, (as well as Greece, the UK, etc), her father was EU Commission's President in Brussels (the notorious Bureaucracy's headquarters), and Socialist Governments still run until now the Economy in the UK, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, etc., which face grave problems at the present Crisis !

Even in Germany, EU's richest country, the Minister of Finance is a "Socialist", who notoriously opposed most moves by France's President Sarkozy and other EU Countries to actively intervene with a strong Economic policy, that he didn't like.. As for USA, facts prove that it's when "Socialist" Obama's win became obvious, that the "Global" Crisis started, and, since then, goes worse...

- Even more significantly, Mrs Aubry runs "for" Turkey's demand to enter into the EU, despite the fact that (as CoE's and other studies prove) the "Turkish (anti)-model" is made of low-level Cheap Labor, (notoriously obtained through Violations of Human Rights and Oppression of Democratic Freedoms), chronic Underdevelopment of the vast Majority of people (mainly in Education, Technology, etc), and a ...huge Gap between diffferend, Appartheid-like, levels of development in various Areas of the country, with Scandalous Poverty, Low Education and Lack of Health care, resulting even in 6 times more Mother and Infant Mortality, at the Kurdish regions, and the ..Latin-America-like Shanty-Towns ("Bidon-villes" in French), where impoverished persons surround the main Turkish cities.

In a famous "Shanty-Town" case, the European Court of Human Rights has even found responsible and condemned the Turkish Authorities for the atrocious killing of a whole Family of Innocent Poor persons (Wife, grand-Mother and Children included), who died inside their own "house" suffocated by ... the "explosion" of a huge pile made of ..Shit and Dirt, scandalously left to change into methanium and other dangerous chemical substances at the impoverished shanty-town around Istanbul !

> Is that kind of ..."Turkish Social Change"  that some "Socialists" prepare for EU Citizens ?

No, Thanks !

Title: C'est pas la faute d' Aubry..
Post by: Alois on May 26, 2009, 05:10:36 PM
Peut-être c'est pas tellement la faute d' Aubry : Je ne crois pas que tous au PS français seraient vraiment au courant de ce qui se passe en réalité au sujet de la Turquie les derniers 10 à 15 ans....

Un passé récent, (pour lequel quelques "socialistes" des précedents gouvernements grecs, trop liés aux Etats-unis d'Amérique, portent des lourdes responsabilités, ainsi que M. Jospin, gravement sanctionné par les citoyens).

Certains politiciens du PS ne seraient pas d'accord, et, en tout cas, comme les sondages récents montrent, à la base citoyenne, plus de 41% des électeurs socialistes sont CONTRE la démande de la Turquie d' entrer dans l' Europe...