
European view on the WORLD => on Geopolitical REGIONS => Topic started by: GVK369 on January 04, 2011, 11:23:40 PM

Title: Egypt, Nigeria, after Iraq, etc. : Terrorism targets EU's Gas potential links..
Post by: GVK369 on January 04, 2011, 11:23:40 PM

In Egypt and Nigeria are focused the biggest expectations for Liquefied Natural Gas additional capacities' growth in the World, followed by Quatar, Trinidad and Tobago, and Norway. "New" findings may be added soon also at the rest of Eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon, etc).

UE is directly linked, by Ship transports to Egypt and the rest of Eastern Mediterranean, while a Trans-Saharian Gas Pipeline project, with Nigeria, Algeria, France, Netherlands and others, may add another direct link, as well as the Black Sea-Danube/Rhine rivers network. But NLG needs investments in modern infrastructures, which require stability.

Otherwise, only indirect routes remain, through other, 3rd Countries, such as Russia (already existing, and extendable), and/or Turkey (in case of the controversial, too long, too expensive, and too risky Nabucco old project, currently in deadlock), therefore,  without EU's independence...

It's not a surprise, then, that,  after Tchetchnya a.o. in the Russian North Caucasus area, a series of brutal Aggressions by unknown yet perpetrators started recently to target, precisely, Egypt and Nigeria, after Oil/Gas rich Iraqi City of Mossul, close to Turkish and Syrian borders, with Deadly Attacks, mainly against Christian Minorities which have more links to Europe. The same could be said for the synchronous pseudo-"Islamists" terrorist groups which started to threaten, at the same time, Subsaharian Sahel : i.e. practicaly threatening the Nigeria - Algeria pipeline to the Mediterranean Sea, (as well as the infamous recent phenomenon of "Pirates" around Suez channel, etc) : They are all attempting to undermine Europe's direct Energy transport links.

=> In consequence, EU will either defend itself, with adequate measures, ...or fall to an obviously sly trap !

Title: Nigero-Algerian Gas Pipeline area: 2 French taken hostages+killed by"Al Quaida"?
Post by: 3Pierre on January 09, 2011, 10:55:26 PM
"Bien" vu ?

P.ex. l'enlevement et la tuérie recente de 2 otages français à la région du Sahel, soi-disant par quelques groupuscules d'extension d'Al Quaida, a eu lieu ... précisement entre la Nigérie et l' Algérie, cad. par là où vôtre projet de pipeline Européen, rempli de Gaz, devrait passer, pour arriver à la Mer Mediterranée !

(V. carte ci-jointe) :

L'un des deux jeunes français tués, qui travaillait dans une organisation humanitaire, allait être marié à une jeune fille nigériene.. Ceux qui sont en réalité derrière cet etrange "terrorisme", recemment importé d'ailleurs, par grande "coincidence", frappent exactement là où aurait frappé quiconque a interêt à saboter ce plan de  gazoduc géant...                                                                                                         
