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State of play, projects, pragmatism in Kazakhstan Republic

Ecrit par ACM
Sunday, 18 October 2020



State of play, projects, pragmatism in the Republic of Kazakhstan

News-ViewPoint by Patrick Bracker

(NDLR: News-View Points, including of our Columnist Patrick Bracker, Express the Opinion of the Writer, and Not necessarily that of "Eurofora".

+ A Translation in French is provided herewith, in Addition to the Original in English)



(A Strategic Location, between China and Russia, on the Road towards the EU, and at the Heart of Northern EurAsia *- Wikipedia + Eurofora)


During the annual State of the Nation address* of the President of Kazakhstan, President Kassim-Jomart Tokayev projected an ambitious, comprehensive and innovative global program*.  


The projections planned for the short, medium or long term cover the multiplicity of human activities in Kazakh society, whether in the administration or in civil society - public life, civil life -.  

The projects concern an improvement of the model of state administration, the inclusion of economic development in the realities of the 21st century -news-, propose the search for balanced territorial development and is based on an absolute priority: the well-being of citizens.  


The President shows a strong willingness to develop the quality of education, including the aspects of availability and accessibility, and pays increased attention to health care through the envisaged medical programs.

While the ecology supported by the protection of biodiversity remains a central concern for the President and the government, there is also interest in justice at the service of citizens, as well as access to digitisation or civil participation in public life.

These projects of innovation, structural reforms and modernization, taking into account the anthropological realities of the country, aim to perpetuate the Kazakh model with its strong historical identity.

The President's perspective remains lucid in pointing out successes as well as more complex or problematic situations on various scales. There is a demand for interactivity and the participation of different strata of society and individuals.

The projects aim to improve the quality of the whole nation by modernizing society, with the objective of bringing progress and a better life in people's daily lives, prosperity, peace and health. Among the presidential wishes, we note the impetus relative to the dynamism of the Nation and individuals, supported by the will to increase the life expectancy of the inhabitants.

Some elements of the philosophy advocated by the Teacher of the Nation Ahmet Baitursynov are recalled by President KJT to motivate the citizens in front of the proposed projects: learning, wealth and business as well as power relations, -unity and cohesion-, -constant effort-.  

If this approach is indeed preponderant, I think it is useful to consider that the adhesion of citizens according to their free will to the projects represents a force and a vector of success.

On the other hand, it is also useful to remember that in life, all do not start out on an equal footing. Every human being is endowed with different origins, qualities, health, character or psychology.

There is the adjustment of possibilities to realities; everyone can find his or her place in society.  

Not everyone runs the 100m as fast as Hussein Bolt, and Prince Charles was undoubtedly better off than most! It is therefore advisable to adjust the societal rhythms to the individual capacities of the citizens in relation to the general framework proposed, and these both according to the differences inherent in the activities and at the intergenerational level. If the top of the class provides a form of progression, it is fair to take into account the abilities of each individual and those who are less advanced.    

All of the proposals made by the President in his speech seem to me to go in this direction, progressive modernity, respect for custom, humanism rather than barbarism. By advancing step by step with the explanations and acceptances, -mediations-, all would be winners for individual, inter-group and collective development.  

The search for a balance between the components of society, local, national and beyond, prolonged by coherence between human groups and individuals, should favour the harmonious implementation of many of the programs presented.

One central question seems to me to be raised: wondering what will it become of people after each decision? It would be good to remain cautious in the face of adjustment variables, especially those coming from elsewhere and sometimes from the "civilized world", which do not necessarily take into account the human being or respect for life or the living environment. It may turn out that economic realities taken in their overall context may show little consideration for the human person. It is right to provide for and ensure the security of people in their nation and region, with regard to everyone's right to exist.

Some basic precautions should be considered by the Kazakh and Presidential collective in relation to definitions such as "the civilised world" which is not always exemplary. It seems important to me to trust first and foremost the Kazakh people and their capacity for self-development of their collective intelligence several thousand years old while remaining within the context of the planet and relations with neighbors or more distant peoples.

In the turmoil of the world, Kazakhstan is a stable and peaceful state with a rich and long history, settled in its own internal evolution between tradition and progress.

The geostrategic and geopolitical context gives a particular role to this Central Asian state. Indeed, the Eurasian perspective cited by President Tokayev may prove to be a key element of the future. The current elements of bilateral and multilateral relations will certainly allow excellent coordination in the friendly and serene cohabitation with the neighbours, based on the strong identity of the Kazakhs and the Institutions in which this country participates.

The Kazak people are endowed with a long line of multidimensional life experience and possess in their souls the springs of their evolution. Relationships of trust and respect will help the harmonious development of the country in a peaceful and dynamic regional geography.

The wise man, the wise President, the Kazak collective will undoubtedly take into account these issues related to fairness before the rights and duties in the field of interactive and secure domestic policy, extending the Kazakh values in the field of common sense foreign policy and constant search for balance.


Good luck!

Patrick Bracker

*Speeches President KJT as of      September 2020



Etat des lieux, projets, pragmatisme en République du Kazakhstan  


News-ViewPoint par Patrick Bracker

Lors du discours annuel sur l’état de la Nation, de la Présidence du Kazakhstan, le Président Kassim-Jomart Tokayev a projeté un programme  global ambitieux, complet et innovant  


Les projections planifiées à court moyen ou long terme recouvrent la multiplicité des activités humaines dans la société kazakhe, relevant de l’administration ou de la société civile, -vie publique, vie civile-.  

Les projets concernent une amélioration du modèle d’administration d’état, l’inscription du développement économique dans les réalités du XXIème siècle –nouvelles-, proposent la recherche de développement territorial équilibré et s’appuie sur une priorité absolue : le bien être des citoyens.  

Le Président montre une volonté forte pour développer la qualité de l’éducation, notamment les aspects de disponibilité et d’accessibilité et porte une attention accrue s’agissant des soins de santé grâce au programmes médicaux envisagés.    

Si l’écologie soutenue par la protection de la biodiversité reste une préoccupation centrale pour le Président et le gouvernement, l’intérêt se porte également sur la justice  au service des citoyens, ainsi que l’accès à la numérisation ou la participation civile à la vie publique

L’on conçoit que ces projets d’innovation, de réformes structurelles et de modernisation, en tenant compte des réalités anthropologiques du pays visent à pérenniser le modèle kazakhe doté de sa forte identité historique.

Le cheminement de la perspective du Président reste lucide en faisant état des réussites comme des situations plus complexes ou problématiques sur diverses échelles. L’on ressent la demande d’interactivité  et la participation des différentes strates de la société et des personnes.

Les projets tendent à améliorer la qualité de toute la nation en modernisant la société, l’objectif étant d’apporter le progrès et une meilleure  vie dans le quotidien des personnes, la prospérité, la paix, la santé. Parmi les souhaits présidentiels, l’on remarque l’impulsion relative au dynamisme de la Nation et des individus, soutenue par la volonté d’accroitre la durée de vie des habitants.

Quelques éléments de la philosophie préconisée par l’Enseignant de la Nation Ahmet Baitursynov sont rappelés par le Président KJT pour motiver les citoyens face aux projets proposés : l’apprentissage, la richesse et des affaires ainsi que des rapports de pouvoir, -unité et cohésion-, et, l’-effort constant-.  

Si cette approche est effectivement prépondérante, je pense qu’il est utile de considérer que l’adhésion des citoyens selon leur libre arbitre aux projets, représente une force et un vecteur de réussite.

 D’autre part, il est utile de rappeler également que dans la vie, tous ne partent pas d’un pied d’égalité. Chaque être humain est doté de différentes origines, qualités, santé, caractère ou psychologie.

Il y a l’ajustement des possibilités aux réalités, chacun peut trouver sa place au sein de la société.  

Tout un chacun ne coure pas le 100m aussi vite que Hussein Bolt, et le Prince Charles était sans nul doute mieux loti que la plupart ! Aussi est-il bon d’ajuster les rythmiques sociétales aux capacités individuelles des citoyens en regard du cadre général proposé, et cela aussi bien selon les différences inhérentes aux activités qu’au niveau intergénérationnel. Si les premiers de classe apportent une forme de progression, il est juste de tenir compte des aptitudes de chacun et de ceux moins avancés.    

L’ensemble des propositions faites par le Président lors de son discours me semble aller dans ce sens, la modernité progressive, le respect de la coutume, l’humanisme plutôt que la barbarie. En avançant pas à pas avec les explications et les acceptations, -médiations-, tous joueraient gagnants pour le développement individuel, inter-groupal et collectif.  

La recherche d’un équilibre entre les composantes de la société, locales, nationales et au-delà prolongé par la cohérence entre les groupes humains et les personnes devrait favoriser la mise en œuvre harmonieuse de nombre de programmes présentés.

Une question centrale me semble posée : se demander ce que vont devenir les personnes après chaque décision … Il serait bon de rester prudent face aux variables d’ajustement, notamment celles qui viennent d’ailleurs et quelque fois du « monde civilisé » qui ne tiennent pas nécessairement compte de l’être humain ou du respect de la vie  ou du cadre de vie. Il peut s’avérer que les réalités économiques prises dans leur contexte global peuvent montrer peu de considération de la personne humaine Il est juste de prévoir  et d’assurer la sécurité des personnes dans leur nation et région, en regard du droit d’existence de tout un chacun.

Quelque précautions basiques seraient à considérer par le collectif Kazakhe  et Présidentiel par rapport aux définitions comme par exemple «  le monde civilisé » qui n’est pas toujours exemplaire, il me semble important de faire confiance en premier lieu au peuple kazakhe et sa capacité d’auto-développement de son intelligence collective plusieurs fois millénaire tout en restant inscrit dans le contexte de la planète et des relations avec les voisins ou les peuples plus lointains.

Dans les désordres du monde, le Kazakhstan est un état stable et paisible doté d’une riche histoire de très longue date, installé dans ses propres évolutions internes portées entre tradition et progrès.

Le contexte géostratégique et géopolitique confère un rôle particulier à cet état d’Asie Centrale. En effet, la perspective eurasiatique citée par le Président Tokayev peut se révéler un élément clé du futur. Les éléments actuels des relations bilatérales ou multilatérales permettront certainement d’excellentes coordinations dans la cohabitation amicale et sereine avec les voisins, en s’appuyant sur l’identité forte des Kazakhes et sur les Institutions auxquelles participe ce pays.

Le peuple Kazakhe est doté d’une longue ligne d’expérience de vie multidimensionnelle et possède dans son âme les ressorts de son évolution. Les rapports de confiance et de respect aideront au développement harmonieux du pays dans une géographie régionale apaisée et dynamique

L’homme sage, le Président avisé, le collectif Kazakhe tiendront sans nul doute compte de ces questions liées à l’équité devant les droits et devoirs en matière de politique intérieure interactive et sécurisée, en prolongeant les valeurs kazakhes dans le domaine de politique extérieure de bon sens et de recherche constante d’équilibre.


Bonne chance !

Patrick Bracker


*discours Président KJT en date du    septembre 2020






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Benedict's "Source" to revitalize Europe : - "The World needs Hope", Pope says, calling to relaunch E.U. via Human Rights !

Paris - Lourdes - Strasbourg : 12 - 17 September 2008.

The vital need to re-launch Europe can be succesfully met by defending fundamental Human Rights of the People, said Pope Benedict XVI in his 1st speech in France, at his meeting with President Nicolas Sarkozy, who currently chairs the EU.

Sarkozy replied by welcoming Christian and other religions' contribution to indispensable Public Debates on crucial issues which affect Human Dignity, Europe, even Humankind, as BioGenetics.

- "When Europeans will see and personally experience that the inalienable Rights of the Human Person .., those of their free Education, their Family life, their Work, ..their Religious Rights, ..are respected and promoted, then, these Europeans will fully understand the greatness of the European construction and will be actively involved in it", Benedict XVI stressed.

pope_benedict_salutes_with_sarkozy_elysee_400 pope_benedict_speaks_at_elysee_palace__sarkoy_hears_400

- "It's important that during France's EU Presidency, there is, indeed, a desire for the Church to contribute to protect Human Person's integrity, and I think that there is also a growing Conscience, beyond any polemics, to defend Human Rights, and, thus, contribute to ensure respect for Human Dignity", added to "EuroFora" the Pope's Spokesman, Vatican's Press Director Federico Lombardi.

- "Nobody really told us here that Lisbon Treaty was good for this or that reason to the People. They only told us that we "had" to ratify it, and tried to scare us, but failed", said 2 Irish pilgrims to "EuroFora", after 2 Majority Abstentions in 1999 and 2004 EU Elections and 3 "NO" to Referenda in France and the Netherlands in 2005, followed by the Irish "No" in 2008, during a Decade of EU Crisis since the controversial Turkey EU- bid (1999-2008).

More than .."224 cases of Murders, Torture, "Disappearancies" or Destructions" by "agents of Turkish Security forces", where all those responsible for so heavy Crimes still remain scandalously unpunished, despite regular condemnations of Ankara by Strasbourg''s European Court of Human Rights from 1996 to 2008, were examined the same week by CoE's Ministers, who decided to launch a fresh call "urging" the Turkish Authorities to end this dangerous "virtual Impunity" of criminals, without comparison to European countries.

- "Why not Ukraine, instead of Turkey ?", asked EuroFora a Journalist from "Kiev : the city where it's enough to cross the streets in order to realize that it's a European town", as Sarkozy recently said, before solemnly declaring this week, together with Ukranian President Jushenko and EU Commission's chair Baroso, EU's "recognition that Ukraine is a fully European Country, linked to Europe by culture and History".


Europe's "Christian roots" and Values, with "openess and mutual respect" to other cultures and beliefs, were highlighted by Sarkozy in harmony with Benedict XVI.

The Human person should be protected "from his inception until his natural death", added the Pope, faithful to BioEthic principles defended by his predecessor and collaborator, John Paul II, of topical importance in France, Europe and the World today, as Sarkozy announced :

- "Fast and important progres in Genetic Science and procreation raise delicate BioEthical Questions to our Democracies", which "involve our view of Humans and Life, and can lead to Social Mutations. That's why they cannot remain only a business of experts", hestressed.

- "It's Politician's responsibility to set a proper framework for such Public Debates", as "France will do on BioEthics in 2009". "Religious and Philosophic traditions must take part, with their ideas and centuries' long experience : A positive Laicity is an open invitation to Dialogue", he said.

- "France engaged in Europe at another Debate on how to make Financial Capitalism more moral", and the "Social doctrine of the Church fits well what is at stake in modern Globalized Economy"

- "But, a "Real Dialogue is not for an elite of a Globalized world : It penetrates deep into the People : That's why Churches should actively participate : .. It's bringing New Oxygen to Public Debates", stressed Sarkozy.

- "Democracy must not be cut off Reason", which is "compatible with Faith", thanks to "the meeting between Christianism and Greek philosophy ", he added, referring to Pope's views. "It means to advance with logic arguments, search what's best and respect common principles of thinking :... It's an everyday need for Public Administration and the Political Debate", he added.
Pope Benedict's 1st visit to France looked like the start of a brillant, manifold demonstration that this was well-founded and could become true in the lives of the People : After its Theoretical foundations unfolded at a "speech to the world of Culture", inaugurating Bernadins' cultural centre, and its dogmatic instrument shaped at an address to the Clergy in the Historic Notre Dame' Cathedral, he started to resolutely reach out to the People :


The move went upwards like Bach's music : Begining with a call to more than fifteen thousand enthousiastic Youngsters gathered at Notre Dame's parvis with overnight celebrations, it gained strength in an impressive open-air Mass at Paris'central Invalides'area facing Alexander III's bridge, attended by more than 150.000 people, French Prime Minister Fillon, many Ministers, Foreign Ambassadors, etc, and culminated in a series of pan-European Mega-meetings at Lourdes 150th anniversary, together with all French Bishops, EU Commission's vice-Chairman Barrot, and some 200.000 enthousiastic People from all over Europe and beyond : After a Sea of Lights astonishingly braved Saturday Night's rain, an open-air mass at riverside fields among Pyrenees' Mountains Sunday Morning, was followed on Monday by a Sea of "Compassion" to those facing Health or Life threats, surrounded by an endless gathering of People, whose gigantic dimensions obviously surprised the organisers..

Meanwhile, Benedict had the occasion to speak to the French Priests at Notre Dame of Paris, and with the Bishops at Lourdes, where they prepare a crucial November plenary meeting, due to take important decisions on imminent EU debates and choices about Europe's identity, BioEthics, etc.
- "A new way of thinking about Laicity has become necessary", agreed the Pope with President Sarkozy at Elysee. While keeping the "distinction between Politics and Religion, to guarantee Citizens' Liberty", "religion is important for shaping Consciousness and contributing, together with others, to create a basic Ethical Consensus in society".

- "Searching Essential realities", (as "God" for christians), needs "Speech : "Logos" in greek, i.e. Reason", "able to shape a Community","with creative work transforming Human History". But "Dialogue" is instrumental for "Reason", because it's the way to "search" for Truth", in "Liberty", according to Greek Platonic Philosophy, with Socrates' dialectics. "Reason" implies "Spirit and Liberty", hence the polyphonic "Music" of "Dialogue", in a responsible, "well balanced" way, to avoid "destruction".

Starting with a "Dialogue between christians and intellectual or artistic movements" highlighted at Bernardins' Cultural Center. with former Presidents Chirac and Giscard d'Estain, UNESCO's chair Anastassopoulos, etc., as well as representatives of Muslim Communities, (including a separate Turkish), after contacts with Jews at Vatican's Embassy, the Pope turned towards the People :

To French Priests : "Church built on the rock" !


- Speaking to thousands of French Priests at Notre Dame's Cathedral, Benedict highlighted a solid "Church built on the Rock" of conscious and active persons, transmitting "a lively, energetic and sharp" "God's Speech, actively working on Human History".


"Praying together" with "representatives of Christian Churches and ecclesiastic communities", (as Orthodoxes, Armenians, Protestants, etc), he called "to reinforce the Unity of the church", against "any form of Division", around Holy Spirit', "the Word","Christ's Justice", and "Love" to fellow- humans : Essentials which "resume all holy scripts", as he said.

To Young People : "New Horizons"
To some 15.000 enthousiastic Young People at Notre Dame's parvis, along Seine's river, Benedict spoke about "the Energy of the Holy Spirit" and "the Mystery of the Cross" : - "The Holy Spirit opens New Horizons to Human Intelligence .. and makes it conscious of the real greatness of Christ's sacrifice, dying and resurecting for World's life".

Some "may slander you as crazy, laugh at you, or even persecute you. But, "the Holy Cross is a symbol of God's love", and "givesmoral strength" : "Witness of People's pains, it's at the same time, a precious, unique expression of their Hopes", he told them at Paris' dawn.

Invalides' plateau : "People chosen to become God's friends"
At the 1st open-air Mass in Paris' center area of Invalides, facing the Grand Palais, along the river Seine, during an impressive gathering of more than 150.000, French Prime Minister Fillon, Ministers Alliot-Marie, Bachelot, Dati, Jouyet, Assembly's President Accoyer, Senate's Chair Poncelet, former 1st Lady Bernadette Chirac, former Prime Minister Raffarin, many foreign Ambassadors, and other political personalities were present. (While earlier, from the Socialist opposition, Paris' Mayor Delanoye, artist Robert Hussein a.o. assisted at the Elysee meeting).





But the "Entry Song" focused on the "People chosen to become God's Friends". The September 11 mass was Dedicated to "Saint Chrysostomus, that great priest of Constantinople", with his "wonderful eloquence and great courage to face challenges", who "made out of despaired and godless people, a people of brothers", opening a possibility to "become all one complete entity", as Pope Benedict reminded.

- "Reason never enters in real contradiction with Faith", stressed Pope Benedict, who prepared his speeches for France during a short Summer rest at Brixen/Bressanone's Seminar, whose Library honors both "Faith and Science".. - "We must use not only our Reason, but also our Faith" : "Get away from Idolatry", "cupidity", "avidity for money, power or even knowledge deviating from essential aims", and other "falses appearances". and "build your Home on the Rock", "with the force that Holy Spirit gives to those who let it act in them", he said to the People of Paris.

Benedict at Lourdes : - "Become Light (even) in the Dark !"
- "Our World needs Hope", stressed Pope Benedict, addressing an impressive TorchLight procession at Lourdes' sanctuaries, where a Sea of Lights held by Hundreds of Thousands of People gathered at Pyrenee's Mountains from all over Europe astonishingly kept their flames despite a heavy Rain at a windy Dark Night...

- "150 years earlier (1858 - 2008), ..here, in the cave, ... a simple young girl, Bernadette .. saw a Light". "The everyday life of her Family was, however, made of Misery, Sadness, Sickness, Misunderstandings, Rejection and Poverty... It was hard to live in Jail". Today, "we think to all Human Beings who suffer : The innocent Victims who face Violence, War, Terrorism, Hunger, Injustices, Catastrophes, Hate and Oppression, Violations of Human Dignity and of their fundamental Rights, of their Liberty to act and think. We also think to those who face Familial problems, sufferings from Unemployment, Sickness, Infirmity, Isolation, or their situation as Immigrants, without forgetting those who suffer and die for the name of Christ", he said.

- "But the Shadows of the Earth, did not hinder Sky's Light to shine : <<The Light shines in the Dark>>" ..."A Way full of Light opens in Human History even in its Darkest moments" : ..."As Night falls, Christ tels us : <<- Keep your Lamps alight !>>."Hold a Light while walking in the Night .. sums up our condition as Christians on their way : "We need light, and we are called to become Light !", Benedict stressed to People setting in motion Lights, Flags and Songs with enthousiasm.


"<<- She looked at me as a Person, who speaks to another Person>>, the poor girl had noted."Light emerges from such a Dialogue", stressed the Pope : "A small Flame called Hope, Compassion and Tenderness dwells inside those who return after being moved by Lourdes' experience". "Christ .. entrusts us with the Mission to let the Light of Charity shine : To make of our Prayers an Act of Love to our brothers and to Fraternal Charity", he concluded.





2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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