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1  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Science - Health - Environment - Nature / Record Hospitalisations in France after Dropiong Public Protection in Voting on: April 12, 2022, 05:06:39 AM

French Presidential Election's 1st round took place without protection Masks, and even with the participation of Infected by the Virus, inside Closed Rooms...

=> Result : More than 25.500 People were Hospitalized, in just 1 Day, afterwards, as seriously affected by the Virus !

However, this didn't hinder an Exceptional massive Abstention, of about 27%.

=> Strange. Why ?
2  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Science - Health - Environment - Nature / Real Cause for Europe becoming the Pandemic's Epicenter for a 2nd Time ? on: December 31, 2021, 07:26:39 AM

WHO and others had already warned that Europe risked to have 700.000 or even more people severely hit by the virus during this winter long before the "omicron" variant emerges... And, already, Europe had anew become the Pandemic's Epicenter for a 2nd time.

>>> What's the real cause, then ?
3  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Enlargement - Foreign Policy / BREXIT: Eurofora confirmed on Agri Talks v. Backstop, +France on: September 08, 2019, 10:59:28 PM
(BREXIT being the exact Opposite of EU Enlargement, this belongs here !)...

Developments seem to confirm Eurofora's news (6/9/2019) that the UK may have been discussing an idea about substituting some kind of Agricultural products' Checks, instead of the controvesial "BackStop", concerning Northern Ireland, in order to find a Solution for a BREXIT Agreement with the EU, already since Friday Noon, when French Economy (+former Agriculture and EU) Minister Le Maire unexpectedly held a Long but Not-Scheduled, closed doors Meeting about Agriculture in Strasbourg, where he had officially come in order to Inaugurate its Annual Euro-Fair, but, suddenly, changed his program for undislosed reasons, (See:

Indeed, 1 or 2 Days Later, French Foreign Minister Drian, (who, meanwhile, had met immediately with Le Maire, and even President Macron, as well as German representatives at Evian), made, suddenly, relevant Press Statements on BREXIT, mainly focusing on whether the UK had, or not, any really New and important Proposals to make to the EU, excluding any further Postponement if it wasn't the case. And, at the same time, parallel Press Reports (f.ex. in the "Guardian", etc), confirmed that the UK Government had just proposed, confidentialy, to the EU in Brussels, indeed a kind of "Agri-Food Zone", in principle around "All Ireland", (according to a schema that Irish Prime Minister Varadcar would have been discussing with Boris Johnson's Government in London, amidst various controversies, as a possible way out of the deadlock which still exists since Theresa May's previous Government).
4  European CITIZENS and FORUM / European CITIZENSHIP / 5 Europeans Homeless Die, while +Million of new-commer Foreigners get reg. Aid on: December 31, 2018, 12:58:46 AM
Around 5 European Homeless People reportedly Died, atrociously Burned Alive, in Poland, while, at the Same Time, more than a Million of new-commer Foreigners, (often from far away, and/or even without legitimate reasons), notoriously got various regular Social Aids, including for Shelter, recently, (and may escape from eviction, during at least 2 - 3 Years, just by asking to be enrolled for any Professional "Training", etc)...

This is added to the Unforgettable brutal attacks and attempts to set on Fire alive, a German Homeless Poor old man, earlier in Berlin, by a Gang of so-called "UnAccompagnied Children", (in fact young Men), who had been welcomed and got aid as Asylum Seekers.

What do Humanists and/or Real Europeans think about such Facts ?

This is added to Unforgetable images from Berlin remind the case of a

What do Real Europeans think bout such Facts ?  
5  European view on the WORLD / on Global ISSUES / Trump sanctions on Turkey for Human Rights Violations is an Historic decision on: August 15, 2018, 11:03:55 PM

New USA President Don Trump's decision to start implementing concrete Sanctions on Turkey for gross Violations of Human Rights, (including the scandalous Persecution of a Christian Priest and other civilian people), is a very Honorable, Landmark Decision, of Historic Importance :

He reportedly put individual Sanctions on the Turkish Ministers of Interior and Justice (directly involved), raised Taxes for Turkish exports, and Freezed the delivery of 100 F35 Military Airplanes, while also, apparently, giving a Delay of some Days or a Week, before eventually adding even More Sanctions, if Ankara persisted.

Shame to others, who didn't move a finger in order to slam Turkey's blatant and Massive Violations of Human Rights (for many Thousands of People), and of basic Democratic Principles...
6  European CITIZENS and FORUM / "European" HUMOUR ? / Sadiq's Londonistan has Knife Problems... on: January 01, 2018, 10:10:45 PM

 Mr. Sadiq also vowed to "work tirelessly in 2018 and Beyond (sic !) to Stump out" ..."Stabbings", as he "clearly" said...


At least a Record-High 5 Deadly Knife Stabbings' Attacks against Civilian People took place in London, at New Years' Eve, (with 4 Victims already Killed, and a 5th one struggling for Life in Hospital at a "Critical" condition).

According to mainstream Press, "The Metropolitan Police spokesperson revealed that 77 people Died from Knife crime in the UK capital in 2017".

And "the Office for National Statistics reports that the year 2017 has seen a Major Surge in Knife Crimes in London, with more than 12,000 blade Offences occurred".

Thus, "the Rate of Knife Crime in the British Capital is the Highest over the last five Years", (without counting also the additional Massive Islamist Terrorist Attacks)...

British Media had warned that Sadiq Khan's controversial election to Mayor's job, given also his personal links to various Islamist Radicals from the Past, risked to provoke a surge of various Violence Threats in London, (nicknamed "Londonistan", since then, by USA's "Drudge Report").

See, f.ex., also :,788.0.html +,853.0.html

7  European view on the WORLD / on Global ISSUES / 2nd Fanatic pro-Hillary MSM hits Judge Moore with Same Unproven Dirt, Vote's Eve on: November 17, 2017, 03:29:20 PM

This time it's "ABC", i.e. the Only Media which used to systematically give Hillary around 10-20% More than Trump in Pre-Electoral Polls (sic !), ...until the American People threw that Establishment's blatant "Fake News"' tool to the Waste-Basket, by Voting Nationwide for New US President Don Trump's Victory for 2018-2022.

What an Hysteric Slander Mess, from Leftist "Bad Losers", (who don't dare say anything on the Big Political Issues affecting People's Lives and the whole Society) !

This key 2017 Alabama Senatorial Election has revealed an incredible degree of Anti-Democratic Regression and Decay among the worse Establishment's old Medias, sold out to a few Oligarchs and their Cronies (See:                                                                                                                                                            
8  European AGENDA / of European CITIES / London 2005 Bomber=Siddique Khan, 2016 Mayor=Sadiq Khan (Both Paki) - Why ? on: August 07, 2017, 01:33:25 PM

London : from Siddique Khan (Paki origin) 2005 chief Bomber, to Sadiq Khan (Paki origin) 2016 Mayor. - What happened ?...

The RingLeader of the Deadly July 2005 London Bomb Attacks by a Band of Islamist Extremists reportedly was Siddique Khan, of Pakistani origin.

But, 12 Years Later, on July 2017, the new London's Mayor is ...Sadiq Khan, also of Pakistani origin !          

What Happened ?

Is this just a simple, banal Coincidence, only due to Pure Hasard ?
(The Number of such "Coincidences" is obviously Impressive : First Names, Family Names, City, Origin, Period of Time, Stakes, etc)...

And what could be its Real Meaning (Message) ?

- Some might, perhaps, Claim that it would be "Better to have a Paki - Origin person as Mayor, instead of having him as Deadly Bomber" (sic !)...

*** But Many People find Scandalous and Revolting for Great Britain (and/or any other Independent and Sovereign, Democratic Country) to eventualy be Obliged (by Deadly Brutal Violence) to Yield to a macabre Blackmail, and Accept for its Capital to be Submited to the Power of a Governor (Mayor) belonging almost to the Same Foreign Lobby (and even having 90% the Same Name) as a former Islamist Terrorist ringleader !

+ Did we, at least, obtain More Peace, Calm and Safety in London, Nowadays ?

- Not at all !  On the Contrary : At least 3 Deadly Islamist Terrorist Attacks were launched Recently (2016-2017) in London, from British Museum's Russel Square, to Westminster Parliament and even at London Bridge itself... (See :,848.0.html)

=> Will such things go as far as the World Famous "Charlie Hebdo" Weekly Magazine's Frontpage had Warned, as it had been published exactly at the Date of that January 7, 2015 Paris' horrible Massacre of Critical Journalists by 3 ISIS-related Thugs ?

I.e. that (if things continue like this), even France's President will be, in Future, someone pushed by a Shady, abusive Foreign-origin Muslim Lobby on 2022 ?

Such a "Prophecy" figured, indeed, in that Fatal "Charlie Hebdo"'s 7 January 2015 Frontpage, dedicated to French Writer Houellebecq's New Book !

It Was Titled :  - "SUBMISSION"...
9  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Defence - Security - Civic protection / Londonistan: All is well at Sadiq's and Cressida's area... on: June 04, 2017, 09:33:22 PM

Notorious "Socialist" (Labour Party) new London's Mayor, Sadiq Khan, and his, no less notorious, pick as new Head of Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick, apparently did what they could in order to guarantee, for the poor British People trapped there, a splendid way of "Life" (hum...), all the way long accross London's pittoresque Bridges of Westminster (near the House of Commons and the Cathedral), up to the Historic London Bridge, not to forget the British Museum and Russel Square (bis), etc...

Original, "home-made" (or, rather : imported), Brutal Islamist "Events" seem, nowadays, scheduled almost everywhere in their Londonistan, free of charge :

- You only pay with your Life !
10  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / Mosque Land given by Church Attacked by Deadly Islamic Terrorists killing Priest on: July 27, 2016, 12:59:28 AM
Mosque Land given by Church Attacked by Deadly Islamic Terrorists, cowardly Killing Priest +Wounding People

The Land on which was built a Mosque in recent years had been reportedly given by the Christian Church which was brutaly attacked now by 2 Islamic Terrorists who cowardly Murdered its Old Priest by cutting his throat, and wounded several People (one very seriously) while attending Mass at a Normandy village, #SaintEtienneDuRouvray .

According to his Parents, one of the Murderers had been "radicalized" swiftly, while attending his local Mosque, and was cought trying to travel to Turkey to join ISIS' armed gangs.

11  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Politics / Sad for London to become "Sadique" (Sadist, in French) with Liaisons Dangereuses on: May 03, 2016, 02:35:49 PM
Sad for London to become "Sadique" (Sadist, in French), with Liaisons Dangereuses to Extremist Islamists, AntiSemites, etc...

Many "Socialists"' recent Trend to Beg for Muslim Migrants' Minorities to give their Votes, after they Lost control over Workers, led them so far that they push, more and more Lobbyists of Muslim Groups who pursue an Agenda of rampant Islamisation, (often Funded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and/or Turkey, etc), to Top Jobs at various Public Authorities, without any consideration for the feelings and/or the Fate of People who risk to be submitted to their "Bumpy" Administration.

F.ex. the Declining German PSD gave both Posts of the Party's "Secretary General", and of the Country's "Minister for Integration" (sic !) to Turkish Migrants, (without any consideration for the Fragile People that they oblige to seek Social and Cultural Inrtegration under the Power given to a Lobbyist from Turkey whose President notoriously vociferates against that, accusing it to "Assimilate" Migrants : An aim that he believes to be a "Crime", obviously preferring Cultural "Ghettos")... German Voters replied, in recent Elections, by Throwing that kind of PSD to the Lowest ever Level in its History.

Similar Facts, mutatis-mutandis, are seen, in various concrete forms, on a National and/or Local level, recently also in several Other Countries, (f.ex. France, the UK, etc), provoking Abstentionism and/or a Boost for Rightist so-called "Populist" Parties.

But the case of the Brittish "Labour" Party's choice for its Candidate to the Top Job of next London's Mayor, breaks all Records, both on a Highly Symbolic, and also Practical field, to the detriment not only of the UK Capital City's inhabitants, but even to other European Citizens, with a heavy Mediatic and Psychological Impact Worldwide :

 - A Pakistani-origin Muslim Lobbyist, who likes to be called ... "Sadiq", (by his unfortunate First Name), whose Parents had the Chance to immediately find a Permanent Job at the Brittish Public Administration, and even an afordable Housing at a big Social Flat with "3 Bedrooms", (inevitably reminding that "Beatles" version of their "Get Back" Song which asked a Local "Labour Candidate", after seeing "many Pakistanis at Council Flats" since 1969: -"What is the Plan, and tell us, Where it's at ?" Comp. another version :, inside an Expensive London, (full of Cultural and Educational Advantages, Political and other Contacts, etc), and who has been repeatedly Denounced recently for Many Personal contacts, Links, Social and Business or Political Relations with an awful lot of more or less Dangerous Islamist Extremists, since Many Years, even openly declared Terrorists.

Such Revelations, which have provoked a Growing Controversy in the Brittish Media recently, were followed, these last Days, also by a Parallel Series of Explosive Findings and/or New Facts Denouncing several Middle oreven Top Level "Labour" Politicians for "Anti-Semitic" Views and Propaganda at the Media and other Public Fora, (including, f.ex., Calls for all Israelis to be Massively Deported to the USA, or Anouncements that the NAZI regime would have Initialy plotted Together with Zionists a concrete Project towards the Creation of an Israeli State by Transferring Jews from Europe and Establishing them at Palestine, etc), which has already obliged the Labour Party, facing an Unprecedented Scandal, to "Suspend" 1 Councelor, 1 MP of Pakistani origin, and even former London's Mayor Ken Livingston !

Concerning the case of Labour's Candidate to this Thursday's Election for the new Mayor of London, Mr. Sadiq Khan, ("Sadique" meaning "Sadistic", in Languages as the French, etc), among Many and Various concrete Accusations already Published in the UK by various Media, both a few Months ago, and, particularly, during the latest Weeks and Days, (most Easy to find at the Internet by a simple Search), considering f.ex. the Long List of alleged concrete "Facts" Denounced by a "Conservative" Publication, it gives the Shivers to any Honest Reader just to think that, at least some among those (Repeated, almost Systematic, all through Many Years) Extremist Islamist Liaisons and/or Frequentations, even Involvements, together with seriously suspected or openly declared Terrorists, might be True...  (See, f.ex., Facts cited at : ).

At this Crucial point, when Time is Short, at least One Thing appears to be Sure : - After the Latest Public Debate by all the Candidates to the Top Job of London's Mayor, including, naturaly, on all these Public Accusations, Mr Sadiq Khan's replies, reportedly were almost an astonishing Aknowledgement and Admission of those damned Facts as being basicaly True: Apparently, he only Interpreted some Doubtful Meetings and Frequentations otherwise, (without Denying them), opr Tried to Find some Pretexts, Justifications, etc., and/or simply asked to be "Excused" for having underestimated, overlooked, or neglected to check, beforehand, such Dangerous Liaisons, (See, f.ex. : ).

=> Therefore, given also the Polls published shortly before all these Scandals arrive at the forefront of the Media, both Londoners themselves, and many Millions of other European Citizens, as well as a lot of People Worldwide, really Risk to find soon themselves Facing the Worrying, "Sad", and really "Sadistic" Spectacle of an Important, Historic and Prestigious EU Capital City like London, (where the Memory of the Double 2005 Deadly Bombings at the Public Subway Metro, killing defenseless Civilians still remains at People's Memories), to be Governed (including its Municipal Police, Public Transports, Social and Cultural services, etc) by someone Seriousy Suscpected to be an Agent of a Muslim Minority Lobby from abroad with an Agenda of rampant Islamisation, and a Frequent Contact, Pal or Collaborator (f.ex. Serving them as Lawyer, etc) of Extremist Islamists or even openly declared Terrorists...

At any case, as Romans notoriously used to say, since the Ancient Times, -"It's not enough, for Cesar's Wife to BE Honest. Cesar's Wife must also LOOK Honest !"

>>> Let's Hope that our Brittish Friends who live and Vote in London, won't like at all, (and certainly canNot afford, particularly in front of the present Serious Challenges), neither to be, not even to Look as ...naive Masochistes.

=> NO to ..."Sadiq (Sadist) London" ?  (To paraphrase Mr. Khan's pompous Website).  Simply because that Important EU Capital City deserves and can find much Better than that.

A fortiori, when People have a Wide symbolic Choice, between "Sadi(sm)", and much more nice Names, evoking ... "Gold", "White", "Pigeon", and even "Berry", (to paraphrase the Names also of the 4 Other main Candidates : Goldsmith, Wittle, Pidgeon and Berry, respectively of the Conservative, UKIP, Lib-Dem. and Green Parties), among various other Alternatives.


12  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Politics / UK Election: Back to Bliar, or Ahead to the Future ? on: May 07, 2015, 08:07:07 PM
UK Election: Back to Bliar, or Ahead to the Future ?

A European view on May 2015 British General Election

Time being obviously of essence now, let's focus, from the outset, to some key, main points inb this crucial UK Vote and its immediate aftermath :

- Among the most Important Issues at stake for the May 2015 UK General Elections are : Economy and Europe, Mass Immigration and Terrorist Attacks (mainly against Christians+) by Islamist Extremists, Natural Family and Births facing more and more Claims by a Technocratic Lobby hidden behind some so-called "LBGTI" grouplets, Education and Innovation, what will be the Government's and Westminster's stance on the delayed but forthcoming Chilccot's Report on one among the biggest Tony Bliar's scandals,  a clean, transparent and efficient Democratic Life able to win back People's Trust at the 800th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights, (etc).

In this regard :

- On Economy, Prime Minister David Cameron managed to Start succesfully tackling the Global Crisis that Blair/Brown's Labour Party had left behind, together with a Huge Debt, and he currently seems as the best Great Britain Leader available in order to push forward the move until Growth and Jobs revive decisively, in a sustainable way, both in the UK and in the rest of Europe, as well as in the Post-Obama USA.

On the Contrary, Ed Miliband  has to bear the burden of the too Heavy Past of Bliar's bad legacy, who got a still functioning British Economy at the Ninetees, only to bring it at the borderlines of the 2008-2010's Abyss fall.

- In general, Wider terms, almost Nobody wants Today to oblige Today's Great Britain to fall Back to Tony Bliar's (nickname notoriously attributed to him by Families of Killed Soldiers at Iraq, etc) Dark legacy : One of the Worst in History, as it's clearly indicated, among others, also even by World-Famous British Group's Song : - "Take a Bow", International Cinema Director Roman Polansky's interesting, Award-Winning Film "The Ghost Writer", (etc), not to mention MP George Galawway's "the (5) Killings of Tony Blair" Documentary, (etc).

No more Deadly Wars leading to more Chaos and Dangerous spread of Extremist Islamist Terrorists (opening ways to Deadly Gangs such as ISIS, etc); No more Mass Immigration and spreading Islamisation (even with Bliar's  Sister in Law ostensibly Concerted to a Fundamentalist Islam, plus a Failed "Multi-Culti" with Cultural "Ghettos" and Mosques  pushing everywhere) ; No more a Shaky, unsustainable  Economy ready to Implose (as back on 2008);  No more Cloning and/or  other Genetic Manipulation Horrors as "Dolly the Sheep" who died atrociously (etc) ; no more so Excessive Restrictions of People's Individual Freedoms ;  no more gross Manipulations of Public Opinion ; no more "Dr. Kelly" Bloody Deaths, (i.e. the British Expert who tried to Warn about Mr. Bliar's False Claims about WMD allegedly hidden at Iraq according to Bliar, but found Bleeding to Death, without yet clearly knowing if somebody pushed him to Suicide or if it was a Murder), etc.

At the moment when many People are Waiting, at last, for the forthcming Post-Election Publication of the too much Delayed "Chilcot's Report", (without illussions, however, that it might, eventually, reveal all the Truth...), obviously, it's not Bliar's old pal Miliband, who might have any Credible reaction able to satisfy Victims' and Citizens' expectations. But it's rather the Conservative Party, (where several Critical Voices still rest alive), certain Lib-Dems (to whom Dr Kely had vainly believed, before his Brutal Death), particularly Together with the fast growing "UKIP" Party of Nigel Farage, etc. who have much Better Chances to attract People's Trust in this regard.

- On Europe, instead of the Sterile, Time and Energy Wasting, Quarrels between Bliar and French President  Chirac, as well as German Chancelor Merkel, etc. back on 2005, resulting on October 2008's first €uroZone's Heads of State/Government Summit in Paris with Sarkozy, discussing, Shaping and deciding a first coordinated European Governments' reaction to the Global Economic Crisis, starting by a Massive Investment Plan, etc, where UK Labour's PM. Brown was obliged to leave, from the Back Door, before Collective Decisions were taken, (etc),

   on the Contrary, new British Prime Minister Cameron succeeded, from 2010 - 2012 onwards, to both keep a Firm stance, and to reach, in fact, a Deal with French President Sarkozy and German Chancelor Merkel, First on Stopping the continuous  Trend towards Excessive Augmentations of EU Bureaucracy's Budgets, Starting to raise Questions on the need to better tackle Migration issues in the EU, as well as on (implicitly but really) Heading towards Defining EU's Focus only on certain Policies, mainly around the Common Market (the Biggest Integrated collective Market in the World), and Digital Technologies, etc., in the Future, while €uroZone Countries, mainly around France and Germany, would be Frzee, if they wished so, to Solve their Problems as they Believed Better for them, including, f.ex. by Advancing towards a Closer Integration of their Financial and Economic policies, (via the "€uroArea" Treaty, Banking Union, etc) : Something which would, naturally, be alsp Beneficial to the UK, particularly by ensuring more Prosperous Trade Patrners inside a Wider EU Common Market, where a Majority of Brittish Exports are sold, (etc). And this, "De Facto" deal, has been, basically, respected until now, even by new French Socialist President Hollande.

   Now, the Popular Referendum that Cameron is proposing  on UK's Future Relation vis a vis the EU, might become a key-part of the Basis for an eventual Post-Election Government Agreement including the Fast Growing "UKIP", etc.. Nigel Farage's frustration and impatience for such a Referendum on "December 2015" at the latest, might be understandable, but, nevertheless, Cameron's wish for 2017 looks also Logical : Indeed, it's on 2017 that are expected important Elections both in France and Germany, which are due to help Shape EU's foreseable Future, (and, if Sarkozy's recently observed, energetic 2015 re-Launch, which seems Ready to Grow in Popularity, is confirmed before the Spring of 2017, then, provided also that a pro-Merkel trend keeps its main thrust in Germany, everything could go, in substance, and even much Better, (f.ex. including on Migration policies, etc), according to the 2010-2012, implicit but real, Strategic Deals on EU's foreseable Future, already brokered between Cameron, Sarkozy and Merkel, who know well eachother.

    Meanwhile, another Important Geo-Political Rendez-Vous, naturaly at the forthcomiing, 2016 USA Presidential Elections, where Obama's sharply Falling popularity, among several Unsolved and/or Growing Problems, (of which, the Dangerous Spread of particularly Brutal Islamist Terrorism, as that of ISIS, obviously has become now an Important Issue), seems to guarantee a Republican Party's most probable Win : In that case, it's obviously much more the Conservative Party of Cameron, than Miliband's Labour, which might Fit Better for the Advancement of a good Anglo-American Partnership in the foreseable Future.


- As for the Extremist Islamist Terrorist Threats against Christian, Jewish and even other Muslim People, mainly around but also inside Europe, and even at the USA, there is no doubt today :

After the notorious Mass Killings in Iraq and Syria, mainly by ISIS' related armed gangs, a growing and systematic persecution of Christians at an "Arc" surounding EU and EurAsia was recentlty documented and denounced also by EU Parliament last week, from Kenya and Nigeria up to Libya, at the Mediterranean shores of Europe, while sporadic but multiplying Deadly Attacks spread even inside the EU, from Paris and Marseilles up to Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Copenhagen, etc, and now even at Texas (USA).

The issue of a much needed Protection of persecuted Christians (f.ex. in the Middle East, etc) is among the British Conservative Party's Manifesto aims, while  Europea, Conservatives and Reformists' Group at EU Parliament, led by British MEPs, played a crucial role in the adoption of a 1st strong Resolution against all kinds of Deadly Persecution of Christians, and People naturally feel that UK Conservative party's leader Cameron is better suited for protecting them from such dangers also througout Europe, including at Home.

This could naturaly be, in addition, one of the main points of an eventual Post-Election, Conservatives-led Government Agreement particularly with Nigel Farage's UKIP and other parties.

   Let's Hope, at least, that we won't see in Today's Britain a Scandalouslky Undemocratic Discrimination of 2010, when UKIP winning more than 3% with almost 1 Million Votes wasn't allocated any MP seat at all ("0" - ZERO), while, on the Contrary Other Parties, which had got only a little bit more than 1 Hundred Thousand Votes (i.e. 9 or 10 Times Less than the UKIP), were given, nevertheless, 3, 5 or even 8 MP Seats, (as f.ex. Plaid Cymru,  Sinn Fein and DUP) !...


   Last, but not least, (considering also the Popular Debates which have more or less Shaken recently the Public opinion in France, USA, the UK, etc, as in Smaller European Countries too, such as Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia, Ireland, etc), it's true that many People feel Today seriously Frustrated by the way in which Natural Families, founded by a Man and a Woman, as well as Natural Births of Children, have been recently, and still are, more and more Pressured, Restrictzed, Underestimated, etc, to the sole benefit of some Shady Technocratic Lobbies Hidden behind -and/or Exploiting- certain "LBGTI" Groups, in order to get a hold over the Reproduction of Human Beings, apparently aiming to Submit more and more Human Births to the Power of a Shady Technocracy, with Dangers against Humankind, which are generaly well known, particularly in the Fatherland of Aldus Huxley, writer of "Brave New World", and  Orwell, etc... Mainly imposed during the Out-Going "Liberal" (i.e. "Socialist", according to the European terminology) US President Obama's, currently finishing, period, this obviously was one among the Major reasons for which many People (even  MPs) were incited to leave their traditional  Conservative Party, attracted mainly by the "UKIP", (which suddenly became very Popular, jumping from 4% up to 15% or even 17% accordibng to most Polls).

   A similar phenomenon had initialy appeared already back on 2009, during the Previous EU Parliament's Elections, when Bliar's unpopular Turkey EU "Candidature" had suddenly propulsed "UKIP" as the No 2 British Party, Higher even than the Governing then Labour party. A Controversial recent, 2013-2014 EU Deal due to facilitate the possibility of an Entry without any need for Visa, to all  75 Millions of Turkish Citizens inside the EU from 2017 onwards, might make UKIP grow even Higher, (unless something is done, Urgently to Prevent that obvious Risk  to expose all the EU to a notoriously Recalcitrant to Integration, and recently even ISIL-related, Mass Migratory moves between EU and Turkey)...

   Any Socio-Poltical Error in these 2 Directions could also make Relations Difficult even with the USA and/or France, as well as probably Other key Countries , in the foreseabla Future, given, particularly, the Fact that, on the Contrary, unexpectedly Strong Popular Fights for the protection of Natural Family and Natural Births of Human beings, as well as against a too Abrupt Islamisation of Western Societies, in addition to the recent Geo-Political and Moral Concerns vis a vis a growing Threats by Brutal Islamic Terrorism as ISIS' etc., are expected to play an Important Role for the selection of the New Political Leaders in the USA, and probably also France, may be Germany, etc, during the Next few Years, (Comp. above). And the British Conservatives would certainly be much more Keen, than Labour,  to establish a Good Cooperation with such Future Leaders in the USA, France, probably Germany too (since Merkel already stressed, on 2015, that she would like to have anew the Liberals or even the Greens, as Allies in the Government, instead of the Socialists, who obliged her to make unpopular Concessions f.ex. on SSM, on Turkish a.o. Immigrants, etc, contrary to her Electoral Program, plebiscitated with 40% of Votes by  the German People on September 2013).

   Certainly, it's also a Fact that the 2010 Conservative Party's pre-Electoral "Manifesto" hadn't said Anything about "Same Sex Marriage", etc., while, even afterwards, a Majority of Conservative MPs voted Against that Controversial Bill at Westminster, while the initial Breaches had been made by "New Labour" former PM Bliar's "Same Sex Partnerships", back since 2003, etc, and Dangerous Loopholes about Human ReProduction by "Surrogate Mothers" and/or "Medically Assisted Procreation" (Comp. above), had already been opened even earlier, by other Governments in the Past (f.ex. 1985, etc), while current US President Obama's, as well as of some Lobbies', Pressure for Same Sex Marriages, "Multi-Culti" Islamisation, etc, were obviously Intensified recently , (a New York Republican Politician had even Warned, that "Obama will go .. Full Mussolini !", after losing the latest Mid-Term Elections at the US Congres and Senate)..

   But the Addition, at the same time, of Popular Aspirations for Peace, and not War-mongering, at Ukraine, and Cooperation with Russia for Development, as well as Growing developments about Rightists of "FN" revendicating the 1st place among French Political Parties, (particularly as long as Sarkozy hadn't yet been re-Activated), and even the emergence of New Movements and/or Parties with elected Representatives at EU Parliament or otherwise present at other Levels, even in Germany, all at the Right side of Politics, (f.ex. "Alternative for Germany", NPD,  "Free Citizens", "PEGIDA", etc), taken All Together with Nigel Farage's actualy concluding Call for British People to "Believe ... that in this year, the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, ... we should seize the opportunity for Real Change in our politics; rebalance Power from large Corporations and big Government institutions and put it back into the Hands of the People of this country", reveal a Crystal-Clear Trend :

   => The most adequate and Democratic Solution for Great Britain Today, would obviously be a New Government, based mainly on a Conservative Party accepting UKIP's offer for Support without Participation, (as it has already been   done in other Countries, f.ex. in the Netherlands, and elsechere in Europe), to which could be added the Liberals, (particularly if they revive their Anti-Bliar color, which had made them much more popular than SSM), and/or others.

   On the Contrary, any kind of eventual Return "Back to Bliar", with Miliband's Labour, etc. would be quite Undemocratic, (pending Confirmation, later ToNight,  after 10 p.m., of British People's votes), and may, very probably, lead to various kinds of Problems, Troubles, if not a Socio-Political "Explosion", (mutatis-mutandis, as it has been already seen also in some other Countres in History).

   Probably in a distinct, typically "Brittish" style, in one way or another. But, nobody should ever Underestimate the People of the "Bill of Rigts", of Captain Drake,  nor of Cromwell or Shakespear.. Unless its Experienced Intelligence invents, anew, another, unexpected way to Prevent Falling Back, and ensure Advancing resolutely Forward !
13  European AGENDA / of European COUNTRIES / Petition to publish Enquiry on Blair +Iraq War before UK Election of May 7, 2015 on: March 04, 2015, 03:12:20 PM
Otherwise, Brittish People will be Hindered to know, before Voting, at least a part of the Truth on what really happened between 2003 - 2005, with serious Consequencies Today, (f.ex. Killings, ISIS, etc), and Democracy will be seriously Degraded...


... << The Iraq War was done in your name, with your money. Join us in demanding answers.

The Chilcot Inquiry was commissioned in 2009, to establish the facts surrounding Britain's invasion of Iraq in 2003. The publicly funded inquiry interviewed more than 100 people, including the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The inquiry was concluded by Sir John Chilcot in 2011, but still Britain's political establishment refuses to release it. On Tuesday, 20th January 2015, the BBC stated that the report is now not due to be released until AFTER the UK General Election.

This isn't good enough. We deserve answers.

We demand the immediate release of the Chilcot Report, so the British public can know the truth about the Iraq War which cost the British people £10bn, 179 British soldiers' lives, and mired a country in division and terror for the foreseeable future.

The Iraq Body Count website estimates that up to 151,000 civilians lost their lives as a result of the conflict. This was done in your name, with your money.

Sign below to demand transparency, .... >>   
14  European POLICIES and ISSUES / Culture - Art- Sport - Tourism - Leisure / Depardieu's new Film "Viktor" on: November 06, 2014, 03:07:10 PM

"Gerard Depardieu's recent Film "Viktor", filmed in Russia (including in Chechnya), published on Autumn 2014, was first screened at Vyborg's "Window to Europe" Film Festival, together with Krzysztof Zanussi, near Finland. It pictures a Father returning from many years of forced absence abroad (jailed in France) who tries to find out what really happened to his killed Son, unmask and punish all those responsible for his enforced disappearance. Directed by Philippe Martinez, with superb landscape Photos from Jean-Francois Hensgens, co-staring Elizabeth Hurley and Eli Danker, Depardieu plays a Clint Eastwood-like character of an Avenger facing a Wall of Silence and various Criminals, a long time after his real Son indeed died previously in France, in unclear, dramatic circumstances, giving a brief Hint that he might return back there too. It's International Distribution has recently started via Saradan company.

15  European CITIZENS and FORUM / European CITIZENSHIP / Scotland: Popular Success of Referendum matters most for the Future ! on: September 19, 2014, 10:04:21 PM
In fact, the most Interesting point in that Scottish Independence Referendum story, is much more the Issues which matter for all EU Citizens :

- I.e., f.ex. Political Decision-making using Popular Referenda (and/or various other ways for Citizens' active participation), prior Public Debates before the adoption of Crucial Importance's Political Decisions, issues like local Tax freeze, free prescriptions, Education tuitions scraped, No Nuclear Arms' proliferation and/or abuse, real Nature protection, collective cultural/Historic Identity, etc., which were standing High during that Scottish Referendum Campaign, succeeding to Stimulate the Biggest Popular Participation ever seen at any Vote whatever throughout all UK's History !

=> In that sense, what happened can become useful also for the foreseable EU Future...

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