
European POLICIES and ISSUES => overall Ideas, Europe's Identity + Future => Topic started by: HugoHegelMiltonCesarPlato on May 25, 2009, 11:17:19 PM

Title: Cannes 2009 1st prize: White Ribbon: a Franco-German film on EU People's values
Post by: HugoHegelMiltonCesarPlato on May 25, 2009, 11:17:19 PM
Cannes 2009 1st prize: White Ribbon links a France-Germany-Austria-Italy film on 1913's  EU People's values, before WW's divisions

A beautiful, Human and strong film, on simple but profound European People's lives and values on 1913, at the eve of the Wars which devastated and divided Europe, took the 1st prize at the International Cannes' 2009 Festival.

Symbolically, it's a Franco-German cooperation, with Austria and Italy, linked by the "white ribbon" of the story of young boy who refuses to accept that persons may die, even at an early age. This goes also for a small bird, whose life he tries to save, and a fortiori for his mother, friends and fellow citizens.

It certainly must be fully checked before final appraisal, but it certainly deserves to be checked...
